To my fellow Americans and good people of Arizona who have fought many many times over water rights for many years, there is no use in dealing with a muslim ruled government!, but there is a solution that will work, and will work in any other state where the people will work together, this action will take about a week to launch into full swing with seven dedicated key people, first activate your National Guard state wide and secure all borders of the state, next call all sheriff departments state wide into action unify them with all city police departments state wide and with the National Guard that they all work together, deputize all natural born citizens state wide, declare a no fly zone with shoot to kill order within 50 miles of construction site, take the state inmates and rebuild your water supplies, deal with the regime as they deal!
God Bless Arizona some of the finest people I have ever met!
and God Bless The America that I have know en and lived in for 50 years!
How about the 50 "Colonies" declaring their independence?
A general description of what the Federal Government used to be. Going back a couple of hundred years, the Federal Government could be described as a pin-pong ball surrounded by States the size of Basket Balls. Today, the Federal Government would be the size of a Basket Ball surrounded by States the size of grean peas. It's not supposed to be that way.
Absolutely agree! Get the federal government out of the states. They don't work for us, anymore. They are all dictators that need to be removed with first Obama and his cabinet, along with the illegal moves of the EPA. Hats off to ARIZONA!!
A viable idea unlike the psycho-speak that comes out of DC. I say go for it. I predict a lot of people from other states will gladly show up to provide armed support.
I'm originally from Virginia, but I've lived out here for 37 years now, long enough to see a lot of changes. The governments response to this situation is ridiculous. I think Big Pepper does offer a great solution. If the big government stopped subsidizing Arizona, I think all the illegals would go home because we wouldn't be able to afford them. I would love to see all states become sovereign. Then we could tell the EPA to take a hike.
Let's go for it. Tell the EPA and the fed to get lost--we will take care of our own problems. Next demand that Sheriff Joe be heard and his findings investigated by Congress quickly, and within a week the House should be able to come up with articles of impeachment on the charges Sheriff Joe has alone. Then, we need to impeach him, find him guilty, charge him with the various crimes, and find him guilty in a court of law of those crimes. And then, he needs to go to prison--maybe those FEMA Camps they have lined up for the likes of us patriots would be a good place, as he is not the only guilty party there. Let's get them all.
AMEN BROTHER AMEN !!! This is a far better solution than anything I have dreamed of.
As Massachusetts was to the American Revolution and South Carolina was to the Civil War, this may well become what Arizona is to the Restoration of America.
Make sure the State Inmates flip the bird in the sky three times a day, for the satellites watching over head, while they spread the seed and replant trees after clearing the pipes and water net.
Cody Robert Judy
One word: Spell-check! This isn't the first headline that's had a major misspelling!