



Dallas, TX

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Is America a republic?

If Mr. Socialist goes to Washington, isn't impeached/voted out etc., we will not have the country that we fought and died for the last 200yrs.

Activity Feed

Mike Massey posted a blog post
There is not one positive thing the oBUMa Administration has done to help America.  In fact every law this man has illegally passed, trying to pass or actions he has taken caused one or more of the following: 4 Brave Americans killed who should…
Jan 26, 2013
Mike Massey posted a blog post
Mike Massey shared The Federalist Papers's photo.The death of Journalism started with oBUMa's 1st Campaign where ironically, dead people(brought 2u by ACORN &  others) got him fraudulently elected in 2008. R.I.P. real media, thinking minds miss you…
Nov 10, 2012
Mike Massey posted a blog post
Stacy Dash a beautiful, talented, sexy, smart actress who expressed her views brilliantly and I couldn't agree more with her. So naturally the LeftLiberalLoserDemoDestructionist throw down the race card and now give her the Sarah Palin (another…
Oct 10, 2012

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  • Welcome to the Command Center. The tea is strong, drink up:)

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