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'My Fellow Americans: As you all know, the defeat of the Iraq regime has been completed.
Since Congress does not want to spend any more money on this war, our mission in Iraq is complete.
This morning I gave the order for a complete removal of all American forces from Iraq . This action will be complete within 30 days. It is now time to begin the reckoning.

Before me, I have two lists. One list contains the names of countries which have stood by our side during the Iraq conflict. This list is short . The United Kingdom , Spain , Bulgaria , Australia , and Poland are some of the countries listed there.
The other list contains every one not on the first list. Most of the world's nations are on that list. My press secretary will be distributing copies of both lists later this evening.
Let me start by saying that effective immediately, foreign aid to those nations on List 2 ceases indefinitely. The money saved during the first year alone will pretty much pay for the costs of the Iraqi war. THEN EVERY YEAR THEREAFTER It'll GO TO OUR SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM SO IT WONT GO BROKE IN 20 YEARS.
The American people are no longer going to pour money into third world Hell holes and watch those government leaders grow fat on corruption.
Need help with a famine ? Wrestling with an epidemic? Call France .
In the future, together with Congress, I will work to redirect this money toward solving the vexing social problems we still have at home. On that note, a word to terrorist organizations. Screw with us and we will hunt you down and eliminate you and all your friends from the face of the earth.
Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France or maybe China .
I am ordering the immediate severing of diplomatic relations with France , and Russia . Thanks for all your help, comrades. We are retiring from NATO as well.
I have instructed the Mayor of New York City to begin towing the many UN diplomatic vehicles located in Manhattan with more than two unpaid parking tickets to sites where those vehicles will be stripped, shredded and crushed. I don't care about whatever treaty pertains to this. You creeps have tens of thousands of unpaid tickets. Pay those tickets tomorrow or watch your precious Benzes, Beamers and limos be turned over to some of the finest chop shops in the world. I love New York.
A special note to our neighbors: Canada is on List 2. Since we are likely to be seeing a lot more of each other, you folks might want to try not pissing us off for a change..
Mexico is also on List 2. Its president and his entire corrupt government really need an attitude adjustment. I will have a couple thousand extra tanks and infantry divisions sitting around. Guess where I am going to put 'em? Yep, border security.
Oh, by the way, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty - starting now.
We are tired of the one-way highway. Immediately, we'll be drilling for oil in Alaska -which will take care of this country's oil needs for decades to come. If you're an environmentalist who opposes this decision, I refer you to List 2 above: pick a country and move there.
It is time for America to focus on its own welfare and its own citizens. Some will accuse us of isolationism. I answer them by saying, 'darn tootin.'
Nearly a century of trying to help folks live a decent life around the world has only earned us the undying enmity of just about everyone on the planet. It is time to eliminate hunger in America . It is time to eliminate homelessness in America . To the nations on List 1, a final thought. Thank you guys. We owe you and we won't forget.
To the nations on List 2, a final thought : You might want to learn to speak Arabic.
God bless America .. Thank you and good night.'
If you can read this in English, thank a soldier.
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The Age of Aquarius

Our world is now shifting from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The astrological Zodiac corresponds to the gyration of the Earth’s northern axis, as it points toward each of the twelve Zodiac regions in the heavens. The Age of Pisces began, roughly, around the time of Christ’s birth, Christ the emblem of the perfect man, and ends with the Age of Aquarius. It is important to know what this movement means. We’ve a long way to go in the creation of the perfect man.The Age of Pisces, whose symbol is two attached fish, one swimming upstream, the other downstream, tells us why we didn’t get far toward building the perfect man in the Age of Pisces. The Age of Aquarius has for its symbol the water-bearer to humanity. It is an omen of a quantum leap forward. I learned this in The Physics of Consciousness: The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life. The author, Evan Harris Walker, said: “It has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. . .Consciousness, the substance of this new-found reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.”Classical physics has come a long way in telling us what makes up the universe. Now the human mind, interacting with matter, not only brings us physical marvels, but a vastly deeper understanding of how it all comes together. I’ve been studying quantum physics for years. I’m getting it, the why of it all.In the introduction of The Scofield Reference Bible, I read: “The Dispensation are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity.” What this means to me is that the time it takes man to reach Christ-like perfection—but nothing in the universe ever reaches perfection—the movement is from birth to death, and evermore beginnings in cyclic form, perfection does not exist: everything and everyone is on the move.Summing it up, Walker: “Matter, objects—a physical domain exists that is governed by immutable laws. But these laws leave open a range of happenings that are left to the selection of the mind. Behind this selection is the will. . . Within the power of this will lies any knowledge—of anything known or knowable.”Walker: “But the trinity of man, mind, and God—of brain consciousness and collective will—is not the full realization of the fabric of reality. There is a structure that I as a Christian find a justification of the central features of the Judeo-Christian conception of nature. But I also see, as one and the same, a Buddhist conception even in its most solemn expression—a unity in nature, all things being aspects of mind.”Where is mind? Classical physics, with no supporting evidence, says the mind is in the brain. It’s a convenience, an expedient way of saying we know more than you know. Classical physicists say Walker is trying to smuggle God into physics. Do say. We say, “a state of mind.” What does that mean? A state of awareness is not in a place. By listening to those who claim to be in the know, we limit our awareness.I leave you with this thought in Astrologer’s Handbook: Pisceans are extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others. They unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them. “They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower.”With the power of our wills, the lords of our own thoughts, we can control any situation. We can transform ourselves into anyone we choose to be. Those in the know, naturally, would do everything they could to make us not have faith in our own answers.Let us now take a look at the Aquarian in Astrologer’s Handbook. “Aquarians have eccentric temperaments and are determined and stubborn. They sometimes feel that those who are listening to them are unreceptive and incapable of comprehending their ideas, and they tend to become annoyed when people fail to understand them. Then Aquarians argue, and when they do, they stir up opposition from others. . . The key phrase for Aquarians is ‘I know.’”I’m Aquarian. “I know.” Why should I accept what you know as my best way to go? “Aquarians operate as equals among equals. However, they are not dependent on their environments for their security, because they derive this from being in the company of others.”Emerging in us is an advanced emblem of Christ, the perfect man. Unconsciously, the study of my Constitution, and the feeling that voices of the past were speaking to me, leading to my bigger than life calling, and doing for the good of all, miracles occurred in my life. From a most discouraging period, when everything should have gone wrong, everything went right. Now in the twilight of life, if things could be any better I don’t know how. Therefore, If I, as an individual, could turn my life around, why do I need those claiming to be in the know to direct me? This is the Age of Aquarius. We need lots of discussion. Please join me at
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I write this from a position of a guy that is old enough to have been a kid during WWII. I remember the ladies that worked on the assembly lines, food stamps and rationing. I remember saving nickles and dimes to buy war bonds, when I was in the first grade. The kids that went to war came back as men with terrible memories. They came home to provide a better world for their kids and thus the baby boomers. All of this diatribe is important only so you'll understand my perspective. What I see today is not the America I grew up with. Frankly I'm scared but hopeful. My concern, is more for, my grandkids than myself. I'll likely be dead before this scenario plays out. They will bear the brunt of the results of the current trends.

As I listen to the news, read opinions and hear comments from people I know, a lot of them seem to have a cure for what "ails us".

Every opinion has some basis in truth and the positions they take to turn this country around is always a solid piece of the puzzle.

The thing that concerns me is looking at pieces instead of the total picture.

This is my summation of the current activity. The total of the " old man math " is a unbelievable negative for personal freedoms.

Stimulus Package= more government = POWER
Student Loans = more government = POWER
Take over GM = more government = POWER
Pay Czar = more government = POWER
Cap and Trade = more government = POWER
Health Care = more government = POWER
IRS Police = more government = POWER

Our government should have very limited powers according to the constitution. We have allowed " big brother " to steal rights from states and continue to grow. It's not the fault of Democrats or Republicans, it's our fault. We have had our heads stuck in the sand for a very long time.

Now that we have suddenly taken our heads out of the sand and looked around we see that being a political figure has become a profession. It was designed by our founders to be a " serve the people " position of short duration. It must get back to that.

If we want to reduce the POWER of the federal government we should only support candidates that commit to creating term limits. I don't hear any real push for that position. If every candidate knew that they would not be able to make a lifetime endeavor, of their position, we would see a real difference in actual representation for the people. If they went to Washington and shortly had to come home and run their businesses or work for a local company their approach would be very different.

In my personal opinion they should be required to sign an agreement that stipulates that they will bring bills to the house and senate that create those term limits, in their first term.

If we view every bill, every developing new position taken by the congress and senate, in light of the POWER it creates for the federal government, we will have a clear understanding of what is really happening.

