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The world was glued to TV’s dramatic accounting of 33 Chilean miners’ release from their 69 day imprisonment a half-mile down. For Chili, it was a day to celebrate. But more, the world contributed, especially the United States. This event tells us what can be accomplished when we all hope and pray for success.

It was Europe’s aristocracy that drove millions of Europeans to trade for opportunity, independence, personal responsibility and self-reliance. The values and principles that emerged from that European exodus resulted in America’s free enterprise system. America became the most prosperous nation on earth. Your President goes about the world apologizing for America. It is not our prosperity. Our prosperity has made us the most generous nation on earth. The rich don’t take from the poor. They give to the poor.

The economic bust in the early 1930s and the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt left a large number of Americans destitute for an extended period. This was not the first economic bust, but the longest lasting by far. Roosevelt named it the “Great Depression.” It was not until World War II put everyone back to work that Roosevelt’s prolonged depression ended.

The war ended the Great Depression. Why didn’t it end Roosevelt’s depression day ideas? The war left America with the withholding tax, worker pay workers never saw. The return to prosperity merely gave Roosevelt’s “New Deal” ideas the opportunity to grow government though income redistribution, in fact, like crazy, thereby growing a government dependent class with the right to vote. More than half of the American people came to depend on government while the taxpayers slept. Of course the numbers don’t work. Government now has the American people in an out-of-control spending trap.

What happens when America goes bankrupt, morally, spiritually, and fiscally? Reminding us that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, the powers that be can start from scratch to rebuild with their noble notions of a perfect world, while we the people are all left equally without the power to control our own lives, all left pawns of the aristocracy.

Obama says we can afford another terrorist attack. Good riddance! Obama will apologize. We can afford the loss of life. Maybe we need another World War. The world is over-populated. War can be a good thing if you are one of those with noble ideas of the perfect world.

The signs are clearly there. The end of America as we know her is looming. It reminds me of my own life. I was forced to make a drastic change. It wasn’t a pretty picture. However, instead of becoming the usual chip on the tides of time, I became the pioneer seeking to discover the real me. When everything should have gone wrong, everything started going right. I’m aware of the Higher Law, which is the background of American constitutional law. My life is now as good as it gets. The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they produced America’s Constitution.

The fear of failure leaves us craving for cradle to grave security. Knowing this, Roosevelt caught America in an economic bust, in a weak moment. He said we have nothing to fear but fear itself, and proceeded to replace opportunity with government dependence, thereby shattering America’s Constitution. He helped the meek and poor to become hopeless government dependents. Instead of basic law that doesn’t change, it is now according to today’s needs, which can be anything. For instance, Latin women make better judges than white males.

Consciously or unconsciously, Roosevelt was possessed with the idea of power and control. Roosevelt’s skunk under the woodpile now gives us the Obama Administration, and the good humor man, President Obama to peddle his wares. At this time, business isn’t too good for Obama. The American people have lost their taste for his wares.

It does look like a change of the guard. Can we expect the Republicans to return to the principles and values of the Founding Fathers, with more than half of the American people depending on government? I don’t think so. There has yet been no real answer for runaway government spending, nothing but a political promise, and you know how good that is. “Read my lips. No new taxes.”

There are proper cures. My thought is to end this can of worms the same way we got into the mess. Don’t end Social Security and Medicare for those near or already on it. Stop the payroll deductions on new workers. Don’t give them government entitlement; give them opportunity. Government doesn’t produce wealth. It redistributes wealth. The economy produces wealth. Do away with the income tax. Replace it with a tax on spending. Business enterprises could invest in their businesses. Investors could invest in the economy. Government would shrink; the economy would grow. Politicians are going to do what’s best for them. You don’t for one second think your representatives would call for doing away with government entitlement, do you? The Tea Party is America’s only hope. We’ve must tell the politicians what we want.

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get prepared it's comimg

Government Prepares To Seize Private Pensions


Massive wealth confiscation program would replace 401(k) system with Social Security-run ponzi scheme

The government is preparing to seize the private 401(k) pensions of millions of Americans while enforcing an additional 5 per cent payroll tax as part of a new bailout program that will empower the Social Security Administration to redistribute pension funds in a frightening example of big government gone wild.

Public pension plans have been so aggressively looted already by the government that cities and counties face a $574 billion funding gap, according to a CNBC report.

That black hole is set to be filled by a new proposal that will “fairly” distribute taxpayer-funded pensions to everyone, by confiscating the private wealth of millions of Americans. Its proponents express staggering arrogance in thinking that they can just steal money people have worked for decades to accrue as if it’s their own.

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Colonels and Generals have facially dominant features.


Few individuals would be surprised to find out that
models are better looking than the average
individual in the population. Inthis case, this
is expected in that the defining feature of being
amodel is to be good-looking. Are there other
professions wherein yourlooks might affect your
career success? How about the military? Might
it be the case that our warriors should look
the part?

