



New Braunfels, TX

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Kevin Lyster posted a blog post
I don't know how everybody else feels about how the Democrates are campaigning this year but as an American it is making me sick, we have a Presidential campaign manger calling the Republican nominee a felon, The Senate Majority Leader calling the…
Aug 7, 2012

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  • Welcome Kevin!

    We are running out of time to get the message out before The  Election in November!!

    This is what I'm sending to people!----> Take A Stand! CLICK HERE ( http://tinyurl.com/24cyufh ) for sample video email

    The links on the right or left are all Hot Links that lead to information or more videos.

    Check out the videos if you like them help us get the message out by forwarding them. Go to the bottom of the page of the video you like and Click on FORWARD and fill in the information.

    This is the system I'm using to get the message out! -----> CLICK HERE ( http://tinyurl.com/24vs99e)

    We use and market this system to raise funds and then through marketing it also becomes a source of residual income!

    Don Burgess

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