james seigfreid's Posts (114)

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We've all become acquainted with the legal definition of insanity...here it is in spades;


Penned by Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner
Posted:  08/09/2011 12:20 PM

In a shocking display of violent rhetoric given that Leftists routinely plea for 'civil discourse' and decry the 'tone' of conservatives, Progressives are increasingly issuing death threats to Patriots who are dedicated to the primacy of the Constitution in U.S. law. One such propitious champion of 'kinder, gentler' dialogue called for the systematic roundup of what he calls 'Tea Baggers'--the derogatory term coined by Progressives to smear members of the Tea Party--in order to subject them to a year's worth of 're-education' at so-called 'green' internment camps.


For informational purposes, readers should recognize that the terms 'Leftist' and 'Progressive' are interchangeable. They refer to the same thing--those who wish to 'change' America into a totalitarian system where government dominates and regulates all of human life, and where the economic system of capitalism is junked in favor of a Marxist-Socialist model.


To those who have  followed the Left ever since the 1960s, such vitriol is no surprise. From Saul Alinksy to Cloward and Piven, from Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn to Ward Churchill and the Symbionese Liberation Army , Progressives have consistently called for the violent overthrow of the U.S. Constitution and the murder of persons they identify as the stalwart defenders of American freedom and capitalism.


It should never be forgotten that confirmed domestic terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, launched the political career of Barack Obama in their living room in Chicago in the 1990s.


Thus, the current bombast coming from Progressives is no surprise. The thing that raises eyebrows, however, is the vehement attempt to portray the Tea Party as a dangerous group that is responsible for everything from the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords to Standard and Poor's downgrade of America's credit rating--all while the Left continues its tendency toward violence, death threats, and its periodic calls for a roundup of those who disagree with its extremist views.


Here is a sample of such rhetoric from extremist enviornmentalist Derrick Jensen, via The Blaze , as reported in Sipsy Street Irregulars :

One of the activists, Derrick Jensen, allegedly even believes those who destroy the environment should be summarily executed: “If it were up to me, all the people associated with the Gulf oil spill, which is murdering the Gulf, would be executed. That would be part of the function of a state,” said Jensen.


In addition to Jensen, the two other environmentalists interviewed in the article – Lierre Keith, and Aric McBay — have spearheaded a fringe movement called the “Deep Green Resistance” (with a book of the same name) that calls for “direct attacks on infrastructure” and an annihilation of civilization as we know it.


According to the far-left triumvirate, humanity must devolve into living primitive, “indigenous” lifestyles. To this end, Keith targeted a litany of ills that must be stopped, declaring: “We need a culture that is self-consciously oppositional to things like corporate power, capitalism, industrialization and ultimately civilization, because that is the arrangement of power on this planet right now.”


Another Progressive, Jeffrey Wells, had this to say on his website, in his own words :

Many times I've riffed on a dark, delicious fantasy about rounding up Tea Bagger types and sentencing them to green re-educat... for minimum one-year terms. Not to punish per se but to expose these contemptible morons to facts, to truth, to the way things really are and how they're being played by the rich, and the fact that Boomers have taken almost everything and that diminished lifestyles and economic security are being bequeathed to Genx and GenY for decades to come, and that the best is definitely over. The infra-structure that once provided decent, fair-minded quality of life to middle-class people in this country isdisintegrating . The game is rigged. This is the fall of the Roman Empire.


All largely because of impediments to logical, intelligent governing put up by the knee-jerk, mule-like, corporate-kowtowing mentality of Tea-Bagger types and their 60 or so looney-tunes Congresspersons now in office. We've truly become a South American society of rightist oligarchs, angry lefties, disillusioned wage-earners, retirement-age fuddies and struggling, debt-smothered have-nots, and the rightist boobs will never understand that they're primarily the problem .


Wells has also called for violent, London-type riots in the streets of America.


Further, last evening on Twitter an intriguing exchange occurred between several Patriots and a team member of Fox News Radio's token Progressive, Alan Colmes. The team member had hinted that Progressives may wish to engage in violence in order to stop Tea Party activists from achieving their goals. Attempts to pin down the team member for clarification were largely unsuccessful, but the genie was already out of the bottle.


In pre-WWII Germany, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis engaged in a scheme to demonize and vilify various groups of persons, falsely projecting onto them all sorts of hideous and despicable motives and acts, so as to divert attention from those very same hideous and despicable motives and acts being carried out by Hitler's SS and storm troopers.


