Dear Friends and fellow believers, Our nation is under attack form many sides and one of the enemies tools happens to be economics, and environmental acts.  The left has taken over American education and they actively are Brainwashing the next generation into believing their lies and 1/2 truths.  We can see this in the Global Warming /now known as Climate Change belief, which is scientifically unproven and most likely is a  lie in order to fulfill a political goal. They are killing our freedom and liberty by the death of 1000 cuts., no cut is fatal but none the less over time freedom and liberty dies.

Those who suggest that the Patriot ACT is not one of those cuts are blind and or stupid. Think of all the government regulations that have been imposed in the past 75 years. Many of them sound great but that is because you have been brainwashed into believing their lies.

They started when you were in Kindergarten ! Line up and be quiet and follow orders just like a good little American [just like the Nazi's did it to their youth ]  No independence or free thinking allowed! and heaven forbid any non-politically correct speaking out ~! 

The first action you must take is to unlearn this behavior and learn to think logically and stop believing anything the press tells you or government claims is a fact.

The next step is get to know your neighbors and trust them while you learn to completely distrust GOVERNMENT until they are proven to be acting in YOUR REAL INTEREST AND NOT THEIR OWN.

When you have accomplished this then move on to working on cleaning house at your county government then on to your state capital and on to  Washington !

We must clean house and elect people at the local level first or we can never roll back the Authoritarian mindset the permeates our government.

  It is your choice

You can sit back and drink a beer and watch the greatest nation on earth slowly morph into just another socialist has been , or you personally can act!

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  • Thanks James, much food for thought then action. I see what you say from going County- State- DC & youre right. I have questions at this point. Under so called normal conditions of U.S. this can be applied, at this point our main monster is DC so I see this in reverse, start w/ DC, cut its blanking head off. Get Obama out of there. Then work on economic & foreign issues, this will filter down to state & county. One main thing get folks working, ex build pipeline etc. This starts with DC, cut pork, cut spending etc balance budget w/ DC. Our foriegn affairs are totally screwed up. With 5 kids & 9 grandkids knowing each family is looking at what DC will do, we are a concerned nation. The future of America depends on We the People. Most of us Americans are at fault we were sleeping, I could have done alot more. Now today is a new day electing the right people, and alot of hard work from all of us we can put America back together again. The future of our children & grandchildren & America itself depends on us GOD bless the Tea Party & GOD BLESS AERICA

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