Mike Massey shared The Federalist Papers's photo.

The death of Journalism started with oBUMa's 1st Campaign where ironically, dead people(brought 2u by ACORN &  others) got him fraudulently elected in 2008. R.I.P. real media, thinking minds miss you so much. It was replaced with  the  "Lame with NO SHAME BOUGHT & PAID FOR oBUMa MOUTH PIECES", which is also ironic because everything these oBUMa MOUTH PIECES say come straight from their A$$!  So it now falls upon real Americans to become the new media.  This means introducing old but Real American concepts:

1. Telling the truth

2. No Fear

3. Never Sellout!

4. Always Speak Out

5. Realize that criticism by the sheep that believe if they are told something enough times it must be true no matter how absurd it is, are going to criticize you.

6.  Speaking the truth will draw the race card when ironically the ones claiming racism are in most cases the racist, they think you will cower to this as so many others have.

7.  A racist is one of the lowest forms of life, if you are a racist please don't write, your party is the left if you are a racist.

8.  Have a thick skin and know that if you can just get one person to think on their own instead of being a mindless sheep drone.  You have done your job and can live with the insults of the racists, Lib Losers and Demodestructionist that are surely coming.

9.  Exploit every lie, apology or weakness that is written, spoken or inflicted  about or on our Great Nation!

10. The oBUMaDamnation  Corporation is going full speed ahead by causing jobs to go overseas, energy dependence, weakening our defense, strengthening terrorist, loss of jobs, lowering morale and hope for the greatest Nation on earth. 

11. Our job is to save our Country, with words of Truth, Prayers to GOD from the heart, Not accepting this path to Socialistic Failure that oBUMa can't wait for us to become.

12.  Acceptance is not an option, I'm not talking violence, the only way to turn this around is to bring to light every lie and to expose every corruption. 

13.  We will get the Real Media back by becoming that media and letting the sheep become thinking minds again, by offering them  the truth, and that it is okay to believe the truth.

14. Then and Only then will we return to the Greatest GOD Loving Nation on Earth! 

Here's another page you might like: Boycott the Main Stream Media and their Advertisers - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Boycott-the-Main-Stream-Media/129428593876150 Please visit this page, click "like" and then share this post with your friends! Together we can make a difference!!
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  • al- obama-soetoro didn't "win"; he cheated and "thinks" he won and no one will "ever know the difference"!  Have you not been reading the voter fraud reports?  Have you not seen the Youtube video - "Diebold Electronic Vote Fraud"?  It's long but worth watching - -well researched, documented, tested and proven!  And how do you account for "voter turnouts" of 147%, 140%, 114%, 109%,  104% (that is more votes than "registered" voters) ALL OVER this country?

  • Daniel - Not only are we paying (inflated) tuition for our children to be "brainwashed" - -we're paying inflated rates so most colleges and universities can "give" illegals "lower, in-state" tuition rates!

  • Paula - Yes - -thank you, for the history lesson; I was not aware that "lamestream media" got it's start that early, but, it doesn't surprise me!

  • I tried to share but facebook won't allow.  What is with that.  All for not listening to the main stream media.  Their are liars and the entire country should know this.

  • Monica Lee....very good idea.....I like the name Freedom Party and I agree with your choice of leaders and also I agree with allowing any one to be a part of it if they share our causes, no matter the color, nationality or party they belong to....if they love our country and share our concerns and dreams then lets move forward together and make our country strong agian.

  • Obama did not win because he won for populatity....he won because of his hand outs....makes you kind of laugh.....most of those on the take keep crying that they want respect and have equal rights....but yet they sell their souls for a few food stamps, and the ability to get a check with out earning it.....so they can sit in front of their tvs and drink their beer. Well folks enjoy it because eventually that well will run drive and then what are you going to do then....march on washington again, cry more for equal rights and cry how everyone is against you.....including the government that you fools voted for....remember every one eventually reaps what they sow. 

  • Not one word about sealing the borders which mean in a few years we will ave to listen to the same sob stories. Where do they think the jobs are coming from? they want our welfare so they can bleed us dry.

  • Al:  The MSM crucified Bush because they and New Orleans thought he moved to slow.   If he or any other Republican President pulled what obama did...they would have been tarred and feathered. 

  • Jack Wayne Little: that will never happen...this comes from the Washington Times:

    Hispanic amnesty activists are expanding their goals beyond the so-called “DREAM Act” youth amnesty, towards a national amnesty for roughly 11 million Hispanic illegals.

    President Barack Obama and Congress “need to come together to deliver change on immigration policy, and by that we mean … a road map to citizenship for our parents and communities,” said Cristina Jimenez, director of an advocacy group, United We Dream. ...

    Their demand is an opening salvo in a post-election campaign to persuade the House GOP to provide “a path to citizenship” for roughly 11 million illegal immigrants, most of whom are low-skill laborers who compete for jobs against low-skill Americans.

  • I'm getting tired of hearing about amnesty for ILLEGAL Mexicans! There's only one way to fix the problem. Go after the employers. We need tee shirts, baseball caps, bumper stickers, yard signs, what ever we can come up with. For now I'm writing No Amnesty for illegals on a card and sticking it in my truck window.
    Get rid of illegals, solves half our voting problems. California needs to wake up.
    Hire American workers.
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