House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes recused himself from the Russia probe for speaking out in public without his committee's support or foreknowledge. Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell, should do the same with Corker since he obviously doesn't have the political integrity to remove himself.
corker (10)
I agree, as sequestration was Obama's idea and now he will not speak with the republicans unless one of them might be Iranian, Asian or Muslim? He just points at the GOP and the media backs his one way blame for the issue.
Obama should listen for once to our citizens and labor unions, who do not want Obama care. The President should change his ways and stop travel, vacations, and leading from behind and actually lead to resolve this issue, compromise and get the budget issue behind us. All he does is show favoritism, slam the GOP, Tea Party and anyone else that might disagree with his vision for America, non super power, weaker financially, Ponzi scheme based global climate carbon credit trading , reduced nuclear and military . UN controlled , altered Constitution and diminished rights, etc..
I agree, as sequestration was Obama's idea and now he will not speak with the republicans unless one of them might be Iranian, Asian or Muslim? He just points at the GOP and the media backs his one way blame for the issue.
Obama should listen for once to our citizens and labor unions, who do not want Obama care. The President should change his ways and stop travel, vacations, and leading from behind and actually lead to resolve this issue, compromise and get the budget issue behind us. All he does is show favoritism, slam the GOP, Tea Party and anyone else that might disagree with his vision for America, non super power, weaker financially, Ponzi scheme based global climate carbon credit trading , reduced nuclear and military . UN controlled , altered Constitution and diminished rights, etc..
I agree, as sequestration was Obama's idea and now he will not speak with the republicans unless one of them might be Iranian, Asian or Muslim? He just points at the GOP and the media backs his one way blame for the issue.
Obama should listen for once to our citizens and labor unions, who do not want Obama care. The President should change his ways and stop travel, vacations, and leading from behind and actually lead to resolve this issue, compromise and get the budget issue behind us. All he does is show favoritism, slam the GOP, Tea Party and anyone else that might disagree with his vision for America, non super power, weaker financially, Ponzi scheme based global climate carbon credit trading , reduced nuclear and military . UN controlled , altered Constitution and diminished rights, etc..
While we do have war hero's and I thank them for their service, it seems like the brave my have tired. No one will directly challenge Obama, Holder or other officials who ignore the citizens will, laws and Congress. They let agencies like the EPA run over them and citizens without recourse.
Where have the brave gone, aside from our current military people. Obama will be cutting their ranks and continues to make their job harder.
We need rescue from this administration. Obama will speak with Iranian terrorist and not the GOP, really?
While we do have war hero's and I thank them for their service, it seems like the brave my have tired. No one will directly challenge Obama, Holder or other officials who ignore the citizens will, laws and Congress. They let agencies like the EPA run over them and citizens without recourse.
Where have the brave gone, aside from our current military people. Obama will be cutting their ranks and continues to make their job harder.
We need rescue from this administration. Obama will speak with Iranian terrorist and not the GOP, really?
They both voted for closure which let the bill go forward for a vote. As Cruz pointed out that would have been the time and place to stop the bill. Instead they voted to let it go to the floor where 51 votes was enough to pass it. Now they can tell us they voted against the law, but essentially they worked with Reid and it passed.
Open message for Alexander and Corker. Tennessee is still a place where your “word” is still important – a place where God, Country, and Constitution still matter, be it democrat or republican.
I recall a very nice straight talking man in a plaid shirt stumping from county to county in areas where you had to hunt hard to find a republican. I remember a wife gathering people together to hear this man speak, and later with many others to elect a republican. No one believed it would happen! These are many of the same old people who founded the Tea Party that your current senate leader Reed regularly slanders. The plaid shirt symbolized opportunity and freedom with as little government tax and intrusion as possible. Those are old Tennessee traits common to democrats and republicans alike, years ago and today.. Well the plaid shirt is gone; and freedom, wealth, morality, and hope disappeared with it.
Then Corker came along with the same messages, and we elected him, and many others with the same message. We now find both of you and your republican establishment in control and on a mission of destroying The US… a war on God, country, and Constitution! I’m sure both of you are aware that Tennessee has had its share of corruption, and equally aware that unlike Chicago we aggressively prosecute and jail corrupt politicians, be it governors, legislators, judges, or anyone with sticky fingers and lying ways. They’re people you knew at one time or another. Spending money without a budget, without AICPA levels of internal control with checks and balances is a crime in Tennessee that regularly results in heavy fines and jail, as can be verified by many who didn’t believe it. Both of you have approved near unlimited executive spending without budget or semblance of internal control. Effects on this country over the past five years are catastrophic!
