Juan Reynoso's Posts (334)

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America the enemy of humanity.

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

The truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Seek the truth and expose the criminals that made America the enemy of humanity.


Fellow Americans, our world can be at peace, if we respect the rights of our fellow Americans and others countries; we cannot continue being the world’s pirates who are motivated by greed and power to rob other countries of their natural resources and enslave Americans and humanity.

America has become the world’s bully, the Pirates that in partnership with the elite of the western world are waging a private warfare, a campaign of piracy and pillage against the world and the American people; they are criminals that plan and destroy any nation for economic gain. The world community must regard them as "hostis humani generis", the enemies of humanity. The head of these countries that are engage on the undermining of any legitimate elected government, or form or orchestrate any acts to gain the public support of the people of their country to invade or make wars with another country; must be arrest and prosecute as criminals against humanity.

Today and for the last decade, people are dying in the Middle East. Thousands more will die before the year is out; it doesn't matter that some are Palestinians, Israelis, Iraqis or Americans. It doesn't matter that some are soldiers or civilians;  all are ordinary people who want to live their lives in peace, but all are victims of leaders such as George Bush, Obama, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, David Cameron, Chancellor Angela Merkel and many others who are puppets of a sinister force that uses war to murder and enslave mankind.

All wars are against humanity. For example, almost 60 million people died in the Second World War. The "leaders" on both sides were groomed and armed by the same sinister force. This force consists of the shareholders of the Federal Reserve and the European Central Banks, dynastic families that include the Warburgs, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Loebs, Lehmans, Morgans, Schiffs, Schroders, Harrimans and members of the European aristocracy. These people control much of the world's wealth but they want it all.  The human race is one family. All wars are against humanity. The enemies were not Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden. It is the international financial elite, and their political puppets and news media “the propaganda machinery of the oligarchs war monger” that want control through the making of the one world order and the world’s economic blocks to control the world’s economic.

Let’s remind our political puppets and the media actors that we know they are reading from a fascist NW0 script and let's learn from other countries to respect our culture, religion and ideologies and most important the sovereignty of all countries of the world. Peace and prosperity will come to the world community by eliminating wars and replace it by economic cooperation and love for humanity. Wars are evil, all wars are designed to advance the financial interests of the elite and to control and enslave the civilian population. The human race is one family. All wars are against humanity. The enemy was not Saddam Hussein, Moammar Kadafi, Bashar al-Assad or Osama bin Laden. It is the international financial elite, and their political and media corrupt puppets.

George W. Bush and Tony L. Blair are war criminals.


It is a crime in the US to tell the truth.


US history of crimes against Humanity.


US President and their crimes against Humanity.


Prosecute US criminals against humanity


The Fall of America and the Western World


The American Testimony


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist - clearglobal2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

We the people can reclaim our political power. Join the political revolution and stop the demise of our democracy by the power of money. https://www.opensecrets.org/overview/

Fellow Americans, the power of big money has taken over our political system. The US Supreme Court ruling that permits corporations and wealthy individuals to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections and our government has destroyed our Democracy and our political system. Our nation and ideology- “One nation under God with justice and liberty for all” and a “country rule by the people and for the people” And our American system of government.- Is long gone. Today thanks to the US Supreme court our country is run by the oligarchs and become a plutocracy, the greedy few oligarchs of our country has corrupted our system of government and destroy our political system, what we have today is a tyrannical system of government that is taken our liberty, our economic freedom and made millions of hard working Americans economic slaves.

Fellow Americans, The political Revolution is about ordinary people getting united to reclaim their political power. The history and legacy of the people’s movements to fight tyranny it is written in our Constitution. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights Governments is instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, And to institute new government”.

Our mission is to reclaim our political system of government and make the oligarchs and their puppets accountable for all the damage done to our country and the people that suffer the consequences of their greed for power and control of our country.

This must be the strategy:

1-     We will not participate in any political or people’s unrest or protest that will undermined the people's ability to hold our government and the oligarchs accountable to the people for their crimes. (The demise of our trust in our government institutions)

2-     The people revolution must gather information of all the oligarchs of this country and the corrupt politicians that betray the people.

3-     Use the alternative news media to expose the traitors and the oligarchs that use their money to corrupt our system of government.

4-     Promote and support Bernie Saunders- Democrat, or Rand Paul - Republican to be the next President of our country. They are the only ones that will help us to take our country back.

5-     Contact all Universities and High schools and seek their support to reclaim our country and our political institutions. The future of our country is the American youth, they must be educated and given them all the tools to be the best they can be. The American youth must understand that freedom comes with responsibilities; we must open the door to freedom and opportunity so they may take the responsibility to be the stewards of our country’s land, rivers and oceans.

6-     Our revolution will show the whole country for generations to come, the power of the people when they are united for justice, freedom and their economic welfare. We Americans are born to be free and we will not become economic slaves of the oligarchs; no money on the world will ever buy our God given freedom and Liberty.

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Influence & Lobbying


Predator Corporatism: A System Designed by The Global Elite to control us.


Global predator corporatism is the #1 enemy of the Us.


Predator corporatism at work destroying our land.


The Cruel and Shameless Ideology of Corporatism.


Wells Fargo criminal list.


Wells Fargo just got served papers for fraud


Wells Fargo And The No Good, Dirty Foreclosure Trial


Wells Fargo predatory practice


Bank criminals to big to jail.