There is a most important lesson in that, to those who are smart enough to get it.


Be sure to catch Anthony Martin's blog at The Liberty Sphere.

Visit my ministry site at Martin Christian Ministries .





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More Essential Information

Here is another tidbit...a little lengthy, but worth it.  Essential Information resides herein;


Whether you think the man is crazy or dead on the money, listen in on Monday night, 9 p.m. EST on Tea Party Radio
Information is essential for us to move forward, and the better informed you are, the more aware you are, the more
effective you are.  


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This is from a post by Jedi Pauly, who I've been acquainted with over the last few years.  He has gone to great lengths and has done an incredible amount of research to come to his conclusions.  Great progress has been made over the last 2 years or so...take the time to see why by following this link:



I have invited Jedi Pauly to join us Monday night on Tea Party Radio as a guest, to explain his take on things.

I encourage as many that can make it @ 9 p.m. EST to join us on Tea Party Radio on BlogTalk.  Call-in # is 646-200-4032.  

There will be more coming here shortly concerning these issues.  God Bless...

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Join us tonight @ 9 p.m. EST for Tea Party Radio with Dale Robertson, David Toy and Jim Seigfreid.  Jim will be talking about treason complaints that need to be filed by We the People---that's all of us, folks, and how to do it.  Here is a hint and a link to follow now: http://thejaghunter.wordpress.com/ or this one also:


My letter to Atty. Gen. Sam Olens of Georgia is also posted on the Jaghunter.  Cmdr. Walt Fitzpatrick has done an incredible amount of work over the last few years, in particular, and deserves not only our thanks and our respect, but also our appreciation by utilizing the tools and the information he is providing in the pursuit of justice and the rule of law.  He can't do it all alone...so let's get busy!

The call-in number for the program is 646-200-4032 and is front & center on our home page also.  Please join in as we will focus on a number of other issues as well, foremost being the downgrade of our national credit rating and those TRAITORS in Washington calling it the"TEA PARTY DOWNGRADE."  Just when you think you've heard it all...as a friend of mine used to say (since passed from this earth) "un-beWEEE-bah bal!"  

Also of vital mention is the fact that frequent contributor and Democrat Presidential contender Leah Lax will be working today and Wed. to provide a number of attorneys with the essential element of "standing" due to her unique position now, as they re-visit their attempts to be heard by the Pa. Supreme Court.  She has already provided Standing to Dr. Orly Taitz and Doug Voght as they are due in Hawaii tomorrow to view the vaulted long-form BC of our current Liar-n-Thief.  Way to go, Leah!!!

All of you know, we are NOT playing games.  Quite literally, the future of this country is hanging by a thread, and it is incumbent upon ALL OF US to stand up on the front lines and really show these traitors some CHANGE THEY CAN BELIEVE IN!!!

God bless you all, God Bless the United States of America, and SEE YOU TONIGHT AT 9 pm EST!




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Sometimes WOW just doesn't do justice to the stuff coming out of this administration.  Try this new tidbit on for size:

Worse Than Gunwalker? State Dept. Allegedly Sold Guns to Zetas

It’s a stunning allegation that makes the other gunrunning scandals look like child’s play.

July 22, 2011 - 10:35 am - Bob Owens



Phil Jordan, a former CIA operative and one-time leader of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s El Paso Intelligence Center, claims that the Obama administration is running guns to the violent Zetas cartel through the direct commercial sale of military grade weapons:

Jordan, who served as director of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s El Paso Intelligence Center in 1995, said the Zetas have shipped large amounts of weapons purchased in the Dallas area through El Paso.

Robert “Tosh” Plumlee, a former CIA contract pilot, told the Times he supported Jordan’s allegations, adding that the Zetas have reportedly bought property in the Columbus, N.M., border region to stash weapons and other contraband.

“From the intel, it appears that a company was set up in Mexico to purchase weapons through the U.S. Direct Commercial Sales Program, and that the company may have had a direct link to the Zetas.”

The U.S. Direct Commercial Sales program is run from the U.S. State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls. It regulates and licenses private U.S. companies’ overseas sales of weapons and other defense materials, defense services, and military training. This does not include the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program, which authorized sales to foreign governments.

An El Paso Times article – as of now ignored by mainstream media — went into much more shocking detail:

“They’ve found anti-aircraft weapons and hand grenades from the Vietnam War era,” Plumlee said. Other weapons found include grenade launchers, assault rifles, handguns and military gear including night-vision goggles and body armor.

