All of those around the table also “took pleasure in Indyk’s public bashing of Israel in his speech,” according to the source. “Whatever supposed even-handedness there was in public … was absolutely gone in private.”


Middle East envoy Martin Indyk was overheard at an upscale Washington, D.C., bar bashing Israel and fully blaming it for the recent failure of peace talks with the Palestinians, according to an individual who overheard the conversation and described it as a surprising and “nasty” 30-minute-long tirade against the Jewish state.

Indyk—who has been identified by the Washington Free Beacon as the source of a recent series of anonymous quotes in the press condemning Israel—was caught openly lashing out at Israel over drinks with several members of his staff and wife, Gahl Burt.

POLL: Has the Obama Administration turned its back on Israel?

The conversation took place in the hotel bar at the Ritz-Carlton on Thursday night, shortly after Indyk finished delivering remarks at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy’s (WINEP) annual gala.

While Indyk was critical of Israel in his public remarks, he and his staff are said to have let loose on the Jewish state over drinks before Indyk was scheduled to meet with former Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

“The tone was nasty,” according to the source who overheard the conversation.

Indyk and his staff “openly blamed” conservative Israeli politician Naftali Bennett and others for “sabotaging the [peace] negotiations” by issuing permits for new Israeli housing blocks in Jerusalem.

“In the 30 minute conversation, no one at the table mentioned a single wrong thing the Palestinians had done,” according to the source who overheard the conversation. “There was no self-criticism whatsoever.”

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  • That is only because everybody in this administration are pure racist jackasses and have absolutely no business in politics,that land has been in the hands of the Jews for thousands of years I just don't see that changing anytime soon without a complete war. The Palestinian bunch just want all the Jews dead no matter where they happen to be in Israel or north america or even Russia they want them dead,now I don't call any of that peaceful,that's what Obama wants to happen you don't have to look far to see that.... I can't see any kind of peace talks happening when its all one sided

  • Is that called political correctness?  They really know how to bash the conservatives, yes they can, but us....cannot!  Can you imagine if any GOP or Tea Party was caught saying that.

  • Palestinians have no claim to anything in Israel.  They are nothing more than squatters and should be extricated and sent back to Jordan and U.A.E. on the camels and donkeys they arrived on.

    I know this will create a Fire Storm among the supporters of the Palestinians.  Good, I'll bring the BACON and the HAM-burgers for the event.

  • Another Joke parading around  from the State Dept Clowns.  Having Kerry as a Senator was terrible...This country is a laughing stock with Obumo and hi dingbats.



    Dear America, please stand with Israel, while there is yet time.

    2CHRONICLES 7:14

    If my people......

  • I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him
    that curseth thee: and in thee shall all of the families
    of the earth be blessed.
    GENESIS 12:3

    As for me and my house, we choose to BLESS Israel,
    And pray for the peace of Jerusalem. :)

  • Brave to think that one can speak behind God's back about God's people until God rebukes the speaker! When that happens it will be like the "Rich man and Lazarus" spoken of by Jesus! Not a good thing!

  • Martin Indyk, another foreign born communist loon, working in the Obama/Soetoro rogue administration.

  • Check the resume's.  Chances are that these people are all "Ivy League" products.  The "Ivy League" has been unabashedly anti-Semitic for two centuries.


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