Operation Floodgate - Must Read!

original.jpg?profile=RESIZE_584x(PatriotHQ) Biden's Plan To Flood Millions Of Illegal Aliens Into Middle Class Neighborhoods Exposed!

Get this, when Title 42 expires, the Biden administration intends for more illegal immigrants to be released into communities.

As the Trump administration's Title 42 program, which helped stop the flood of illegal immigration, expires on December 21, the Biden administration is preparing to unleash more illegal aliens into American neighborhoods to pursue asylum claims.

In order to address the difficulties brought on by the expected expiration of Title 42 and the significant policy shift this implies, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has published a six-pillar strategy, soon to be published.

In addition to more temporary detention tents, staffing increases, bolstering NGO capacity to welcome people after they have been processed, and more criminal prosecutions of smugglers, the department's strategy calls for quicker processing for illegal aliens held in custody on the border.

When the Title 42 regulation expires, the agency predicts 9,000 to 14,000 migrants may attempt to enter the nation illegally every day.

In 2020, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trump administration released Title 42, a law intended to restrict the entrance of contagious diseases into the United States, and it was applied to deny asylum more than 2.5 million times.

Title 42 was set to expire on December 21 under an order from a federal judge in Washington, but Republican-led states urged an appeals court to maintain it.

The Biden administration has also contested several elements of the decision, but it is not opposed to the rule's expiration the next week.

Republicans have warned of the repercussions of allowing Title 42 to expire, given the possibility the legal back-and-forth will continue until the very last minute.

"Weekly unlawful border crossings are anticipated to be 98,000 after Title 42 expires.  equates to 14,000 crossings daily. Every hour, 583 crossings occur. America is under attack! Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) made this statement in a tweet.

On Wednesday, December 14, 2022, illegal immigrants are seen waiting to enter the United States from Ciudad Juárez in El Paso, Texas, adjacent to U.S. Border Patrol cars. Christian Chavez/AP Photo

Asserting by ending Title 42 will "result in a complete loss of operational control over the southern border, a profoundly negative impact on border communities, and significant suffering and fatalities among the migrants entering the United States unlawfully," a number of GOP lawmakers have urged President Joe Biden to extend the emergency order.

Legislative action, according to the group of lawmakers in their letter to Biden, is likely the only answer, but it might take some time.

In order to improve what it called an archaic and broken immigration system, where "incentives are misaligned, asylum court backlogs extend for years, and the border security problem is worsened," the DHS called on Congress to take action.

According to Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), CBP officers informed him on Wednesday it is anticipated 50,000 migrants will rush the border once Title 42 is abolished.

On December 12, 2022, illegal immigrants enter the United States through Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, in order to turn themselves in to Border Patrol authorities. Christian Chavez/AP Photo

Floodgate growth is coming! DHS said in the memo it expected a "large rise" in the number of people attempting to cross the border without authorization, which would "significantly strain our system even further" due to the limitations of a "decades-old immigration system everyone acknowledges is flawed."

DHS said it is preparing for even greater increases in human movements, which would "cause significant pressure and potential overcrowding" in several places along the U.S.-Mexico border. The system is already overburdened due to a record rise in illegal immigration.

The DHS stated it is preparing for the release of illegal aliens into American communities in addition to anticipating processing delays and disturbances at various points of entry into the country.

According to the agency, there is a chance more single people and families will be temporarily released from DHS custody into communities without the backing of an NGO or another sponsor, awaiting the conclusion of their immigration court hearings.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of homeland security, visited El Paso, Texas, this week. El Paso saw a huge surge on Sunday after being the biggest corridor for illegal crossings in October.

According to footage from the site and local media, around 1,500 persons crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally into El Paso in the early hours of December 12. This may have been one of the largest single crossings in the area's history.

El Paso Matters, a journalism organization, posted video from the border on social media showed a sizable group of migrants crossing the river overnight and huddling by fires to stay warm while they awaited processing.

Sleeping in Public Places! According to El Paso Matters, who put the number of people crossed over the course of the night at around 1,500, the individuals who did so were a part of a caravan of migrants the Mexican state police escorted from Jiménez to Juárez in a caravan of 20 buses.

According to the outlet, who speculated this may have been the largest single border crossing in the history of the region, the immigrants claimed to be from Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Peru.

According to an El Paso dashboard, the Border Patrol Central Processing Center was holding more than 5,600 illegal immigrants as of Dec. 13. The facility can accommodate about 3,500 people.

The processing center was overflowing, said to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas), who also claimed some people were camped out on city streets.

"Migrants sleeping on El Paso's streets! The New Ellis Island appears as follows: Because NGOs are at capacity and Border Patrol agents in processing centers are at capacity with 5,000 people, there are 611 migrants living on the streets. Democrats have exactly this in mind.

Democrats have long been accused by Republicans of supporting an open-borders policy, but the Biden administration has consistently refuted this accusation.

The Biden administration wants a "safe, legal, and orderly immigration system is based on our bedrock priorities: to keep our borders secure, address the plight of children as the law requires, and enable families to be together," Mayorkas has acknowledged the situation along the southern border is "difficult."

According to Mayorkas, recent Republican rhetoric asserting the "border is open" is causing the surge.

"The political scream of the border is open is music to the smugglers' ears," Mayorkas told The Dallas Morning News. "They take political rhetoric, and they advertise it" to desperate migrants.

However, one of Biden's first acts after taking office was to reverse the "Remain in Mexico" policy implemented under Trump.

According to statistics, this law compelled asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while their applications were being reviewed, which prevented the filing of fictitious asylum claims and lessened the flow of illegal immigration.

Biden’s Operation Floodgate will fill middle class neighborhoods with people with no identification, no jobs, no income, no criminal background checks, no medical checks and most of all with no homes….what could go wrong?

