bc (1)


Pamela Geller on Fox Business: Obama's Birth Certifcate 



Pam Geller is from ATLASSHRUGS 


They left out a whole lot of stuff. [But at least they are talking about it]

....Dan, NY


On the "Certificate of Live Birth"  Obama's father has his age listed as

being 25 years old. Several documents state that Obama Sr. was born

on June 18, 1934 which would have made him 27 years old in 1961.



See FOIA request show 1934 & 1936 [Univ. of Hawaii list him as born June 18, 1934]





Then there is the "Rubber" Certified Stamp at the bottom which spells

the word  "THE"  as "TXE".  The first short form "Certification of Live Birth"  has it spelled correctly. Its quite obvious that it was done on purpose.


Whitehouse  copy



March 2011




There are several other anomolies on the alleged BC . These are just a few.  Let's see if they ever get "specific" on Fox News and invite certified Experts on the show to prove the errors.

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