Now, you’re maligning and mocking the few patriots willing to say no to more of the same and worse corruption. We have more acts of treason being condoned and backpedaled than any time in history! You say you are against the most corrupt and cost killing bill ever conceived, yet you will act to fund it, as you vote to approve another perhaps trillion dollars of zero controlled executive spending that openly funds weapons of war for terrorists that are avowed enemies of the state (TREASON). Who do you owe your allegiance to? It certainly isn’t the citizens of Tennessee or the USA.
THERE ARE REASONS "The Affordable Health Care Act" is the most destructive and unaffordable piece of legislation ever passed by US executive-legislative-judicial officers! It begins with fraud, theft, and extreme malice.
The bill was written in unending volumes of entangled complexities by "appointed" progressives and communists who openly hate and live to destroy our heritage, Constitution, wealth, and the patriotic citizens who made it work. The bill was withheld until the last minute before vote, then passed by lemmings who neither read nor understood the content of law... solely on Obama, Reed, and Pelosi assurances that the uninformed would have to pass the bill to find out what it contained! That bill was designed to destroy America!
Instead of cradle to grave utopian health care, it begins with massive prenatal abortion and ends at the hemlock clinic for those not worth saving. Unmistakably, costs were grossly understated to the point where existing MEDICARE for retirees had to be looted and individual insurance premiums skyrocketed. The spoof includes eliminating full time work for citizens.
When resultant costs are up so high you'll lose everything while real income and purchasing power plummets, it's called "upside down" - in the toilet. The stench is unbearable. It's past time to flush! Call in a new plumber if the old one is too worthless to do what they're paid to do!
My plumbers (Corker & Alexander) along with the other progressives are telling us to open the windows & let the flies clean it up. They're too busy driving wages down to meet global Chinese communist competition by flooding the workforce with aliens! Send the progressives a wake up message wherever and whenever you can! Our legislators are there to protect the Constitution, , and it's citizens, not throw them to the wolves.
Our legislators are neither stupid nor misguided. Our issue is recognizing deception, theft, and seditious destruction of free Constitutional government! It’s not why demonic people do what they do, we must stop it to protect our country! Cowering and compromising is criminal aiding and abetting!
Our demonic administration already has the money to build a wall to the moon plus an army that could seal the border with tanks, jets, battleships, drones, Gatling guns, and soldier’s in locked arms! Those forces are in the mid-east arming and training maniacal blood enemies who are mutually sworn to kill us when they get done killing each other! Here comes Corker, parking a train load of borrowed cash in Obama’s vault, to build what Obama refuses to build or deploy. If Obama, Holder, and Napolitano have been mocking and openly defying the Constitution and law since their day one in office, and no one in the legislature has stopped it or restrained the looting of the treasury… why would anyone believe in any of them, including Corker, Alexander, etc? Amnesty is all about swallowing their poison pill.
Is Amnesty about 30 million taxpayer subsidized alien invader progressive votes, or criminals skimming $51,820 out of an average$64,300 wage productivity by evading taxes and free wage competition with $6/hr cash worker wages and a “government subsidy” that can boost take home pay by $12,000/yr at taxpayer expense? It’s called collapsing the economy.
The Heritage & media $6 trillion lifetime Amnesty cost excludes citizens permanently displaced by taxpayer subsidized criminal aliens who take home $12,000 more per year than average working citizens ($12,480 cash + $36,982 subsidy = $49025 take home, vs. $37,096)! Current 46 year working lifetime amnesty cost is $69 to $189 trillion. Mortal enemies are winning!!! Corker, Alexander, and the rest of the “yes” amnesty voters are voting for the enemy not citizens!
Again, Dec, 2012 BLS $42,537 avg. wage @ 34.4/hrs, is $49,462 @ 40/hrs, and becomes $64,300 with employer tax, etc. added! Joblessness erases $37,096 citizen take home pay and $27,204 tax revenue ($64,300 worker productivity). Government’s $36,545 jobless subsidy increases totals to$100,846 per jobless citizen. (Their data, simple math)
However, our criminal government subsidizes (pays) criminal invaders $36,545 to take citizen jobs (to drive citizen wages down to compete with Chinese communist slaves!)! Therefore, jobless citizens displaced by criminal invaders cost $137,391 EACH! That's $1.5 trillion @ 11million to $4.1 trillion per year for 30 million - and $15 trillion to $41 trillion over 10 years – AND $69 trillion to$188.6 trillion over a 46 year working lifetime!