January 2, 2012 (STOPP) - Is there any perversion Planned Parenthood will not present to young, vulnerable people as “play”? Judging from the home page of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, apparently not. The “healthcare” organization features a video storehouse known as “A Naked Notion with Laci Green,” by sporting a picture of a young lady waving a condom.
Click the link to watch the videos, and you will be greeted by “Getting Kinky—BDSM 101,” an instructional video created in partnership with Planned Parenthood of Northern New England that attempts to make sadomasochism sound like a harmless, pleasant romp in the park.
Laci states in her perky, lilting voice that October was declared National Kink Month, “and when you think about it, October and kink—they’re kind of a fitting pair,” she says. “Halloween and kink are both about adventure and fun and exploring roles and dynamics that are maybe a little bit different from everyday life.”

The video flashes to a pair of handcuffs, and the query, “What is BDSM?” Laci explains that BDSM stands for bondage and discipline, domination and submission, and sadism and masochism. “It consists of intentionally designed scenarios called a scene where two people play out pleasurable acts that they’ve previously negotiated, called play,” she says.
But the dictionary makes no such distinction about previous negotiation or play when defining sadism. Merriam-Webster defines sadism as: “(1) a sexual perversion in which gratification is obtained by the infliction of physical or mental pain on others; (2)(a) delight in cruelty; (b) excessive cruelty.”
That’s a far cry from negotiated fun, yet Planned Parenthood blatantly promotes it as pleasurable play. And its obvious target is young and otherwise vulnerable people.
“The pain at play with sadomasochism is not like breaking a bone or getting beat up,” Laci explains. “It’s about the strategic use of bodily sensations to elicit pleasure.”
She then sets out to normalize this horrific, dangerous perversion by saying that some people believe that those who participate in BDSM are emotionally scarred or were once abused. She states that this is “not true; it’s a total myth. People across the spectrum with various backgrounds participate in BDSM. The pain as exhilaration concept is not only old as dirt, it’s pretty common, even outside the bedroom.” She then compares sadomasochism to a runner’s high and the “intense euphoria” that results. “Kinda the same thing going on,” she says.
“The idea of using power and control and pain in a set scene understandably sets off alarms in some people’s heads,” she says. “They hear that BDSM involves spanking and pain and torture ... scary stuff. With no further knowledge it’s easy to conflate BDSM with abuse.”
“But BDSM and abuse are actually very different,” Laci says. She continues,
BDSM is about a consensual power exchange. Abuse is not. BDSM is negotiated and agreed upon before anything happens. Abuse is not. BDSM has rules, limits, and boundaries that are respected by all parties. Abuse does not.
If your head is reeling just imagining how these people who have consented to being bound and tortured are going to be respected by their “non-abusers” who are torturing them—and how respect and pre-negotiation are going to cause the torturer to limit his torture in wake of sexual stimulation—your head may well explode when you hear Laci’s next statement.
“BDSM relies upon and creates trust.” Yes, she really said that. “Abuse destroys trust,” she continued.
Next she sets out “the rules” that will ensure that BDSM remains equivalent to a runner’s high. Of course, in Planned Parenthood style, the first rule is to “negotiate safer sex”—that is, prevent STDs and pregnancies.
Rule 2 is setting boundaries. Using a “yes, no, maybe” chart is suggested as a tool. As we all know, those “maybe” boundaries are really helpful in all dangerous situations.
Laci continues, “Rule 3: Because saying stop, don’t, or no is sometimes part of the scene, partners practicing BDSM must agree on a safe word that’s easy to remember.”
Rule 4 is follow-up after a “scene,” “sometimes called after-care.” It’s all about sharing feelings after doing something really intense that may bring up some difficult feelings. Cuddling is suggested.
Rule 5 is consensual respect. “Safe, sane, and consensual power exchange relies on unyielding respect for each other’s boundaries.” It’s all about following the rules, she says.
And since this is a YouTube video, at its conclusion the viewer is treated to a variety of sadistic video options for his or her personal consumption.
Students on Christmas break are likely to log many hours online. If they end up on this Planned Parenthood website, the results could be beyond devastating.
