Give Me 3 Ways Democrats Can Reach Their Goal?

Please watch and listen to the video below and tell the rest of the members how the Democrats can reach their goal of population reduction. 

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  • Who decides what part of the population is reduced?

    The democrats have been reducing the black population for decades by putting abortion clinics in their neighborhoods! Yet they talk about the crimes against the blacks that are mostly committed by other blacks,  they blame the "evil white men", while the clinics by design keep them at a comfortable 13% for generation. 

  • And the idiots in the room cheered for Cackling Kamala's statement without realizing the idiocy of what just came out of her mouth.  My fellow Patriots, just remember, most Demoncrat Voters live in the big cities and if Kamala gets elected, there will be another surge of illegal immigrant criminals into America headed for these cities.  Violent crime is already on the rise and it will just get worse and worse until there won't be any Demoncrat voters left.  They will have aborted the next generation and the criminals will eliminate the current generation.  God (YHWH) will NOT BE MOCKED and the Demoncrats will reap what they sow!!!

    • Maybe that's why they keep bringing in the scum of the world (illegals) to replace themselves! 

    • David, I kind-a hope they reap a little more than they sowed....I'm bad! 


    Holy Guacamole! Reduce population! They are already doing that, those dumb sh*ts! They are killing tomorrows generation before they are born! There won't be any children to breath clean air! 

    But for the rest of the members here is my 3 ways the Dems can reduce population: 

    1. theres about 61,000,000 registered Democrap voters in the US. Lets start with them. They can humanely and gently sacrific themselves to the greater good. 

    2. repeat step 1. (just to make sure they didn't miss any) 

    3. out of ways to help them reach their goals....sorry! 

    • Number one and most important way.......they can stop having children! 

    • It works. 

    • USA 4ME - you never cease to amaze me with your deep wisdom! Yup all the Dems MUST set the example and reduce their population! 

    • Loved your solution!!!

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