“The information about the arms trafficking was provided to our U.S. authorities long before the ‘Columbus 11′ investigation began,” said Plumlee, referring to recent indictments accusing several Columbus city officials of arms trafficking in conjunction with alleged accomplices in El Paso and Chaparral, N.M.

Jesús Rejón Aguilar, the number three man in the Zeta’s hierarchy, disclosed last week that the Zetas bought weapons in the United States and transported them across the Rio Grande. Mexican federal authorities captured Rejón on July 3 in the state of Mexico, and presented him to the news media the next day. His recorded video statement was uploaded on YouTube.

Jordan agreed with Plumlee’s allegations that the Zetas are operating in the Columbus-Palomas border.

Plumlee, who has testified before U.S. congressional committees about arms and drug trafficking, said the roads in Southern New Mexico provide smugglers easy access to Mexico’s highway networks.

Insight.org provides a map of the air-smuggling route originating in Dallas at Alliance Airport and ending in Columbus, New Mexico — a small town that has also been rocked by the arrests and guilty pleas of the town mayor and other elected officials who were running guns to a cartel safehouse, and then apparently into Mexico.

There is no direct link made as of yet between the Columbus, NM, officials case and the allegations of the Dallas-to-Columbus air smuggling route, but the possible connection should raise eyebrows.


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Just wondering what it is going to take to get the Rule of Law to work for us once again.  Until we change the entire make-up of Congress and the courts, this too will go unchecked, and these criminal traitors and seditionists will continue their carnage of the Constitution unabated.  And yes, SEDITION is a legitimate charge here, another very important one added to the growing list against the Obama Cabal.  What is so mind-boggling is that all this is verifiable, with witnesses and FACTS!  Watch the MSM spin this one as another conspiracy theory!!  Somedays it's so very tempting to just throw up your hands and walk away, numbed with frustration.  DON'T DO IT!!!!  That's when it's time to burn up a few hundred more rounds just to stay tuned up.

TREASON is defined in Article 3, Sec. 3 Clause 1 of the Constitution ; "Treason against the United States shall consist only in Levying War against them, or in adhereing to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."  Seems to me that violent drug cartels are not our friends, but our enemies, though they may be Obama's friends, but he is a sworn enemy of the United States AS WELL.


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A Little Action Is Required

As promised, I am posting something of great importance that I recieved just before our Tea Party Radio Show went live:

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Thank you to the 4 people who donated a total of $150 towards the mailing costs. I have printed enough of the 28-page final report on the Obama Forged COLB and the signed Affidavit of July 7 covering the case of Plausible Deniability against Robert Bauer and Daniel Pfeiffer in their April 27, 20110 news conference. You should read it because they are indirectly acknowledging that what they were presenting that morning was a fraud and forgery! http://www.archiveindex.com/Obamas_Certificate_Forgery.html


My letters to the Hawaiian Attorney General David Louie and Governor Neil Abercrombie were mailed off 7/11/11 Certified Mail (to Louie 70103090000164047828, Gov. 70103090000164047842) and received 7/14/11. A copy of this letter can be seen on www.archiveindex.com/Hawaii_AG_and_Gov_letter_7-9-11.pdf. The next day the AG’s office said that the Deputy Attorney went on leave and will not be back until next week and Director Loretta Fuddy left the Island —read the Plausible Deniability affidavit listed above and you will know why she left town fast! They didn’t say where she went. It looks like my letter worked and the AG and Governor wants to stay as far away from this fraud as possible. See Orly ’s site for story. http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=23857


The Report and Affidavit was also mailed to the US Attorney in Honolulu , Florence Nakakuni (Certified Mail #70103090000164047835, delivered 7/14/11).


My next step is mailing off the two reports to all the Republican Congressman and Senators. I have enough postage for 116 mailings (4oz. ea envelope, $1.04 ea., 6x9 envelopes cost was $29+ tax). A copy of this letter will be on my web site for you to download and modify to your liking. I will need additional contributions to mail to all the rest of the 300+ Congressmen and Senators. You can mail contributions or stamps to:

Douglas Vogt

Vector Associates, 12819 S.E. 38th Street, Suite 115 , Bellevue , WA 98006

Or can call me and I can take your credit card over the phone. I’d love to talk to you anyway.

