The Tea Party is my haven of like minded thinkers. I have come here to tell my story to those of you who I know do care about illegal immigration and its effect on less fortunate Americans. Many of whom were born into poverty and are seeing foreigners invading their country and taking jobs that should be available to our citizens first... last... and always. Our children have had an enormous debt thrust upon them and still must have their daily bread. I am an angry 55 year old American peon that intends for the horror story of his last ten years of life become known to the citizens firsthand, to be judged by you. It begins here and now. I am applying for the position of poster child in this fight. The attached resume' is impressive. My experience will likely turn your stomach and serve as food for thought, if you mange to keep it down.. I have embarked on a grass roots campaign in an effort to have some sort of positive and thought inspiring impact on the problem of illegal immigration. I make a humble request that you visit my link to this campaign, view consider and share. NEMO PRASENS NISI INTELLIGAT or simply put; one who is present understands. I wish to extend to all members of The Tea Party along with happenstance viewers a safe and MERRY CHRISTMAS. " GOD: Grant me the SERENITY to ACCEPT the things I CANNOT CHANGE. The COURAGE to CHANGE THE THINGS I CAN, and the WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE" AMEN. God Bless the USA. Those who do not like these words or my actions can proceed straight to Hell. Thank You from someone who appreciates his roots in the land of the free and home of the brave.
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