Bugs Bunny Was Right…What a Maroon

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

As bugs bunny would say…mor-1.jpg?width=194

“What a maroon…”

The man who would be POTUS…the loon followed by blind, low-information voters…Donald J. Trump…is now bordering on displaying the collective intelligence of a sack of potatoes.

My apologies to spuds everywhere.

Given that whoever the next POTUS is, that person will be tasked with appointing at least one, if not several Supreme Court Justices and one would think…no…one would HOPE that whoever that is has, at the very least, an inkling of what the job of a Supreme Court Justice actually is.

Now we KNOW that Ted Cruz knows exactly what the duties of the SCOTUS are. After all, Cruz has argued several cases before the nation’s highest court and as a Constitutional expert, Cruz knows full well that the SCOTUS interprets the Constitution were our laws are concerned. It is the job of the SCOTUS to determine whether or not our laws meet Constitutional muster.

But moron Don?


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