Criminal employers pay on-the-run criminal aliens no tax cash $6/hr (same as $8 taxable minimum wage). These criminals violate tax and countless other laws, protect each other, and freely operate because the lawless US officials refuse to enforce the Constitution and law! Instead of paying $64,300* for “same productivity”, criminal employers pay invaders $12,480 and keep the $51,820 balance. This works for invaders and elected officials! Officials tax working citizens $36,545**, gives it to criminal invaders, and the invader rewards criminal politicians with votes – legal or otherwise!
US citizens who take home $37,096* discovered criminal aliens take home $49,025, which is $11,929 more than citizens, for the same work!! That discovery leads to learning they get $36,545** in subsidies to not work, and the $551/yr disposable spending lost is offset by $3,900 savings for not having to drive to work (30/mi/day @260/days @ $.50/mi)! Bottom line citizens gain $3,349 by NOT WORKING!
This is an elaborate subversive crime within government that is designed to financially and socially collapse and overthrow government. Criminally not paying taxes eliminates $27,204 tax revenue. Illegally subsidizing criminal aliens adds $36,545.50** spending, which triggers a $36,545** jobless citizen subsidy. It’s $100,295/each of self inflicted theft within government. Adding the citizen net pay loss of $37,096 drives the total to $137,391 for each citizen displaced by a criminal alien! It’s Armageddon!
Because base market output value ($64,300) is fixed without processing or profits within productivity exchange, changes in one element has reverse effects on the other (more pay = less criminal profit)! The extreme $51,820 criminal profit begs minor price cutting that will drive legitimate competition into bankruptcy and create predatory monopolies! Government corruption created a $6/hr cash tax free wage bases, wholesale lawlessness, a collapse of skilled trade & construction jobs, and incredible disincentives for working citizens!
It’s a heinous criminal enterprise run by corrupt government officials. The imbedded current economic cost of $1.5 trillion @ 11 million to $2.7 trillion @ 20 million alien workers will collapse our economy if not stopped! That cost will disappear when executive-legislative officers start enforcing the Constitution and “laws there-under!” The crime is high treason. It couldn’t be more serious!
The Obama-Rubio-Schumer-Graham “gang” says Americans are fat lazy racists victimizing hard working patriotic alien invaders!
*BLS avg.34.4/hr week $42,537 wages are $49,462 @ 40 hours full time. “Average” employer cost is $64,300 after 30% separate employer taxes! Employees take home $37,096 after 25% income-FICA tax. **Hospitals can't refuse free medical care ($20,000+) ref $402 billion/11million alien subsidy.