
For the past decade the Democrats have managed to defy gravity by bolting together an unlikely coalition of the richest and poorest Americans. It’s no secret. Ever since President Bush’s re-election in 2004, the pattern has been clear. People making above $100,000 and below $40,000 vote Democratic. The people in the middle vote Republican.

But now that top-bottom coalition is about to come apart, or lose its majority status at least. And the issue will be one that may loom larger than the debacle of Obamacare — the Keystone Pipeline.

Forget all that business about Barack Obama being the first African-American President, the child of poverty and discrimination who fought his way to the top through sheer brilliance and doggedness. Sure African-Americans vote 90 percent for him and form an indispensable part of his coalition. But Obama hasn’t done a thing for them since taking office except increase unemployment.

POLL: Should the Keystone Pipeline be built?

No, the real Obama is the one who came out of Harvard and Chicago Law Schools, picking up everything he knows in the faculty lounge. That’s where he met the people who taught him that middle Americans are frustrated yahoos “clinging to their guns and religion,” the ones who set him on the lunatic path of believing that what the weather is going to be like in 50 years is the most important issue facing America.

Obama’s critical support comes from the upper crust of America, the citizens who live comfortably sheltered in academia and the non-profit sector, who don’t care much about electricity or the manufacturing economy but who honestly believe that we can shut down the whole middle portion of the country and turn off the lights in order to save the world from the “pollution” of carbon dioxide.


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  • Josephine, I believe u r correct.... I can't believe people actually voted for him the first time...let alone the second time.  If he wiggles himself into another term..whether it be a war on US soil or elsewhere.....  America will be lost......  Why else is he bringing all his muslim pals into OUR Country?  God bless America...

  • YES!  It's time we drag Dictator Obama out of office and jail for treason.  Where has our money from this thief really go?   Probably, to the terrorist group "BOKA Haran" (sp) or the Muslim Brotherhood!   The money from Medicare and Social Security has been stolen and we the American People know why!  WE can handle the TRUTH!  Dictator Obama can't - he has to lie , cover-up, withhold info, sneak around and flat out steal.    I want my Medicare and Social Security back where it belongs.     Just follow the money!      CBO  should know where it went!

  • I am a registered Democrat but vote the PERSON I think will do the best job....No, I have have NEVER VOTED FOR OBAMA...nor will I ever do so.....


  • he will do himself in he is lazy and is on drugs soon he will slip this guy never worked day in his life, and i think the dudes that put him there are afraid of him slipping, and they wll dispose of him evil will do evil in he will never retire they will have to get rid of him and he knows it Amen


    get educated

    American Lands Council
    Our Goal Our goal is to achieve thoughtful, accountable, locally-driven stewardship that improves public access, environmental health, and economic…
  • one can only hope

  • He will never be deposed, they will hide all his "caca" because he is half  the right color, it will never happen.

  • Obama has done the same thing for liberism that he has done for gun control, he is the best salesman gun shops could hope for. Six years in office and he has accomplished NOTHING! Not one promise accomplished! Not one job created, except government jobs which he is very good at creating. I offend wonder what his staff of Czars cost the tax payer?  Is it constitutional to have a layer of people who report to only the president yet interfere with every agency in government? Obamacare brought it home to a lot of Americans and many more will see the light when the employer mandate goes into effect after the 2014 mid-term elections. We have the most violent group of college age kids who enjoy protesting and taking on the government. let the games begin!

  • At what cost is the question...  what will it cost America to see Obama deposed, who will replace him... Joe Bidden?  What Constitutional process will end Pres. Obama and his Administrations hold on power? It is obvious that even if we take every seat it he Senate this November that the Senate will not be VETO PROOF nor will they have the numbers to Impeach... without support from the Democrats who have shown their ability to lock ranks and hold the line when necessary... to keep their power.

    Obama... may well continue to rule and reign by Executive Order... the SCOTUS certainly has shown no stomach for challenging him or his Administration.  Congress will be deadlocked with both houses in the hands of the GOP, they still will not have sufficient votes in the Senate to override a Presidential Veto... Unless, Congress uses every power it has, to pursue the corruption in this Administration, November will not be the answer to our demise.  We need innovative thinking... special prosecutors and a special grand jury appointed in the DC area by Congress to ferret out and eliminate those in the current Administration, Congress and the Courts who are acting outside of their Constitutional Authority to impose the Un-Constitutional,  Fundamental Transformation of America.

    We must start thinking outside of the traditional venues of political reform... to engage those Constitutional powers granted to Congress as the people's body for the oversight of the other two branches of government... can anyone say  indict and impeach.  Congress has the authority to govern the District of Columbia as they see fit... without the approval of the Executive or Judicial Branch... time to have Congress appoint a DC special prosecutor and Grand Jury too pursue the crimes committed within DC... the Administration and Judiciary operate out of DC... Congress has the jurisdictional authority to regulate JUSTICE/LAW AND ORDER within the District.  USE THAT POWER... to clean up the corruption in DC.

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