In 1996, Ulrich Mueller and the biosociologist

Allan Mazur conducted a study to determine

whether dominance-related facial features of

West Point cadets (as displayed in their

yearbooks) might be predictive of their

promotion to the most senior military ranks.

Independent raters scored the cadets' portraits

on a 1 to 7 scale, ranging from ‘very submissive'

to ‘very dominant'. The median score across all

raters was taken as the "facial" score of a given

portrait. Other variables that were investigated

were athletic ability, cadets' scores on the

General Order of Merit (which captures several

dimensions including scholastic and leadership

abilities), sociability, attendance at a War College

, parents' education, and the military branch that

a cadet ended up serving in.

Several analyses were conducted to gauge the
extent to which each of the latter variables affected
career promotions. One might think that in a
"pure" meritocracy, facial features should not
have any effect on one'sascendancy within the
organization in question. However, to the extent
that valuable information is gleaned from one's
facial morphology(e.g., the level of exposure to
pubertal testosterone)then it might make sense
that such biometrics matter in particularcontexts.
In line with this reasoning, Mueller and Mazur
found that thefacial dominance of the cadets was
operative in predicting more seniormilitary promotions
(i.e., at the level of Colonel and General). Ofcourse
, facial dominance was not the sole predictor of
ascendancy in themilitary ranks. However to the
extent that it had a significanteffect, this strikes
me as a rather interesting finding.

In future posts, I'll be discussing several more studies

that have documented the effects of our morphological

features across a wide range of domains. For those

interested in this area, I cover this matter in greater

detail in chapter 10 of my forthcoming trade book

The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers,

Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About

Human Nature (Prometheus Books, 2011).

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Test Yourself

Anger Test - Abridged

Is your temper under control?


Do stress and anxiety interfere with your life?

Arguing Style

How your arguing style impacts your relationships.


Do you stand up for yourself?


Can't concentrate? Learn how to focus your attention.

Attention Span Test

Do you focus on a task or zone out?

Bipolar Depression Quiz

Are your emotional highs and lows normal?

Blood Pressure Quiz

Are you one of the 65 million Americans at risk?

Burnout (For Non-Service Industries)

Are you pushing yourself too hard?

Burnout (For Service Industries)

Are you pushing yourself too hard?

Can you be an Entrepreneur?

Find out if your success lies in the business world.

Career Advancement

Do you have the skills and attitude to move up?


Is caregiving the job for you?

Commitment Readiness

Are you ready to commit?

Communication Skills

Are delivering your message loud and clear?


Can you focus on the task at hand?

Coping Skills

How well do you react to rough times?

Creative Problem-Solving

Don't get stuck in a rut.


Can you take negative feedback like a pro?


Are you suffering from depression?

Does worrying affect your health?

Find out if your fretting is taking a toll.

Driving Personality

Do you need to cool your jets?

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Have a Personal Value System

A personal value system is a set of principles or

ideals that drive and/or guide your behavior.

Your personal value system gives you structure

and purpose by helping you determine what is

meaningful and important to you.

It helps you express who you are and what you

stand for. If you are unaware of, or become

disconnected with your values, you end up

making choices out of impulse or instant

gratification rather than on solid reasoning

and responsible decision-making. Your values

define your character .


They impact every aspect of your life including

personal and work behaviors, your interactions

with family, friends and co-workers; your

decision-making processes and the direction

you take in life. This is why it is so important

to know what you value and what is

important to you.

Four Categories of a Personal Value System

Personal Values - Personal values are those traits

we see as worth aspiring to, and that define our


Spiritual Values - The values that connect us to

a higher power and give us a sense of purpose

beyond our material existence.

Family Values - To love and care for those we

are close to; our children, our parents, other family

members, and our friends.

Career Values - The best use and expression of

our talents and skills for the purposes of contributing

to society and for monetary compensation.

Which values do we as social beings find


No matter what tradition we are brought up in, there

are characteristics we value in others which transcend

social, economic and religious boundaries. Some of

these characteristics are:


Integrity is trustworthiness, honesty and uprightness

of character. We value people of integrity because we

know what to expect from them. We know they will act

honorably and that they will do what they think is right.

We want people with integrity as our friends, on our

teams and in our organizations.


Respect is honoring the worth and dignity of all

people. Those who respect others treat them with

fairness and courtesy. They treat others the way

they themselves wish to be treated.


Loyalty is a commitment and faithfulness to a

person or cause. Those who are loyal to their

family, friends, organizations and country stand

behind and support them during good times and

bad times. They can be counted on to be there

when the going gets difficult and to help out

when the chips are down.


Those who accept responsibility are reliable,

dependable and willing to take accountability

for who they are and what they do. They believe

they have a moral obligation to help others

and to make a contribution to the society

they live in.

No matter what values we choose live by, it

is vital that we look at the big picture, assess

what we want our role to be, and map out

how we intend to conduct our lives.
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A personal value system is a set of principles or

ideals that drive and/or guide your behavior.

