The more news I read and watch, the more certain I am that the revolution is very near. All the elements for the perfect storm are coalescing. It is only a matter of when rather than if.
It is no secret that Obama is willing to do literally anything to get re-elected .. ANYTHING! It would not surprise me to have him declare martial law along about the early part of October. Of course he will have to cancel the elections until such a time as “stability” can be restored; stability defined by himself and his minions. The other logical steps are: suspend the Constitution, suspend congress, suspend the Supreme Court and notify all State Governors that they are no longer employed as the feds will administer the local governments (via FEMA) until further notice. This can only be accomplished if he can effectively neutralize any likely opposition before he acts to imprison the nation in the chains of progressive socialism.
Is it any coincidence that he is pushing for ratification of the UN small arms treaty. If ratified, it would give him the means and authority to ban ownership of all personal weapons under pain of indefinite incarceration in FEMA detention centers carefully constructed for that purpose.
Is it any coincidence that veterans returning from combat roles are being systematically rounded up and placed into mental hospitals under various charges of mental instability. These are the very men and women who are the most likely to take up arms against the hostile takeover of America. They must be rendered harmless … or eliminated altogether. They are seasoned combat operators and pose the greatest threat to the forces sent against the American citizens.
Obama lamented the lack of a well-trained, heavily armed civilian security force modeled along the lines of a private Executive Branch army. Equal in all respects to the regular military forces and answerable to Obama and the power brokers. Is it any coincidence that we are seeing the TSA becoming more and more involved in day to day “police” functions? And what about the so-called “VIPER Teams”? What the hell is a pre-board screening force with no legal standing as law enforcement officers doing stopping and interrogating citizens on trains, buses and the freeways? What’s next? Will we see the TSA armed and given the task of controlling the movements of the citizens. Papers Please?
Is it any coincidence that if reelected, Obama and the progressives will raise taxes on the working families to an obscene new level.? They have no choice if they are to fund increasing entitlements and other boondoggle pet projects. An example? On the way to work this morning I listened as a “scientist” described his taxpayer funded research to determine why bats prefer to eat flies that are performing the sex act. He has determined that the sex noise is irresistible to the bats. Uh…who the hell cares? It is this kind of frivolous spending that has to stop. How is this line of research adaptable to everyday life. Should every house enlist the services of several bats? Should we put out fly attractants with aphrodisiacs in them to encourage the flies to get it on? Give me a break
! In the interest of brevity, I will conclude this article in another blog.
Have a nice day … if you can.
You made the comment:"The more news I read and watch, the more certain I am that the revolution is very near. All the elements for the perfect storm are coalescing. It is only a matter of when rather than if."
I think the EARTH is fed up with ALL the B.S. Should be OUR B.S.
Yes both parties have lots of rifles and bombs for each other, But!!!!
Mother Nature does not SHOW FAVORtism for either side,party,color,race,etc,etc,etc.
When!!! the EARTH speaks EVERYONE WILL LISTEN.............
No Money, No Promises, No Lies, No political Party will change it..............
Get Ready............................