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It is time to tell the truth

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

The truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

       http://www.p2016.org/paul/paulorg.html             https://berniesanders.com/


Fellow Americans, we need a Political revolution to save our country. Seek the truth and learn the facts through Alternative News Sources. http://www.lib.sfu.ca/help/publication-types/alternative-news#portal

Fellow Americans, it is time to tell the truth. You can make the difference spread the truth; the people have the right to know the true.

Fellow Americans our elected officials, from the president and his administration to our courts and most of the congress and the senate are liars and corrupt; that is why our government lost our trust. It is clear to every American that this government is dysfunctional they become servants of the multinational corporations and lost their principles, values, honesty, moral character and their responsibility toward the people.

George W. Bush the war criminal, Obama the pathological liar and master of deception and Hillary Clinton the traitor they all lie to the American people and they will go unpunished because Washington is full of actors that play a charade to appease the people that want the true from this corrupt government. The truth is, that we in this corrupt U.S.A. are spendable; they can kill anyone without any remorse, Hillary Clinton the liar said “What Difference Does it Make?", yes to an administration that is built on lies and deceptions perhaps it really doesn't make a difference to them. But to millions of Americans, to the families of Ambassador Chris Stevens, information specialist Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Ty Woods it does matter!

Fellow Americans we must seek the true, I know that many in our government know the true; they should come forward and tell the true, be a “whistleblower” be a hero and let the people know the true. Americans have grown weary of this dysfunctional government and the lies and distortions that have sadly become the norm. We are craving for statesmen with integrity, who can be counted on to tell the truth to the American people and re-store our trust in our government. Today we have only two candidates that can save America from its own demise, they are Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul, one a Democrat and the other a Republican, they are being attacked by the news media, ridiculed and discredit, the News Media want to destroy them because they are a threat to this corrupt government establishment that is controlled by the oligarchs. The oligarchs will spend billions of Dollars to place in the white house the puppet that will do whatever they want to control our country and promote their agenda “the globalization and control of the world economic". The question is; we the people will let the oligarchs money buy our government, own and control our country so they can enslave us, or we will join the political revolution and place in the White House Bernie Sanders or Rand Paul and take our country back; any one of them will be our best choice to save our country and rebuild America, the land of the free.

Please help us to seek the true. Send this letter to every one you know independent radio TV and alternative news, YouTube, universities and high schools news sites; our youth need to know is their future they can help us to take our country back.


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Seek the truth.


Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA






The Clintons - Arkansas Connections.


Bill Clinton and his CIA drug smuggling participation:


George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton: Corruption, Cocaine, and Murder


Jeb Bush and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986


George W Bush is a war criminal.


The Bush Family history is a four generations of culture of corruption.


Summary- Of The Bush Crime Family History


The forgotten war crimes of Presidents Bush 41 & 43 now haunt us


FBI memo, photo link Bush Sr. to JFK Dallas murder scene


George W. Bush Criminal record.


skeletons keep rattling in the Bush Family closet.


Hillary Committed Treason in Benghazi.




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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist - clearglobal2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

We the people can reclaim our political power. Join the political revolution and stop the demise of our democracy by the power of money. https://www.opensecrets.org/overview/

Fellow Americans, the power of big money has taken over our political system. The US Supreme Court ruling that permits corporations and wealthy individuals to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections and our government has destroyed our Democracy and our political system. Our nation and ideology- “One nation under God with justice and liberty for all” and a “country rule by the people and for the people” And our American system of government.- Is long gone. Today thanks to the US Supreme court our country is run by the oligarchs and become a plutocracy, the greedy few oligarchs of our country has corrupted our system of government and destroy our political system, what we have today is a tyrannical system of government that is taken our liberty, our economic freedom and made millions of hard working Americans economic slaves.

Fellow Americans, The political Revolution is about ordinary people getting united to reclaim their political power. The history and legacy of the people’s movements to fight tyranny it is written in our Constitution. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights Governments is instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, And to institute new government”.

Our mission is to reclaim our political system of government and make the oligarchs and their puppets accountable for all the damage done to our country and the people that suffer the consequences of their greed for power and control of our country.

This must be the strategy:

1-     We will not participate in any political or people’s unrest or protest that will undermined the people's ability to hold our government and the oligarchs accountable to the people for their crimes. (The demise of our trust in our government institutions)

2-     The people revolution must gather information of all the oligarchs of this country and the corrupt politicians that betray the people.

3-     Use the alternative news media to expose the traitors and the oligarchs that use their money to corrupt our system of government.

4-     Promote and support Bernie Saunders- Democrat, or Rand Paul - Republican to be the next President of our country. They are the only ones that will help us to take our country back.

5-     Contact all Universities and High schools and seek their support to reclaim our country and our political institutions. The future of our country is the American youth, they must be educated and given them all the tools to be the best they can be. The American youth must understand that freedom comes with responsibilities; we must open the door to freedom and opportunity so they may take the responsibility to be the stewards of our country’s land, rivers and oceans.

6-     Our revolution will show the whole country for generations to come, the power of the people when they are united for justice, freedom and their economic welfare. We Americans are born to be free and we will not become economic slaves of the oligarchs; no money on the world will ever buy our God given freedom and Liberty.

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Influence & Lobbying


Predator Corporatism: A System Designed by The Global Elite to control us.


Global predator corporatism is the #1 enemy of the Us.


Predator corporatism at work destroying our land.