Link to my letter to Congressmen: www.archiveindex.com/letter_to_congress_7-18-11.doc


My cover letter will remind them that this scandal is the worst in American history and it is going to hit the domestic as well as foreign media this year. The American voters will want to know why the Republicans did not ask for Congressional hearing or at least ask the FBI to do an investigation. If the Republicans continue to do nothing then expect there will be a political price to pay. I am also going to suggest they use this forgery information when they are negotiation with the administration over the national debt and the budget.

Here are links to the names and addresses of all the Congressmen and Senators for you to contact:


Senators: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

All elected officials both federal and state:


All the election officials in the USA :

All the US News Media:

These are the links you can use that will tell you all the newspapers in the USA :

For Foreign and Domestic media including TV, Radio, Newspapers all over the world:

Mailing off news releases to the foreign media might get faster results because they are not under the influence of the Obama administration. If you contact the media while I am notifying the Congress and the US Attorneys and Judges, we might get some action. I will put up a suggested News Release format you should use to notify the news media. Go onto the Birthers Secure Forum: http://birthers.tpath.org/login.aspx


Thank you for your help and support.

Douglas Vogt


Friends and fellow patriots, this is vital information that cannot be ignored, and must be acted on.  In order for us to bring about the change that is required to restore our Constitutional liberties, and begin to rid our nation and our government of the treasonous cancer that is sweeping through our hallowed halls of justice, IT IS ON OUR SHOULDERS NOW TO TAKE DIRECT ACTION  AND RESPONSIBILITY AS NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO DO IT FOR US.

I don't know of a clearer or more thorough outline at this time.  Having interviewed Mr. Vogt, and examined his evidence and credentials, I don't really give a hoot what the MSM and detractors will say about him, about me, or about you.  The truth can only be denied for so long. 

EVERYTHING IS THERE FOR YOU TO ACT ON.  THE ONLY THING LACKING IS YOUR ACTIONS.  Review the material...follow the directions...USE THE VEHICLE PROVIDED.  The FUTURE of this Republic rests solely on OUR SHOULDERS...because I don't see anyone else out there in the media doing a damn thing besides trying to belittle us Patriots.  It's past time to hit them hard.  The TRUTH SHALL PREVAIL, or we, and our Nation, will surely die.

---James Seigfreid 

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Tea Party Radio Tonight!

Join us tonight on BlogTalk Radio for our Tea Party Radio podcast! 

Station information is right there on the main page of the website, call in # is 646-200-4032. 

Join me, Jim Seigfreid, David Toy, Leah Lax and others as we delve into the many issues of the day (Weiner is going to be bottom of the list tonight---sick of that idiot) and there are many issues out today that we need to focus on, and WE NEED YOUR INPUT ON.  Listen and call in @ 9 p.m. EST.  See ya there!

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To anyone who pays the slightest amount of attention to the on-going battle over the debt, debt-ceiling, Paul Ryan's budget proposal vs. Obummer's budget abortion, and the ancillary debates on both sides, it is clear that we have a real problem in this nation...and it goes deeper than the financial crisis we are in.

It should be clear that, in order (just for example) for Chris van Hollen (ranking Senate Democrat) to be able to go on Fox News and distort Paul Ryan's proposal to save Medicare, while at the same time lying through his teeth about the "Affordable Care Act", or ObamaCare, there must be enough people that will bite into this cowpie pudding for it to be worth his time (van Hollen). 

With a stack of charts in front of him, and Fox News host Chris Baer asking the questions,  (pointedly or not is a matter of debate), van Hollen uses states from the CBO and other government accounting agencies to mis-represent Ryan's proposal, and completely distort what the actual consequences of Obummercare will be.

Paul Ryan had fairly equal time, although van Hollen did an admirable job of talking WAY more than he should, which is one of the tactics of the far-left from time immemorial.  Talking-points is all these libs have got, because the actual facts belay their lies, and they know that.

What should be of concern, or at least is to me, is that at the end, after all the distortions, and Ryan not really having the time to counter the slight-of-hand involved in van Hollens "charts" from "actual government accounting agencies"---(let's all move along...nothing to see here...) these two are laughing it up, they after all are just old friends who have "differences of opinion."

"Differences of opinion" that also happen to be "matters of life and death."

Not a laughing matter, in my book.  I don't think I would have been as charitable as Ryan, although I somewhat understand the protocols that go with the office. 

Screw protocol.  These bastards are liars, thieves, and wolves at the door.  The only humane thing to do is to get rid of them in the most humane and fastest way possible before they EAT US ALL ALIVE.

