I tried to post 3 prt video of proof birth certif fake but too big, so here's the facts, on the obama birth certif in the upper left quarter is the hospital name Kapiolani and the a & p are touching invading each others space, thats called kerning, done by computer, and the i & o & l have a large space between the letters like a 1961 typewriter and then the a & n are touching kerning again, if the document were real how come all the letters are not the same distance apart,,, I have 3 versions of the birth certif ie opra & Associated Press and White House & they are all the same,,, sincerely & humbly United States of America Security Agent 001 (I still have that Federal ID) ie Timothy John Maine sr,,, GOD & JESUS Bless America & Israel and Earth's good folks!!! Tim
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