The Cruel and Shameless Ideology of Corporatism.


Wells Fargo criminal list.


Wells Fargo just got served papers for fraud


Wells Fargo And The No Good, Dirty Foreclosure Trial


Wells Fargo predatory practice


Bank criminals to big to jail.



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Demand justice for Sandra Bland's

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

The truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.


Police brutality is a crime. http://www.texasobserver.org/horror-every-day-police-brutality-houston-goes-unpunished/



The Sandra Bland's case was a murder. Texas will do anything to protect their police officers and plant evidence to justify the arrest and murder of Sandra Bland's The people must demand an investigation by a private investigators that do not have any connection with the Texas law enforcement that are connected to this case, The cover up of this case is at work. The Police force in Texas are protect by their own that is why they get free of the many crimes committed by the police force. It is a shame that we have police officers in Texas like this idiot, he is a bully and abuse his power; The worse is that they are being protect by the system; police officers they cover up their crimes and plan evidence of a crime to justify their actions, impunity for their crimes are a norm, this lady should never be arrested nor harassed. No question about it, this policeman is an idiot, he fail to follow the constitutional right of this lady, she have the right to stay in her car, he do not have the right to demand that the lady put her cigarette down or get out of her car for a minor traffic violation. He should be fire, we do not need police officer that abuses their power, they forgot that they work for us the people and their job is to protect the people not to abuse us. That is why most people hate the police officers in this country, they are bullies that believe that they can abuse people at will; I assure you they will not do that to a white person. I know by my own experience police force abuse is rampant and against the Black and Hispanic community. We the people must demand that all police officers be educate on people skills and the US constitution. Most police officer in most cases violate the constitutional rights of the Blacks and Hispanics because they believe that they do not know their constitutional rights and they are poor and are at the mercy of court appointed lawyers that work for the system, that in the first place is against them.(Blanks and Hispanics) This is sad but truth. Police Impunity is rampant in Texas. We need to stop this and restore our trust in our police force. Seek the truth and arrest and prosecute the criminals’ police officers.

The issue is Racism. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/07/16/1402770/-Texas-Sheriff-involved-in-the-death-of-Sandra-Bland-fired-from-previous-post-for-racism

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Pray for our Pastors

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Christianity came to America and it became a business.



Fellow Christians, do not let the Devil destroy your church and your faith in our Lord Jesus. We must pray to our Lord Jesus, to Jehovah (YHWH) our father and to the Holy Spirit to keep our pastors free of any temptations to sin against God  (YHWH) as such transgression of divine law will set precedents of violations of our moral principles and demise our trust on the Church and Christianity.  True Christians will not let the Devil gain control of their soul, we all know what is right and what is wrong, I think that the most damaging sin a leader can commit is to betray the trust of his people. The Devil uses these three things, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, to entice us to sin. The love for money, lust and power is a sin that will destroy any person and the love for God and obedience to his law will give us eternal life and the glory of God’s kingdom.

Our place it is not to judge, but to protect and counsel; pastors are not perfect, they are humans like us, we shall then prevent sin rather than need to cure it.  In any case, it is sad that such experiences ever occur; the congregation must protect the church, because the church is an indispensable part of the believer's life. Not only does it provide a place to worship, serve and learn about God, but it is also a community where believers can practice love toward each other as the Bible requires; "But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin" - 1 John 1:7.

Whatever you do, don't give up on the church. God requires you to be faithful to it and to be accountable to the congregation and to its spiritual leaders. See Hebrews 10:25; 13:17. If you have been hurt by church members or your pastor, don't run away – but equip yourself with the protection of God's Word. You may not be able to stop offensive things from happening, but by applying God's principles you can stop them from hurting you. "Great peace has they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them" - Psa 119:165 KJV.

Acts 5:42- And every day, in the temple and at home, they ceased not to teach and to preach Jesus as the Christ.

Acts 10:42- And he charged us to preach unto the people, and to testify that this is he who is ordained of God to be the Judge of the living and the dead.

1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.

 3 Traps Pastors Fall Into: The Unholy Trinity


6 Outrageously Wealthy Preachers under Federal Investigation


Television Preachers Exposed.


One Nation under God


When Christianity came to America, it became a business


How to Distinguish a True Christian from a Hypocrite


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

The truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

        https://berniesanders.com/                        http://www.p2016.org/paul/paulorg.html


Fellow Americans, we need a Political revolution to save our country. http://www.politicususa.com/2015/07/02/bernie-sanders-calls-political-revolution-democracy.html

Today, Washington is full of fake politicians controlled by the oligarchs; our economy is horribly, our justice system is corrupt, our jail system has become an industry that pray on the uneducated Black and the Hispanic poor, run by mega-corporations; our education system is expensive, unequal and bad our trust in our government is being destroy by this corrupt system of government.  We could literally go on forever about how screwed up our government is and the damage that is done to the people. But despite all of that, I still have faith on us the people of these Unite States. We must work together and get our country on the right path. Our founding fathers hate tyranny and love liberty this is why they work together and they forged the greatest document ever created in this country, the Constitution of the United States of America. This document guarantees the Rights and Freedoms of every American and our duty as Americans is to defend it at all cost. This Constitution has outdone every other constitution in existence and its principles of liberty and freedom will help us to stand united to reclaim our freedom and Liberty and identified, expose and prosecute the traitors the promoters of tyranny and the demise of our freedom.

