Juan Reynoso's Posts (334)

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Let’s pray for America. 6-23-14          http://anticorruptionact.org/

We pray for Faith and Hope

Father you make us a family, you created us and blessed us with our freedom and liberty to choose our own path and pursuit our happiness, but we fail you; we disobey your laws and committed sins against our brothers. Father you love us so much that you send your beloved son to redeem us from all sins and give us a purpose in life and the rules to gain eternal life. Lord we love you because you are just.  Lord gives us the wisdom and courage to do your will; your principle of submitting to the government is tied with the principle of humility, we are to obey your laws not man’s laws, regardless of what governing officials do. When a government official disobeys God, leading to a corrupt government, they sin and they lose their authority, all subjects of this government are supposed to live in humility and love, following the example of Christ.

Father, we ask for our salvation, today we are more wicked than our forefathers; this government has turned their back on Christianity; Only Jesus can be our unshakeable pillar of strength and save us.

Brothers I hope the Holy Spirit has spoken to you and made you think of our own imperfections. We can’t rely on ourselves but we need heavenly assistance. We must ask our Father, our creator to unify us “humanity” to fight evil, greed, corruption and the enslavers of humans. Father, may our prayers come to your attention, as we are Praying and asking this in the name of Jesus your beloved son. Amen.

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Let’s pray for America. 6-21-14.

Let’s pray for America. 6-21-14.     http://teapartyorg.ning.com/

Dear Father forgive us for we have sin against you, Father help us to conquer the forces of deception to control the devil, the invisible beast within us.

Greed is evil 1 Timothy 6:10, Greed is the devil’s powerful force that holds the world in its iron grip. Father greed has kept over 2 billion of your people living on less than $2 per day and the ultra-wealthy continues its rapid rise to riches and world control while the rest of us remain stagnant.

Father we are to be blame, let us not compromise our values to get more money or avoid a loss. Let us not succumb to the seduction of greed and help us to take action to transform greed into generosity both in our personal lives and in our world for we must be our brother’s keeper. Thank you father for loving and caring about us, may our prayers come to your attention, as we are Praying in the Name of Jesus and this we ask in the name of your be loving son Jesus. Amen.


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Psychopaths Rule The World.

By: Juan Reynoso, ACTIVIST  -           voteforamerica@gmail.com

http://anticorruptionact.org/.                  http://teapartyorg.ning.com/

 Seek the truth.


The role model of moral leadership and authority is gone in the U.S.A. The US is becoming A Nation of Psychopaths and Sociopaths as Morality is being destroyed by politicians, corporate leaders and our education system. The salvation of morality in the U.S.A., rest with the Christian community that is taking a Massive Hit from our government that had turned their back on Christianity.

Psychopaths’ politicians, Corporate CEOS and Bankers, dominate the halls of power in both the United States and throughout the world. The current economic, political, military and legal system breeds psychopaths, rewarding psychopathic behavior and punishing those with conscience and integrity; it is a crime in our country to tell the truth, our own government will prosecute and in some cases kill you to cover-up their crimes.  Psychopaths and sociopaths are train to master the ideology and belief that “the end justifies the means”. They comfortably operate without conscience, guilt or any genuine level of empathy toward others.

Psychopaths are in love with power and risk taking, masters of manipulation, self-serving opportunism and self-aggrandizement, and hold doctorates in deceit and deception. Psychopaths are super intelligent charmers who are highly skilled at playing others in order to get what they want. They are keenly perceptive at reading people, understanding their motives and values, brilliant at learning their weaknesses and blind spots, and highly effective at inducing both sympathy and guilt in others. We are becoming a nation of psychopaths and/or sociopaths. To explain it best, let’s look at what the two terms have in common. Both psychopaths and sociopaths lack a moral compass. They are generally incapable of sympathizing with the feelings of others, and lack the set of ethics that tend to keep society from dissolving into a chaotic mess where everyone only looks out for themselves. They also have a non-existent or impaired sense of disgust, meaning they are able to look at things that would make another person turn away.

Sociopath Officials and Establishment Idiots


Psychopaths Rule The World.


US establishment is plagued with sociopaths and psychopaths.


Face book. Sociopaths and Psychopaths run our Government.


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Let’s pray for America. 6-20-14.

