The recognition of and opposition to the Globalist agenda worldwide has some noteworthy champions. For those Alex Jones subscribers, all of what he says is clearly documented through the past 60+ years of history by the globalists. Nigel Farage is one of those rare people who continue to fight, get knocked down, bounce back up, fight again and again--for over 20 years he's been at this. Your subscribers may want to subscribe to Farage's Youtube channel, as I have, just to listen to his latest expose of his bully opponents. It is a dose of adrenaline and peace at the same time to know a man like this exists who is fighting against one of the major Globalist components: the European Union. We truly ARE NOT ALONE and we're getting stronger every day we spread the word to our friends and neighbors across the street and across the planet.The arrogance of these "elites" knows no bounds; the anger and love of our supporters is one of a thousand ripples of resistence and outrage.
Please pass to our mailing list if you think it will inspire us in the U.S. God knows, we need a man like this: (pull scroll bar to the 17:00 minute to hear Farage speak)
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