Fellow Americans, 2015 and 2016 are the years of political revolution, we must work together to save our country from its own demise, our country is being destroy from within by corruption and greed for money and power, the oligarchs of this country are in control of our government and our economic and their main objective is to enslave the American working class, they are the promoters of free trade and globalization; their agenda is to trash our constitution and our God given rights so they can have absolute control of our country. Our Washington politicians are violating our constitution every day without punishment, they bankrupt our country by expending trillions of Dollars to exploit and control the natural resources of foreign countries to benefit the US corporate elite that is own and control by the oligarchs of this country, and all this is done by deception under the pretense of defending Democracy and the interest of our country. George W. Bush is a criminal; 9/11 was an inside job, the killing of over 3,000 Americans was done to get the support of the American people to invade Iraq. And control the Iraqi oil reserves; these sycophants lost their moral compass, their ideology is “The ends justified the means” and they are killings thousands without any regrets, Americans soldiers are expendable including any one that is an opposition to their agenda or know too much. These people are very dangerous and a treat to our future as a country.

2016 will be our last chance to take our country back, the political revolution is on, we have two candidates that will get our country on the right path, and they are Senator Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. The propaganda machinery of the oligarchs will do anything to destroy them, we must work together to make sure that they be elected to run our country one Democrat and one Republican with the same ideology to save our country.

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The Rights and Freedoms of Americans


 Our Jails and Prisons Are Full of Black, Brown, and Poor People


Prison has become the new poverty trap.


Incarceration policies must change


We need to do better on education.

http://grandfatherHYPERLINK "http://grandfather-economic-report.com/new_96_report.htm"-HYPERLINK "http://grandfather-economic-report.com/new_96_report.htm"economHYPERLINK "http://grandfather-economic-report.com/new_96_report.htm"iHYPERLINK "http://grandfather-economic-report.com/new_96_report.htm"c-report.com/new_96_report.htm

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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

The truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Americans have lost their moral compass.  http://maplight.org/content/73373

Fellow Americans, 2015 and 2016 are the years of political revolution, Democrats and Republicans are fed up with Washington corrupt politicians, puppets of the oligarchs.  We only have two candidates that will change the path of America’s self-destruction; they are Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul.   We must become activist and stand for America. 2016 is mean to be the year of reclamation and the turning point to reclaim our Constitution, our country’s principles and values and most important our God given rights to freedom, Liberty and the rule of law.  Our country has serious issues; we have become a country with a large corrupt powerful government that is controlled by the oligarchs; the oligarchs own and control this system of monopolist predator corporatism and our government, that have destroyed our economic and the means for the American worker to earn living wages, sufficient to meet their basic needs to support their families and to provide discretionary income and the means to finance the education of their children’s.  To be more precise, Americans want their dignity back and Living Wages; a livable wages free of any handouts, social service or welfare assistant we want our dignity and freedom back.

Democrats and Republicans must become one voice and vote for America; we believe that before anything, we are Americans and the foundation of our country is our US Constitution. We will not allow the use of any political ideology to destroy our country nor our economic and welfare.

This is the truth, Democrats and Republicans are responsible for the destruction of millions of Americans jobs, the demise of our economic freedom and they are the promoters of slave wages, the oligarchs got richer at the expenses of the American working class and use their money to control our economic and our government. We must show the oligarchs that all the money in the world will not be enough to control the destine of the American people, our country is a country of liberty; by the people and for the people.

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American politicians are owned by a handful of oligarchs


Income Inequality is destroying America’s Middle Class.


Our freedom and economic future.



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Be an activist for Christianity

America has lost their moral and religion principles, a war against Christianity is taking place in our country, our judicial system has lost their moral and religion compass and passed legislation that void our Christian faith and practice of our religion.

Our US supreme court has caused the greatest division on the American people's religion, moral, cultural and political values. A secession of the heart has already taken place in our country, this secession is not of states, but of people from one another, caused by legislation from the supreme court of our country.

God made us a family, if a family disagreed as broadly as we Americans do on issues so fundamental as right and wrong, good and evil, America would fall apart, and those who reject these anti Christian laws will dissent because a law against Christianity it is not a law; we Christians have a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws that force us to obey laws that will demise our believes that abortion is the killing of an unborn child and same-sex marriage is an abomination that violates “eternal law and natural law.

Fellow Christians, now is the time to stand united and fight this anti-Christian government and reclaim our Christian believes and moral principles for us and generations to come. Our United State is a Christina nation, but the Christian share of the population has been declining for decades, do to laws against Christianity. Seventy-one percent of American adults were Christian in 2014, the lowest estimate from any sizable survey to date, and a decline of 5 million adults and 8 percentage points since a similar Pew survey in 2007.

In God's name we must fight for our faith in God almighty and remove from office the antichrist government officials of these United states. We must never forget that God's word is full of promises and blessings with unsurpassed power and beauty. Messages of comfort, hope and encouragement from the Bible are God's blessing and remind us that God is with us always. Blessed are the ones that believe in our Lord, they will have eternal life.

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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist - clearglobal2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

An informed citizenry is vital for the preservation of our democracy. Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Will you listen to Ron Paul and take an action to save your economy welfare?


