Republicans Join Democrats Supporting Colossal Tax Increase

Lamar Alexander and Dick Durbin, the Tax Tag Team


Mark Alexander
Publisher, The Patriot Post March 15, 2012


Under cover of the Republican Presidential Primary debates about how to defeat Barack Hussein Obama's socialist agenda and his plan to fund the final chapter of that agenda with enormous tax increases, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN, no relation!) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) have teamed up to promote one of the largest tax increases in U.S. history -- a heavy levy on all Internet sales.

The so-called "Marketplace Fairness Act" S. 1832 was first proposed in November 2011 by Sen. Michael Enzi (R-WY), and now awaits action in the Committee on Finance. (And you thought all that "fairness" rhetoric was limited to leftists promoting Democratic Socialism.)

Some otherwise erudite conservative senators, such as my friend Bob Corker, have joined Alexander in this errant folly. They are backing the Republican version of the legislation because it is allegedly better than the Democrat version. For the record, I do not consider that to be a legitimate selling point.


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  •    HEY ALEXANDER ----- how much did you get paid to sell out the people?    HUH?     Did they increase your retirement fund  - give you a new puppy - maybe your very own aireeoooplane?

    What about a vacation home somewhere? What's one more eliminated freedom worth ? Tell me you have my e-mail address - that's still free tho you'll take that eventually too we all know that. I'd like to remind you of a small bit of history. remember a guy named AL Capone-- one of his rules was leave no witness. Now what do you think your boss will do when their plan is complete?

  • No new taxes!  Cut spending instead!  I think it is time to take a hard look at the Republicans and start voting them out of office as well.  Also it is high time for term limits.

  • 4086086864?profile=original

  • “The more corrupt the republic, the more numerous the laws.” These wise words written by Tacitus, the Roman statesman and historian so long ago can be used today to aptly describe our current tax code - a tax code that has fallen away from its original constitutional purpose.

    Many tax alternatives are being discussed but only one provides the solution that will grow our economy and stimulate job growth.… the FairTax. There is no reason to wait for further action. We must act now because it has become abundantly clear that our current system is unsustainable and detrimental to America’s future.

    It has been recently reported yet cannot be overstated that only half of Americans pay into our income tax system. This has had the effect, over time, of both parties using the current tax code as a reelection tool.

    What we are witnessing is nothing more than purchasing votes with taxpayer dollars. We are being bribed with our own money. The real tragedy is how cheaply Americans can now be bought. It was not so long ago that a brave Revolutionary patriot by the name of Joseph Reed said, “I am not worth purchasing, but such as I am, the King of Great Britain is not rich enough to do it.” The bravery of our founding patriots, those not even household names, has been traded for the tawdry sum that Americans sell themselves for today.

    The FairTax peels away that opaque barrier separating us from our elected representatives. By simplifying the tax code and rendering it as transparent as the very air you breathe, it puts us in control of how government receives its money and thus how they spend it. It puts everyone on the tax rolls yet ensures we do not pay for necessities with the prebate.

    It restores our right to our own property by removing the grasp of the IRS. In fact, it dissolves the IRS completely. No longer will we have to answer to the government on what we purchase with our own earned funds, or where we desire to give charitably. It ends the class warfare component to our tax code, thereby allowing us to rally together to examine the workings of Congress as sovereign citizens.

    Our founders created a Continental Army and organized to defeat a reining empire. We have the ability to instantly communicate an equally transmittable idea. 

  • The voters need to wise up and start voting for third party candidates for everything.  Vote out all "Professional Career Politicians."  They got us into this mess and they have no intention of giving up any of the perks they receive while in office.  Their pocketbooks come first, followed by favors given to their campaign doners, followed by loyalty to their political party, and maybe...just maybe a few crumbs may be left over for us citizens.

  • I have been ashamed of both Corker and Alexander in their failure to represent he people of Tennessee. I"ll talk to my friends at work and church . Hopefully we can get these two traitors removed from office. They've done little to nothing for us except dip further into our pockets.

    Now Durbin well there is not much hope there. Between the criminals in Chicago and the dummies through the state he'll be there until the rot within finely reaches the outside and the flesh falls off his bones. If he passes near you you can already smell him .

  • Turbin Durbin can be expected to vote in favor of any means to raise taxes. I'm surprised that Durbin hasn't attempted to tax each time we have sex so as to control eneregy....LOL Any republican who goes along with any form of tax increase while we are sliding into a economic abysss should be targeted for defeat the next they are up for election.  

  • This had better be some kind of cruel Internet joke-- or there will be a lot of Republicans who won't get our support anymore.

  • There is not a dime's worth of difference between the two parties..both are severely corrupt.

  • It's difficult enough keeping the other side from their self-indulgent spending but when you have to fight those supposedly on the same side it's easy to become dismayed and discouraged. We need to vote for Republicans just to rid ourselved of the Obama regime, but I don't think Republicans offer the best solutions to our problems. Once Obama is gone someone should launch a third party as soon as possible, a party of true conservatives and patriots. It would take far too many elections to cleanse the Republican Party of all its RINOs.

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