Stacy Dash a beautiful, talented, sexy, smart actress who expressed her views brilliantly and I couldn't agree more with her. So naturally the LeftLiberalLoserDemoDestructionist throw down the race card and now give her the Sarah Palin (another great and talented, smart and sexy woman) treatment. It seems to me that the real racists are mostly the LeftLiberalLoserDemoDestructionist, who think everyone is worthy of serving them instead of the other way around. Unless of course you dare voice your own opinion that doesn't agree with their racist, lying, America should bow down to everybody and apologizing ways. Then the bought and paid for "Lame with no Shame, Liar for Hire Media" tries to completely destroy you with lie upon lie, & like oBUMa, thinks if enough of these degenerate stations say the same lie, people will be stupid and believe them. News Flash "Lame with no Shame, Liar for Hire Media" your infamous 2008 George Soros etc. mind numbing days are over. It seems people are finally catching on at least most of them. I never believed it and so many didn't unfortunately people that were dead voted oBUMa in via ACORN, you remember ACORN the group oBUMa represented and lectured to. Others were brain washed by the constant barrage of the "Lame with no Shame, Liar for Hire Media" toting the "LeftLiberalLoserDemoDestructionist" party line. In the meantime some of our soldiers who risk their very lives so that you can further your lies could not vote. As it turns out it is happening again as some of our brave men and women who risk all so that we may live, will not get to vote. Looking back it seems that the "Hope & Change" slogan perhaps should have been "Dope & Cocaine". Need proof? oBUMa and company came up with the real cool idea of reading Miranda Rights on the battlefield! Seriously? I wonder how many brave men and women lost their lives on that idea. Oh and let’s not forget when a soldier decided to listen to a known terrorist overseas. Then later decided to shout allahu akbar at Fort Hood and killed soldiers as well as wounding several others. The oBUma campaign called that Terrorism of course right? No that of course was classified as "work place violence." Need more proof? oBUMa gave around $660 million Solyndra for green jobs; this after he was advised the company would go bankrupt within two years which it did almost to the month. I guess all was not lost as they did give some of the money back to oBUMa charities right? Need more proof? How many times has the U.S. sued a state for doing the exact job the federal government is legally bound to do but refused to do so? Oh and goodness forbid we require a photo ID for the most important function a person can do to help his country. The word racist would come out before I finished typing this sentence. The LeftLiberalLoserDemoDestructionist would say there has never been enough proof to call for such a normal reasonable rule, since there was not enough evidence to require voter fraud. Well first that is an outright lie, second if you’re not checking for voter fraud then of course you’re not going to find it. By that rational the "LeftLiberalLoserDemoDestructionist must think I should be able to walk into a bank announce a name of my choosing and tell them I want to withdraw money from that account! If the banker dared refused because I didn't offer ID he must be a racist! I could on forever, and the LiberalLoserDemoDestructionist and the "Lame with no Shame, Liar for Hire Media" would call me crazy or a racist to which I am neither. It also seems to me when you criticize someone’s actions and that someone is black, half black, brown etc. and the "LeftLiberalLoserDemoDestructionist" call you a racist, instead of actually looking at the facts and merit of what you have said, doesn't that make them the racist for automatically assuming that the criticism is due to the color of their skin? I am going to wrap this up by saying this: I think racist are one of the lowest forms of life on earth and come in no particular shape, size or color. It saddens me that racism even exists, but I know it does, it also saddens me that the "LeftLiberalLoserDemoDestructionist" & "Lame with no Shame, Liar for Hire Media" lie and falsely call people racist at the drop of the hat. They do this because if they look at the statements being made on the merit of the remark as a whole, they would find we are correct. Instead of the media recognizing and printing these stories (remember when we had media and not oBUMa mouth pieces?); they simply improperly drop the race card. If the media actually did its job instead of what it’s told to do. It might shock the Americans who have been brainwashed and lied to over and over back to reality. However the "Lame with no Shame, Liar for Hire Media" & the "Liar & Thief" that will sacrifice ambassadors lives, our brave men and women in the armed services, truth, freedom and the American Dream by spewing the party talking points. All in the name of someone who is worried about Big Bird and turning our GOD Loving Country into a Socialistic, Apologizing, Bowing down doormat of a country. While he gives billions to our enemies while turning a blind eye (sorry gouges the eyes) of our allies. So oBUMa can have four more years to complete the "Dope & Cocaine" version of what he wants America to be. “A Loser Joke of a Nation"
P.S. Romney has been to Israel and stated the obvious that Jerusalem is its capital
P.S.S. That shouldn't be a huge deal except oBUMa has done neither in four years.