I don't know how everybody else feels about how the Democrates are campaigning this year but as an American it is making me sick, we have a Presidential campaign manger calling the Republican nominee a felon, The Senate Majority Leader calling the Republican nominee a tax evader, The House Minority Leader and Ex Speaker of the House calling the Republican and Tea Party the E. Coli club. What has our congress come down to, it sounds to me like a bunch of children in a playground, nobody is talking about the issues or solutions to our issues, the Democrates have nothing to talk about and the Republicans are too busy defending themselves that they can't talk about the issues. The sad part of this story is that the name callers are able to accomplish this due to a certain amount of annonymity because the main stream media is covering for them, and all we do is read the stories and continue to state that they all need to be fired and thats all we do.
I say enough, the time has come for the people to act. How does the main stream media get away with the censorship that they perform on the stories they choose to tell, do they really believe we are stupid, I don't think so, I think it is because nobody can challenge them, they have too much power and too much money to fight them, however it is not beyond our means. I would suggest that all Tea Party Memebers start a national boycott on all of the product that is advertised on ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN. This would hit these networks in there pockets, if we boycott there advertisers product they would pull their ads and the networks would loose money. This would take a big commitment and sacrifice on our part but I think the future of our grandchildren is worth it.
We would need to go a step further and boycott the stations themselves as well as Celebrities whether they are in Sports, Music, Theatre, Film or Comedy because the idea that because I'm a Celebrity I can say anything negative I want about anybody I want is rediculous, yes free speech is a right afforded to all American Citizens but defimation is illegal and because we support these people we should not be subject to thier rhetoric. These people are somewhat influential and need to keep thier opinions to themselves.
The next step would be to boycott any school system that affords reduced tuition to an Illegal Immigrant. We are the tax paying Americans that support that school and I for one am tired of working to support people I don't know especially if thier first act in our country was an illegal one.
I call on the Tea Party members to step up to the plate and do all we can to get the true story out there so that all American citizens can make an informed decision