Let’s pray for America. 6-20-14.     http://teapartyorg.ning.com/

 Father Help us to be faithful stewards of your creation. We believe that you have given us everything we need to care and preserve all thing that you my Lord created for the benefit of mankind, Lord we ask you to give us the wisdom and courage to stop all evil minded people that is destroying our world and be the seed and the beginning of the Christian army that will protect and preserve your creation and proclaim it God’s kingdom. May the Holy Spirit sustain us in this great work, and may we look forward when people learn the truth and the life, they will have the mind of Christ and will use the truth against the forces of deception to control the devil, change the devil, our animal mind, the invisible beast within us. in hope to the day when God’s reign is established once and for all throughout all creation. AMEN

The Bible says that Christ will slay the Antichrist with truth. 1 John- 2:22 - Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist that denies the Father and the Son.


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The collapse of the Dollar

By: Juan Reynoso, ACTIVIST  - voteforamerica@gmail.com

http://anticorruptionact.org/.          http://teapartyorg.ning.com/

The huge national debt will demise the U.S. and the world economy. Ron Paul fight to prevent this economic catastrophe but not one want to listen to this American estate man, Congressman Paul, cares about what most Americans care about, “The future of America”. I pray that we united, can and will strive and succeed in making our country and the world a better place to live in peace and prosperity, for us and all future generations. “Working together means winning together”. When governments fear people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. Thomas Jefferson.


We support the following statesmen to lead our country. 2016 is the crossroads of freedom or economic slavery. We choose freedom.   www.represent.us

The Best are:

Ted Cruz – http:// http://tedcruzforpresident2016.com/

Rand Paul - http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/cpac-rand-paul-presidential-poll/2014/03/08/id/556834

Rand Paul – http://www.randpaulpresident.com/

Dr. Ben Carson - www.wnd.com/2014/01/ben-carson-next-president-of-the-u-s/


The following sites will reveal to you what the U.S. Press is hiding from us in protection of what the Washington psychopaths and sociopaths have done to demise our economic.

Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why.


Washington army of psychopaths and sociopaths will destroy our economy.


Americans are in complete denial- misinformed by the news media.


We fail to follow Gods law, now we have to pay the price.


Free trade, Globalization and the wars made us defund our USA.


The U.S. world’s predator psychopaths http://www.presstv.com/detail/2014/03/18/355199/dump-dollar-dump-imperialism-analyst/

The signs that not one acknowledged: One World Government is near.


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Let’s pray for America. 6-19-14.     http://teapartyorg.ning.com/

Father forgives us for all our sins, for the love of money and material things we Americans elected Obama, we trusted the political propaganda machinery established by the elite of this country “The American News Media"; now we know why they want this anti-Christ sociopath and psychopath in power. Only Obama a man without any moral conscience will be able to be the protagonist of all the crimes cover-up and corruption done in this country, it is evident that our government has turned their back on you my Lord and has become a tyrannical system of government an oppressor that make laws that forbids us to worship and praise you my Lord. This system of government is destroying our faith on you my Lord by indoctrination of our youth and teaching them that you do not exist that all things are created by man and it is man’s laws that we must obey.

Father, give us the courage and the wisdom to stand united and fight this evil system of government; we must fight corruption and save our country from its own demise, let us have the power to destroy the anti-Christ, America is one nation under God with justice and liberty for all, we trust on you my Lord.

Father we make this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. AMEN


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Let’s pray for America. 6-18-14.

Dear Father, we thank you for your guidance and ask you to give all Christian the wisdom to seek the truth” the truth shall make us free” (John 8:32.

Father, let us not make the same mistake; Hitler began his Nazi party in Germany, modeling it on Mussolini’s Fascism. As with Fascism, thousands of Jews joined the Nazi party before the War, helping Hitler to gain total power, but eventually the Jews were targeted as Hitler and his Nazi party took over in Germany, killing millions of Jews and Christians.

Father give us the wisdom and courage to stop the demise of our Christians faith; Today, many Christians accept and even vote for socialist governments. They pray that God will support and guide the socialist leaders, under the wrong assumption that we are called to do so by God, though all the signs are that the government hates God and hate His people! Obama is prime examples of this hatred. Barak Obama is the worst enemy of Christians, as he blatantly destroys Christian teaching.

Father we are being divided by evil, many pious Christians go on to rebuke other Christians who will not accept or support the evil Obama government, saying that God demands that they give such support. Lord we know that this is a gross misperception, if not a sin.

Lord give us the courage to stand united as brothers and sisters to fight for our God given rights our U.S. Constitution and the rule of God’s law, not man’s tyrannical laws. This United States is “one nation under God with justice and liberty for all”. Romans 8.  Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loved another hath fulfilled the law.

Thank you Lord, for making your will clear and give us the courage to fight this corrupt, tyrannical system of government. God is love, In God we trust; America is God’s country.


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Let’s pray for America. 6-17-14.

