What is America’s mainstream republican leadership in the RNC or the Mitt Romney presidential campaign afraid of, by not letting Sarah Palin take the podium?
Are they in dread that Sarah Palin will wow the convention and America by drawing from her deep well of passionate and fervent feelings for America’s families suffering in the heartland? Does the Romney campaign feel somehow skittish that she will make a better case against Obama’s growing nightmarish handling of America’s economy and his intentional goal to undermine the U.S. constitution, than Romney or Ryan can? There are a lot of questions but no real honest answers available.
One answer to this lingering campaign non-commitment, is a petition supporting Palin speaking at the convention. You can sign and circulate it, to show your support for her continued conservative leadership and need to speak at the upcoming GOP Convention. Supporting her is a matter of principle not political gamesmanship. Let your principles and voice be heard.
After all, Governor Palin’s leadership has been, and continues to be genuine, principled, and unselfish. She has forgone the insider politics as usual approach, and instead has embraced the Tea Party’s inclusiveness and grassroots focus on conservative issues and solutions that have been neglected by the glad handing backroom political deal makers of either party.
So forgive Sarah Palin if her tireless campaigning for the past several years has been to build a new sense of political, social and fiscal issue empowerment that translates into real grassroots power. It seem that since the epicenter of power has shifted from Washington D.C., the liberal pundits and certain GOP elected officials have decided that Palin’s commitment to grassroots political power is both something to be feared as well as neutralized.
Now is not the time for Romney and Ryan to head into a presidential campaign battle with their fingers crossed hoping that Palin’s conservative supporters will somehow transfer their support for her to the GOP team, because of Ryan’s vice presidential selection.
This notion misses the point completely. Leadership and rallying troops is not like trading horses. This is not a time for political games playing. President Obama has launched an all out assault upon the American Constitution, and he has shown that he will take it apart piece by piece, with executive orders as often as he deems necessary. In battle, you don’t leave a field general at home in war, because you fear her command leadership will outshine you. This is war for America’s future not a beauty contest!
After this presidential election has long been logged into the annuals of digital history, those who will inherit the results of this election will either live in a nation severely economically and constitutionally diminished or a nation rescued from the brink of socialism and biblical principle abandonment.
In 1976, then, Governor Ronald Reagan understood the need to fight to preserve an America, 100 years from then.
At that time, President Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan had fought for the presidential nomination, which President Ford won. Instead of being bitter about the political combat and preventing Reagan from taking the convention podium, President Ford offered Reagan the opportunity to speak to an America that was in crisis.
Reagan’s speech added to the energy of the convention and helped to set into motion a new and refreshed vibrancy within the conservative movement.
Ronald Reagan reminded the convention attendees and America that in 2076, no one at present would know what kind of a world Americans will inherit. He said, “Will they look back with appreciation and say, ‘Thank God for those people in 1976 who headed off that loss of freedom, who kept us now 100 years later free, who kept our world from nuclear destruction’?... This is our challenge; and this is why here in this hall tonight, better than we have ever done before, we have got to quit talking to each other and about each other and go out and communicate to the world that we may be fewer in numbers than we have ever been, but we carry the message they are waiting for.”
Sarah Palin is carrying the message that millions in America’s heartland are waiting for. An election is won with more than a focus on numbers and budgets or hundreds of millions of dollars spent on television attack ads.
It is won in the grassroots campaign trenches found in Ohio counties and Pennsylvania coal fields and in the farmlands of Iowa, Indiana and Illinois and in the kitchens of homes in Texas, Colorado, Michigan, Florida and so many others. Sarah has been in the trenches and has worked tirelessly for the election of Tea Party backed conservative leaders like congressman Allen West of Florida, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, and many, many others.
Let her remind America at the convention, of the fierce urgency of now. As President Ronald Reagan eloquently stated, “Let us be sure that those who come after will say of us in our time, that in our time we did everything that could be done. We finished the race; we kept them free; we kept the faith."
Sarah is keeping the faith for everyone in the nation’s heartland for the present and America’s future.
You can actually help to “Let Sarah Speak” by sending the RNC and the Romney campaign a message and sign the petition to “Let Sarah Speak.” Conservatives can send a message that like Reagan, you want to keep the faith for your family and America’s future. Help get the word out to other conservatives and let Sarah Speak. Click here to sign the petition. Its not over until it is over!
Write and let me know what you think! : http://shar.es/vLSW8