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  • Thanks Daniel: Printing 1 trillion stimlus money was a stupid plan, where did it go. Now muslum o plans to do this again. These were never in any budget, but on top of inflated budget spending. The great DC just keeps digging the hole deeper. The big mistake of printing worthless money started in 1968 when silver was taken out of coins, with the promise that Fed Govt was good for it. What a lie, its got worse as time goes on. Went from silver certificates to Federal reserve notes, stupid move. Result today, devalued dollar, high inflation, high unemployment, high debt, decrease in property value, high taxes, high gas prices etc Thank you DC for screwing the hard working, tax paying Americans. DC what do you think we should do with you, give you more chances. All your words are nothing but lies. 435 house reps, 100 senators, muslum o, supreme court-please resign today. How much more harm are you going to cause America ?

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