Fellow Americans, economics is the general causes on which the future welfare of human beings depend. Ron Paul for years has informed the American people of the ill economic policies of our country, but most politicians and the general public fail to listen. Do your own research and take action to insure our economic and welfare. We let the Federal Reserve Bank, the Washington politicians, the oligarchs of this country and the predator corporate system to dictate the future of our country’s economic and our economy and welfare and today, we are on the path of our own economic demise because we trust them; they all betray us; with lies and deception they implemented policies that made them rich and controllers of our economic and our welfare.  Extreme poverty and poverty is increasing and the middleclass is shrinking, but we have hope.  We can survive this catastrophe by working together and restore our trust on each other; the base of our trust must be our love for our country, our liberty and our economy freedom. United we can deal with any adversity; we are a resourceful people full of creativity and determination to survive this economy catastrophe.

Here is the solution; form cooperatives base on our American principles and commitment to our community and our voluntary adhesion to a democratic management, economic participation, autonomy, education and cooperation among cooperatives. Cooperatives are a socio-economic doctrine that enables communities and groups to share in achieving their common wellbeing. This sharing consists of continual, daily work in a spirit of collaboration and solidarity. Organizing out of need in the face of this economy adversity is a must to our economy survival. We must form State credit unions and loan cooperatives to stop this predator banking system and banking usury and strengthening our economy. We must develop a self-help system and relationships to build cooperatives to explore the potentialities and possibilities to create jobs and build sustainable community economies. The choice is ours we must take action now, freedom or economic slavery; this is a must to our economy survival and prosperity.

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The money crisis is coming.


Free trade the killer of American’s economic welfare.


Wells Fargo: Corporate Rap Sheet


We can trust on the Banks they are criminals.


Wells Fargo's sales culture is to blame for fraud.


The Carmen Segarra Case.


Fraud, Money Laundering and Narcotics


Our principles.




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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist - clearglobal2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

An informed citizenry is vital for the preservation of our democracy. Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

American's oligarchs, Banks and predator corporatism destroy America. http://www.corp-research.org/wells-fargo

Fellow Americans, do not let anyone tell you that we cannot survive the coming economic catastrophe. The truth is that we cannot depend in our government nor the financial system or the bankers to save our economy; they created this mess and do not have a clued as to what to do save our country from the collapse of the US economy; today thousands of retail stores are closing, our manufacturing infrastructure is destroyed, we import almost everything we consume. America was transformed from being a producer of goods and service to a country of consumers and service oriented economy supplemented by the promotion of debt and a welfare system to avoid the economy collapse; the federal reserve Bank flooded our country with monopoly money to create a fictitious economy, our government bailout the Bankers at the taxpayers expenses and  money was given to the Bankers at 0.001% to promote the economy,  but most of the money was used to enrich themselves and their cronies and after 7 years of deception we come to a point of no return; the collapse of our economy is a reality and cannot be stop.

We can survive this catastrophe by working together and restore our trust on each other; the base of our trust must be our love for our country, our liberty and our economy freedom. United we can deal with any adversity; we are a resourceful people full of creativity and determination to survive this economy catastrophe.

Here is the solution; form cooperatives base on our American principles; commitment to our community and our voluntary adhesion, democratic management, economic participation, autonomy, education and cooperation among cooperatives. Cooperatives are a socio-economic doctrine that enables communities and groups to share in achieving their common wellbeing. This sharing consists of continual, daily work in a spirit of collaboration and solidarity. Organizing out of need in the face of this economy adversity is a must to our economy survival. We must form State credit unions and loan cooperatives in the face of banking usury to strengthening our economy self-help relationships; the making of cooperatives to explore the potentialities and possibilities of building sustainable community economies is a must to our economy survival and prosperity.

Today, I pray to our Lord and ask to give us the wisdom and courage to ban together, to form a cooperative economy system, to build and support our economy and welfare for us and our posterity

Wells Fargo: Corporate Rap Sheet


We can trust on the Banks they are criminals.



Wells Fargo's sales culture is to blame for fraud.


The Carmen Segarra Case.


Fraud, Money Laundering and Narcotics


Our principles.




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A nice home for a Veteran

From: Juan Reynoso - czintclear@gmail.com

Attention US Veterans: Buy your own home, your reward for serving our country is great, you can buy your own home with zero down payment,  at 3.7 interest and more benefits if you are disable.

This home is for you. This is a Single-Family Home located at 3406 Maitland, San Antonio TX. 78259.  Has 3 beds, 2 ½ baths, and approximately 2,367 square feet. The property was built in 1990.  The average list price for ZIP code 78259 is $230,600. Get pre-approve and  make me an offer that I can't refuse.



Call me at 210-303-6606 or e-mail at czintclear@gmail.com









Public Records for 3406 Maitland-78259

Official property, sales, and tax information from county (public) records:

3 Bedrooms

2 ½- Bathrooms

House size 2,367 sqft

Lot Size: 6,689 sqft

Built In 1990

Property Type - Single Family Home

•    StyleContemporary

•    HeatingForced Air

•    Rooms10

•    Fireplace - Yes

•    Stories2

•    GarageAttached Garage

•    Cooling Central

•    Construction- brick - siding

•    Year Renovated- 2012 – New wood floors  2015

•    Roofing – Asphalt – 2008

•    Price  -  225,000.