I'm sure that my thoughts are a little simplistic but I see it in that black and white manner.

There are many specific items that make me scream at my TV. They are subjects for a discussion at another time.

Give it some thought....

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In a sparkling example of utter naivete, Barak Obama unilaterally pledged America not to counter-attack with nuclear warfare against non-nuclear nations that use biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction or initiate a crippling cyber attack against the United States . . . Neville Chamberlain must be proud. No nation in history has shown consistently more benevolence for our fellow world citizens; no nation in history has revealed itself more restrained and responsibly self-controlled in the use of weapons of mass destruction . . . so why, Rajjpuut asks, would any sane statesman take any potentially reasonable response to attacks against Americans or America off the table?
Even if this was just another example of an Obama lie, why would he give encouragement to potential enemies, why? Last time Rajjpuut examined the matter philosophically, even greater than all other war crimes is the crime of losing. It seems likely that people like Winston Churchill and members of the American leadership and intelligentsia and top military personnel would have all been rounded up and received summary judgment against some wall somewhere, if the Nazis and Japanese Empire won World War II. Given that sad truth, why on earth ever tie your own hands?

Which brings us to another Obamanation . . . it’s just never a good idea to tell one’s enemies one’s intentions . . . in this separate case giving a draw-down date for beginning to pull out of Iraq is a horrible miscalculation of the will and intelligence of the terrorists in that country. Just a couple months ago, Joe Biden claimed that victory in Iraq will prove to be one of the greatest successes of this administration. Granted the Veep sometimes speaks semi-idiotically off-the-cuff. Presumably he meant closing out the war in Iraq successfully and getting the trooops home quickly would be some sort of worthy accomplishment. Presumably Joe B. knows that everyone with a memory remembers that he and particularly Obama were the sternest opponents to the war in Iraq and to the “surge” which seemingly won the war. They were clearly wrong.

Now, however, Obama appears prepared to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq. In a phrase, just coined by Rajjpuut, Obama has decided to “de-surge”way, way too quickly and he’s thus given aid and comfort to Iraq’s enemies internal and external. Already Americans are transporting “materiel” to Afghanistan and yet . . . the War in Iraq is definitely NOT won. Al Queda in Iraq, Sunni death squads and Iranian supported Shiite militias are reaappearing on the scene now that it appears America was not after all “in it to win it.” What’s going on? Clearly more of “Obama naivete.” His predecessor G.W. Bush made a stupid speech titled "Mission Accomplished!" about six and a half years ago. The terrorists in Iraq may be crazy fundamentalist maniacs . . . but they are NOT stupid and they are not lacking in courage and resilience and determination . . . it appears we are underestimating them for the second and most fatal time . . . Nice work, Joe; nice work, Barak!

When Rajjpuut was in college in our semantics class the very first rule you learned was “The word is not the thing.” Mr. Obama from the git-go has gone out of his way to prove he’s never taken a semantics or economics or business or history or strategic thinking class in his life or at least he's never really learned anything valuable from any such class . . . . Of these four areas his biggest failing is in the realm of semantics. Obama has been acting since day one after the election as if all he has to do is say something and presto that something is achieved. No leadership, no hard work, no logistical balances, no fiscal considerations, no reality check, no real consideration of the pluses and minuses involved, no advice from those who actually understand the area in question, no need to consult with real experts outside of his Marxist coterie . . . just another simple silver-tongued speech and all live happily ever after (quite reminiscent of Jimmy Carter, eh?) in a socialist utopia called Barakville.

When, NOT if, the U.S. loses in Iraq and it becomes obvious, say about a year from now that he’s given Iraq over to terrorists and/or Iran or both . . . Mr. Obama will at that moment have proven himself to be the utter worst president in the nation’s history to a good 70% of the voters. And you can count on both the cause and effect by next May at the latest. Makes one proud to be an American . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Was Reagan a Treehugger or a TeaBagger?

unless you're scared, read this patriots.,0,1093600.story

here's an excerpt...
"What is a conservative after all but one who conserves, one who iscommitted to protecting and holding close the things by which we live,"Reagan's voice intones in one of the ads, from his 1984 speech to theNational Geographic Society. Republicans for Environmental Protection'swebsite offers a transcript of the full speech, in which Reagan says,"And we want to protect and conserve the land on which we live -- ourcountryside, our rivers and mountains, our plains and meadows andforests."

but..."I can say with no hesitation that Ronald Reagan, were he alive today,would not believe that global warming was a crisis and would notsupport energy-rationing legislation," said Myron Ebell, director ofenergy and global warming policy at the pro-market CompetitiveEnterprise Institute.

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The infamous words of all-too corrupt Nancy Pelosi have returned to bite the country in the butt. “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it . . .” the irresponsible Speaker of the House said. While the lambs were being led to slaughter, many of us did know and tried to head it off. Of course, President Obama, Veep Biden, the White House staff, Nancy and other senior members of the Congress and leadership staff there are all exempt . . . so the first thing the country is finding out is that ObamaCare is too much of a threat for our “leaders” to treat themselves to it.

Across the nation at least 7% of all residents are not covered by ObamaCare despite its huge pricetags. In the first full decade the law will cost a minimum of $2.4 TRillion despite removing Medicare Advantage coverage for older citizens. Health Savings Account (HSA) owners will either need to buy new policies are ante-up stiff penalty bucks. Although benefits for the most part won’t start until 2014, taxpayers will begin paying ObamaCare taxes NOW and there are a total of 19 new taxes imposed on us because of ObamaCare’s passage into law.

The CBO estimates that 8-9 million people will now lose their employer-provided health care coverage despite Mr. Obama’s promise “people who like their insurance now can keep it.” Expect a huge new tax burden. Here’s what Nancy dropped on us . . . .

Employers must buy government approved health coverage if they have 50 employees or more and at least one of their employess receives a tax credit for health care or pay a yearly penalty of $2,000 per employee.

16,500 new IRS agents will be hired to enforce the taxes mentioned here and other new ObamaCare taxes . . .

The first federal sales tax in the American Republics history has been passed: 10% tax on all earnings from tanning salons paid directly to the federal government.

Individuals must buy a government approved health policy or they must pay a yearly penalty of $695 or up to 2.5% of their income.

Families must buy a government approved health policy or pay a penalty of $347 per child up to $2,250 per family.

All home sales and all other real estate transaction will be taxed 3.8%. Middle income sellers even if they immediately buy a home the very same day must pay this tax which amounts to $7,600 on a $200,000 home.

Medicare taxes are increased on single taxpayers earning $200,000 or more and couples earning $250,000 a year or more (thus it is a huge marriage penalty tax) by an additional 0.9%.

A new 2.9% medical aid tax on items that never were taxed before has now been imposed. All these and many other Obamacare taxes start immediately.

In 2018, however, those of us with so-called “Cadillac health care plans will be imposed a 40% annual tax if their plan is valued at $10,200 for individuals or more and for families if valued at $27,500 or more. Mr. Obama’s union friends, however, will be exempted from taxes on their Cadillac plans.

Projections made by business leaders recently say that by 2018 taxes associated with Obamacare will cost the country over four million additional lost jobs.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Right now the party is a disorganized jumble of parts, it needs to focus on having one agenda, the defeat of the party in power,both republicans and democrats, and bringing a new voice to Washington, one that will give the people what they want, an end to illegal immigration, a fair tax, make the punishment fit the crime and make lobbying a misdeamenor. Illegal immigration could be stopped in less than a year, and the illegals would go home on there own.

If our founding fathers were to come back today, they would forment another revolution becauseof the way freedom and rights have been taken away

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The Power of Imagination

The ancient sages of India envisioned, so is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm. Bell’s theorem, along this line of thinking, proves that particles, once connected, always in communication, instantaneously, even if on opposite sides of the universe. There must be more dimensions in the universe than the space-time dimension. The cutting edge of science says there is a dimension of infinite possibility and our basic reality is mind. Consciousness has been added to the mix of things. By observing the world of the very small, reality, we find, is nothing like we think it is.

The ancients, looking in the heavens and seeing movement, gave reason to those movements. They invented symbols, later to become numbers, to explain humans and matter. Still later, it became astrology for humans, physics for matter. Just lately, quantum physics has added consciousness to the mix, taking us back to “so is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.”

If we use imagination, we can say the atom is conscious of the molecule; the molecule is conscious of the cell; the cell is conscious of the brain. We are not conscious of the many functions of the brain. So where do we go from there?

We are conscious of mind. Where is mind? Classical physics says mind is in the brain. It’s a guess. There is no evidence. In law, there is such a thing as circumstantial evidence, indirect evidence that proves the case by reason and logic. Reason and logic is a gift our Creator gave us. It comes from mind and conscious awareness. We humans are consciously aware of as much as our imaginations allow.

