Let’s pray for unity - 7-6-14 http://anticorruptionact.org/
Father we pray for unity, give us the wisdom to acknowledge that praying for our salvation it is not enough, we have become isolated and removed from contact with non-Christians and some of the pressing social questions of today, we have often been quite content to sing about going to heaven, but show very little concern for the sick and the poor, the lonely, the old and the miserable of our world. Father show us the way to do your will, Isaiah 58 is a ringing condemnation of such attitude as Christians, Father help us to be faithful to you my Lord and let us be concerned and open our eyes and earns to take action and dare not neglect these that need our love and support and as Christians show this manifestation of Christian love that we have tended greatly to neglect.
Father, you made us a family, let us open our hearth to all the people and minister not only one segment of our society but include all people, all classes, and all colors, without distinction. Father we need you, help us be obedient to your command to offer love, friendship, forgiveness, and grace to all people without regard to class, color, background, or heredity help us to follow your example, you was the one who called us and who Himself was the friend of sinners of all kinds. Lord We are honest and admit that this has been the weak spot in our life, we ask to forgive us. Father, open my eyes that I might see the people around me as people whom you created and whom you have placed in my path for a purpose. Teach me that I am my brother's keeper. Father we are your disciples and responsible stewards of all yours creation your gifts to all the people, for the good of humanity and the whole world. Father, help us to be one family with you my Lord, now and in the world to come. AMEN
Thanks for the prayer, Brother. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength!
Juan, unity? Why do people support the evil we have now? We allowed laws against medical science to deny individual responsibility for ones own actions, then force those not responsible to pay for them! The question is, will those supporting such things ever accept being responsible for what they do? Their evil is greatly manifested by a Liberal media that is anti-religion, unless it is Muslim! Obama is still in office because of his support of the Marxist agenda and not being a lying Muslim that claimed Christ to be elected! The Liberal media ignores his Muslim support so they can have their Marxist evil! Remember that God gives us our rights and not any government... they want this removed!