Current Year Tax Levy:  $4,488.75

HOA Fee: $100

Neighborhood Info  

http://wwHYPERLINK "http://www.bestplaces.net/zip-code/texas/san_antonio/78259"wHYPERLINK "http://www.bestplaces.net/zip-code/texas/san_antonio/78259".bestplaces.net/zip-code/texas/san_antonio/78259

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America has lost their moral compass

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

The truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Americans have lost their moral compass.  http://maplight.org/content/73373

Intelligence Contractors Give Millions to Lawmakers Overseeing Government Surveillance

Our US government is out of control, greed and power to control us and the world has transformed our country into the enemy of the world and of the American people. Everything they do is to gain control and oppress the American people and the world community.

Today America is divided into corrupt traitors and patriots that want to preserve our freedom and the traitors that sold their principles and values for a hand full of Dollars; like Judas that betray Jesus for thirty silver coins. The worse traitors are all the ones that work for the NSA, the CIA, The FBI and the US Department of Justice that turn against the American people. These agencies under the pretense of defending our country trashed our constitution, the rule of law and demise our freedom; they have become the biggest threats to our country and our Liberty.

Today we must fight the NSA, this agency must be destroy; they are the army of spy’s that work with the CIA and the FBI to destroy anyone that do not conform to their strategy to control the world or defend our US Constitution and the rule of law.  They have transformed our country into a police estate and surveillance the people of this country to control us. Our police and our armies will turn against us at any time by the order of the President if we turn against them with demonstration civil disobedience and violence; martial law is the tool that they will use to control us.

The NSA use the internet and our cell phones to spy on us, we must seek alternative servers and trash our cell phones if you love your freedom we must fight the NSA by bankrupt the traitors that collaborated with the NSA to spy on us.

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The Patriot act.


Meet the contractors analyzing your private data for NSA - http://timshorrock.com/?p=710


America’s Surveillance State: Docu-series exposes NSA’s long reach


American surveillance state.


America's Surveillance State (Full, Pt. 1-6)


Inside The Dark Web – Documentary


RT America Surveillance State Part One


NSA Leak Highlights Key Role Of Private Contractors


The Secret History of NSA Contractors


List of United States defense contractors


Booz Allen Hamilton: Edward Snowden's US contracting firm


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

The truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Warning the Dollar collapse is close to be a reality.


The collapse of the Dollar will touch every single living person in the world. All human activity is controlled by money. Our wealth, our work, our food, our government, even our relationships are affected by the Dollar. The collapse of the Dollar will be global and it will bring down not only the dollar but all other fiat currencies, as they are fundamentally no different. The collapse of currencies will lead to the collapse of all paper assets worldwide. Thanks to globalization and the greed of the world’s predator corporatism system, that destroy the economy of many countries by the exploitation of labor in the third world countries and by harvests the wealth of the world by the commercialization of products made by corporate slave wages and the world’s cheap labor.

The truth is that predator corporatism suppresses real assets, like natural resources and labor to provide themselves massive profits; this concentration of wealth by the oligarchy  provides them with the money to fund the election of politicians that will support their corporations and the ever increasing federal government. The Federal government then grows larger and larger enriching its minions with jobs to control the American people and promote corporate controls on other nations through the Military Industrial Complex. Wars are the creation of this corrupt government, 9/11 was an inside job and the military intervention on Iraq and Afghanistan cost us thousands of Americans lives and the lives of millions of innocent people that never caused any harm to the American people, this was the work of the Devil, George W. Bush did the Devil’s work and demise our country with this huge national debt, that will destroy the Dollar.

The collapse is coming and will be a crisis that only we can suppress, remember God is in our side, demonstrations and public unrest will make everything worse. We must acknowledge that we get to this point by greed; now is the time to think in unity and the building of cooperatives to create jobs and serve our communities, think local and community economy development, support local business and share with others ideas that lead to jobs and productivity.

Today, many are in complete denial of the current situation, but they can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. This dollar collapse is coming. It is a mathematical inevitability, save your savings and your retirement, invest all your money in tangible assets, your best investment is in houses that you can be rent as shelter to many, form housing and farm cooperatives. If we can have a home and food to eat we will overcome this crisis.

To sum up, Big cities will be the worse place to live when the Dollar collapse, civil unrest will be confronted with the police and the army ready to kill Americans they are ready for this, FEMA have the concentration camps ready for the demonstrators if you live in big cities move to small cities and avoid being kill by our own soldiers and policemen, do not give them the excuse to kill you, protect yourself.

If you want to become aware and prepared for this collapse, please join the free Sons of Liberty Academy. http://members.sonsoflibertyacademy.com/liberty-tree-2

Join The Sons Of Liberty Academy For Free


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The oligarchs control the world.


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Fellow Americans, Texas want you

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

The truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Fellow Americans, Texas want you. Free Trade” Is Killing Economy, Middle Class


Fellow Americans, the elite powers that control and dominate Washington are working to demise our liberty and our God given rights, under the pretense of national security they trashed our constitution and the bill of rights. For years they refused to acknowledge the integrity of Texas and other states of this union. Texas culture and our rights as the world’s independent state of this nation, to steer our own ship of state and seek our economy prosperity and welfare is being attack by Washington. Texas have enough of the Washington policies of deception and lies, NAFTA and all the free trade agreements demise our manufacturing and killed millions of jobs, now in the name of foreign trade expansion and competitive in the world market, Obama is pushing for the TPP, this trade agreement will be worse than the NAFTA free trade agreement. Texas Is Pretty Much the Most Productive Place in America, but the invisible hands that produce global inequality through transnational political-economic processes that control Washington is pushing this ill free trade agreement upon us to demise our economy and welfare. We Texans through careful analysis of this growing transnational inequalities that is transforming our country into a Plutocracy system of government and given the oligarchs carte blanche to demise our rights through privatization, today we ask the American people to stand with us and demand our government to stop the TPP free trade agreement and the slavery of the American working class. The Washington politicians must remember that they took an oath to defend our constitution and the Bill of rights, falling to do so will constitute an act of treason.