Think of human imagination 600 years ago, a hundred years before the invention of the printing press. Very few were literate in the West, and most of the literate were in control of the Holy Catholic Empire. They used torture to keep in control. The progressive order of the ages gives us increasing purpose. Progressive Govermment takes us back in time.

Keeping in mind “so is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm,” imagine the Internet the master mind of worldly events empowering you, the Internet the equivalent of God. Imagine the equivalent of a solar system, and you a planet. I’ve discovered, allowing me to become a solar system within the galaxies of worldly events, potentially increasing my power. What is my purpose?

From the Internet, “The astrological symbol for the Age of Pisces seems a perfect match with dreams, as we currently conceive them. Pisces, the two dream Fish, snooze in the primordial ocean of the unconscious, ruled by Neptune, god of the sea. As the great sleep of Pisces draws to an end and the Age of Aquarius, the Water Carrier, begins to dawn, what changes can we expect in the field of dreams?”

“Aquarius, the investigator and humanitarian, has been paired with Uranus, the oddball and revolutionary, so we're due for some radical shifts in our worldview, or picture of reality. This will affect the types of dreams we emphasize and our dream-related activities as well.”

“In Western astrology, the four alchemical elements are earth, air, fire and water. Pisces the Fish is, quite appropriately, a water sign, but Aquarius is an air sign, so the shift is from sea to sky. Flying dreams allow Aquarius, the curious investigator, to explore his inner space. Aquarius favors fair weather flying (the uplifting dreams) because it's safer, more fun and permits a panoramic view of the dream environment.”

“Aquarius is future oriented, a precognitive perceiver, alert to events forming on the far horizon. He wants to foresee changes in the weather so as to seize a golden opportunity or avoid an oncoming storm.”

“Flying is only one of many extraordinary dreams, including the psychic ones. To humanitarian Aquarius, these Big Dreams are seen as the birthright and privilege of everyone, rather than the exclusive possessions of the chosen few. Aquarius will deliberately incubate extraordinary dreams in order to nourish his untapped human potential.”

Alas, Piscean dreams of Obama Land, or Aquarian imagination of the progressive order of the ages and our increasing purpose, come one, come all to - - a journey into the future. Be empowered!

The United States of America was born under the sign of Aquarius, the water-bearer to humanity. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" We Americans are obliged to reignite Lady Liberty’s beacon of hope.

Obama is a divider. Join me in bringing the world to peaceful coexistence.

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Using the word “vitriol” to describe the Glen Beck program, Barak Obama once again tried to marginalize conservative voices angry at his fiscal mismanagement and transformation of America into a socialist nation. Anyone who's listened to Glen Beck would be more likely to compare him to Martin Luther King than to Louis F. or other hatemongers. The man who for 20 years sat in his pew listenting to Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s real vitriol and never once objected until the media visited the church and recorded Wright saying “God Damn America!” has absolutely NO wiggle room. He is the hatemonger in this country and he is the Liar in Chief in this country and he is the #1 Hypocrite in the country and he is clearly destroying the fabric of this nation and choosing to accuse real American patriots of Nazi-like tactics to cover-up his own abominations, Rajjpuut says, “Impeach the Obamanation!”

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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We Are On the Move

There is the sense that we are on the brink of great change in the world. Let me first say that the human gift of reason and logic has made my life a wondrous adventure, to the end that my dreams have all been fulfilled.

Reason and logic, our special gift from God, gave me the impulse of fear of external control of my life, and most particularly from federal income tax. In 1973, I went to the county law library to study my Constitution and the procedure for taking the IRS to court. Little did I know what it would mean to my discouraging life experience. While studying, the feeling came over me that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. What started as a personal cause became a bigger than life cause. I was doing this for the betterment of mankind. The effect this feeling had on my life is a miracle. From the fear of external control came the inner power to control any situation, to be anyone I chose to be.

My life became an Aquarian adventure. I was born with Aquarius rising. The rising sign is the part of us we show the world. As we age, we become more our rising sign. The planet Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius. At midlife, Uranus had transited to a position opposing itself at my birth. It meant I would be under pressure to change—at the time the feeling came over me that voices of the past were speaking to me, when I had my bigger than life calling.

I've just created and looking for help in sending a message of hope, faith, and charity to all. My friend, Denise, who I now realize was sent to me for a special purpose, under “America Rising,” tells us my ruling planet, Uranus, says in order “to live a full and satisfying life, you must be vividly yourself. Many of us are afraid to be different, and the pressure to conform can be stifling. But to live creatively is to find your own way, even if this means going against the grain. This urge to free-will and self-authorization is Uranus, the planet of fierce independence. Surprise can be stimulating - the jab that gets you out of the rut. And if you want to ride the wave of chaos instead of being swallowed by it - if you want to liberate yourself from the disruptions and shocks around you - you must voluntarily keep out of the groove. Realize that change is the only constant phenomenon. In randomness is all potential. Disorder increases possibilities. Chance! Uranus is the reverse of the status quo and always unconventional and heretical: If life is accidental, we are free to give it any point we like. Become Yourself!”

Harmony in one’s life requires looking within and making real what is real to you. Focus on your art and work on it. Your enthusiasm is catching. You will see positive results.

Can you believe the United States of America was born under the sign of Aquarius, and that Uranus is her ruling planet! The message Denise brings is to each and everyone of we Americans. Take Denise’s message to heart: chance favors the prepared mind! “Don’t hide your light under a bushel,” says astrologer Jeanne Avery in The Rising Sign under “Aquarius Rising.” We loyal Americans must stand and be counted.

Easter Sunday has far greater meaning to the world than Christians give credit. The glad tidings, my friends, are that we are all Christ’s children. It has taken a lifetime for me to realize that I was put here as an Aquarian messenger. With my bigger than life calling, although I did not plan it, I cut from the herd and was reborn. My new Aquarian life commenced on Easter Sunday in Miami, Florida. It’s an omen. I’m the messenger of Christ’s second coming.

At the feet of The Statue of Liberty are these words:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

We Americans are obliged to reignite Lady Liberty’s beacon of hope. Please help spread the word. Join me at, that all the world will know that America is on the move.

By the way, my life story tells it the way it is. I’m writing it at under Joe Smith, the Original (item #1654051)

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3rd party

We have all heard that the Tea Party does not need to split the Republican Party. I disagree with this idea. The two party system has resulted in corruption, abuse of power and overspending. The two party system centralizes too much power within one group. In Denmark, they run a multi-party system and the have not had a majority in power since 1909! This is balance in power and I hope that the Tea Party can recognize that an opportunity to really change America, is in our hands. This opportunity is to bring balance back to Washington and put the power back in the hands of the people. You will not hear any Republican or Democrat support this idea because they know that we can really change the political landscape by adding an additional party.

Tom Bryant
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Hillary Clinton back in Newsweek in 1994 or 1995 said “Abortion is wrong.” Now she’s not only shifted her stance, but she’s gotten downright impolite about it . . . going to one of our biggest allies and taken to telling them how to run their country, ugh! Understanding that the Canucks were aiming to make maternal health the showpiece of Canada’s initiative at the next G-8 summit, Hillary, attacking that plan by Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper, said “You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health and reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe abortion.” Talk about bad manners!

So now Hillary is telling the Canadians they must have abortion-on-demand and is willing to scold Canadians in Canada about that, but also she is indicating just how invalid the little Obama piece of paper promising Bart Stupak his anti-federally funded abortion dreams is going to work out to be. Dumb, Bart, really, really stupid! Now the normal province of the Secretary of State is clearly NOT publically pushing abortion for other nations . . . so where did this come from? Answer: Obama is trying to connect to his abortion-loving progressive-wing and remind them, “When I said that to Bart Stupak, I was only funnin’, only funnin’" . . . So Obamacare is NOT funding abortions, has been proven to be just another lie. Ah well, it was just a matter of time till the matter was taken to the Supreme Court and Stupak’s idiocy was ascertained for good. Now you know . . . your taxes will fund elective abortions. Just another Obama lie.

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Initial frustration with big spending Republicans drove Ryan Hecker and other fiscal conservatives to the creation of the TEA Party but it is the Democrats today who are the ones most worried by the grassroots disgust with business as usual in Washington, D.C. This week the TEA Party comes of age . . . as they flex their political muscle with a second survey called the "Contract FROM America . . . seeking to create a TEA Party platform consisting of ten planks . . . .

To date over 400,000 surveys have been completed and thus far the top three planks of the TEA Party movement appear to be:

#1 Protect the Constitution by requiring each bill to identify the specific provisions of the Constitution giving Congress the power to do what the bill would do. 82% of all survey responses included this plank.

