Tea Party Core Values: Let's Keep It Simple
This is what motivated me to participate in the Tea Party Movement and what I think most of us share in core values: Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and a Free Market.
Though I believe many of these Core Values listed by TeaParty.org are admirable, they are not what motivated me or most others to become active in the Tea Party. Also, I think TeaParty.org is way off base in their definition of the Tea Party. If the main objective of the Tea Party was "security, sovereignty, and domestic tranquility" as TeaParty.org states, then what differentiates us from any nation, democracies and dictatorships alike? Doesn't every nation want security, sovereignty and domestic tranquility? For that matter, if that is all our patriots wanted, why should we have ever broken away from Britain? Didn't Britain want security, sovereignty and domestic tranquility? No, what TeaParty.org defines as the "Tea Party" movement and its "core values" is not correct. The only thing you can say for certain that motivated so many people to participate and what they have in common is: Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and a Free Market. Now that is pretty much what motivated the original Tea Party Patriots to break off from Britain and found our own nation. The British government was becoming overpowering (in need of being constrained and limited by a constitution), was interfering with our Free Market (Stamp Act, restricting trade, etc.), and much of this all started with Britain's own overspending and attempting to bail themselves out by overtaxing the colonies (Fiscal Responsibility). That is what motivated the Tea Party then and what motivates the Tea Party today.
Here is my article about this subject, I may need to revise it a bit, but the general public should be united on this subject, and perhaps this subject alone. Although there are sooo many under pinnings of this umbrella subject it remains difficult to focus on this one thing.
And yes there are associated sovereignty and state sovereignty and other constitutional issues as well.
But how to discuss with others who may otherwise disagree I believe the overall uniting factor is still taxes which is WAY TOO HIGH for them to spend 5.4 million on stemware/wine glasses etc etc etc etc.
They voided the American People in this last health care vote and that is the last straw.
Encourage people to focus on taxes and wasteful spending.
Please pass this article around and consider this topic.
Happy blogging.