Obama coverup Bush genocise and war crimes

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  clearglobal2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties

George w. Bush is a war criminal. http://havacuppahemlock1.blogspot.com/2013/10/bush-cheney-charged-and-convicted-of.html

Fellow Americans our moral duty and responsibility is to demand justice for humanity. We the people of these United States do not ever give any president carte blanche to commit crimes against humanity nor deceive and lie to the American people to enter into war against other countries. Complete disregard for the world’s rule of law, made us to be the world’s bully and the abusers of the peoples human and civil rights. The world hate us because the actions of our government, the Washington war mongers aggression need to be stop because the ramification of their agenda are the buildings of this so call terrorist networks that are against anything that represent American’s  values and religion. We are creating enemies of our country in many places around the world, the world’s community does not trust our government, and they label us “The American imperialist”.

Fellow American, we cannot continue acting as the world’s bully. We committed these crimes and as a country we have the moral responsibility to demand the arrest and prosecution of all the war criminals, peace and freedom comes by the mutual respect of all nations human, civil rights and their right to self-determination.

To this date, the Obama Administration failed to hand over George W. Bush, Cheney and anyone connected to these crimes to the world court to be tried for their war crimes. At the beginning of his first term, the President said his administration was “looking forward” instead of backward when the issue of prosecuting the Bush war criminals was broached. That was over six years ago and now he is looking forward to a damning Senate report verifying what Bush and Cheney boasted about; committing war crimes by authorizing the use of torture against detainees. War crimes, by the way are being continue by the Obama administration.

America lost whatever standing it had in the world after Bush launched a pre-emptive regime-changing war against Iraq, but it will never get that standing back as long as the admitted war criminals Bush, Cheney, and company are protected by our government from facing justice for their war crimes. Criminals, and their political supporters typically express anger when their crimes are exposed and defend the criminals and accused them of lying and slandering Bush, Cheney and all the others who committed the war crimes; even after these criminals have already been convicted of war crimes in absentia, Bush Cheney and all the others war criminals need to be arrested and sent to The  Hague, and prosecuted for war crimes; to stop any future war crimes and to incentivize our soldiers and the CIA heroes  into refusing to commit a war crime in America’s name.

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Sources for this article include:


Who’s to Blame for Syria Mess?


The truth about George Bush administration war crimes.


 Senate Report Will Confirm Bush and Cheney’s War Crimes


United States war crimes




Sobering Truths About America’s Imperialist Crimes Against Humanity


U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes for Using 9/11 As a False Justification for the Iraq War


A Timeline of CIA Atrocities


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