#2 Reject “Cap and Trade Tax” Legislation and stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices and weaken the nation’s global competitiveness with no measurable impact upon global temperatures. 70.8% of all surveys included this plank. Obama has not been able to push this bill through the senate and is now seeking to make an end run around the legislative process by having the EPA issue a directive in line with the provisions in the senate.
#3 Demand a balanced budget
by getting a Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority required for any tax hikes. 69.6% of respondents approved of that plank.

The Contract From America is the brainchild of 29-year-old Houston attorney Ryan Hecker. Hecker invented the concept even before the tea party movement began in February 2009. Hecker says the ultimate objective is to “influence the outcome of the midterm elections” the way the Contract With America did in 1994, or even more.

"My dream, my hope," Hecker said, "is that economic conservative candidates and those who want to be economic conservatives in the future will sign on, and that we get a bunch of blue-dog Democrats and tons of elected officials onboard, and that they recognize that any document they craft themselves won't be as powerful as one coming from the people.”

Using the results of more than 5,000 surveys from members of the grass-roots movement, the Conservative Political Action Committee winnowed the ideas down to 21 proposals. Then they posted the list online in the as an extended survey, and directed voters to the ContractFromAmerica Web site to select the top 10 ideas.

The ten proposals that the grass-roots voters deem the most important will be included in the full ContractFromAmerica proposal, to be unveiled on April 15 during the massive Tax Day Tea Party rally being conducted in the nation's capital. Reflecting the widespread, de-centralized power of the tea party movement, the Contract From America also will be simultaneously revealed in Houston, Austin, Atlanta, and 80 other locations in the country. Hecker’s idea was based upon the Republican Party’s Contract with America in which the G.O.P. successfully passed nine of the ten contract items into law and forced Bill Clinton to abandon his liberal agenda and govern from the center.

"The Contract From America was a great document," Hecker says, "but ths time it's not top down, it's bottom up . . . It comes from the people, and it's how representative government should work."

"It started with my recent frustration with the Republican Party's lack of legitimacy on economic-conservative issues," he explains. "They no longer represented for me a proxy for my beliefs on the economic front. So this idea came from that. I thought, 'How do we move this country back into an economic conservative direction if that's not where it seems either party is headed. And then it just fit perfectly within the TEA party movement." To which Rajjpuut says, AMEN!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Latest Betrayal: Obama Turning Internet over to Foreigners

Some of the technical background for this blog can be found here:

Of all the many betrayals of Barak Obama, some day the one we may all regret the most under a Brave New One-World government may be his “giving away” of the internet. The information superhighway, internet, worldwide web or just the WEB as we know it may soon become a thing of the past thanks to Barak Obama’s need to prove his compliance with the rest of the world’s power structure and just how cooperative, sharing, inclusive and multi-national in thought he can be.

Understanding the nature of this betrayal comes from first understanding that the internet was from day one an American Department of Defense creation so that computers of the American military could talk to one another, easily, accurately and quickly and so that important American military information could be shared among all American military computers. The system has remained in American hands since the beginning so that no foreign power would ever have the power to disrupt it or interdict our communications. The system as it now stands canNOT be given away without giving away immense amounts of knowledge and potential control over America’s cyber-infrastructure.

Within a year, control and key management of the internet by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce may be non-existent. Could this help tyrants control all communications in their country? Could this allow Barak Obama to control all communications in this country? Remember the internet crackdown in China last year? Remember the role the web played in Iran in allowing dissidents to communicate the activities of their illegally elected president, Iran’s police and just to keep them in touch with each other? Today 90% of the most serious internet information thefts in science, industry and even the military are begun in one country: China . . . how much easier might things be for the Chinese communists if we just give away control of the system we created?

It’s a somewhat long and fascinating story, but let’s leave out 99% of the details and look at it in a nutshell . . . (First of all, Al Gore did NOT invent the internet, in reality he had little to do with it so that statement’s just as inaccurate as anything he’s said about global warming.) The information superhighway as we know it began small with a lot of scientists sharing information over the prototypical equivalents of what today we call a local area network (LAN). A few businesses were doing the same thing, but not many because the process of setting things up was labor extensive and very expensive and worked best in small areas, not for widespread large companies. The connections were hardwired and slow and they might serve a dozen or up to a couple hundred individuals in a relatively small area. The whole thing was limited by its relation to old fashioned telephone-switching techniques which were extraordinarily slow, expensive and unreliable.

The first big breakthrough was a method of switching called “packet- switching” which, once invented, made the server as we know it today possible and changed the whole ballgame. Today’s internet grown immensely complicated and widespread since the invention of packet-switching is just the realization of predictions that go back nearly fifty years. In a series of memos beginning in August 1962, J.C.R. Lichlider of MIT discussed the potential of a "Galactic Network" and how social interactions and educational information sharing might be enabled through networking. The Internet today certainly provides such a nationwide and global infrastructure and already interplanetary Internet communication has been seriously discussed.

Just about the time that scientists from multiple universities were seeing the tremendous potential of sharing information on more extended networks, the American military saw the immense value such systems (if expanded to a dramatically greater extent) would have for offering them strategic and tactical advantages in information gathering and sharing, not to mention virtually instantaneous speed of distribution. Beyond anything else, the American military was the driving force for creating the internet.

About that same time a huge bunch of additional technical breakthroughs were happening. More importantly, two more Americans, Dr.Robert E. Kahn and Dr. Vinton G. Cerf, working for the DOD (Department of Defense) in DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) up to and after 1972 conceived of, designed and oversaw the development and execution of a something called “open-arching” (pronounced “arking”) or open-architecture networking, an immense breakthrough in networking and connectivity which gave birth to the internet as we know it today and gave the whole process its “weblike” quality. Instead of the need to hardwire every single connection, the process relied on a combined 1) receiver-transmitter 2) identity recognition device 3) data storage and 4) switchboard-executing machine called a“server” which in concert with virtually unlimited other servers brought together as first a few individual networks and then a whole series of interconnected networks which thus made the information superhighway virtually unlimited in size and scope.

What made the whole thing possible was the server and . . . thanks to Kahn and Cerf’s conceptions each person or (more accurately) each computer connection onto each server was provided with a unique “identifier,” now known as its tcp/ip that could be instantaneously recognized and instantaneously communicate with others and otherwise interact through the server network. When the process went beyond the DOD and became national, the U.S. Department of Commerce was put in charge.

It wasn’t too long till the whole thing went international and soon other individual businesses, universities, groups, and countries created their own webs within the greater worldwide web. Here is the key thing to understand: ALL vital communication is based upon the abilities to send, receive, identify any and all the other parties to the communication and to make your own identity known. IP means “internet protocol”; TCP means “transmission control protocol.” A protocol in computing is a set of electronic instructions that permit these processes to occur. Not to belabor things with the overly technical, but the magic of the tcp/ip identifier is that the system’s entire “integrity” is based upon it. Ceding control over such processes here in America to foreign powers could lead to sabotage of such a nature and scope as to become cataclysmic.

Nevertheless, the Obama administration is without fanfare, surrendering control over the web to foreign powers. Without American ingenuity and investment of the American taxpayer, no internet as we know it today would exist. Our control “imperative” is via management and control over the Domain Name System (DNS) and the humongous servers that service the present internet. Global coordination of the entire internet on behalf of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce is locked into a system of internet protocol resources. Without an IP address and all these other internet protocols, a person or nation would have no access to the internet itself. Allowing foreign powers that control is definitely NOT in the best interest of the United States. For example, let’s say that China or its buddy Iran wishes to black out information on internal squabbling or the quashing of dissent within its borders, what could be simpler than to simply put the whole system on the fritz until such a time as they felt open communications offered no threat to their perceived interests? The Chinese have already demonstrated the most sophisticated national hacking capabilities of any entity in the world. Obama’s actions will certainly make it much easier for the Sino-fox to dominate the world's and America's henhouses.