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Hello folks!  Tea Party Radio tonight, and Dale Robertson (Tea Party Founder) will be calling in for the first time in a while since his surgery!  Tune in, listen in, or better yet CALL IN @ 646-200-4032.  As usual, we will be as informative and interesting as usual with a host of topics that are the most vital to our nation.

God Bless the United States of America!

Jim Seigfreid

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Here's An Open Invitation

Alright folks---here we have it.  An Open Invitation to Angelo Mule' and Alex Abrams to come on Tea Party Radio Monday night @ 9 p.m. EST.

Angelo is a frequent poster here on Tea Party.org.  Alex has also made his presence known.  Personally, I have never been shy either.  As I will be hosting Tea Party Radio Monday night, and there appears to be a small confict of opinion and/or ideals between these gentlemen, let's just get this in the open.  This ties in with what we are all concerned with in this movement, and all others across this country.  It's one thing to sit down at an impersonal keyboard, and quite another to open yourself up to the realm of open opinion and discussion, LIVE, with thousands of people listening, and clattering away in the chat-room, and project and maintain your ideals and beliefs, and defend them.

Angelo had just posted me that I should ask Alex on.  Alright.  Alex--COME ON IN.  Call-in # is 646-200-4032.

Angelo, I'm going to ask that you meet the challenge you issued to Alex---YOU KNOW THE NUMBER.

Leah Lax will be there along with our perennial host/co-host David Toy.  Dale---wish you were here, and God Bless you and all our Vets on this Memorial Day.

Let's make them all proud, get vocal and get loud!!!!

God Bless you all and God Bless the United States of America!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tea Party Radio tonight

Folks, we'll have a guest or two tonight;  Arnie Rosner and Tim Harrington of the United States Patriots Union will be joining David Toy and I, and Leah Lax as well with some interesting and vital information.  Please join us about 30 minutes if you have not planned to do so already. 

"The path we choose will not be the path of surrender."  John F. Kennedy--

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A Little Education Never Hurt Anyone

Fellow Patriots, friends and neighbors;

If you're of a mind to, please go to the Radio Link at the top of our Command Page, in case you didn't get the show tonight, and get the archived re-play.  There is an incredible wealth of information that was presented here, and it is essential to what we need to do to move forward.  That would be the May 23 archived show. 

Courtesy of Twana Blevins, JB Williams and Tim Harrington of the United States Patriots Union...http://patriotsunion.ning.com

Their insights and legal, as well as Constitutional grasp of the issues that concern us today are essential for all of us to be paying attention to.  They have a very powerful message for all of us...please listen in and we can ALL learn and proceed forward in a more effective manner.  God Bless.


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Tea Party Radio Tonight

Hello fellow Patriots!  Tonight on Tea Party Radio we will have a guest with us---Twana Blevins of the United States Patriots Union will be joining us http://patriotsunion.ning.com to discuss current issues regarding eligibility, the issue of "standing" as addressed in their show last night on Blog Talk Radio with J.B. Williams, Tim Harrington and legal advisor Barbara Kletan, all formidable Constitutional scholars in their own right.  We will get an introduction to this group, their goals, etc., with lots of discussion, and I hope participation from y'all.

Our co-host tonight will be the ever-affable David Toy with his voluminous insights and commentaries, and an update on the progress of Tea Party Founder Dale Robertson as he recuperates from back surgery last week.  Keep those prayers coming, folks!  We miss Dale!!!!!!!!

God Bless, and hope to hear from you tonight!---Jim Seigfreid

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You all need to be paying close attention to the Middle East, the @#$%%^&^@# in the White House, and Leah Lax's post on Mr. Netanyahu and his comments she has translated from Hebrew.

There has never been a time in our history where a sitting American President has done so much to belittle, downgrade and arrange for the destruction of not only an ally, but a vital partner with spiritual equanimity such as Isreal represents, and shares with us.

If Isreal is relegated to it's pre-1967 borders, as recommended by the Usurper in the White House, it will be destroyed in short order, and Obama and his international handlers will have won, while the entire rest of the world will have lost.  Big Time.

To not understand the implications of "losing Isreal" is to have completely lost all moral bearings, and the lessons of history.  The cries of "KILL THE JEWS" ring out all across the Middle East and everywhere the Islamic heathens dwell, and our "president" is advocating for Isreal to commit suicide.

Message to "BeBe"---YOU'VE GOT MORE FRIENDS THAN YOU MAY KNOW.  I, for one, stand solidly with you.

God Bless

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Let's Offer Up The Prayers!

