By Oscar Y. Harward
As Ronald Reagan said, “… the government is the problem”.
Rather than having government to entice entrepreneurs in creating more jobs, President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats continue to obstruct more barriers for capitalists to overcome.
Today, President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats are immovable on ‘ObamaCare’, a ‘job-killing’ law that Americans, Businesses, and even, Labor Unions reject; however and to the end, President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats are determined to ‘cram ObamaCare down (y)our throat’.
Some four years ago, it was Capitol Hill Democrat Party House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi who was driving Capitol Hill Democrats to ‘cram ObamaCare down (y)our throat’. Today, it is Democrat Party Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, who is driving the issue.
It appears that all President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats know and/or understand is First; more spending and all deficit spending in excess to government income. Secondly; it appears these Democrats demand is more taxes on working Americans; a group of those who are willing to work harder and smarter to enhance their family income, and Thirdly; for Democrats, it is all about fully funding and enforcing ‘ObamaCare’.
President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats seek to support and give more government giveaways to the voters who lack the personal initiative(s) to work harder and smarter to improve their own everyday lifestyle.
A majority of Americans do reject ‘ObamaCare’. Businesses in the ‘private sector’ reject ‘ObamaCare’. Labor Unions reject ‘ObamaCare’. ‘ObamaCare’ is a ‘job-killer’ in our ‘free-market’ economy. Americans have reached a peak whereas working Americans are over-taxed or Taxed Enough Already (TEA). Many Americans are determined, willing, and enthusiastic in rebuilding our economy with jobs, jobs, and more jobs in the private sector as soon as government obstructions are removed.
President Obama, Capitol Hill Democrats and the NAACP support ObamaCare. The ‘main-stream’ Medias support President Obama, Capitol Hill Democrats, and ‘ObamaCare’, most of all who appear to have little knowledge, experience, and/or wisdoms other than their desire for ‘ObamaCare’.
If and whenever President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats wake up and ‘perceive’ the problems with government, and American voters become engaged in government abilities to recognize that ‘government knows best’ is the wrong direction, and these voters start voting accordingly, then and only then will our US economy explode with growth; more new jobs in the private sector than ever expected.