Within months of Obama's taking office, his administration, through the Department of Commerce, agreed to give “greater representation to foreign telecommunication companies” and countries. Control and management of this American invention is not only the right of America but also our responsibility. That responsibility is twofold: 1) for American’s economic and national security and 2) for the functionality of the web for the entire international community. No better nation than the United States exists to protect these twin interests. Americans developed and invented it; paid for it and the research for implementing it; we are, despite Mr. Obama’s desire for media control, the freest and most tolerant nation on earth; we gain nothing from the user fees paid to ISPs (internet service providers) which are operated by individual companies and countries all over the world; and we have no policy of censorship unlike an awful lot of other foreign powers. Additionally, the ability of U.S. intelligence to monitor financial movements as well as other communications by terrorists and terrorist organizations will become remarkably compromised if the give away is allowed to happen. As usual, the Obama agenda is not just NOT pro-American, but only pro-Obama and mysterious and virtually unfathomable (unless you, like Rajjpuut, understand his underlying Marxism) to those interested in freedom and prosperity as well as open and honest government dedicated to the best interests of the American people.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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"Clueless" President Obama Throws Another Snow Job

at the American Taxpayer

Think of it as a government propaganda agency designed to convince a doubtful American public of the absolute validity of global warming "science." It's called the "Federal Climate Service" and it's just one more Barak Obama GSB (government spending boondoggle) coming your way courtesy of "the Chicago Savior's" progressive^^ upbringing, one more way to bankrupt America and drive socialism down our throats. Could this be the inane straw that breaks the taxpayers' backs? Here's how it works . . .

Unable to offend our sensibilities with a cataclysmically wasteful Obamacare takeover of the health care industry, the Obama administration is forming a new government agency dedicated to addressing the “impending doom of global warming.” According to U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, the “Federal Climate Service” is being created because of “big demand from the American Public for relevant and timely information about 'global warming.'” Supposedly one big side benefit is the “creation of new jobs.” Despite costing the nation almost six million jobs overall, Mr. Obama has expanded government jobs by 14% already this year. The website going up today highlights supposedly “short-term cooling on a warming planet” just in time for another 15" snow storm in D.C., one supposes . . . To Rajjpuut’s jaundiced eyes this sounds like something created by Obama's crackpot Science Czar John Holdren.

Holdren was notable in 1972 for trying to frighten the bewhilickers out of all of us about the “coming ice age” and then for becoming an advocate of Al Gore’s global warming scare in the early part of the last decade. Let’s put things into rational perspective here, shall we . . . .

When it comes to cold, cold snowy winters in the east, the past may outstrip the present. Valley Forge in 1776 was part of a Pennsylvania that reportedly saw over 200” of the white stuff (over 17 feet) fall – numbers more usually associated with freak 100-year winters in Buffalo, N.Y. In 1816 also known as “1800 and Froze to Death” or the “Year without a summer” farmers in New England put three different crops into the ground and all of it died from late frosts in a year when huge late May, June, July and August snow storms destroyed the agricultural industry. Surely 2010 will never come close to that kind of winter devastation. Nevertheless, the recent 32.4” snowfall hitting Washington, D.C. and tomorrow’s predicted 10-20 inch follow-up has the folks in the nation’s capital shaking their heads and people with flat roofs fearing the worst all up and down the Eastern Seaboard. It also has Barak Obama proposing creation of this “Federal Climate Service” supposedly aimed at studying global warming but clearly just a snow job aimed at propagandizing the politically correct "truth" about global warming.

Aside from the probability that Barak Obama is preparing an insanity defense for his coming impeachment, the out and out lie known as “global warming” suffered several serious attacks in 2009. The scandal known as “Climate Gate” revealed a deep and long-ongoing fraud by both the UN IPCC ( United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and the formerly trusted CRU (Climate Research Unit) from East Anglia, England responsible together for the lion's share of our supposed data and climate projections. There were also reports of a policy of deliberate “cherry-picking” of thousands of Siberian temperatures to eliminate any truly cold ones, and most damning of all the release of information that the 2,500 year climate record being used was deliberately created without including the 450 year Medieval Warm Period data to make the past seem much cooler than it really was. Along those lines, perhaps we should think of of present year 2010 as “20 Ten(d) to doubt Global Warming.”

Right now in the U.S. Senate a “Cap and Trade” bill -- designed to reduce (or tax out of existence) the human carbon dioxide emissions supposedly causing suspected global warming – languishes in committee. In the best of all possible worlds the huge stacks of paper committed to this environmental bill which will cost the nation $220 billion in productivity every single year it’s in effect . . . perhaps that paper can heat a few chimneys or furnaces? We really do need Al Gore to straighten us out on this, don’t you think? Nevertheless, “Clueless Barak” has decided to waste more of our tax dollars by creating another bureaucratic entity, this Climate Service, to aid in cooking the books along acceptable and politically correct climate lines . . . makes you want to vomit don’t it?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^Progressive sounds so much better than "Marxist," doesn't it?

Beginning with Woodrow Wilson, the Progressive movement has regarded the U.S. Constitution as an obstacle and used an evolutionary (unending assault by slight changes rather than all-out battle) approach to making the U.S. Constitution irrelevant (in England this approach is and was called "Fabian Socialism" after the great Roman general Fabius who defeated Hannibal and his Carthaginians and elephants by never actually confronting him in any big battles just letting incremental logistics and nature do most of the work).

Barak Obama, however, was definitely raised as a communist by Stanley Ann Dunham, his mother, and Stanley Armor Dunham, his grandfather. His father, Barak Hussein Obama, Sr., meanwhile lost his job in the Economic Development Agency of the fledgeling Kenyan Governmen for too loud, far too often and particularly in writing lobbying for a communist government in which "even 100% tax is not out of the question" and for advocating an "active program" to force financial equality between Kenya's Black, Asian and White populations published in the most prestigious magazine of its day, 1965, the East Africa Journal. Barak, Jr. coveniently left his father's Marxism out of the book, "Dreams from My Father" ghostwritten by Bill Ayers of bomb-planting fame.

Barak, Sr.'s 8-page article reflects the truth about his son's beliefs today, too. To hear him say, "I am NOT an ideologue, I am not," harkened back to Richard Nixon's equally false, "I'm not a crook." Here's a picture of Barak and his father (who the mainstream media would have you believe played absoutely no part in Barak, Jr.'s upbringing) together for a month in Hawaii according to "Dreams from My Father":

and here's the 1965 article by his father:

one quote about 100% tax is on page 31 ( page 8 of 10)

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The most incredible thing about Barak Obama is that after three years in the public eye, he is still an absolute unknown to 95% of the American public. Imagine John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1960. Except for his dalliances with women other than Jackie, which the adoring press conveniently didn’t reveal to us until after his death, the man’s life was an open book. This is in 1959 – 1963, the veritable stone ages. Today, half a century later, computers, the internet, genealogy, public records acts, and the multiplication of the press by cable and internet makes it impossible for public people to maintain secret lives, unless their initials are Barak Hussein Obama, Jr., that is.

It's important when making investigations and revelations such as this one to never jump to conclusions but rather to always seek full truth and verfiable truth, for example . . . .
Some of us, all too few, know an awful lot about the man who is Barak Obama, 44th American President, and his Marxist upbringing . . . and even know enough to NOT get excited about the bronze statue of Ho Chi Minh standing at honor at his Hawaiian prep school as its most prestigious graduate (the idiots on the extreme right, learn that and go bonkers, because they've never actually learned anything). We don't get excited because we know that Ho was honest and a Vietnamese patriot and that he came to the west FIRST on at least two occasions in meetings with the OSS (forerunner to the CIA) with two documents resembling, in some cases word for word, the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution and asking for our help or at least our non-interference with Viet Nam's revolt against French colonialism after World War II. We, of course, did the opposite and supported the French with arms and money, thus denying the people of Viet Nam the very revolution that created our nation and our freedom.
We also know that Ho was a great help to us and our British Allies** in keeping the Japanese at bay in Asia during World War II while the leadership of French Indo-China collaborated with Japan. We know that the OSS did not forward his plea to either FDR or Truman and that our entry into Viet Nam after supporting corrupt dictators there was a huge strategic mistake. Because we have a real rather than a superficial education and understanding of the facts and their significance and we understand that things are not always what they seem we tend to have a charitable heart. As we give Ho Chi Minh the benefit of the doubt and the researchable facts, we do the same for Barak Hussein Obama, Jr. We do not, for example, condemn Barak because of the upbringing his father, mother and grandfather gave him. We did NOT condemn Ho Chi Minh's ideological shift to the communists when the west turned him down, in his place we might have done exactly the same. Communism and Barak Obama were early companions through no fault of his own. We do, however, condemn his actions and words and broken promises since coming into the public eye in February 2007. Some of us are Libertarians (fiscal conservatives, moderate socially) and othes come from other places on the political spectrum, but we want truth and we don’t jump to conclusions in support of the two corrupt major parties. We don't know everything, but we know a lot, in fact an awful lot . . . why the mainstream press doesn't seem to want to let you know this, all of this, that is an awful travesty . . . .