Your personal value system gives you structure

and purpose by helping you determine what is

meaningful and important to you.

It helps you express who you are and what you

stand for. If you are unaware of, or become

disconnected with your values, you end up

making choices out of impulse or instant

gratification rather than on solid reasoning

and responsible decision-making. Your values

define your character .


They impact every aspect of your life including

personal and work behaviors, your interactions

with family, friends and co-workers; your

decision-making processes and the direction

you take in life. This is why it is so important

to know what you value and what is

important to you.

Four Categories of a Personal Value System

Personal Values - Personal values are those traits

we see as worth aspiring to, and that define our


Spiritual Values - The values that connect us to

a higher power and give us a sense of purpose

beyond our material existence.

Family Values - To love and care for those we

are close to; our children, our parents, other family

members, and our friends.

Career Values - The best use and expression of

our talents and skills for the purposes of contributing

to society and for monetary compensation.

Which values do we as social beings find


No matter what tradition we are brought up in, there

are characteristics we value in others which transcend

social, economic and religious boundaries. Some of

these characteristics are:

Integrity is trustworthiness, honesty and uprightness

of character. We value people of integrity because we

know what to expect from them. We know they will act

honorably and that they will do what they think is right.

We want people with integrity as our friends, on our

teams and in our organizations.


Respect is honoring the worth and dignity of all

people. Those who respect others treat them with

fairness and courtesy. They treat others the way

they themselves wish to be treated.


Loyalty is a commitment and faithfulness to a

person or cause. Those who are loyal to their

family, friends, organizations and country stand

behind and support them during good times and

bad times. They can be counted on to be there

when the going gets difficult and to help out

when the chips are down.


Those who accept responsibility are reliable,

dependable and willing to take accountability

for who they are and what they do. They believe

they have a moral obligation to help others

and to make a contribution to the society

they live in.

No matter what values we choose live by, it

is vital that we look at the big picture, assess

what we want our role to be, and map out

how we intend to conduct our lives.
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VetsforNY Press Release:

According to Lalor, "The fundamental problem with

government at all levels is that it is populated with

self-serving politicians and bureaucrats. True reform

can only be achieved if we elect candidates who will

put the interest of the people first. Since veterans

have already demonstrated selfless service to

country they make the ideal candidates to address

the many problems we face."

Continued Lalor, "As conservatives our candidates

will give voice to hardworking patriotic New Yorkers

who believe in limited government, free enterprise

and traditional values."

Lalor is also the founder of Iraq Veterans for Congress

, a federal PAC that supports conservative Iraq and

Afghanistan veterans running for Congress. In the

2010 election cycle the group has raised more than

$100,000 from over 10,000 donors in all fifty states

and has made major contributions to more than a

dozen campaigns throughout the country.

"Iraq Veterans For Congress has helped many

veteran candidates running for Congress and I am

confident that we can duplicate and improve upon

this success at the state level," said Lalor.

Vets For New York's website (

lists its initial slate of endorsed candidates. Lalor

plans to release formal endorsement press releases

in support of each candidate in the days to come

and says that the group is researching other veteran

candidates around the state. Concluded Lalor, "A valid

complaint about the Republican establishment in New

York is that they have for decades failed to identify

and support a new generation of exciting and dynamic

leaders. Vets For New York is addressing this problem

by simultaneously supporting a handful of principled

incumbents while also helping a number of fresh faces

with new ideas get their start."

Vets For New York (VFNY) is a registered political

action committee supporting the campaigns of

conservative Republican veterans running for

federal, state, county and local office in New York

State. VFNY looks for conservative Republican

veterans who are determined to become a voice

for our troops, veterans and hardworking New

Yorkers who believe in limited government, free

enterprise and traditional values.

VFNY was founded by Kieran Michael Lalor, an

attorney and Marine Corps veteran of Operation

Iraqi Freedom.

VFNY Contact:
Kieran Michael Lalor
(845) 616-3509

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Justin Coussoule
(pronounced kuh-soo-lee)

• West Point Graduate and former Army Captain
• Attorney
• Small business owner
• Corporate purchasing manager at Procter & Gamble
• Husband and father of two

Justin brings a wealth of experience and a passion for public service to his
fight to take Ohio’s 8th Congressional District back from the grip of
Washington’s ultimate insider and champion of corporate special interests,
John Boehner, and return forward progress to the district.

Working-Class Roots

Justin was born and raised in Adams, a small town of fewer than 9,000, named
for patriot Samuel Adams and the birthplace of suffragette Susan B. Anthony.
An all-American community ringed by pastoral dairy farms and the picturesque
wooded hills of the Berkshires, Adams is home to working-class families that
have experienced the decline of a once thriving manufacturing base and know
well the struggle to create new economic opportunities. From a family whose

heritage is Greek, Irish, Italian and French, Justin's roots represent the promise

of American opportunity.