Tea Party.org Founder and President Dale Robertson will be undergoing back surgery this week, after suffering for 20 years from an injury incurred while in service to this nation in the U.S. Navy.  His service has never faltered or wavered, as exemplified by this fine organization, TeaParty.org.  Let's offer up the prayers for a successful surgery, a quick and effective recovery, and the return of his presence among us all the more invigorated.  Keep Dale and his family in your frequent and daily prayers.  And continue to join us on Tea Party Radio, because the show will CONTINUE to GO ON!!! 

Contact information for Tea Party Radio is on the Command Page, as I'm sure you are aware.  We'll be live Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EST with a range of topics essential to restoring this Republic.  Call-in number is 646-200-4032.  I will be in hosting for Dale Monday, with co-host Leah Lax.  Our other host/co-host David Toy will also be out due to a medical procedure, but hopefully will be able to call in.  He needs your prayers too!!!  ( "Lord, we pray that you knew what you were doing when you blessed David with his sarcasm/wit affliction...Amen.")  Hahaha!!!  Love ya, man!!!  God Bless you all!

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 Reading through all these comments and posts, I come away with a feeling of great sorrow and frustration that the basic single most important issue before us is being tossed away like so much chaff because it's...wellll...inconvenient.

I'm not a "Birther."  I just want to see the damn proof, and we get a falsified document AGAIN.  As if we needed proof that the man in the Oval Office is completely anti-American as demonstrated repeatedly by his actions and usurpations.  DAILY.

These are CRIMES that make Richard Nixon look like a saint.  This is the intentional destruction of Western civilization on an international scale, by destroying the one and only true beacon of liberty and freedom the world has EVER KNOWN.  By intentionally debasing and destroying the only monetary base that has generated more wealth and prosperity WORLDWIDE the earth has ever seen. 

And now Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the Constitution of the United States just needs to be IGNORED???



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Tyrants and Tea Parties

Steve Eichler's notes on the Tea Party movement ought to give anyone with a pulse, something to really think about.  He is, after all, entirely correct.  The national movements that have taken a life of their own are truly remarkable, and Tea Party.org is no exception by far.  It also begs mention of all the work that is being done on local levels; all the county and state organizations that keep this wondrous and multi-faceted movement breathing. 

The pulse of the nation in 2008 was getting dangerously weak, and needed defibralization.  The "Organizing for America" juggernaut of an illegitamite and dangerous regime, hell-bent on "fundamentally transforming America," was the final straw for many millions of people.  We as a people seem to be a nation "of crisis", as a friend of mine ( chairman of our group in Gilmer County Ga...I'm vice-chair) observed once at our local Tea Party board meeting.  Meaning that it seems to take a crisis before the American people really rise to the occasion and begin to take action. 

Quite a few county and state groups tend to shy away from social issues, and for specific reasons.  The main ones being that, they don't want the "stigma" attached to them by the national Lame Stream Media on a whole host of social issues, from the BC eligibility issue, overt acts of treason, violation of oath, impeachment, etc, and will adhere to their original mission statements and actions regarding interaction and constant contact with their elected reps., local state and Congressional, on the issues of taxation, government over-reach and all other issues along those lines.  Coupled with a dedicated AND effective offensive of member/citizen participation, we've come a very long way regarding what WE THE PEOPLE can do from influencing city managers to sitting Senators and legislation that effects everybody across this land.

It takes a lot of hard work and a lot of time.  Those of us who aren't retired, and still have jobs, strive to maintain an active role in reclaiming the world being transformed for the worse around us.  I, and many others tend to gravitate more to the national level, as with TeaParty.org, Tea Party Radio, and blogs in numerous venues. 

Something wicked has been working harder at destroying us for a very long time than we have been working at preserving our country, until the "Imperial Ascendency" of The One and his minions came along. 

I don't think they have correctly gauged the American spirit, which is easy to do when you've never been of the American mind before anyway.  We've seen the results of communism, totalitarianism, all the other "isms" before.  The pages of history are littered with their murderous failures.  History has never recorded a nation such as this, however.  It is up to us, now, to ensure that history will continue to record the SUCCESS of our adherence of and our return to the basic precepts of God-given liberties set forth in our founding documents, and the ability of mankind to rule himself peacefully,  instead of government ruling him through force.  This is OUR TIME to begin righting the wrongs and reversing the havoc that is being unleashed on us by would-be tyrants.  If we fail, historians one day will look back and wonder "How could those with so much to lose, HAVE DONE NOTHING?" 


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