We know that for his grandparents’ sake and to make life in American schools much easier, Barak became Barry, and remained Barry Obama, for much of his young life.
We know from his public words and actions and his two autobiographies that Barak believes that he was born to be a leader and that if he merely repeats something often enough people will come to believe it and, indeed, seemingly that his very repeating will make it so. We know that his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was an unabashed, unsecretive communist even from prep school days in Seattle. We know that his grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, was a very rich semi-secretive communist. We know that the well-known columnist and communist poet Frank Marshall Davis was a frequent visitor in their home in Hawaii and that he was Barak’s chief mentor about being Black in a White man’s world.
We know that his African father, Barak H. Obama, Sr., was an unapologetic communist who lost his job in the Kenyan Economic Development Office for being not only outspokenly pro-communist but even writing papers against Kenya’s economic direction (not socialistic enough and not fast enough and not explicit enough) in which he twice mentions the possibility and laudability of “100% taxes:” and the necessity of forcing financial equality upon White, Asian, Black and Mixed members of Kenyan society. We know that Barak's first autobiography, "Dreams from My Father" never mentions his father's out and out communism but does show a deep reverence for the man and his politics.,_Sr.
(one incidence of the “100% tax” thing is on p. 31 of the East Africa Journal magazine, page 8 of 10 of the topmost of these two links)
We also know that Barak Obama spent a lot of time at Muslim schools and that his second father was a Muslim. We know that besides the time he confesses about being involved with alcohol, marijuana and even cocaine . . . he spent even more years as Barry Soweto. We don't know where that particular name came from, but he attended Occidental College and a few other American schools under that name. He came to Occidental as a Fullbright Scholarship recipient under a program aimed strictly at people with dual citizenships. We know that this second identity has partly obscured the trail for many superficial seekers of the Barak Obama past. But mostly we know that although Barak Obama has numerous degrees and a fine academic resume,` he is not a "western man" not an American. We know this from listening to the man talk . . . watching him work as president, one thing is very obvious . . . . Barak Obama is NOT "an educated man" in the American sense of that phrase. He doesn’t know American history or geography or for that matter have a freshman high schooler’s grasp of science. His grasp of both history and psychology, in fact, can best be described as “wishful thinking.” Wishful thinking about “Utopia” to be precise, that is the one subject that Barry Soweto/Barak Obama has mastered perfectly. He has so mastered that version of future history that he is able on demand to create the picture of that Utopia where “saying so, makes it so” into the mind and very soul of gullible Americans who really ought to know better.
Witness his recent State of the Union address. To anyone with a street kid’s knowledge of economics, it was all lies piled upon lies upon more lies: Don Quixote’s impossible dream. But to the faithful, the Barak Obama worshippers, it was manna from heaven. His deep approval numbers with Rasmussen Reports jumped from 24% to 32% and his overall approval leapt from 44% to 51% overnight. Of course two weeks later those numbers have fallen back to where they belong as people start to wake up once again without their Barak Speech Fix and realize Barak Obama is NOT what he seems; as people realize that there is no sincerity about Barak Obama and all his promises are a ruse designed to achieve his version of Utopia, a dream that conflicts 100% with the American Dream.
The Barak Obama version of Utopia is not necessarily Utopia for you and certainly not Utopia for a open-minded, outspoken critic like myself . . . that would be foolish. If there’s one thing Barak Obama is NOT, that is foolish. In his heart of hearts he knows the price to achieve the BHO, Jr. Utopia is paid by never stopping to rest but always pretending to do so, pretending to apologize or reverse direction (think of me as the job’s president, Mortals) as he always takes the most direct approach toward it.
Despite his illiteracy about real economics, Barak even sort of knows real history, he understands that somehow his big Utopian dream failed in the Soviet Union and in the Warsaw Pact countries, but of course that was because of failed men. In Barak Obama’s Utopia a perfect system will be put in place and then mankind under that perfect system will be perfected in turn whatever the cost. The fine dream, this Utopia, of course is a communist state where the resources of society come “from each according to his ability” and are then channeled “to each according to his need.”
Let’s detour from this Dystopian nightmare of Obama’s to Coolidgeville. Coolidgeville is a place that looks a lot like the United States of the Roaring Twenties when a series of Progressive Presidents (Republicans as well as Democrat) leading up to Woodrow Wilson and followed by the out-of-touch Warren G. Harding (not a progressive, just stupid enough to surround himself with crooks) who was replaced after death (from a heart attack while in a closet with a maid? That’s one story) by the great Calvin Coolidge. Under Coolidge’s benign leadership, low taxes and total non-interference the country blossomed as never before. Of course, Silent Cal said, “I do NOT choose to run" in 1928 and Progressive Republican Herbert Hoover took his place to be in turn replaced by twelve years plus of Progressive Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Coolidgeville looks a lot like the Camelot of JFK; and the more recent America during Reaganville years when the Soviet Union, Warsaw Pact and Berlin Wall all fell. The guiding light in Coolidgeville is NOT “Das Kapital” but the United States Constitution, a document based upon the fact that we humans are imperfect and can presumably never be made perfect, but we are worthy of great government, nevertheless; a document that offered humanity full liberty guaranteed by an incredible “Bill of Rights,” numerous incentive for bringing out their best, and an incredible system of checks and balances to make humanity’s inevitable corruptions quite manageable. No Utopia here, just a hard-nosed realistic plan for a much better life courtesy of a non-interfering, benevolent government limited in scope to doing a very few tasks and then doing them very, very well. Unlike Barak’s static future Utopia where the government does everything and does it so incompetently that we are NOT safe from our enemies and we are NOT free . . . Coolidgeville is a living-breathing dynamic and REAL place available at any time in history including NOW!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Compare Paris to other European Capitals. Compare Saigon, the "Pearl of the Pacific," -- these places went unravaged by the war. The French, under Petain, meanwhile were collaborating fully with the Nazis in Europe and Africa; and with the Japanese in French Indo-China . . . that is, they were fighting against us and supporting the Japanese and Nazis who fought against us . . . . Why wasn't Petain taken to Nuremberg, tried and convicted and hung with the ten top Nazi's on October 16, 1946? And why did the Zionists never fully attack Petain's top officials for their collaboration in the Holocaust? The French have lived a charmed life much akin to that lived by Barak Obama, Jr. just because the full extent of their treachery is not openly displayed for all to see and understand.
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The reader may not like Rajjpuut's line of reasoning . . . but here goes . . . let's look at the "Guardians of the Free Republics" story . . . .
However, like so many stories involving, Progressive Democrats, unions, and would-be marxists . . . unfortunately, a bit of a pre-amble is necessary. In this case three pre-ambles.
A. Faithful readers of Rajjpuut have come across the names Cloward and Piven and Alinsky often in the past. Cloward-Piven strategy should be understood by every patriotic American as well as its connection to the deliberate welfare overload and subsequent bankruptcy of New York City in 1975 (as its practicioners bragged and proudly published). ACORN's role in creating the sub-prime lending crisis has not been reported by the lamestream media, but it also was a Cloward-Piven attempt to overload the system (in this case, to abuse three ill-considered and faulty mortgage-guarantee laws) and to set up a hoped for groundswell for a socialist/marxist movement.

Cloward and Piven were disciples of Saul Alinsky. Saul Alinsky in his infamous "Rules for Radicals" loved to preach about the value of "misdirection." For example, this week in Nevada union folks and a well-known Democratic leader*** supporting Harry Reid first tried to misdirect buses of TEA Partiers going to a rally and then threw eggs at the TEA Party buses and then blamed the journalist covering the story for FOX news (of course, it was all on videotape and their "Alinsky Misdirects" didn't work) when a policeman came by. Less well-known is that the TEA Party got accused of racism and spitting on members of congress (neither charge proved) without documentary evidence and all the mainstream-lamestream media who have been talking about "the potential for violence" from these "splinter groups of extremists," ran with the story without video or audio footage as if it were real. This is literally straight out of the radical playbook.
B. The greatest legacy of such dirty tricks comes from a progressive Republican named Richard Nixon and before him a fellow who blew up a building in Berlin and blamed it on Communists: Adolf Hitler. So its been used by unscrupulous people from all over the political spectrum.
C. Often times the greatest benefit from the dirty tricksters lies in the "natural" tendency to respond by the victims of the dirty tricks. Looking at Gandhi's and Martin Luther King's experiences with non-violent protests, the authorities confronted all too often were all too willing to provoke violence from the protestors so that they might have a "reasonable" opportunity to counter with a truly heavy-handed retaliation. OK, back to the mystery of the "Guardians of the Free Republics" . . . .
The general truths when following any mystery is "follow the money" and "locate the beneficiaries" (and beneficiaries can benefit by power, fame, elimination of obstacles or other boons rather than just merely from money ) . . . In light of the big media to-do about this mysterious group calling themselves “Guardians of the Free Republics” who recently sent out letters apparently to ALL the state governors asking them to resign in three days or “be removed,” Ol’ Rajjpuut made an excursion to:

Where he was treated to a rather arrogant display with this message:

"Private web site under non-corporate venue.