Justin knew the dignity of public service from an early age through the example
of his grandfathers, one a 30-year police officer and the other a career
firefighter. Justin also learned the meaning and value of hard work from his
family. His paternal grandmother labored in a textile mill as a young woman.
Justin’s maternal grandmother raised eight children and owned her own
business, running a boarding house. His mother also owned and operated a
small business, and eventually retired from a career as a commercial food
worker. His father was a self-employed roofer and painter, and Justin spent
many hours working alongside him. Justin’s small-town roots and working-class
family upbringing formed the values and work ethic that have guided him
throughout his life, and which continue to define him to this day.

Military Service

A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Justin had the
privilege and honor to serve as a commissioned Army officer for over five
and a half years with the men and women of our Armed Forces. Justin’s
years as a West Point cadet and Army officer reinforced the core principle
he first learned from his family and hometown: always put the welfare of
those you serve first.

Public Service

Following his military service, Justin earned a law degree at the University
of Maryland School of Law in Baltimore. While a law student, he worked in city,
state and federal government. With the City of Baltimore, Justin worked on the
mayor’s initiative to eliminate blighted property in urban neighborhoods by
returning 5,000 neglected properties to productive use. With the Office of the
Attorney General of Maryland, Justin worked to enforce regulations against
tobacco companies and testified before the state legislature in support of bills
designed to reduce the sale and use of tobacco. Justin also served within the
Federal Government, where he interned for Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D
NY) in his Capitol Hill office assisting with legal and legislative affairs. Each of
these experiences confirmed Justin’s firm conviction that public servants have
an obligation to work to serve the people - to help improve their lives.

Legal Experience

After graduating from law school, Justin was admitted to the Massachusetts
Bar and was hired as an associate attorney at a regional law firm. Assigned

to the firm’s litigation department, Justin practiced primarily in the state

Worker’s Compensation system, advocating on behalf of injured workers and

fighting to secure payment of their compensation and benefits for
work-related injuries. Here, Justin saw first hand the struggles of the working

middle class, and the urgent need to stand up to insurance companies and

big business to fight for what was right and fair for working families.

Business Experience

While working as an attorney, Justin also established a small business, serving

as both general manager and construction laborer. For two years, Justin

managed the rehabilitation of aging properties for new residential and commercial

uses. The main street commercial property now houses three small businesses:

a candy shop, a clothing retailer and an antique furniture shop. The other

property consists of four affordable housing units.

After relocating for his wife’s career, Justin accepted a position as a corporate

purchasing manager at Procter & Gamble, a global consumer products company

headquartered in Cincinnati. Justin’s day-to-day responsibilities at P&G include:

stewardship of company assets; saving company money; and building

collaborative business partnerships to achieve common objectives.

Justin’s experiences as both a small business owner and corporate

employee have provided him with first-hand insight into the challenges

that confront businesses large and small. Justin’s experiences in the

business community solidified his belief that government can play a vital

role in fostering a vibrant and responsible private sector.

Family Values

Justin, 35, and his wife Amanda have been married
for nearly ten years. Amanda, also a West Point
graduate and former Army officer, works full-time in
corporate sales in the consumer products industry.
Justin and Amanda are blessed with two children,
Caroline (4) and John (3), and live in Liberty
Township, Ohio, where they are proud to call the
8th District and southwest Ohio their home.

Read more…

Linda Feldmann, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor /
February 22, 2006

They call themselves the Band of Brothers, about 50 men -

and a few women - all Democrats, all opposed to the Bush

administration's handling of Iraq, and all military veterans.

One more thing: They're all running for Congress this year.

Not since 1946 have so many vets from one party come

together in a political campaign, they claim. Their wildest

dream is to give the Democratic Party the extra edge it needs

- by boosting its weak image on defense and patriotism -

to end Republican control of the House.

They also know it's a long shot: Many are running against

incumbents in safe Republican districts. Many also face

competitive primaries against Democratic opponents with

more political experience and access to money.

Among the Democratic vet candidates, 10 have served

in either Afghanistan or the current Iraq war, or both.

Only one - Maj. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, who is

competing for the seat of retiring Republican Henry
Hyde - was recruited by the national Democratic Party

Political handicappers give her the best shot at making

it to Washington of all the Democratic vets running.

Handicappers also mention Patrick Murphy of
Pennsylvania - an Iraq vet trying to unseat a first-term

Republican, Mike Fitzpatrick, in a Democratic-leaning

district - as having potential, though fundraising has

been slow.

The only other Democratic Iraq war vet with a national

political profile, Paul Hackett of Ohio, dropped out of his

US Senate race Feb. 14 under pressure from party leaders.

They wanted to avoid a costly primary and instead steered
Mr. Hackett back to a second try at the House seat he

almost won last year. His surprise near-victory in a special

election for a presumed safe Republican seat earned him

national notice - and may have inspired
other Democratic war vets to jump into politics.

Mike Lyon, who launched the Band of Brothers political

action committee in December, has found the going

tough. He's raised only $40,000 so far.

