They're ba-ack. And just like a pouty child, they will have their way, making this 111th Congress the most dangerous enemy of the state. Ignoring and misrepresenting the message sent worldwide on November 2nd, the liberal congress will force down our throats every disgraceful bill they can get away with, so it's up to us to keep their actions in plain sight, while the newbies look on.


It's a “job killing, trial attorney bonanza”

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  • Hey Cathy I checked out that video and yes I like him, I will keep an eye out, I also liked that Bobby Jendal !!!! this is going to be fun!!! Thanks for the tip, and I stopped watching the news after 10 yrs when the Nov.s election was over just to get a break, I'll plug back in soon!
  • Well said, Paul. Bret Baier is doing a 12 part series on the 12 potential presidential candidates, and John Thune was done last week. Before I saw that piece, I was like you -- not too sure, because I had seen so little of him. But let's keep an eye on him, 'cause I sure liked what I saw.

    Take a peek at Bret Baier's interview with Senator John Thune, and let me know what you think.
  • Ronald Regan was quite the champion for America, and yes he could bring many to a tear with his amazing leadership yet down to earth clear direction for America, even on though issues like granting Amnesty, it was those that never followed his foot steps that brought us down even further than we were before his Presidency. Border security was obviously needed to follow for example, and he lifted up America and Americans to be proud again, that was a great President, at a time severely needed also. Thoone is someone I can't comment on because I know little about him, but I will say this I hope we can keep moving forward on changing Congress, because the next President will need to lead decisively and quickly. I'll research John, I like it when someone speaks up for a candidate.Thanks
  • Right on, Paul. On Sunday, Brit Hume did part II of his Conservative Series. What a great documentary, and I understand it's available of FoxNews in a DVD. But, Part II was the rise of Ronald Reagan, and it was fantastic

    Made me nostalgic, a bit tearful, and lots stronger. I see John Thune as a possible resurgence. All the rest are just old news and out of touch.
  • From what I can tell they know they had better be doing what they can, LO>>>>l I would hate to be a Democrat that got caught up in a 100 years of big Federal Government idealism, and a Republican party that just can't ever get anything done. America is standing up, and I feel we are going into quite a fight but it is high time! This time the women have been leading this march and wow I can tell it is time!!!!
  • So true, Paul. Republicans had better stand up against this tyrant, or they're done.
  • Cathy I hear that! in fact I wish they would stop all job killing legislation like the ones that passed into 67000 pages of Tax Code, and all the unnecessary regulation. I guess some repeals are in order!
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