This seal conveys immunity from public scrutiny, discretion, regulation or trespass.

Trespassers beware.

Co-claimant fee applies to impairment"
And a big red "Accept" button . . . .
Immediately the question, "Who's been talking about controlling the internet recently anyway?" (the Democrats) and the words "Horsecrap" and “Bullfeces” popped into the Ol’ boy’s brain. Since the only way to proceed was to click on "accept" and not understanding the legal mumbo-jumbo from a free unpassword protected internet domain that was talking about “tresspassers,” Rajjpuut hit the “Accept” button. But here again, more pretension. You have to hold down control and hit “Accept” simultaneously. Those little “Twilight Zone” sounds began to sputter in Rajjpuut’s tortured brain.
Another pretentious screen pops up. In the first paragraph . . . reference was made to “a bold achievable plan” (with "achievable" underlined) to “reconstruct the de jure instruments of government” which Rajjpuut in his plain-talking way responded to with the plainspeak comment “more Bullfeces” and interpreted to mean that they were saying they had a plan to replace the current government. OH, Yeah! What exactly are they smoking? Who exactly are they? Why this pretension? Why the secrecy and unspoken threats in their letters to the governors? Who would benefit if this farcicial group is made to appear real and violence against governors does occur (Many of the states are now suing the federal government and acting like the TEA Party goal of Constitutionality and fiscal-conservativism are their goals too . . . If an excuse for martial law occurs, Barak Obama is the only one who benefits if this group is real or in the more likely case that it's a put on to win him sympathy and power), who would benefit?

Next the site claimed that
After consultation with high ranking members of the United States armed forces, the Plan is in the process of assembling the Guardians of the Free Republics and reinhabiting the De jure Grand Juries to: . . . . with a list of 26 rather pretentious and megalomaniacal aims (considering that the site is anonymous and almost certainly has not talked with anybody of consequence in the military) some of which sound good to conservatives and most of which sound like something some 60’s hippy dreamed up after an encounter with a lot of bad mushrooms. This was followed by a link “for media inquiries only.”
Rajjpuut’s immediate feeling was this was something Barak Obama or his supporters cooked up to make conservatives sound like a-holes and take some of the sting away from the grassroots uprisings in favor of honoring the Constitution and returning the country to fiscal-conservativism. In short a way to win back the sentiment of the voters for Democrats they now distrusted. By the way, the persons trying to bankrupt the states with Obamacare are not TEA Party members but rather Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and 59 Democrats in the senate and 219 in the House of Representatives. And only they would benefit if the individual states or their governors were attacked and Obama could institute martial law as a result. Without 50 individual centers of government complaining about federal abuse a single country called "America" under Obama's rule is a marxist dream . . . none of that messy states' and individuals' rights to have to deal with . . . .
Conclusion: The Guardians group is a joke at best. More likely Left-wingers are up to more dirty tricks to justify violence and suppression of the people’s anti-big government sentiments and anti-socialist leanings. So Rajjpuut would say, the Guardians group is a left-wing imitation of Richard Nixon's Dirty Tricks Operations created
to cast disdain upon the TEA Party. In that light, the group is very dangerous and its ultimate intent is to make Barak Obama a de facto dictator via martial law . . . can't prove it, but that's the only logical conclusion to be drawn given the not-so-surprising timing of its overnight birth into our society. AMEN!

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

*** documented with videotape
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While Mr. Obama moves toward an amnesty bill making all illegal aliens instantly Democrats, er citizens, Mexican Drug Gangs had the audacity to attack two army bases just south of the border. Overall eighteen of the drug cartel’s attackers were killed outright and two more were wounded in the two fracases. How exactly, with what provisions, does Mr. Obama hope to limit the future entrants to our country to just including upstanding citizens? By the way, the Mexican Drug Cartel’s are reportedly threatening parents along the border with their childrens’ death if they in anyway get in the path of their activities . . . “kill your children and torch your homes” unless the threatened people pay five thousand pesos to the Cartel. Reportedly, some families are “making a run northward” now for their childrens’ safety. Makes you respect our nations’ drug addicts financing these cartels all the more, eh? The firepower along the border controlled by the Cartels has caused the Texas governor to call out the national guard for border patrol work.

Item: While Barak Obama clamors for Cap and Trade legislation which would cripple our already crippled economy, for the first time in several decades it appears that the Artic sea ice cover and the Antarctic sea ice cover are returning toward normal levels (the so-called 1980 baseline), but Al Gore and the global warming alarmists and the mainstream media that promote their party line aren’t correcting their rhetoric on climate change. Some scientists are saying that the 2007 low in Artic ice cover was probably NOT the result of extra warmth but rather may have been the result of recently discovered cyclical ocean currents pushing the ice that was there further south than normal where it melted of course. At present, the cyclical currents have shifted to more normal activities levels and directions.

Item: Although the liberal media have made a big deal out of Obama’s decision to drill offshore along the Atlantic coastline and Obama says he’s “increasing oil production,” the truth is anything but what’s being written. Obama’s decision was to “allow exploration” not to drill. The facts are that Obama has actually prohibited far more areas to exploration then he’s opened up; and he’s postponed the scheduled date of new leases. Expect gas prices at the pump to soar and do not expect any new drilling to occur. By the way, the Democrats and the Obama administration aren't talking about the vast Baaken Oil Fields covering about 22% of the heartland. A lot of jobs and a lot of oil and energy independence are waiting there. Right now just a small portion of that oil is available thanks to capitalist Indian tribes in North Dakota who cannot be told what to do by the federal government on their lands. We have deposits in the lower 48 right now that would dwarf what's available in Saudi Arabia and probably create six million new jobs . . . but Barak Obama wants you to remain ignorant of those facts.

Item: Today’s report that over 162,000 new jobs were created in the last month will be an outright fraud. Why? Among other things the 48,000 temporary Census jobs included in that figure are a once every ten year’s aberration and mean nothing to any economic recovery in the long run and over half the 162,000 jobs created are just that: temporary jobs created by the stimulus NOT real permanent jobs. If you include jobs created by the government in the mix, less than 45% of the new jobs are permanent real jobs in the real world.

Item: Despite all sorts of money thrown awkwardly at the economic problems by the Obama Administration (which doesn’t seem to understand that the only way governments can create real non-government jobs is by getting out of the economy’s way by reducing taxes, government obstruction to the free markets and other blockages that destroy the economy’s ability to naturally create jobs) the overall economy seems to be worsening. Bank failings continue at a record rate.

Item: Chrysler seems primed to ask for another bailout.

Item: The ACORN-driven sub-prime lending bust is still alive and the three mortgage-guarantee laws that ACORN abused to create it are still on the books. The Housing bust continues both for new homes and already existing homes. Overall for businesses and individuals loan payment delinquencies continue to pile up; bankruptcies and home foreclosures are running at record rates.

Item: We still have 9.7% unemployment and the overall unemployment rate increased slightly because more young people came onto the job market. It will take an average of 20,000 new jobs every month just to take care of these new workers but this would do nothing to replace or recreate the 8.4 million jobs which have disappeared since the government started stimulating the economy in October 2008.

Item: ACORN is now changing its name in all 50 states so they'll be eligible for government funding again. Remember, Barak Obama has close ties to ACORN and worked a few years as their lawyer forcing banks and lending institutions to make knowingly bad loans in line with three terrible laws created by the Democratic Party mostly but definitely NOT fought against resolutely enough by the Republicans. ACORN ran a Cloward-Piven scheme to overload the system and bring the country to crisis and move the country toward socialism. Until the Constitution is again respected and these laws are repealed and these type of abuses are prevented in the future, don’t expect much recovery, very soon.

ITEM: Item it would take over four consecutive years (about 50 consecutive months) of creating 162,000 jobs a month to regain the 8.4 million lost jobs and in the meantime, five million young people would also have entered the job market and be lacking jobs . . . the “Jobs President” better start earning his pay and his name.

Item: The real American average wage and the real American minimum wage both continue to fall thanks SLIGHTLY to inflation and employers’ reluctance to hire and take on new benefit-receiving employees in the present economic environment. And what is the real reason behind this drop? Illegal immigrants taking on jobs that many Americans won’t consider. Many employers can offer part-time no-benefit jobs because they don’t have an overriding need for full-time benefit-receiving normal American employees. Second prize in this sweepstakes goes to Unions continually out of touch drive to secure ever greater Cadillac benefit structures for their employees which employers have decided they will not pony up for.