"If resources continue to flow the same way, not many

[will win] - I'm being frank," says Mr. Lyon, who is based in

Richmond, Va. "But if we can go out and build awareness

about their campaigns and provide resources to level the

playing field for the November general [election], then I
think a lot of these guys will be competitive. We're still

getting the lay of the land."

Analysts agree that the novice candidates have their work

cut out for them. They have to develop a full congressional

agenda, campaigning ability, and networking skills that

show they're ready for prime time. Being a Johnny-one-

note against the war isn't enough, say political observers.

"They're running for Congress, not commander in chief,"

says Amy Walter, a specialist in House races for the

nonpartisan Cook Political Report. "Obviously, Iraq's

an important issue, but at the same time, they need be

able to talk about health care, the economy, gas prices."

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee,

which recruits and helps candidates the party believes

can win, has not made a special effort to recruit Iraq war
vets, says spokeswoman Sarah Feinberg. "What we have

done is to recruit the best possible candidate in every district,"

she says.

But as the election year unfolds - including Republican

-dominated scandals and low presidential popularity -

analysts don't rule out the potential for a
national wave that could make some usually safe

seats competitive. GOP control of the House remains

slim, with 230 Republicans, 202 Democrats, 1
independent, and two vacancies. "The Democrats' best

chance of winning a majority is to expand the playing

field beyond the three dozen or so [seats] that have

been in play in recent years," says Rhodes
Cook, an independent political analyst. Candidates

with the Iraq credential could end up being "a twofer

for the Democrats. Not only do they have the goodwill

of the recent Iraq war vet, but [they] also help
offset a party weakness, which is being kind of

light on defense."

The Republicans have one Iraq war vet running for

Congress, Van Taylor of Texas, who is trying to knock

off Rep. Chet Edwards (D). Carl Forti, spokesman for

the National Republican Campaign Committee, says 38
Republicans with military experience are running for

Congress. When asked if any of the Democratic vets

pose a threat to any Republicans, his answer is simple:


Still, "being a vet is a good résumé item to have," says

Mr. Forti. "It brings a certain level of approval."

[What does is matter if vets are Democrat, Libertarian
, Independent, Republican, or Green party? It doesn't.
What matters is that our leaders know the value of
service. Wouldn't you rather have a person who knows
how to lead based on experience and training? Or a
person who tells you he/she can lead based on no
service record whatsoever?]

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Seek and You will find

America was born under the sign of Aquarius. Her Constitution expressed the Aquarian point of view. I was born Aquarius rising, which meant as I grew older I became more Aquarian.

We are taught from earliest childhood an established way to think, depending on where and when we are born. It has everything to do with the state of the nation’s economy. It goes with the territory we’ve entered in America that the economy would falter. We depend too much on government.

My parents told me I asked too many questions. They were conformists. I’m a born adventurer. At age five, I set out to see the world. The cops found me a mile away from home talking with a yardman. At age 49, when I was out of work, I took a vocational guidance test. The test told me that I was as adventurous as the average 18 year-old.

At age 49, my business enterprise was on the rocks and my wife was divorcing me. I blamed it all on America’s government. Since I had a personal stake in the outcome, I was allowed to take the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to court. I’m not a lawyer. I went to the county law library and studied constitutional law concerning the income tax and determined the United States was a liar and a fraud. This non-conformist felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling.

Coincidentally, at this time, my ruling planet, Uranus, had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born. It meant I would be under pressure to change my life. Under the circumstances, it should come as no surprise that I would choose to go to sea. Was it really a coincidence?

I bought a sailboat and set sail on the South Atlantic, in the Bermuda Triangle, one of the world’s most treacherous ocean areas. In August 1976, at 2 a.m., I ran into Tropical Storm Dottie, moving northward out from Florida’s east coast. I was on my way from Nassau to Florida. We, my three friends and I, were in the middle of the Gulf Stream, which moves northward. The wind was coming from the north, which meant the seas would be higher and steeper.

I was sailing into high, steep seas. If one should break, we’d be pitchpoled. I was sailing as close to the wind as I could, spilling most of it, with the rail a few inches above the sea. If I fell off, we’d have been knocked flat on the water. If I sailed too close to the wind, my sail could back. The wind would carry the boom across decks with such force that we could be demasted. It was like walking a tightrope. I steered by the slope of the deck for eight hours.

Before the storm, my course had been southwest to allow for the northern drift in the Gulf Stream. When the storm hit, I changed course to the north. We should have been far to the north of a true course. The storm had moved ahead of us. With daylight, I was astounded. Going into a tough, all I could see was sea. Going up, all I could see was sky. Imagine the stress on a ship that straddles the seas, the bow plowing straight into a 30 foot wave. In such conditions, there are rogue waves. Little wonder there are many missing ships in the Bermuda Triangle.

As we rolled over a huge sea, I spotted smokestacks in the west, which turned out to be those of Florida Power and Light, a mile south of our destination, Lake Worth Inlet. We were horrified to see seas breaking completely across the inlet.