Father, we pray for the salvation of our country; it is evident that our government has turned their back on you my Lord and has become a tyrannical system of government an oppressor that make laws that forbids us to worship and praise you my Lord, this system of government is destroying our faith on you my Lord by indoctrination of our youth and teaching them that you do not exist that all things are created by man and it is man’s laws that we must obey.

Lord today we are faced with tyranny, raising to control and enslaver us your people; and once again timid Christians are seeking cover behind Romans 13. Lord we want to follow your laws not man laws, give us the wisdom to really understand your will, it is clear that you love us and want us to serve a justice government a government that serve and follow your laws, not a tyrannical government that denies your existence and proclaim themselves the masters of this world.

Lord we ask for your protection and restore our conviction that you are our creator and the creator of all things, that all of your creation is for the benefit of all your people and not for only the few that want to control the world, Lord give us the courage to stand united as brothers and sisters to fight for our God given rights our U.S. Constitution and the rule of God’s law, not man’s tyrannical laws. This United States is “one nation under God with justice and liberty for all”. Romans 8.  Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loved another hath fulfilled the law.

Thank you Lord, for making your will clear and give us the courage to fight this corrupt, tyrannical system of government. In God we trust; America is God’s country.


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Let’s pray for our future. 6-16-14.

Let’s pray for our future. 6-16-14.

Dear father, forgive us for all the things we done against our brothers, free us from the ego that drive us to commit sins, father we know that you are our salvation, we prayed and you answered. Lord now we understand that you made us a family, our brother’s keeper, we are on your side; give us the wisdom and courage to end corruption and the exploitation and control of others. Lord give us the courage to speak for the ones that can’t, let us be activists to eradicate corruption, we want moral leaders to stand for America and our Christian principles; “One Nation Under God with liberty and justice for all”. Our beliefs and faith will grow to millions, one-by-one because the work is done as individuals showing and telling one another the way to the right kind of change. Father change one soul! And Help change the core-belief and way of life of one person at a time! Let the Truth change, ourselves, first and others by accepting and working God's plan while there is time. Father we know that we can change the world. Brothers Here's how, if we want to pursue being on God's side for change; we must become activist for Christ our Lord, America is a nation under God and we obey God’s law, not man’s law. God is Love.


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Let’s pray for all the fathers in the world. 6-15-14

Dear father, you give us your love, your rules and law to follow- Ephesians 6:4

Father, today we pray for all the fathers of the world, give us the wisdom and courage to follow your rules and law to be a good fathers. Love is the seed of happiness in our home; before we become a good father we must love our wife as we both will have the responsibility to build the family that will follow your laws. Today there is no role in our modern society that suffers a greater neglect as the role of the father. Not only has God given men the incredible privilege of imitating Him as Father, He has placed upon the shoulders of fathers an incredible responsibility. As our society has chosen this day to celebrate fathers, it is appropriate to remind fathers of their God given responsibilities.

By God's laws, anyone who is a father should first be a husband (cf. 1 Cor. 7:1-5). Otherwise, souls are guilty of the sin of fornication (cf. 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21). Therefore, being a responsible father first necessitates being a good husband. One must love, honor, nourish and cherish his wife in every aspect of her life (cf. Eph. 5:25-30; Col. 3:19; 1 Pet. 3:7). Only then will one be prepared to be a good father.

As a father, no challenge rings clearer in my mind than that set forth by the apostle Paul, who says, "And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord" (Eph. 6:4). In just a few words, the Spirit speaks of responsibility, accountability and possibility in light of those who have taken on the good work of being a father.

Fathers play a unique and important role in the lives of their children. As mentor, protector, and provider, a father fundamentally influences the shape and direction of his child's character by giving love, care, discipline, and guidance. As we observe Father's Day, our nation honors fatherhood and urges fathers to commit themselves selflessly to the success and well-being of their children. And we reaffirm the importance of fathers in the lives of their children. Raising a child requires significant time, effort, and sacrifice; and it is one of the most hopeful and fulfilling experiences a man can ever know. A father can derive great joy from seeing his child grow from infancy to adulthood. As a child matures into independence and self-reliance, the value of a parent's hard work, love, and commitment comes to fruition.

Responsible fatherhood is important to a healthy and civil society. Numerous studies confirm that children whose fathers are present and involved in their lives are more likely to develop into prosperous and healthy adults. Children learn by example; and they need their father's presence as examples of virtue in their daily lives. A child's sense of security can be greatly enhanced by seeing his parents in a loving and faithful marriage.