Fellow American if you care about your future and the future of your family, stand with Texans in our fight for our liberty; move to Texas. Texas is the most self-sufficient state in the union and the most productive. Texas wants you to be part of our state and fight for our God given freedom and liberty.

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 Info about Texas living.






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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

The truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

The sins of our leaders must be expose. http://www.huppi.comHYPERLINK "http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/CIAtimeline.html"/HYPERLINK "http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/CIAtimeline.html"kangaroo/CIAtimeline.html

Fellow Americans, should we trust the Washington political system promoters of Plutocracy and the US Department of justice, the CIA, the FBI, FEMA, NSA our Amy and Police Force that label the Tea Party Domestic Terrorist?

We are not Terrorist, Tea Party members are patriots that want to place our country in the right path of prosperity and freedom, we are believers of our constitution and our personal liberty, we believe that our government is corrupt and we want to place in our government candidates that are believers on this freedom that made our country great. The problem is, that the Tea Party is being infiltrated by NEOCON war mongers that believe that the right path for our country is the colonization of other countries so they be able to control these countries and use them to benefit their corporate supporters, their ideology is conquer by any means and privatized all essential needs of the people to control the economy and transform them into slave of their plutocracy system of government. Since Reagan they are working on the one world order, what in fact is the globalization of the world economy by the formation of economy blocks; their strategy is the creation of the need for intervention in foreign countries in the name of democracy, human rights, freedom and economy prosperity. America and the world community must not be fool by the NEOCONS warmongers their history of lies and deception is huge, I ask every American to do some research and seek the truth about the NEOCON agenda. The Bush family are the biggest promoters of the one world order, they are criminals, sycophants that their ideology is "The ends justified the means". If you believe, in the demise of our country to form the NAU and the one world order government; vote for the NEOCON candidate. The future of our country depends on the will of the people to seek the truth and vote for America our freedom and the protection of our right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness and our economy and welfare. Fellow Americans nothing matters but our constitution and our freedom. In 2016 vote for American, be loyal to our country no to any political party, Most Democrats and Republicans belong to the oligarchs they become whores and sale out to this system of globalization that is control by the IMS and the Bankers; vote for the man with moral leadership and a champion of liberty and social justice.

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New world agenda.



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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP- activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

True Americans are the ones that stand for our Constitution, our God given rights, our laws and the international laws.

Fellow Americans, we must never forget that America is the land of the free, the GOP NEOCONS promoters of globalizations and the wars in the Middle East, want a carte blanche to spy on Americans in violation of our constitution and the Bill of rights. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has introduced legislation to simply renew the Patriot Act as-is. He said the government's power should not be weakened at a time when the threat from the Islamic State and other militant groups is growing. As always Mitch McConnell and the GOP NEOCONS under the pretense of national security want to use our national security to continue the espionage on the American people.

The patriot Act, it is nothing more than a carte blanche legislation to trash our constitution and the rights of the American people; in fact is an act of treason. We hold all the politicians accountable for the preservation of our constitutional rights; they all took an oath to defend and protect the constitution, violation of our constitution and our God given rights is treason, Americans have enough of this culture of corruption and betrayal and we will make the traitors pay for their betrayal.

Americans will not stand for the continuation of these surveillance state provisions of the “Patriot act” The USA FREEDOM Act (USAFA). The NSA spying must end; we will hold accountable, all politicians that support and vote for this sham bill that is nothing more than a betrayal and the demise of our constitution. We are counting on the morality of our senate leadership and vote no on this ill policy. Senator Rand Paul will lead the senate to stop this misguided reauthorization of the so-called "Patriot" Act. That was the work of a convicted war criminal George W. Bush.

Fellow Americans, you must stand for your freedom, before June the 1st, we want 10 million letters send to the Senate,  these senators won’t be prepared for the endless letters, faxes, phone calls, and emails that they will receive from the American people, demanding they stand up for the Fourth Amendment by opposing the "Patriot" Act reauthorization. They all took the oath to defend our constitution if they fail to defend our constitution, it will be regarded as an act of treason and we will make them pay for their action, so help me God.

Fellow patriots every one counts be an activist to protect the constitution and our God given rights. We must stop the GOP NEOCONS WAR MONGERS. Please don’t hesitate. I am counting on you.  Will you take part in this critical program to roll back the surveillance state?

Spread the word, stop the GOP NEOCONS WARMONGER.

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Neocons: the Echo of German Fascism.


Ron Paul Exposes the NEOCONS and Their Global Agenda - HE NAMES NAMES!


Jeb Bush and the return of the Neocons


PETITION: We The People To File Charges Against 47 U.S. Senators for Treason


Neocons warmongers are ruining the Republican Party.


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America's churches have become secular


By, Juan Reynoso WTP-Activist – texusa2016@gmail.com

Most churches in America have become secular, is your church becoming secular?  Are we becoming secular?  If either; start praying, repent of anything you believe or do that is contrary to the scripture.  Start praying for your church and let the Bible be your guide.