Something told me to go for it. Seas were breaking on both sides of us. We slid down the one behind us into the inlet. It never broke. My friends called it miracle that we were alive. It was one of the unsolved mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, only in the reverse. We were saved by God’s grace. You only hear the bad news stories. There are rumors of time warps. It appears that a time warp placed me where I wanted to be. I must have had a purpose. I’ve never forgotten that.

On another occasion, I mentally picked up on cries of distress and sailed straight to three young people who were snorkeling over a reef and got caught in an ocean current. They had drifted miles on the current. While at sea, I saved seven lives from a watery grave, including my own. Was it a coincidence that I studied the Constitution and had a bigger than life calling? We want our America back!

After I left the life at sea, I met my present wife, Karen. The moment I met her, it was like meeting an old friend I’d not seen for a long time. On our first date, Karen blurted out, “I want ours to be a platonic relationship.” Fifteen years later, a friend gave Karen a compatibility report he had made from astrological software in his computer. I read, “The platonic thing was there from the start, and there is a sense of the brotherly and sisterly between you. Even if lovers, you will always be first and foremost, good friends.” Absolutely, my life is blessed. This was a sign.

Richard Tarnas, a distinguished philosopher and cultural historian, spent 30 years of meticulous research on the outer planets’ alignments and found consistent correspondence between those planets’ alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. In the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Jesus, “in earth as it is in heaven” (from the Lord’s prayer), it seems the alignment of the outer planets connects. Tarnas reports that in November 2008 Saturn and Pluto went into unfavorable alignment, which happens to be the month and year Obama was elected.

From the cutting edge of science, says quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, “it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the developments of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation.” We exist in a state of mind—unbounded. We set the boundary. Walker says science has learned from subatomic particles, the aspects of matter, that they form a dimension of infinite possibility. We think with our minds. A thought takes no shape but is ultimately our reality. Something more, according to Walker, is our minds interacting with matter. “And God said, Let us make man in our image” Gen. 1:26.

Astrological charts don’t fit conformists, people of lesser wills. I’m a strong willed non-conformist. My chart fits me like a hand in a glove. In line with my chart, after I knew my Constitution, had my bigger than life calling, I began to learn through the school of hard knocks my purpose in life. I got on my path of destiny. I’m an Aquarian peace maker.

I read in Matthew that Jesus said an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is not the way to go. America is on the wrong course. We should love our enemies and pray for them. I read that if we don’t forgive our enemies we will not be forgiven. I read that we should do unto others as we would have them do unto us. I read that we cannot serve two masters. But I also read that we should be aware of false prophets that come in sheep’s clothing, but are inwardly raving wolves.

What Jesus says in Matthew in so many words is that the blind are leading the blind. Jesus said the way to destruction is broad and the way to life is narrow. In other words, the wise learn from our mistakes. If we cling to the trunk, never taking a chance, we will never be prepared for what is to come. Chance favors the prepared mind.

We are entering the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood. Uranus rules Aquarius. Friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians. We are stubborn in our beliefs. We are annoyed by those who fail to understand us. We do not like hypocrisy. We operate as equals among equals. We are independent. We derive our security from being in the company of like thinkers. Welcome to the Tea Party.

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Do You Like My Health Care Plan?

Do You Like My Health Care Plan?

That Barak man.
That Barak man,
I do not like that Barak man.

Do you like my Health Care Plan?

I do not like your Health Care Plan.
I do not like it, Barak man.

Would you like it if you knew
All the dough it saves for you?

It does not save me any dough.
If you had read it, you would know.

Would you like it if you knew
just how well it covers you.

It does not cover me as well
as what I’ve got. It’s just a shell.

Would you like it if you knew
that it’s the same for me and you?

If that is so, as you would tout,
then why has congress opted out?

Would you like it if you knew
that everyone must buy it too?

If I don’t, as we shall see,
The IRS will come for me.

I’m happy with the plan I’ve got
It is not perfect, but so what?

I do not like this plan of yours.
It costs more than all our wars.

There’s other ways of saving dough,
but you and congress wouldn’t know.

There’s other ways to make it fair,
but you and congress didn’t care.

We’ve got a plan that’s just not right,
voted in the dark of night.

It does not do what you have said
and fills me with a sense of dread.

This plan is bad and I resent
what you have done as President.

So I will vote to throw out you
and all your friends that passed it too.

I do not like your Health Care Plan
I do not like it Barak man.

Read more…
I do.

My spiritual guide is an angel. I call her Mother.
She is Mother because of her large size.
I am a mere child.

She comes to me in my dreams
(you know when I am sleeping)
She probably does so because
otherwise, I'd be scared of her.
Sleeping is my comfort zone.
so it is where she visits me.

She shows me ill wills in the world
and what I must do to prevent hate
from spoiling spiritual connection.


