The patriots in Englewood Florida were excited and fired up when our Tea Party Express tour bus rolled into their town. Our rally was enthusiastic, upbeat and hopeful that real leadership needed to move America forward will be restored in November.
Unlike the Democrats who have accused our troops of being rapists and murders, Tea Party Express celebrates and honors our military. Each of our rallies ends with a military tribute in which we feature Gold Star Mom, Debbie Lee.
Debbie's decorated son, Marc Alan Lee, was the first U.S. Navy seal killed in Iraq.
At our rally in Englewood Florida, while Debbie was sharing the heart-wrenching compelling story about how her son sacrificed his life to save his fellow troops, an anti-war protester came forward and stood along side the stage with anti-war signs. Debbie said she watched the audience's eyes leave her and focus on the protester.
Thank God testosterone is not totally dead in America. Ray, our bus driver was infuriated by the timing of this jerk's decision to come to the front of the crowd. Ray stormed over to the guy and got in his face. Ray DID NOT touch the protester. Then, Ray turned around facing the audience blocking their view of the protester. The guy kept trying to push pass Ray. But, at 6'3, 250lbs, pushing pass Ray is a Herculean task.
Ray's leadership sparks other patriots, men and women, to come forward, forming a fence which blocked the frustrated protester from the crowd. Debbie continued her extremely moving story.
If only our Commander-in-Wimp had the cojones of Ray, the bus driver.
Debbie Lee has been dealing with attacks on her from the anti-war crowd for years. Years ago, when Debbie organized a troop support rally in her hometown, Cindy Sheehan tried to have Debbie arrested for in-sighting a riot. Did Debbie Lee bash the fellow Gold Star Mom, Ms Sheehan, for leading numerous campaigns to trash our military? No. Showing remarkable class, compassion and restraint, Debbie's response was, “Grief is a strange thing. I will not judge her.”
In honor of her fallen hero son, Debbie Lee founded,, a non-profit which provides aid and comfort to the families of our fallen heroes. Please check it out.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Soon as the muslim's get a foot hold in america and get thur using Ofaggot they will cut his head off.Since there is no homosexaulity in the muslim religion.Oh yes the GLBT will also get their frigging haid's cut off too.We own the sky's
I'm so proud of the Tea Party Express.
Host: Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy, Jerry Newcombe
Speakers: Bishop Harry Jackson, Dr. Richard Land, Steve Forbes, Wendy Wright, Jay Richards, Chuck Colson, David Horowitz, Marvin Olasky, Al Mohler, Kay Arthur, Del Tackett
As the United States has recently moved toward more European models in health care, government control of banking and industry, and ever- increasing regulation of the marketplace, there is concern that socialism—and the philosophy behind it—is extending its tentacles into American life. Often, this socialism is even advocated by professing Christians, who claim that it more closely accords with the teaching of Jesus Christ than does free enterprise, which is sometimes called capitalism. Socialism essentially is the redistribution of wealth. Is this what the Bible teaches? To understand, we must first define socialism and see why some view it as a serious threat.
Marxist Obama is not a wimp, he's just got a Marxist radical liberal agenda ideology, who ALL BLAMES AMERICA AND AMERICANS first. His just a disgrace incompetent for our country.
As an aging "Warrior" of the Vietnam War, who has been PROTESTED" by the most vile, vicious, and just plain stupid, anti-american, pro-Communist, A**-HOLES imaginable, I always got immense joy and fulfilment by confronting the bastards and if necessesity presented itself, "adjusted their attitude with extreme prejudice". I am NOT a PACIFIST by any measure of the word. I love the idea of "PEACE". However when confronted by an enemy of "HATE", who is intent upon the destruction of all you believe in or love, and you stand before them with a peaceful demeanor and do nothing, they have already won and the Press will surely report your cowardice on the front page of every Left Wing Newspaper, in order to express to the rest of the country and world, the timidity of our resolve.
However, there comes a time when the" American People" must rise to the occassion and express their convictions by having a "TEA PARTY" as they did in Boston Harbor in December of 1773. The "Dye was cast" and from that action eventially arose the full body of patriotic American Colonists, who dared committ their reputations, fortunes, and their very lives, to the riddance of British control and presence on "AMERICAN SOIL". "The Declaration of Independence" was signed and the Brits were eventually driven from our Land, with much death and destruction. Nevertheless, we were VICTORIOUS !!!!
Today, as in old, we are faced with similar situations in which Foreign and Domestic enemies of our nation have formed behind the cover of "Fraud", nefarious political maneuvering, international conspiracy, and the utter ignoring of the "Constitution of the United States of America" by the Executive Branch of Government, in collusion, with the Justice Department and many and various members of the Congress who have intentionally violated their Oaths of Office.
Much more is needed than pacifist defiance, of this enemy who chooses an all-out, bloody, confrontation in the streets of our Nation. Their MARXIST Mandates for the past Hundred years has been one of Bloody Confrontation in EVERY nation they targeted for destruction and inclusion into a Marxist, "NEW WORLD ORDER". Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bugaria, Romania, Germany, Ukraine, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Venezuela, and many others who have been "Aquired" into the "COMMUNIST Sphere of influence" have gone through the "Bloody Aquisition" that Marxism is sure to produce.
Now they "Target America" and have for the past "Four Years" of the Obama Administration, set the parameters for introducing "MARXISM" into the lives of AMERICANS, There is no more time for "Peaceful opposition" for this political Heresy. Peace at this point is a "Delusional" myth. And one which the Marxists have lulled us into believing is possible.
It's time people, that we do what we have to do, to prevent Obama from governing the United States again. I will not tell you how. That is your judgement to make. But "Pacifism" is NOT the answer. Just remember how our forefathers and all the other men and women DIED defending LIBERTY, FREEDOM, and DEMOCRACY, not only on our own soil by throughout the world. We owe it to them and to the FUTURE of our nation, our CHILDREN to DEFEND OUR NATION against those seeking to destroy us.
the democrats aresuch bigoted hypocritical people. they want to protest everything except their obortion rights gay rights and all the evil acts they condone. they only protesrt decency and our countries wellfare. they are such anti-american as you can get, I don;t believe a one of them that say they ar american. they are as same as the illegals. they don;t want to fight for our country but want all the hand outs that they can get. they should be ashamed of backing this bozo that doesn:t care about our service men but had the nerve to go to them only for a vote. this bum would sell his granny for a vote. this is the worst democrat term party I have ever seen in all my years . before barrys election people accepted it and went about their business, these democrats are doing anything and nothing too low to get a vote. even jeramia wright is calling him a no good. and oprra woke up to how bad they are. even some of his staff has jumped ship because of hids terrible job. he is a joke.
Sandra, You said, "We all though Mitt is an alternative to 'great deceiver.' Sadly, by now it's clear he has no such intent." Are you putting Romney in the same category as Obama? If so, that's ludicrous!
If I remember correctly, old Cindy was good at inciting riots! She wasn't very popular, but today she would fit in nicely with the idiot in the White House and the dems. 3 cheers for Ray and God bless Debbie Lee!
What a guy, that Ray!!! And Debbie Lee...what a special person she is..!!!