By: Juan Reynoso, WTP activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

We must seek the truth and let the people know. America will never be destroyed from the outside; it will be destroyed from within. Greed and the love for money are evil. The evil factors that will destroy our country are: Corporate greed and bribes that corrupts our government, military interventions to rob foreign countries of their natural resources and the NEOCON promotion of globalization and free trade. If we falter to take action and loss our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves by ignorance and apathy. We know our enemy; we must destroy them before they destroy us.

Fellow Americans, the following is the result of our research:

This is what the American people cares about.

1-     Americans want good paying jobs to support their families and working conditions to allow them to care for their families, pay vacation and working hours to promote family unification.

2-     End globalization and free trade.

3-     End crony capitalism.

4-     End political deception, lying and corruption by the news media.

5-     End the U.S government control of our education system.

6-     End the federal government violation of States and the people’s rights.

7-     End all military interventions in the states of this union and foreign countries.

8-     End the IRS and establish a new tax system to stop corporate greed.

9-     End government corruption.

10-  End the wars in the Middle East and stop the killings in the name of Democracy.

11-  Prosecute George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and all the traitors that deceived the American people to send our soldiers and die for corporate America.

12-  Reparation of damage to the families that lost their husbands, sons Daughters in the Middle East wars, because it is a criminal action to send our soldiers to die under the pretense that they are defending our country from an enemy and for Democracy.

13-  End police brutality , the killings of Americans and corruption in our country’s police force.

14-  Pass a law to reward and protect whistleblowers that expose government and corporate corruption, deception and violation of our constitution, the constitutional rights of the people and the killings of citizens that tell the truth and exposed corruption.

15-  Stop the hunting, persecution and prosecution of Americans whistleblowers that exposed government or corporate corruption. Whistleblowers tell the truth because their moral principles, conscience and their love for our country, our country’s values and for what America stand for; Freedom, liberty and justice for all. The criminals are rewarded and the truth tellers are hunt, persecute and prosecuted for telling the truth. -   -

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