This is a time of great turbulation
There are people in this world
that are in the process of deceiving
you. Manipulate you into believing
what "isn't" really is.

Such for example the Jihad
magazine that was recently released

Know that it is being used to
scare you. The powers that be
are using this magazine
to force you into
You are being forced to hand over
your "free will"
your independence
your individualism

Accepting this as "fate"
Placing your life into the hands
of men that have no interest
in protecting you
is to give up your freedom
as you know it.
Do not be deceived
for these men are not your savior.

Men that use scare tactics
to force you into submission
are not looking out for your best
interest. If they were, why are they
trying to scare you?

If any of you are aware,
scare tactics come from men
that are obsessed with power
and control.

(Power and Control wheel
look it up)

If you do not protest against
such abuses, because that is
what political want is, then you allow
control/power trippers to run
your life.

Ask yourselves what
does your family need
to be successful?
What do you need to be successful?
Run with it.

Fight for you and your
families livelihood.
The time is now!
"The war between good and evil is at foot"

Do not let anyone, especially,
not an abuser, prevent you from

Abusers do not own you
like property, so no! you are
not obligated to bow down to their
wishes. Abusers have a sense
of entitlement. They expect people
to bow down to their every wish.
Keeping politician happy (at all cost)
Delusional mind set.

Politicians are not thinking
with a full deck. Most abusers don't.
They are just focused on themselves,
their own needs and wants.
Self absorbed. humm what can this
citizens give me?
Its a guarantee politicians are not
mentors. What does a self absorbed
egotistic self centered me, myself and I'er
know about serving others? Nothing.

[I am not saying all politicians are abusers
but they are out there. Look at their

Remember what scare tactics are
it's 'power and control tripping'
Ego building
What they can get for
me, myself and I.
Expect to be treated like royalty.
(without question)

Abusers are full blown
Narcissism Is a sickness.
Not a leadership skill.
Narcissism is a disease
Mental illness.
[Its what I learned in college]

Is it normal behavior
to use people to get what you want?
No. Its a sickness.
Abnormal, atypical.

Don't accept what your told
by the powers to be.
Instead ask; "why was
Taliban allowed to print their

"Why is Taliban promoting
their magazine inside America?"
[Allowing its print means politicians
are promoting Jihad inside America]
Or am I wrong?

Taliban is here inside America recruiting?
Are you sure this is what Taliban is doing?
Or is politicians using Taliban
to force you into submission?
Trying to taking away all your rights
as a human being?
understand, abusers are
human right violators.

Abusers will say or do anything to get
you to believe them. Even use Taliban
scare tactics.

"Is the US government countering
against the Taliban?"
[countering against Taliban would
mean denying their influence; countering
their influence by investigating who wrote
the articles, and allowed printing of the

"Why is Taliban getting first dibbs over our
policy?" "Why does Taliban have any say over
our policies, our laws?"
Extremist are threat to National Security!
Its why we are at war isn't it?
We are at war to keep Taliban at bay.

Its apparent to me, politicians want to bring
Taliban home, to us.. Forces us to accept
Taliban with open arms.
Because that is what politicians
want. Politicians are making a name
for themselves by the use of depriving
our freedom. [Entitlement seeking shits]

"Why is Taliban held at such a high standard?"
Hu politician? I want to know.

Isn't far fetched. Blackwater
already trained our police to be mercenaries!
Using our tax dollars to harm us?
Apparently. Why else train police
to be mercenaries?

Blackwater CEO/owner
Eric Prince believes
"God told him to kill all the Muslims
in the world."
He claims he is a Christian.
Prince has the
mentality of imperial wizard.
Ku Klux Klan.

KKK spreads Hate
Believes white man
is more superior
then any other race!

[Fine run a business but don't
spread hate. Is blackwater
a hate group? Pince hates
people of color. I don't like
people who deprive others
of their rights because their
African, Asian, Indian, Arab,
Eskimo (or women)]

People who spread hate are threat
to normalcy.

Does KKK realize they
are (illegal) immigrants?
America does not belong to white
race. White man is from Europe.
America foundation was built
by many different cultures.
by many different nationalities.

America is a multicultural, multinational

Are you citizens going to put up
with racist trying to take over this
country? Because I'm not!
I have had it with racist mouth!

What am I doing about it?
I have been exposing haters for
what they are; self absorbed
egotistic, self centered, selfish,
narcissistic, want-to-be leaders.

I am sorry, but I refuse to hand
my livelihood, or anybody
else livelihoods over
to a bunch of haters.

I am not interested in joining
the KKK, or any other hate
group. I would never support
these groups either!

Hate groups need to be countered;
denied a voice. Hate belief system is
not a protected right.
Spreading hate needs to be a crime.
At the national level.

This is America;
"Land of the free, home of the brave"
I will not bow down to anything less.
Honoring commitments is our hallmark.
Its how we citizens honor soldiers who
fight/fought for Americans freedom.

