Find Out If You Are A Conservative Or A Progressive

What type of American do you want to be? The Conservative or the Progressive? Watch the vidoes and decide! 


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  • Progressives are actually the MOST REGRESSIVE people in history!  The ONLY progress mankind can have is toward full compliance with the WILL of God (YHWH).  Abortion, sexual deviancy, treason, sedition, etc. are all marks of being regressive.  The Demoncrat Party is a REGRESSIVE Party of fools and idiots who refuse to accept God (YHWH).

  • MY my, do tell us how you really feel, before you have a stroke

    • ADMIN

      Crazy isn't it! 

  • Progressivism is a mental illness.  Sadly, those suffering from progressivism are hateful and arrogant, so they refuse to recognize they need help.  The result is a serious degredation of our society.

  • WOW! That progessive is a nut!  So I'm a conservative!

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