This is Planned Parenthood. This is the organization that gets $1.3 million taxpayer dollars every day of the year to perpetuate its agenda.
This video and the others in the Naked Notion storehouse proudly bear the banner “In partnership with Planned Parenthood of Northern New England.” The PP logo appears on the browser tab as the videos are viewed.
What more do we need to know? Planned Parenthood is not a healthcare organization. It is the nation’s largest abortion chain. It is a seminal source of the most unbelievably perverse and dangerous sex promotion in the nation. And it has access to the eyes, ears, minds, and hearts of our children on a daily basis, whether on their smart phones, computers, or in person in their schools. It is time to stop the madness. We must defund Planned Parenthood, and we must do it without delay.
Our Wednesday STOPP Report archives are brimming with information about Planned Parenthood’s horrendous targeting of our children. Visit our website today to learn more and to find out how to stop the blight on our communities that is Planned Parenthood. To book one of our expert speakers contact stopp@all.org.
And please consider making your most generous donation to American Life League today to support the work we undertake every day to protect children around the world from Planned Parenthood.
Donna, you are so, so right with your comment.
I see satanic involement as in the Bible activity we now know as "cutting" or self mutilation is associated with demonic spirits and idolatry. Any activity this "unhealthy" and possible dangerous pursued for fun and recreation, is not within the scope of Planned Parenthood's "benign" mission to offer women's health. This video is not about women's health, but probably promoting women's injury physically, psychologically and spiritually. I would not prescribe this ever to anybody.
In the Old Testament, self-mutilation was a common practice among false religions. First Kings 18:24-29 describes a ritual in which those who worshiped the false god Baal slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom. Because of the traditions of pagans, God made a law against this sort of practice. Leviticus 19:28 says, “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD.”In the New Testament, cutting oneself was associated with someone who was possessed by demons (Mark 5:2-5). It was characteristic of behavior caused by evil spirits. Today, self-mutilation is rarely used for ritualistic practices or actual demon possession, but is practiced instead usually by teenagers and young adults who have misplaced anger and pain that they are attempting to work out in destructive ways. Instead of dealing with emotional pain, some people would rather bring themselves physical pain, which actually serves as a relief from stress. Unfortunately, though, this sense of relief is quite short-lived, and the desire to be self-destructive quickly returns...First Corinthians 6:19 tells us how important our bodies are to the Lord. We no longer belong to ourselves, but instead we belong to Christ, who purchased us at a high price. We should not abuse the gift we have been given.http://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-self-mutilation.html
I know I am being far right, but I can only view this video and activity as far wrong.
Our little children belong to the state.If you want to know what I mean then if you are in your late sixties yo can rember we as children were taught morals.We were told it was wrong to steal,cheat and all the rest. For the most of us We taught our children good morals and that if they broke one our laws they would go to jail for it.Then our children had children who were not corrected and pretty well did what they wanted.And then our grandchildred had children and they never were taught good morals and these are the ones who fall prey for doing all the immoral junk.Hitler had his youth now the farce in the whitehouse has his.
These people are mentally ill. I wonder how many pregnancies , how many rapes, how many horrors can be contributed to these sick twisted people.
Sharon... I fully agree with YOU !!
Oh, ya, !!! I grew up just before the "VALLEY GIRL" CRAZE ... The Sanfernando Valley, L. A. basin, etc. in the 70's. I remember riding my bike, from age 12, -- 18, from Pomona to Azusa, along Foothill blvd. in California, the whole time my mother ( who refused to let me get a car until age 18! ) but also, refused to drive ME anywhere, hardly ever. So ? I road my bike everywhere !! Boy do I miss all of the trees full of lemons, oranges, all along Foothill blvd. And Baseline Rd. from Pomona, to Fontana, one long ass ride on a bike for a teen aged girl. But? It was my only transpertation.
I could only watch 1 minute of it. I reached my valley girl threshold of pain.
Well this is beyond sick in my book. To expose children to this is so Obama. The worse it is the better he likes it. I am posting this with several warnings. This is taking sex to another evil level that kids do not need to know.