TNSteve's Posts (63)

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CORE in our Schools and Department Of Education

From what I can tell they drop some classic Lit  that take too much time and/or may offend, like Huck Finn and Dickens. They add social programs that preach total acceptance of alternate lifestyle's under the guise of anti bully stuff. Then they add more PC and some actual learning with some electronics , supported by Bill Gates. My issue is I think the department of Education should be eliminated or reduced to a bare bones department and all money should go back to the States for use as they direct via local school boards and their Governors. Such a radical idea, States Rights! I wonder, if that has ever been thought of or allowed? Oh yeah, our founders thought of it and even wrote it down. It has taken almost 300 years to destroy and ignore their wisdom.

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Russia, China and Enemies Laugh at the US

Lurch, I mean Kerry, demands that Russia return Snowden. Then he backs off, after they probably reminded him we had people stuck in space and the ride price might go up or disappear. Who knows, either way they recognize how weak our leader is and in turn how that weaken the US. They must love it, as Obama is doing what they could have never done. One of Russia's past leaders famously stated they would take over the US without ever firing a shot. They still are not doing that, but our President and our weak kneed Congress and Senators are letting Obama do it for them.

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Obama continues his successful march to diminish and reduce America to a second class non super power without any moral compass. In my opinion, his actions make him the worse President, but in his mind he has nationalized health care, placed more people on welfare than ever, increased spending to highest level in our history along with the highest deficit, on the road to triple what Bush left him with in 2009. The assault continues on every front. Degrade, demoralize and downsize the military, CORE curriculum to continue to brainwash our children, Executive orders establishing his imperial Presidency, via climate control, EPA, CZARS, IRS, Energy, Land Management other departments doing his bidding. The EPA will cause 238 coal plants to close and may lose 84,000 coal related  jobs,  while the EPA goes around the will of our weak kneed Congress. Now the military standards will be changed along with the elimination of 10 Brigades, while the Islamic terrorists are still at war with us, along with Egypt and others. I am sure they are glad that we are not in a war footing and are leading from behind, as Obama stated.


China and Russia must be happy that Obama would like to have zero nuclear weapons, but would settle for a 45% unilateral reduction. Of course, Russia is developing a new treaty violating med range missile and China is also building their military ASAP. They just launched an air craft carrier, but Obama's staff has declared a WAR ON COAL, OMG. Obama lies about so many things and issues it is impossible to note them all here, but one big one is that the Earth's temperature has gone up. It has gone down for a decade and the Russian's say they expect it to drop for 200 to 250 years or more. Of course, that is d Is based on un biased research and not tied to the wests global cap and trade Ponzi scheme. More to follow....

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