Mary and I flew from Florida to Alexandria, Minnesota where I was the keynote speaker and entertainer (singer) at their “Rally for America”. As we approach another anniversary of the 9/11attacks, I caught segments of various 9/11 documentaries on TV in the hotel room.
I was struck by numerous stories of bravery and self-less acts of courage by our fellow Americans. A twenty-four year old man led a group of fellow employees to safety. He went back into one of the twin towers to rescue more, never to be seen again.
A survivor spoke of the look in the eyes of a fireman going up the stairwell as he passed him going down. The survivor said he felt the fireman knew he was possibly going to his death. And yet, he was speedily taking two steps at a time up the stairs.
I heard about a white man in one of the towers who upon hearing cries for help, pulled a brown man through a wall to safety. They both survived and have become life long friends. The incidents of Americans rising to the challenge on 9/11 are many. Some we will never know.
But there was a group of Americans on 9/11 who for the most part were ignored. I am talking about “the jumpers”. These people, like responsible adults, simply showed up for work on 9/11. Suddenly, they found themselves in an unimaginably horrific situation, having to decide whether to be consumed in an inferno or leap to their deaths. Dear Lord!
Early after the 9/11 attacks, our liberal politically correct media put an “unofficial” ban on showing “the jumpers” in their coverage. Careful not to fuel American outrage, our media is always sympathetic to America's enemies.
Like most Americans, I remember where I was and what I was doing on 9/11. I came out of the bathroom draped in a towel after a failed attempt to take a shower, “Honey, there's no water!” “Sorry”, Mary replied. “I forgot to pay the bill.” So, there I was annoyed because I had to drive two miles to drop a check off to the water company. That was my biggest “issue” of the day.
Meanwhile, my fellow Americans were forced to decide whether to burn or jump.
Witnesses saw a young woman high up in one of the towers at a window as flames raged behind her. She made the sign of the cross and did a swan dive out of the window.
Ponder that image when you hear liberal Democrats, Progressives and Obama's pastor of twenty years, Jeremiah Wright, say we got what we deserved on 9/11.
Innocent Americans simply showed up for work. Remember, the jumpers.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Good Point Cathy Anifant. Let's let everyone we know-remember what that screaming Lunatic Jeremiah Wright said.
I commented to my husband yesterday that there is comfort in knowing that these terrorists are in Hell. Sounds awful to say that about anybody, but they got exactly what they were asking for. No 72 virgins and eternal Nivana.
My heart breaks every time I view any 9/11 footage. I saw the original films that included the jumpers. They should NOT be edited out! These people lost their lives and went through who knows what unimaginable agony before making their final, terrible, desperate decision to jump rather than burn to death. That the liberal scum sucking media would choose to try to "sanitize" the horrors these people endured just goes to show how far wrong they are. The libs and the Dems have gone insane along with those who support them. When God is booed at their convention but baby slaughter is cheered, well it is a wonder that the Almighty didn't just end it all right then and there. America will cease to exist if these people keep on the way they are going. The Jeremiah Wrights of the world should spend a few weeks in a country like North Korea and see what it is like to truly live with no hope and no chance. I wonder what this country would be like now if Obama was president when the attacks happened? I shudder to think.
My prayers and thoughts go out to all those who were wounded during 9/11; to the families of those who lost loved ones and friends, and to the brave men and women who risked it all to try to help and save lives.
That is sooooo true! I weep when I ponder their actions that day! I know God has a special place for the believers who had to make that decision!
And, I know he also has a special place for those who perpetrated those horrendous deeds then, and those who have continued to this day to murder innocents in the name of Jihad. We call that place HELL!!!
I am afraid that our dealings with those jihadist lunatics are not past us, but rather we have another deadly wave coming in our direction! And, I for one, am ready to give as good as I take!
Sic Semper Tyrannus!
Yes, "remember the jumpers". Think about them every day. And then remember, that is the group of people that obama represents that perpetrated this mass murder on OUR people.
Dont show the jumpers. If they had, we wouldnt need TSA or any other protection. Im sure the outcry would have heard around the world. Muslums would have received the rath of the US. Not this cuddly shit!
Islam was previously known as the regigion of peace,
islam is now the"
religion of PIECES"
REMEMBER...Whenever you see Obama, REMEMBER his pastor who married him & Michelle and was like a father to him, Jeremiah Wright, say "we got what we deserved on 9/11."
God Bless them all and NEVER FORGET that fateful day in 2011. The War on Terror Is Definitely Not Over. We ARE at war with Islam and they are "still killing our soldiers".
my son was taping a movie that morning, and received a phone call about the he just swithched to live tv, and forgot about the movie he was recording......he has all the jumpers recorded...and everytime we watch just puts death chills, through your body....that alone should be enough for you to never forget this slaughter, and continue to fight against these terrorists, no matter where they are. i am not comfortable in my life, i have liquidated all my assests, because i expect a future of dangerous proportions, coming our way.
I live in Rockville Centre, New York. 21 Miles from Gound Zero, in Manhatten. From our location on Long Island, you could see the plumes of smoke eupting from the WTC Towers. Many Commuter Residents worked there at the Towers, 47 of them died on 9-11. I have just returned from the "Village Green" in Rockville Centre, where the residents erected a Memorial, honoring the 47 residents who died that day. Each 9-11, since the memorial was built, I go there during the hours in which to Planes hit the Towers, to reflect upon the pain and horror the victims experienced, and of the bravery demonsrared by the First Responders, knowing full well the, that entering the flaming Towers could probably mean the forfiture of their own lives. Horrible choices had to be made on that fateful day. As a Vietnam Veteran those choices were all to common when I was younger, and in combat. But ALL Americans found out on 9-11, that "WAR" has changed over time and every one of us are now under the enemys constant vigilance and WAR or attacks could come upon us when and where we least expect it. We live in perilous times. But so does our enemy. We are constantly reminding them of their folly through our Drone Missile Strikes.