Hello! My name is James Allan. As others do I too produce opinion related to realism. I also support plans that favor U.S. Citizens over the government, business entities & immigrants. Improving infrastructure while protecting animals and the environment is essential.
James Allan is 100% Tea Party and joins in with other non libertarian Tea Party members and groups to expose bad elected representatives and other political parties that try to steer the U.S. away from what's real and what works to provide U.S. citizens with the ways and means to live their lives in a way that's enjoyable to them without causing harm to themselves or others.
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Please Visit And Join Our Tea Party Command Center Republican Party Group
The On Going 4 Principles Of True Conservatism At This Place In Time Are:
* "U.S. Citizens First" over illegal aliens and illegal aliens removed as a correction to what bad politicians should have never let happen in the first place. Illegal aliens knew when they came to the U.S. they would be illegal so it only goes to show they know they will be deported at some time. Nobody asked illegal aliens to come to the U.S. only for the reason of them escaping the economic messes they themselves created and are creating in the U.S.. Illegal aliens coming to the U.S. only to make a better life for themselves? Why don't they stay in their own country and force there governments to make them first in their own countries as U.S. citizens had to do and have to do now.
* A U.S. government that doesn't wildly spend taxpayer money that bankrupts the United States into a communist nation dependent on the government. The libertarians John Boehner and Paul Ryan proved libertarians will spend wildly by giving Barack Obama trillions of dollars to spend as he wishes. Libertarians only support cutting the budget so they will have money to spend on libertarian ideology.
* A government that keeps all the B.S. out of the U.S. civilian population domestic and foreign. Doesn't let government officials hop in bed with business and create the libertarian "Business Communism". A government that extinguishes itself before government rises up with B.S. over the demands and wants of U.S. citizens with normal realistic mentalities.
* A government that's for and lets U.S. citizens drive up wages through a huge demand for workers and lowers legal immigration to the 1960's level. Let U.S. citizens make money freely for themselves as long as everything is legal and doesn't harm others.
Facebook will not let me have an account and they will not tell me why, I get a new e mail and they still will not let me have an account
Welcome James,
Help us save our country by getting rid of the, handitarded liberal DemoNcRATs, politically correct, illegal immigrants, Republicans In Name Only, dog ass muslim terrorists.