Our Tea Party Express tour bus arrived at the Newt Gingrich rally in The Villages to see a huge enthusiastic crowd of thousands. I must confess I was somewhat surprised because I was told The Villages is Romney Land. I suspect the great turn out for Newt will go unreported because the media is in the tank for Romney.
The media's goal is to select Mitt Romney as our Republican presidential nominee. Remember how the media LOVED our so-called “electable moderate” presidential candidate, John McCain, until he won the nomination? Then, they trashed McCain, while fawning over all things Obama, their Black Golden Child. Well, the media is hoping for a sequel starring “electable moderate” Mitt Romney. Their game plan is the same as the last presidential election. The headline: “Obama Wins Second Term!”
As I stated, I was pleasantly surprised seeing the sea of Newt Gingrich supporters at The Villages.
Yesterday, in Jacksonville at the first rally of our four day Florida tour, a patriot asked former Congressman J C Watts if he thinks Newt can win. Watts replied, “Who would have thought a freshman senator could defeat Bill and Hillary Clinton to win the nomination and the presidency? Newt Gingrich can win!”
I wish to offer my condolences to Vietnam vet and tea party patriot Gerry Millholen regarding the recent loss of his 85 year old mom, Mary Jean Millholen.
The Millholen family is the epitome of the phrase, “Freedom ain't free!” Mary Jean was a Blue Star Mother; all three of her sons Vietnam in-country Vets as well as her son-in-law – her husband, Gale, a WW II USN Vet. Her father and father-in-law, both US Navy Veterans of WW I. Mary Jean's mother-in-law, Myrtle Millholen, was a Gold Star Mother. Gerry's father lost his only brother in WW II. Wow! An extraordinary family history of service to our country.
We MUST continue our fight to preserve and restore the freedoms families such as the Millholens have given so much, including the ultimate sacrifice to defend. Gerry, you and your family are in my prayers.
Our second Tea Party Express rally of two for the day was in Gainesville, Fl. Patriots were fired up and very busy involved in the movement.
For the grand finale of our Gainesville rally, I felt led to love on the patriots a bit. I asked my Tea Party Express team to join me on stage. Then, I invited the audience to come forward and shake our hands while I sang, “God Bless America”. It was awesome fellowship.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
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