Item: This one you WILL see in the liberal media. The N.Y. Times apparently got it right for once and Rajjpuut congratulates them. The Pope via a representative is attacking the Times’ coverage of the child-abuse scandal by Catholic priests saying it is one sided and exaggerated. Thirty years worth of problems is not exaggeration, it is a holocaust of trust. The Pope who once was a Hitler Youth can NOT reasonably hope to pull a Nazi shut-down on the media. This problem of abuse and more importantly of cover-up of abuse by the church and its officials goes back at least two popes and the present Pope appears himself to be implicated in the cover-up from years ago. Children are vulnerable little people and their health and safety and happiness can never be politicized . . . if the Pope wants this problem to go away, he needs to open all the church’s appropriate records on abuse and cover-up to the world’s media and to pledge to track the problem down all the way to a satisfactory conclusion. A church, above any other institution needs to be a place where people are safe, especially children.

Item: Obama’s efforts to change “Undocumented Future Democrats” into citizens is just the latest travesty. For years now, the social security administration and individual states have routinely been issuing identification to illegal immigrants. Even without this type documentation, ACORN was able to secure thousands of mortgage-guarantees for illegal aliens in the southwest. Rewarding all this duplicity by awarding citizenship is a slap in the puss to native born and naturalized citizens. If you thought Obamacare was divisive, watch what’ll happen to the country as a result of the Obama-Citizenship-Giveaway.

Item: Recently Jim Moran (D-Va) refused to answer a reporter’s questions about the “clerical error” that cost $6.4 Billion in lost stimulus funds supposedly aimed to help out in Virginia’s 12th District. One slight problem, there is no
12th district in Virginia. Moran spent about five minutes asking for respect rather than responding to the questions. Somehow the Obama stimulus folks created an untraceable slush fund for somebody, NICE!

Item: Liberal bloggers are labeling the “Faith, Hope and Charity” T-shirts being sold by Glen Beck as “hate merchandise to raise hate funds for bigot war chests.” Proceeds go to charity reportedly and Rajjpuut was unable to prove otherwise. Talking about Beck and the TEA Party and the T-shirts mentioned under the title “Nightmare in White,” one blogger starts ranting with the words, “there are an awful lot of angry white people in this country” as he went on to once again accuse all “Tea baggers” (which he knows is a sexual slur used by Democrats; the proper term is “TEA Party people”) of racism and hate crimes he implied that no TEA Party folks are NOT white; No TEA Party folks are NOT racists and all TEA Party folks are the scum of the earth and also are members in the KKK and other such organization. Certainly, Rajjpuut has seen with his own eyes that of those accusations exactly NONE are true. The aim of Democrats to marginalize the TEA Party people seems like a very short-sighted and even despicable course of action.

Item: The H1Ni vaccine was only 53% successfully issued. Right now virtually all the unused vaccine is in danger of reaching its expiration date and being thrown away. Hmmm after all the hype from the Obama administration and the shortages in vaccine amounts . . . one would have expected an out-of-control H1N1 flu epidemic in the country
. . . but until today’s news, Rajjpuut for one, hadn’t thought about H1N1 in thirteen or fourteen months.

Item: both Vice President Joe Biden’s and the New York Times’ literal admissions that Obamacare was really not about health care reform at all, but rather a wealth-redistribution scheme . . . have not been repeated . . . realizing their mistake the Veep and the newspaper in question have refrained from further responses to reporters seeking more information. Ooops, didn’t mean to tell the truth . . . .

Item: The mainstream media has ignored the fact that Obamacare not only took over 16% of the economy when it became law and began controlling the health industry. It also took over the student loan industry at the same time.
Item: if you are really a patriotic American, may prove to be one of the most exciting and pertinent websites you'll ever visit. Remember when Bill Clinton tried to run roughshod over the country in 1993 and 1994 with a nationwide takeover of the health care industry that only failed because he was NOT despicable enough to use all the dirty tricks and bribes and reconciliation BS that Obama has . . . the country voted huge numbers of Democrats out of office and for the first time in about 50 years installed Republican majorities in both houses of congress. Then the Republicans put into effect their "Contract with America" (they passed nine of the ten items on the contract) and the deficit plummeted and the country's prosperity was undeniable. Today the TEA Party has listened to Americans and come up with a list of 21 items that Americans have decided are important to them. That contract "with" America by the Republicans was a good idea but their "Contract FROM America is a better one . . . The TEA Party wants to find out which are the TOP TEN CONCERNS of patriotic citizens and then to use those top ten concerns to create a platform for politicians to sign for 2010. Go to the website above and vote for your top ten concerns. Rajjpuut's were: 1.Protecting the Constitution 2. Health Care Repeal and then Real Health Care Reform 3. Stopping Cap and Trade 4. Ending runaway government Spending 5. Real Transparency in government 6. No more bailouts 7. All of the above energy policy 8. Restore fiscal responsibility and Constitutionally-Limited government 9. Stop the tax hikes and 10. Demand a balanced budget . . . which is a good list, but probably not your list . . . go to the site and make your preferences known . . . .

Item: Drug Enforcement Act (DEA) officials are now visiting southern Afghanistan in America’s belated realization that opium is at the heart of the Taliban and Al Qaeda efforts in that country with the profits from opium funding their insurgency. The strange thing is that many compatible farm products are more profitable than poppies (almost all the profit from illegal drugs come after harvest and refinement) but it’s believed the Taliban likes the poppy for traditional reasons and because it plays a big role in advancing “American decadence” according to their ideology. Rajjpuut feels a strong bond to the drug addicts who help fund the killing of our soldiers.

Item: President Obama has effectively politicized the EPA (consider the edict to stop irrigation of central California farms and raise unemployment to protect the Delta Smelt <tiny fish>) and will now seek to ram through an EPA directive to ram through cap and trade legislation that Democrats have not been able to pass through the senate. This is yet another “end run” around lawful legislation processes with Obama’s arrogant administration attempting to regulate what they cannot legislate. It’s all just one more huge attempt to erode the Constitution’s authority. Just as Obamacare is, in effect, a tax on living . . . Cap and Trade type laws or edicts are nothing more than a tax on companies that actually build or create something . . . . it appears that Barak Obama intends to turn off all the lights in America . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Yet Out Of The Other Side Of His Mouth...

When obama hooks up the corner of his mouth to the side of his face during a speech, it must make you wonderwhat he is trying to hide, or how is he trying to deceive us with theuse of pretty words.

The body language gives him away.

Katie "Jane, you ignorant slut" Couric suffers the same affliction.

Let's consider obama's takeover of the student loan business and his healthcare bamboozle.

obama's recent gobbling up of private sector business comes in the formof his giving the government full control of the federal student loanmarket.

The problem obama says is that the subsidies the government was payingto banks to run the program was merely a sweetheart deal for the banksand was needlessly costing the government billions of dollars.

So obama takes away the middleman and another revenue stream from thebanks (that ought to help the economy) and says that students willapply for and receive their student loans directly from the federalliberal government.

Doing away with government paid subsidies for student loans will save us billions.

However, speaking out of the other side of his mouth, obama iscurrently on another 'obama tour' trying to indoctrinate the citizenryinto accepting the notion that government paid subsidies to theinsurance industry is change that is good and will also save usbillions.

How does that work when the insurance industry surely dwarfs that ofthe student loan industry and the subsidies will thus be larger?

What role for taxes and fees and fines not called taxes?

obama says this healthcare program is an important first step, abeginning. Does that mean he will eventually bump his head and realizethat paying subsides to insurance companies has also cost us needlessbillions, thus, the government will now take over offering healthcareto it's 'citizens' directly?

And what strings will be attached to student loans? Will applicantsonly receive cash if they attend some college created by the governmentthat has a professor named Sharpton, Jackson, Wright, Pelosi, Reed,Geithner, or Emanuel?

Will applicants have to major in community agitation as theorized by the likes of Saul Alinsky or those at ACORN?

His strings have been there before. Many recipients of his jobsprogram money said thanks, but no thanks, due to government mandated'strings." Not all states applied for Sec. of Education arne "I haveno educational degree" Duncan's recent funding program due to it's'strings.' Under obamacare insurers must offer health care plans thatmeet minimum requirements....requirements set by obama's government.

America wake up.

Before obama steals your alarm clock.

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'Bondage-gate' spurs donor drain for RNC

It's not bad enough that, for some time forward, the words "Republican National Committee" will be the most frequent phrase surfacing in online search terms using the words "West Hollywood bondage club." Now leaders of the RNC have to contend with the defection of key constituencies from the committee's donor base. You just wonder what were they thinking or are they just plain stupid. The later more so than not..
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