I raise my right hand;
"I will never settle.
I will never sell out.
I will not let my fellow citizens
down, ever. So help me God"

I have a strong suspicion the Ku Klux Klan
is behind promoting Taliban magazine.
And I also believe, all forms of hate groups
have been, from day one, promoting the Taliban
Question is; "Who, what Senators/Congress are affiliated
with hate groups?" "What businesses are funneling
money to these hate groups?"


*Where does the NIC stand in all this?
Mentors (our protectors)

FBI are you investigating who wrote
magazine articles? Who allowed the
print? I expect you are.
Can't get much past the FBI.
FBI on the uppidy up.

I never use to have much faith in the FBI until recently.
The historical bust in Puerto Rico. Good job!
Thank You for your service.

to be continued

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By Kyle Drennen | October 12, 2010

Near the end of Monday's CBS Early Show,
co-host Harry Smith interviewedactress Naomi
Watts about her latest role as former CIA agent
ValeriePlame in the movie 'Fair Game': "...
a ripped from the headlines truestory of
espionage and betrayal. Naomi Watts plays
former CIA officer Valerie Plame, whose
life was torn apart when her cover was
blown by the U.S. government."

After playing a clip from the new film, Smith
briefly summarized thecontroversy this way:
"Joe Wilson was sent by the CIA to Niger to
determine whether or not yellow-cake uranium
was being exported toIraq....when [he] said
no, the Bush administration said somebody's
gotto pay and that was Valerie Plame." Smith
went on to proclaim: " isnot only this very
public story but it is also sort of the private
anguish of this family....That is almost
torn asunder by this."

Smith failed to point out Plame's role in
personally selling herhusband for the
Niger trip in a February 12, 2002 internal
CIA memo,pushed forward by Sen. Kit
Bond in May of 2007: "My husband is
willingto help, if it makes sense, but no
problem if not. End of story....myhusband
has good relations with both the PM
[of Niger] and the formerminister of mines
, not to mention lots of French contacts,
both of whomcould possibly shed light on
this sort of activity. To be frank withyou,
I was somewhat embarrassed by the agency's
sloppy work lastgo-round, and I am hesitant
to suggest anything again. However,
[myhusband] may be in a position to assist."

In addition, he failed to mention Plame's
spread in Vanity Fair shortly after her name
was made public or her $2.5 million book deal
which led to the movie deal.

Watts sympathized with Plame and Wilson:
you get to be inside theprivacy of their own
home and see how it affects them as – as,
you know,a couple....the mind-set of who she
was in dealing with this crisisand, as a
mother, a professional, a wife, you know,
all those things.The personal stuff." Smith
remarked that Plame was "almost like
a soccer mom who happens to be a
secret agent"
and would be "very
relatable to a lot of people."

Near the end of the interview, Smith
eagerly wondered how Wattsconvinced
left-wing actor Sean Penn to play Joe
Wilson in theBush-bashing film. Watts
described contacting Penn, "Knowing
that thiscontent would really-" Smith
interjected: "Irresistible." Wattscontinued:
"Kind of be irresistible for him. And
Immediately I got amessage back
[from Penn] saying, 'great script, a
necessary story totell.'"

Read more…

By Kyle Drennen | October 12, 2010

On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith
interviewed formerArkansas Governor Mike Huckabee
and questioned the ability of tea partycandidates to
be effective in office: "...when it's time to govern,
can anger govern?
Orbetter yet, how about this
one, if a tug-of-war starts between the teaparty folk
and the mainstream Republicans, who's going to
win thattug-of-war?"

[Why is it, political analyst always confuse
'passion for serving country' with anger?

Who's angry? I'm not, nor is anybody else
within Grand Old Tea party]
Read more…

U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips'

landmark ruling also ordered the

government to suspend and discontinue

all pending discharge proceedings

and investigations under the policy.

U.S. Department of Justice attorneys

have 60 days to appeal. Pentagon and

Department of Justice officials said they

are reviewing the case and

had no immediate comment.

The injunction goes into effect

immediately said Dan Woods, the

attorney who represented the

Log Cabin Republicans, the gay

rights group that filed the lawsuit in

2004 to stop the ban's enforcement.

"Don't ask, don't tell, as of today at least,

is done, and the government is going to

have to do something now to resurrect it,"

Woods said. "This is an extremely

significant, historic decision. Once

and for all, this failed policy is stopped.

Fortunately now we hope all Americans

who wish to serve their country can."

[Don't ask, Don't tell is discrimination.

What does it matter if a person is

homosexual, or lesbian? May be entitlement

seeking shits will get over themselves?

Hope so.]

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Government Without Politics

What is Government? -

Government responsibility

is to protect people within the

area of governance from

injustice, to resolve disputes

between people within the

area of governance, and to

ensure general public

safety and well-being.

What is Politics?

Politics is abuse

of government powers. It promotes

personal advancement, and/or

favors certain group of people.

[privatizing government]

What must we do?

Government shall not indulge in politics.
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