America's Wake Up Call - Can You Hear It?

Wake-Up-America.jpg?format=1500w&profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Can You Hear the Alarm ringing for America? People's eyes were "opened" and the wakeup call is ringing by Bragg's indictment and America has taken notice!

By pushing for an indictment against former President Donald Trump, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has "opened people's eyes" to how the justice system can be used against political opponents.

Eric Trump's wife, Ivanka Trump, is a senior advisor for the 2020 Trump campaign. "Wake Up America"  Trump's poll numbers were already going up, but  after the indictment news came out, $4 million went into the campaign and growing!

An interesting note is a quarter of donations came from people who had never given to Trump before.

"So, if Alvin Bragg did anything here, I think he opened people's eyes. He made people wake up and stop for a second and think, 'Wait a minute. What country are we in right now if you can use the justice system against your political opponents?'"

Even people who didn't like Trump or thought they wouldn't vote for him took a good hard look at this and clearly saw the weaponization of the justice system.

Many are shocked and declaring:  'We have to fix this, because if America keeps going in this direction, we won't be any better off than North Korea, the USSR, or Cuba,' Once again, the enlightened progressives have resorted to caveman tactics by clubbing their opponent and destroying any chance of a civilized community or election.

Citizens have awakened to how conservatives have been targeted, such as people protesting outside of an abortion clinic or parents who are worried about what their children are learning, and how future generations will view the Republic.

Will our children see ‘for the people and by the people’ or will they see 'the government is a weapon against the people'?

The fact is very clear! It shouldn't matter if America likes Donald Trump or not, or who has voted for him, even if many disagree with his politics. This is the United States of America, and We the People can't allow Communist tactics take root, because once rights are taken away, once they are gone, they won’t come back!

A Danger signal and a big one! The indictment shows a "rapid slide into authoritarianism and communism", which is not how American’s have run our country since the beginning.

It's clear people on both sides must speak up and speak out against this.

Freedom is being poisoned! The indictment is more than just a political attack on the former president, it is a poison to freedom in America, a poison which will kill the Republic and destroy our democracy!

A target has been on Trumps back ever since he came down the golden escalator in Trump Tower and said, 'I'm running for president of the United States, and I'm doing it only for the American people,'

Everyone must understand:   Donald Trump will never back down or quit, and many believe this will lead to him becoming our 47th president.

 In conclusion: Since when has America been afraid of itself? We the People are the government, we hire managers to run it for us! Now, these managers are corrupt and power drunk.

Is America going to live by the standard set before us in the Declaration of Independence?

The closing line of the Declaration of Independence firmly states what every America must confirm in their soul.

“We Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor.”

….and what do you think?

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  • President Donald J. Trump is clearly the leader with the leadership skills and the financial means to make America great again. We the people need to stand with him no matter what, if we want to save our Republic and the United States of America. He is our only and probably last hope to rescue the country from the marxist nwo claws of the demonrats, rinos, and gop leadership.

  • We better wake up and fast if it's not too late already!!!

  • I am with you guys . What's next??

    • ADMIN

      I think Steve is working on a way for the members to be proactive in various projects. I heard it was a big job for him! 

  • Our lives, our fortunes, and sacred honor... are three words missing from many of our wealthiest leaders' lexicons... Where are the Ben Franklins, Thomas Jeffersons, and George Washingtons, the captains of industry and our civil institutions of culture and commerce?   Their voices need to be heard in the forums of reform.  Empty are the citadels of liberty and closed the mouths and fists of the wealthy...

    Who then shall organize, fund, and support the patriot's cause ... How shall the fields be prepared for the plows of liberty or planted with the seeds of freedom... When the rich withhold the funds needed to till the earth... too, barter a better crop and protect the patriot's access to liberties fields... the harvest is destroyed and our civil liberties removed.

    Our voice needs amplification, the fruit of the wealthy... to broadcast the patriot's cause... too, rally the masses and harness their labor, to pull down the strongholds of the Marxists in government and our civil institutions. We must organize Nationally, under our forefather's banner of liberty.  We must take the battle to our enemies in the public square... to inform the confused patriot in the living rooms of America.  We must educate our children on the values of our Judeo/Christian heritage, reaching deep into their schools and social institutions... enriching their social and religious lives... planting the seeds of our father's heritage... America must turn to the God of our forefathers to reap the benefits of our Constitutional Republic.

    Our constitutional Republic is fit only to govern a religious and moral people... We must return to the moral compass of our founders and the law of the Creator... God is the Father of us all... Then and only then, will we see a return to Constitutional government of the people, by the people, and for the people.


    I hear the call and I want to make sure the left hears it too. To us its music, to them it is a warning bell! 

    • Where is the bark of liberty's cannon... gone are the muzzle flashes of the patriot's arms from the field of honor... low, now comes the thief to take what little is left of our armory... too, bankrupt our soul... and sell us all to our enemies.  Who hath done this dirty deed... Woe, unto the man who betrays his house... for the lucre of mammon the poison of personal wealth.  For judgment comes in the morning... upon the wings of an Eagle... it comes.

      Out of the East rises an ill wind... and a dark omen.  Death rides a dark horse and the minions of Hell prepare to greet the new day with the sun's fury and fire.  Gone the days of leisure, gone the citadels of freedom... Gone the ring of liberty's Bell.  The House of Man breached once more  ... then comes judgment with the sound of a trump and the crises of the wicked speak to our ear, as they seek to hide from the Arm of the Lord.

      Who will stand ... let him stand with the Lord... who will hear, let him hear ... the sound of our enemies, as they strike out in blind fear at the coming of our Lord.  Prepare ye the way of the Lord... make straight the path of the righteous, and look up for God comes... He comes for His own in clouds of glory... He comes.  In a time and season, we think not, suddenly He shall appear... with the sound of a trumpet and the voice of an Archangel He shall pierce th Eastern skies, with clouds of glory, to catch away His Bride.

      Who will stand on that day...

      RA  Nelson

      COL., US ARMY (ret.) 

      America's Wake Up Call - Can You Hear It?
      (PatriotHQ) Can You Hear the Alarm ringing for America? People's eyes were "opened" and the wakeup call is ringing by Bragg's indictment and America…
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