My fellow Americans, we are all bit players in the making of a metaphoric slasher movie, “Obama Unchained” starring Barack Hussein Obama.
Here is a summary of the movie. It is a heartwarming tale about how the mainstream media and Democratic Party suckered America into electing their extreme far-left dream president; a Trojan Horse in the form of a black man.
Once in the Oval Office, Obama began incrementally implementing his socialist/progressive agenda and iron-fist pressure on Americans to conform. Everyone, including a 175 year old order of elderly Catholic nuns were forced to comply to Obama's decreed anti-biblical new moral standards or face termination. Only donors, labor unions and favored friends of his royal Obamaness totaling over 2000 are unlawfully granted exemptions from his tyrannical overreaches hidden in Obamacare.
Unchained from pretending to be a moderate to get reelected, Obama is releasing his judgment and rage upon America; wielding his executive pen sword, causing a bloody massacre of our economy, national security, world standing, freedoms, liberty and culture.
Now totally unrestrained, with lawless abandonment, Obama dishes out what he believes is well-deserved revenge on America for her crimes against the rest of the world. Obama is delivering the retribution spoken of by his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright who said, “America's chickens have come home to roost.”
Pundits say Obama is merely incompetent. They site highly unfavorable approval polling to conclude that Obama's presidency is in deep trouble. Political analysts believe dismal poll numbers will force Obama to back away from his intensely focused savage attack on America as founded; his vowed fundamental transformation of America. These sycophant, apologist or naive talking heads are missing the point. Obama does not give a rat's you know what about polling. Nor does he fear lawsuits, Congress, impeachment or anything else.
Remember Michael Jackson's famous line, “I'm not like other guys”? Obama believes he is not like other presidents. I am Barack Obama, the first black president. I can do whatever I please and no one is going to stop me. Period!
“Obama Unchained”, the movie, is directed by Unknown Socialists/Progressives.
Obama's supporting cast includes Eric (cited in criminal and civil contempt of Congress) Holder as the corrupt partisan head of the DOJ. Lois (Wicked Witch of America) Lerner as the corrupt, vindictive and evil IRS enforcer. Kathleen (Yes, you will fund abortions against your faith) Sebelius as the totally incompetent head of the botched Obamacare roll-out. Jay (please don't make me go out there and lie again with a straight face) Carney as Obama's Press Secretary. This just in, Carney has been replaced by understudy liar, Josh Ernest.
If the metaphoric Socialists/Progressive's movie were to snag a Best Song nomination, their song would be titled, “I Believe I Can Lie” performed by Barack Obama. A real trailblazer, Obama is the first U.S. President awarded,“Liar of the Year”.
In my metaphoric scenario, the buzz in DC would declare “Obama Unchained” a shoe in for Best Picture. However, the sentimental payback favorite for Best Picture would be “Sixty-Six Years A Liberal” starring Hilary (don't asked me about Benghazi) Clinton.
Folks, while I have taken a humorous approach to describing Obama's Revenge War on America, the situation is extremely serious. The solution is quite simple. It is push back, push back, push back politically. While the Tea Party remains fully engaged, what strong courageous conservative will emerge to lead the charge?
We who love America are metaphorically in the process of producing our own movie titled, “November 4, 2014: Independence Day”.
Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
has anyone see the movie America yet?
This is exactly why you don't give anything away for free. It breeds contempt. Haven't you noticed, all those that receive all the freebies are the haters, and the biggest hater of them all is Odumbo. Everything was given to him on a silver platter, he took it then spit everyone in the face that gave it too him. Same with Mooch.
all of them liberals better remember that when we take back this country and we will if by force if need be we will look up all of his gang and hang them with out a cort hearing
just you wait till the head lines state americans unleashed on obamma and all that back him ps 1000.00 reward for soros dead or alive there is a country that would be glad to get their hands on him
Obama is now the real Obama. This is what he was waiting for....his SECOND term to do as he wanted. He is more than slightly crazy and anti-American. He hates traditional America and American values. He hates our 'pecking order' of hard work = success. He hates those who achieve that are Caucasian. He is getting more and more crazy and will do anything he has to do to destroy white America. Is this racism? According to Obama - he is eradicating racial bias. He has no boundaries for destroying our traditional culture and he is creating his pathological world as he goes.
Liberals are waving and throwing down palm branches on Obama's behalf. They defend all the lawlessness of his administration and care not about truth. They are as crazy as the followers of Jim Jones in Jonestown. They will drink and swallow anything Obama throws at them. I do wish they were the ones who suffered the consequences of their liberal doctrines rather than stuffing them done the throats of conservative Americans.
I want to live in a different world than liberals. As you might notice - I do not care for them!
People need to know it is not only Obama and today's liberal Democrats. We have some Republicans that are not our friends. Bush Sr. made the speech about NEW WORLD ORDER. Bush family were great friends of Bin Laden in past years. We are surrounded by those that want to take USA down. Facts prove it folks. How many will open eyes and see the truth?
You left out the Ring Leader for this whole group! Valery Jared is the little Commi that hides behind the empty suit and is making all the regulations and world decisions. She and her parents are all known Communists and now they have their way due to a complacent media. How are so many Americans being deceived? America is like the Jews back in the 1940's marching themselves into Death Camps! All the Democratic citizens care about is their next free meal, free contraception, free services from the Government, and the thought of not having to ever work again! What happened to America?
It use to be God Bless America, now it is God Help America! We turned our back on God and now the people are making this evil criminal their new God!
"WE" seem to be following the path of the DoDo bird by blindly adhering to the dictates of progressive insanity. True, the Constitutional "trumpet" of warning has been quite silent; but for trying to dismantle the conservative opposition party's struggle to gain the truth.
As our dear leader's polls in America are steadily going down, [his] polls in the world of Islam are rapidly going through the roof!!! Hummmm. What does THAT say about the progressive movement and agenda???
Just keep letting that fool get away with everything. The longer you let him do what ever he wants, you become the fool.