Our country is in a crisis because we turn against God, we call ourselves Christians, but our actions reflect the ones of secular religion. My personal experience for the last 50 years bears this out. I've been to several different churches in the New York City, Montana, Arizona and Texas, and they've all drawn a diverse crowd, parents and families, people of color, an almost equal mix of men and women, a broad spread of ages and It's clear that communities like this attract people who just want to get on with their lives and live according to humanist values. As the numbers of nonreligious Americans continue to grow, we can be sure that these secular congregations will grow with them.

I dream of a true Christian community, that follow God’s law and really be our brother’s keepers; that care about each other and stand for our God given rights to life and free of crimes and corruption.

All human beings will benefit from belonging to a welcoming, supportive church. Through Christian congregations like this, we can help each other in times of need or crisis: when someone dies, we can gather to comfort the mourners and share memories of their life. We can come together to celebrate important life passages such as weddings and birthdays. We can also assemble to do good for our community, with charitable drives and volunteering. Research has repeatedly affirmed the benefits of social connection, showing that belonging to a Church contributes to leading longer, healthier, happier lives. Besides the immediate tangible benefits, we also gather to affirm a common identity. In a society that's still majority Christians, we must embrace all the people and no one should be a target of prejudice and misunderstanding, we must organize and becoming visible, we must show the world who we are and what we value, and that's always the first step in fighting this antichrist war. It will create a positive and welcoming image of Christianity that people will bear in mind when the government establishment tries to paint us with negative stereotypes of being against equal rights or religious fanatics.

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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist - texusa2016@gmail.com
Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.
Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.
The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFDe5kUUyT0 - http://www.hiddensecretsofmoney.com/
Stop your own money from destroying your wealth. Close your account on interstates banks and deposit your money on state Banks or local credit union Banks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=826oJ6LCdhUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=826oJ6LCdhU
Cooperative Workplaces will save the America's Economy.
Fellow Americans we either innovate, or we die and decay, the fact is that we are heading to an economy crisis never experience in our country, the collapse of the Dollar will take place; is a matter of time, it is like a time bomb that will destroy our economy and demise our life savings and our retirement accounts. We cannot depend on the government to fix this mess that they created in the first place; it is up to us and no one else.
The truth is that this corrupt government, voided their oaths and betray the American people, they passed legislation’s that destroy our jobs and created huge trade deficits. To pay for their financial obligations and the cost of running the country they barrow the money to cover the budget deficit and without any concern for the future of our country engaged in wars that cost us trillions of Dollars and to cover-up their mess they lower the interest rate and created the 2008 economy crisis and they make it worst by bailing out their cronies, the big Bankers and the financial predators of the people’s money.
Today, Washington do not have a clue as to what to do to fix this mess and continue doing what get us into this mess, they are getting ready to pass the TPP trade agreement, this will be the end of our jobs and our life style.
Fellow Americans our economy future depends on us; innovation and revamping our economic system can only be done by us, we need to work together and change our employment picture by creating jobs for ourselves, our solution is the development of community cooperative workplaces; we produce and support our community by using and buying products produce by our cooperatives. We can fight the oligarchs’ promoters of globalization and free trade and build our own economy; the solution to our problem is being loyal to our country and our people. Buy only products made in America by Americans, create jobs for Americans. Creating and keeping American jobs should be the dominating national discourse right now, we must think and take action before is too late.
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United we can save our economy through cooperatives.
Will Cooperative Workplaces Democratize U.S. Economy?
Cooperatives will change America’s work and security.
Cooperative the new economy
Cooperatives are the possible solutions to jobs
Cooperatives are Part of American DNA
How Worker-Owned Companies Work
Form a nonprofit Cooperative work force or small business


Searches related to tutorial to form a cooperative
how to form a cooperative housing society
how to form a cooperative bank
how to form a cooperative business
membership form for cooperative
tutorial form avid

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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Fellow Americans, we claim to be a Christian Nation but we allowed our government to commit crimes against humanity and encourage this genocide by giving impunity, applauded and praising their criminal actions.

In the name of national security and Democracy we supported the criminals on this illegal ill war and tinted our hands with the blood of our soldiers and the millions of innocent people; men, women and children that become the victims of the American warmongers that want to oppress the world community and control their natural resources and their economy.

God knows that we have lost our moral compass and become accomplice of this genocide, we keep silent knowing that it was a sin against God, the killing of people to rob them of their natural resources and the occupation of their land under the pretense of national security; in fact we become worse than the criminals by failing to seek justice and demand the stop of this genocide.

Next Sunday when you go to your church you must ask God for forgiving your sin against your brothers and sister that die in vain; ask our lord to give you the courage to stand for justice and demand and investigation and prosecution of the criminals that committed this genocide; we know who they are, ex-President George W. Bush and President Obama; we must do what is right and cleanse our soul of the sins of our government, this silent and cover-up must end, we have the responsibility as Christians to stand for the lives of all human beings, we are God's creation and not one has the right to kill or made slave another human being. Truth and justice will set us free from the gilt of knowing that we keep silent when it was time to speak up and demand to stop the genocide of the innocent.

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Today is the time to speak up American's complete denial of these crimes must end, we must demand justice now. The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg held following World War II that the waging of a war of aggression is: essentially an evil thing, to initiate a war of aggression is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.

Bush Administration Convicted of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity


Issue Murder Indictment of George W. Bush


George W. Bush crimes.


Obama's criminal fact sheet


Obama's criminal organization.


Exposing Bush’s historic abuse of power


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