Father we thank you for all your blessing and your guidance to be good fathers. Amen.

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Tea Party Patriots, Let’s pray for America. 6-14-14

Dear Lord Jesus, we thank you for all your blessings; you give us America the land of the free and we trust on you my Lord, our nation is on God’s side. Our congregation prays for our salvation, we prayed to accept you as our Lord and Savior, Lord we are sinners in need of forgiveness, let the Holy Spirit work on us, we ask to be redeemed and be forgiven for all our sins.

Lord we know that you are our salvation, we prayed and you answered. Lord now we understand that you made us a family, our brother’s keeper, America is on your side, not on the side of what we can get from taxing or controlling others. Lord we will be activists, we want moral leaders to stand for America and our Christian principles and God’s law “One Nation Under God”. Our beliefs and faith grow to millions, one-by-one because the work is done as individuals showing and telling one another the way to the right kind of change. Change one soul! Help change the core-belief or way of life of one person! Let the Truth change you, yourself, first and others by accepting and working God's plan while there is time. We can change the world Here's how if you want to pursue being on God's side for change. Be an activist for Christ our Lord, America is a nation under God and we obey God’s law, not man’s law.


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Lord Jesus Christ, before you ascended into heaven you gave us the great commission to “Go out into the whole world and baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”. We ask you to forgive us as we have failed to do your will.

We believe that you are a God of purpose, you allowed for the people of this country to elect Obama as our president, Lord you have made possible to us to see what an anti-Christ, sociopath and psychopath in power will do to demise God’s country. Only Obama a man without any moral conscience will be able to be the protagonist of all the crimes cover-up and corruption done in this country, to benefit the elite of this country that want to control the world’s economic and enslave your people. Lord your revelation that we the people of faith will save America will be done.  

Dear Jesus, give us the wisdom and courage to free your people. Americans need to study the agenda call "globalization" and what it will be the outcome if this become a reality. We must fight corruption and the anti-Christ and save our country from its own demise, Lord Jesus, get all the people of this country to become one united to fight corruption and free your people now. We know that you are with us and we shall overcome. Amen.    http://anticorruptionact.org/

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Loving Father, we thank you for blessing our country; we praise you for everything you give us, and we thank you for your Generosity. Everything we have, and all that we are, comes from you. Help us to be grateful and responsible.  You have called us to follow your son, Jesus, without counting the cost. Send us your Holy Spirit to give us courage and wisdom to be faithful disciples.  We commit ourselves to being good stewards. Help us to be grateful, accountable, generous, and willing to give back with increase. Help us to make stewardship a way of life and never compromise our faith for any material gains.

Father blesses American the land of the free, your precious gift to us. Amen.


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By: Juan Reynoso, Activist   voteforamerica@gmail.com

Our own country promoted illegal immigration

Our country is run by psychopaths and sociopaths. We need to clean-up Washington and on 2014 – 2016, elect statesmen that promote public good and can be recognized for probity, for leadership, the qualities that are needed to govern our country. The Tea party must support believers of our constitution, our freedom, God given rights and the rule of law; we must stamp out corruption in our government.


The following sites will reveal to you the work of psychopaths and sociopaths that are train to master the ideology and belief that “the end justifies the means”. The illegal immigration crisis is promoted by our own government. The failure to secure our borders was done to provide the corporations and business with cheap labor and set the motion for the making of the North American Union and globalization. Americans need to connect events and policies that our government put in place; we can start with free trade agreements, failure to secure our borders, failure to implement the immigration laws, promoting illegal immigration, the undermining of central and south American governments by the CIA and the placement of presidents in these countries that subscribe to the American agenda of globalization.

We the people, must stop the North American Union and globalization, this is the agenda of the elite that control Washington and place in our government the psychopaths and sociopaths that will do the job for them.


The US promoted the illegal immigration crisis.


Our government fails to enforce our laws and promote immigration.


Obama, trashed our constitution and promote more illegal immigration.


Our government foster more illegal immigration with social services.




The US control of Central and South America by design.


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By: Juan Reynoso, Activist   voteforamerica@gmail.com

Our country is run by psychopaths and sociopaths. We need to clean-up Washington and on 2014 – 2016, elect statesmen that promote public good and can be recognized for probity, for leadership, the qualities that are needed to govern our country. The Tea party must support believers of our constitution, our freedom, God given rights and the rule of law; we must stamp out corruption in our government.