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  • I don't believe that the Demonrats want open boarders for Demonrat votes. They have already figured out how to install massive voter fraud. They want us disarmed because they know that we will shoot them if they continue with the communism. I firmly believe the Demonrats want millions of illegals in this Country so the Crime rate will expload giving them the chance to push for more gun control so then they plan to get the UN troops to come and disarm us. They have had the UN soldiers training in this Country for more than 3 decades and probably longer than that. They have been taking over fake Walmarts and other pretend places of civilian gathering places. When it hits the Fan just remember who is behind all of this. George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates The Rothchilds and the Rest of the Globalists. Those are the ones we need to take out first then that will cut off the mega millions they are spending to destroy America

    • ADMIN

      Ok, good point, then why do they want open borders? 

    • Short answer.... cheap labor and the indentured servitude that comes with it...  The poor, illiterate, and destitute are much easier to control than the educated, informed, independent and prosperous citizen.

    • I must disagree for the following reasons/facts Colonel Nelson: Congressional democrats do not have businesses that employ millions of people, therefore, the cheap labor and indentured servitude you mentioned would benefit all employers, including republicans; and we know congressional democrats will never do anything that they even suspect would benefit the republican party. As I have previously stated, they are laser-focused on gaining long-term dominant political power needed to transform this nation into a one-party dominated socialist society. Because only after achieving that, can they accomplish all else they want to do. Their wicked, reckless, and anarchist scheme is predicated on inundating this nation with especially Mexicans, Hispanics, and Latinos, whose votes they expect to eventually propel them to that power. And of course, their wicked and reckless strategy to get then here is to leave the grossly dilapidated southwest border unsecured; President Biden confirmed that when he stopped ongoing construction to finally secure it in accordance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Senator Schummer is already advocating amnesty and a path to citizenship for the millions of illegal immigrants already here. Of course, they would become democrats as payback for wicked shenanigans that aided, abetted, and facilitated their opportunity to be here. It is de facto one of the most egregious quid pro quo schemes ever concocted.

    • Ozell... I was providing a SHORT response to a complex issue...

      The primary motives behind the open border...  are much more complex and devious.  Example: The demographics and culture of those entering the  US illegally are anchored in a PATRONE SYSTEM of servitude, the product of hundreds of years of abuse from a hierarchy of semi-nobles and a feudal system of dependency... The deep state wants to establish a culture, that supports and fosters indentured servitude (new age wage slaves).  America's ruling PLUTOCRACY wants to flood the current culture with more malleable individuals than our forefather's brand of citizens.

    • Point well taken Colonel Nelson. However, democrats' wicked scheme is very simple and abundantly obvious, which is to orchestrate citizenship for illegal immigrants, whose votes they expect to eventually propel them to unconquerable political power. That's why Senator Schumer is advocating they be granted amnesty. Because with that power, they would not even have to pack the Supreme Court, they would only have to replace retiring conservative members with left wing lunatics. And they would also vote Washington DC and Puerto Rico into statehood as advocated, giving them even more leftwing congressional despots to legislate any laws they want. Democrats want to rule this nation, not govern it. If all migrants who are already here being harbored and coddled, and those coming across the border daily ever garner citizenship, they will surely succeed. Gaining dominant political power is the key to achieving all of their devious schemes, and achieving it is predicated on illegal immigrants ultimately becoming democrat voters.

  • I stood my post on the US/Mexican Border for days at a time as I volunteered to work with Border Patrol and that was several years ago. Then the border was horrible and unable to be protected without the military.

    From dead Illegal Aliens to rape and crimes against children it was a lawless place. NOW, it is hundreds of times worse, so much so I can't put it in writing here. The problem is Congress they are the criminals for not securing the border, thereby opening it up and endangering families and inviting international criminals to break in! 

    America has a working immigration system, but the left wants to defund, remove and destroy that system and replace it with nothing so they can be in control of who gets in and how they vote. 

    We the People MUST raise up and demand Congress secure the US/Mexican and Canadian borders or ALL of Congress will be fired. Then we must fire all governors, Mayors and office holders who believe in sanctuary cities. 

    Until America stands up the open border cabal, we will have an ongoing war at the border.

    We are sending billions and billions to Ukraine to protect their borders but want to dissolve ours?  Why?

    • ADMIN

      Good post Steve, but you missed something. You were on the border, liberal never go there so of course Congress doesn't care and they don't want to care. 

    • The primary thing the democratic party's wicked leadership heirchy care about is achieving long term dominant political power needed to transform this nation into a one-party dominated socialist society, and it is predicated on keeping the southwest border unsecure. They de facto orchestrated this border crisis and lies about it being secure, therefore don't expect them to ever visit the "scene-of-the crime"; because media coverage would expose their lies about it being secure. Remember the democrats' sham "January 6, 2021, Investigation Commission"? The one-day rioting and vandalism at the US Capital Building pales in polar contrast to the ongoing duration and magnitude of threats to our sovereignty, security, and safety, that contiguously emanate from this orchestrated border crisis.

  • Our federal government led by President Biden is solely responsible for border security, which is the basis for protecting our sovereignty, security, safety, and freedoms against threats from outside our borders, all of which is his mandated priority above all else. When he stopped ongoing construction to secure the border; border state governors inherited the responsibility and right to protect their citizens by any means possible to stop illegal entry into their states. When he stopped the construction, he de facto abdicated his responsibility for our sovereignty, security, safety, and freedoms, which is an indefensible slam dunk case for his impeachment. Even though it would require two thirds of the senate to convict him, house republicans should impeach him and put senate democrats who would most certainly vote against conviction on record for also not giving a damn about our sovereignty, security, safety, and freedoms.

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