This is part of the 'change' we were promised. But nobody will question him in fear of being called a racist. What an embarrassment.
For a long time, we have noticed that the decor at the White House has changed since BHO moved in.
The Oval Office is now stripped of the traditional red, white, and blue, and replaced with middle eastern wallpaper, drapes, and decor.
The hallway that he walks out of to talk to the press now has middle eastern chairs, drapes, etc. And the thing that has bothered me the most is the bright yellow drape behind him every time he speaks from the white house.
It has Arabic symbols on it and has been there from the beginning.
What is missing at Barack Hussein Obama's press conference?
No it is not the teleprompters. See the other presidents pics for a clue.
Can't see the photos? Go Here:
That's American flags!!!
Vote in November like your way of life depends on it! Because it does!!!!!
Today I received this and it clearly shows what I have been noticing.
That bright yellow curtain is highly visible, but as you scroll down,you will see what is predominantly absent.
Also, as you look at the pictures of other presidents speaking from the same spot, look at the traditional 'American' background and decor as opposed to the new decor.
Trust me when I say that this is intentional. It should alarm every American.
Nothing in Washington can be changed until the lobby industry is criminalized. Lobbying is just a sugar coated word for bribery. It overides the will of the people.
Nothing in Washington can be changed until the committee system is overhauled. Key people have gained a stranglehold on what is voted on. The idea of junior and senior congressmen is a joke. Each congressman represents a soverigh state. Congress is not a union where a person build up seniority. The power of congressmen has been perverted with this idea.
States should pass laws that requires federal representatives to make regular reports before state congresses. States should pass laws that forbids their representatives to accept any money or gifts from any sources other than their own state. Laws need to be passed that blocks people from outside any state to participate in the elections of representatives from another state. The selection of representative should reflect the will of the people from that state alone.
Campaign election must be reformed to where anyone can run.
Impeach Obama for releasing terrorists from prison just to have them return to terrorist organizations to kill our brave men and women .
Impeach Obama and charge him with treason.
"The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
I agree and think 25 to life would be appropriate."
to Steve Eichler: I am a Mom who is trying to get her kids involved more in the actions of Obama's White House, so I emailed this to both of them. Their response to me was similar "Tell the guy who runs that site to put something CURRENT on the site--that post was almost a year old! Is the whole Tea Party a whole year behind?" And one of them added, "Obama is now wearing the flag on his lapel again." Neither of them are happy with Obama,and my main goal is to make him a one termer,but your year old posting really backfired on me! I saw a good knock-knock today--
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Kenya who?
Kenya just show me your REAL birth certificate, please???