USA 4ME's Discussions (333)

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Girls Will Not Play With Boys

10999195855?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Sorry it’s not what you think!

The angry voice of females objecting to their team playing in varsity sports with or against males are growing! In other words transgender males to females is disingenuous in the transgender males still can

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Financial Cannibalism Takes Big Bite

big-bite.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=T2Q7L9z2NnYMN6HVooUCiLfqz-93SfR573lvmms3YGg=&profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) – Yup you read it right! Financial Cannibalism is getting fat on banks, stocks and your groceries and Washington is stimulating its appetite! Yikes!

Mark Twain wrote, “Everybody talks about the weather, but no one ever does anything about

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New US President Already Dirty!

10997660865?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Governor Gavin Newsom will be the Democratic nominee for 2024 or possibly take office before. The Dems will force their candidate unto the Washington stage one way or another. Either he will win the 2024 election (he WILL receive more vot

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Biden To Punish The Productive

10995303660?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) As always, the solution to everything is more hard-earned taxpayer dollars lining the pockets of the Washington fat cats. But who are these super productive tax generating, job giving people?

You know, it’s the Mom and Pop businesses! Pr

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January 6th Truth Or Fiction

original.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Who are you going to believe? Members of Congress making statements which contradicts video and eyewitnesses? These Congressmen being the same ones who lied about Covid masks, Vaccines, Global Warming and their butt-buddies in China. Or a

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ALERT - Ministry Of Truth Coming Back

14965951_0.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) The name itself is an oxymoron! How can anyone administrated truth? Truth is truth not seen through the eyes of a bias government bureaucracy! Very soon, if the MOT (Ministry Of Truth) is installed it will be the MOL (Ministry Of Lies) an

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Dems And Russians Teamed Up


(PatriotHQ) Friends make good bed fellows! The Dems can control the Lame-stream media and ballot harvesting while the Russian control the shadows and backroom deals! So no wonder Trump had an uphill battle, the deck was stacked against him. This is

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Clinton Body Count Grows

PWPAI3k4sLar_640x360.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) WHAT! Not another unfortunate and innocent death of a Clinton buddy! OMG! What bad luck, or is it something else?

Read this! A turbulent flight killed a former Clinton lawyer. (no doubt this happens every day)

"I can't remember the last t

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Gun Grabbing By Bureaucracy

Cassidy-International-Gun.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Why does this smell like a gun grab? Why did the FBI take so long to grab the guns from citizens after rightfully purchasing them? What was the biggest reason for the gun grab? Some are saying the ‘big reason is mental health histories. W

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