The Enemy Within

There is not one positive thing the oBUMa Administration has done to help America.  In fact every law this man has illegally passed, trying to pass or actions he has taken caused one or more of the following: 4 Brave Americans killed who should still be alive, Weakened the U.S.A.,  Destroyed our Economy, Pushed Radical Muslim Agenda while taking away rights from Christians, Held us back from energy independence, stealing billions of tax dollars by investing them in his pet Green Job Scams only to have them go bankrupt and return the money to his campaign fund, Global Warming Cash Cow Lie, Ruined the Worlds Best Health Care, Lied to suit his needs just to name a few!  Please don't bother mentioning Bin Laden, who murders 1,000's of Americans, makes our country look weak, finally
after ignoring 7chances to kill him, he gives  Seal Team 6 the brave ones put in
place long ago by Bush to kill him & then oBUMa who would have you believe he was Rambo and did
it all himself,
first worry?  To give him a proper burial of course! 
That's right to the very same people that commit countless atrocities: killing Christians, women, children for no reason, without a blink of reservation.   Doubt me?  Then please explain why oBUMa & his LibLoserDemDestruct SocialisticRacist Cronies are exempt from these illegal laws he has passed, yet we(Americans) despised by oBUMa have to follow them or be arrested.  I now would like any liberal to
tell me with a straight face oBUMa isn't trying to destroy America and he is a
devout Christian.
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  • All we need to do is to have our elected representatives throw out all of the Unconstitutional Laws. Starting with Oblameacare, and working down to the thousands of illegal and Unconstitutional "gun control" laws.

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