Our legislators are neither stupid nor misguided. Our issue is recognizing deception, theft, and seditious destruction of free Constitutional government! It’s not why demonic people do what they do, we must stop it to protect our country! Cowering and compromising is criminal aiding and abetting!
Our demonic administration already has the money to build a wall to the moon plus an army that could seal the border with tanks, jets, battleships, drones, Gatling guns, and soldier’s in locked arms! Those forces are in the mid-east arming and training maniacal blood enemies who are mutually sworn to kill us when they get done killing each other! Here comes Corker, parking a train load of borrowed cash in Obama’s vault, to build what Obama refuses to build or deploy. If Obama, Holder, and Napolitano have been mocking and openly defying the Constitution and law since their day one in office, and no one in the legislature has stopped it or restrained the looting of the treasury… why would anyone believe in any of them, including Corker, Alexander, etc? Amnesty is all about swallowing their poison pill.
Is Amnesty about 30 million taxpayer subsidized alien invader progressive votes, or criminals skimming $51,820 out of an average$64,300 wage productivity by evading taxes and free wage competition with $6/hr cash worker wages and a “government subsidy” that can boost take home pay by $12,000/yr at taxpayer expense? It’s called collapsing the economy.
The Heritage & media $6 trillion lifetime Amnesty cost excludes citizens permanently displaced by taxpayer subsidized criminal aliens who take home $12,000 more per year than average working citizens ($12,480 cash + $36,982 subsidy = $49025 take home, vs. $37,096)! Current 46 year working lifetime amnesty cost is $69 to $189 trillion. Mortal enemies are winning!!! Corker, Alexander, and the rest of the “yes” amnesty voters are voting for the enemy not citizens!
Again, Dec, 2012 BLS $42,537 avg. wage @ 34.4/hrs, is $49,462 @ 40/hrs, and becomes $64,300 with employer tax, etc. added! Joblessness erases $37,096 citizen take home pay and $27,204 tax revenue ($64,300 worker productivity). Government’s $36,545 jobless subsidy increases totals to$100,846 per jobless citizen. (Their data, simple math)
However, our criminal government subsidizes (pays) criminal invaders $36,545 to take citizen jobs (to drive citizen wages down to compete with Chinese communist slaves!)! Therefore, jobless citizens displaced by criminal invaders cost $137,391 EACH! That's $1.5 trillion @ 11million to $4.1 trillion per year for 30 million - and $15 trillion to $41 trillion over 10 years – AND $69 trillion to$188.6 trillion over a 46 year working lifetime!
Time to Hang all these Traitors that are Against America! Obama is the lead Traitor not to mention a total FRAUD!
Good post, dont forget to watch, Atlah.org, Dr. James David Manning, Pastor, Had a WE thepeople, COURT Trial, against BHO, in 2010, won ten judgment. Trial and Sedition of A CIA operative, named BOH. The information is all on his site, Ready to download, and copy. Just look at the headers. A must see!