The following sites will reveal to you the work of psychopaths and sociopaths that are train to master the ideology and belief that “the end justifies the means”. The illegal immigration crisis is promoted by our own government. The failure to secure our borders was done to provide the corporations and business with cheap labor and set the motion for the making of the North American Union and globalization. Americans need to connect events and policies that our government put in place; we can start with free trade agreements, failure to secure our borders, failure to implement the immigration laws, promoting illegal immigration, the undermining of central and south American governments by the CIA and the placement of presidents in these countries that subscribe to the American agenda of globalization.

We the people, must stop the North American Union and globalization, this is the agenda of the elite that control Washington and place in our government the psychopaths and sociopaths that will do the job for them.


The US promoted the illegal immigration crisis.


Our government fails to enforce our laws and promote immigration.


Obama, trashed our constitution and promote more illegal immigration.


Our government foster more illegal immigration with social services.




The US control of Central and South America by design.


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By: Juan Reynoso, ACTIVIST  - voteforamerica@gmail.com

 Fellow Patriots, our country is run by psychopaths and sociopaths. We need to clean-up Washington and on 2014 – 2016, elect statesmen, that promotes public good and can be recognized for probity, for leadership, the qualities that are needed to govern our country. The Tea party must support believers of our constitution, our God given rights and the rule of law; we must stamp out corruption in our government. Our choice for President is ( Rand Paul, Tex Cruz, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio). We need to choose the best of this group, to represent.us not the corporations.

In Kentucky we need to vote out Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), he is a rat. I urge you to take a look at some of his opponents, study them and pick one to support. Here is a list of those running for this seat:

Matt Bevin (R) - Investment Executive, Army Veteran & Tea Party Activist
James Copas (R) 
Chris Payne (R) 
Shawna Sterling (R) 
David Patterson (Libertarian) - Police Officer
Ed Marksberry (Independent) - Building Contractor, USAF Veteran & 10 US Rep. Dem. Nominee

 Vote for America and end corruption in our government.


 How Corporate Money Influences American Politics - http://anticorruptionact.org/.


 Corporations  vs- us The American people. Join the fight – www.represent.us


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By: Juan Reynoso, ACTIVIST  - voteforamerica@gmail.com


Fellow Patriots, our country is run by psychopaths and sociopaths. We need to clean-up Washington and on 2014 – 2016, elect statesmen, that promotes public good and can be recognized for probity, for leadership, the qualities that are needed to govern our country. The Tea party must support believers of our constitution, our God given rights and the rule of law; we must stamp out corruption in our government. Our choice for President is ( Rand Paul, Tex Cruz, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio). We need to choose the best of this group, to represent.us not the corporations.

In Kentucky we need to vote out Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), he is a rat. I urge you to take a look at some of his opponents, study them and pick one to support. Here is a list of those running for this seat:

Matt Bevin (R) - Investment Executive, Army Veteran & Tea Party Activist
James Copas (R) 
Chris Payne (R) 
Shawna Sterling (R) 
David Patterson (Libertarian) - Police Officer
Ed Marksberry (Independent) - Building Contractor, USAF Veteran & 10 US Rep. Dem. Nominee


Vote for America and end corruption in our government.



How Corporate Money Influences American Politics - http://anticorruptionact.org/.



Corporations  vs- us The American people. Join the fight – www.represent.us


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Father thank you for all your blessings, father you have given us every spiritual and material Blessing, Show us how to share our gifts with others, and inspire us always to follow the example of your beloved son Jesus Christ; Father, thank you for granting us the gift of our freedom and Christ's example of self-giving love. We pray that strengthened with your grace, we will freely choose to offer our lives in loving service to our fellow man. Father blesses America the land of the free. Amen. - http://anticorruptionact.org/

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By: Juan Reynoso, voteforamerica@gmail.com


Our country is run by psychopaths and sociopaths.


The following sites will reveal to you the work of psychopaths and sociopaths that are train to master the ideology and belief that “the end justifies the means”. We must stop any military or any intervention in any foreign country under the pretense of national security, human rights or democracy by the President. Any intervention against any foreign country must be done by congress.   

 Investigation into the Sordid Past Behind the Bush Family


 Ex CIA agent explains how to delete the elite!


 The Dirty Secrets of George Bush


 CIA Crimes - The Secret Government



CIA Crimes - The Secret Government


 CIA Crimes-The Panama Deception.


 CIA Crimes in Indonesia - Genocides in Indonesia


 Al Qaeda is CIA Creation,


 CIA  crimes against humanity-order by the US government.


 US Criminal Government: US-ICBI-CIA-BLACKWATER


 CIA Documentary: Hiding Secrets.


 CIA Nazi Connection - Conspiracy History Documentary


 Many politicians should classify as psychopaths and sociopaths.


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