Obama Budgets Much, Much Higher Taxes,
Spending, Interest, Debt, and a Useless Train
After three years of promising America “hope and change,” Barack Obama has proven himself fixed in cement, immobile and unable to change. His recently submitted budget was hyped as “innovative” and “ground-breaking” and as “a solution for the $14.1 TRillion debt-bomb” now haunting the nation . . . instead it’s proven itself more of the same old same old tired tax and spend progressive politics.Mr. Obama has apparently forgotten the five high profile speeches he’s made to America’s citizens pledging each time that he would dedicate or re-dedicate himself to jobs-jobs-jobs. What his recent budget dedicates itself to, however, is a relatively few government created jobs created at the cost of impaling the entire private sector’s job-creating ability for the next decade.
His plans will completely gut the private sector’s ability to create jobs and destroy the jobs that ultimately provide the revenue for all government spending. In a phrase, Mr. Obama’s proposed budget would guarantee a rise in unemployment to around 12% within two years; and a $26 TRillion debt by 2021; he also does NOT take into account the overall effect of the interest on the national debt which by 2018 would become the single largest item in the budget beyond even defense and Medicare. That is, where a wise man would be looking to pay down the debt, Mr. Obama is increasing debt so dramatically that the very interest on that debt will become larger than the entire budgets for 98% of the world's nations.
Under the guise of cutting spending and using a set of ultra-rosy economic projections that would make an Optimist’s Club president blush, Mr. Obama’s proposals for fanciful items like a nationwide high-speed rail system all comes down to far more government attempts to stimulate the economy based on a whole set of new taxes on corporations and individuals that will actually hammer the final nail into the coffin for America’s REAL economy. After initiating a high profile “Debt Commission” in 2010 which came up with some mild, but at least sensible approaches to handling the debt crisis, Mr. Obama has not only totally ignored the recommendations of his own commission, but decided not to even face the largest five problem areas: Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Social Security and the whole bundle of so-called “non-discretionary spending,” but rather to grandstand as an “innovator” when his real title should be “fiscal madman.” AmTrack has been losing money fast enough for five decades, Barack; we don’t need to lose ten times as much at six times the speed.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,