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  • PUT GOVERNMENT TAXATION & SPENDING IN PERSPECTIVE!     Revenue (taxation) has increased 3,403% since 1955 ($2,450,000,000,000/$72,000,000,000)!    Spending increased 4,845% since 1955 ($3.537 trillion/$73billion)!   Inflation is up 843% (CPI Index 225.87/26.80)!    Population is at 191%  (314.2 million/164.73 million.   (ref,, & BLS consumer price index!).

    Let truth rule and be respected!    Honor trash & trash will rule!    Let them be known by the trash they are!

    A $17 trillion debt, A SSI-MED system that taxed enough to pay the average citizen well over a million is broke and paying benefits with worker deposits, endless tax money disappears into corruption, US productive infrastructure moved to Communist China, and billions go to fight wars for demonic terrorists… WHEN WILL WE WAKE UP AND STOP THIS.     DON”T JUST TELL THEM TO GO TO HELL – SEND THEM THERE – RECALL AND PROSECUTE!

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