corruption (193)

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP- activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

The truth will soon be known-


Fellow Americans, seek the truth and let the people know. America will never be destroyed from the outside; it will be destroyed from within. The evil truth is that our central Banking and corporate American money have corrupted our government and transformed our Democracy into this system of Plutocracy. We are destroying ourselves by ignorance, apathy and complete denial of what we are going through; we falter and lost our economy and freedoms and soon we are to lose our liberty because we are blind and ignorance.

Today, it is difficult to watch the news without feeling discouraged and disgusted at how deep our world is sinking into an immoral abyss for the love of money and power. However, to blame the politics of this nation for such a state is to not fully comprehend what is going on around us. The Bankers and the corporate elite are our real enemy.

We are in a War to protect our God given freedom and Liberty and our enemy is using a powerful weapon ”MONEY”; they know of our needs for money to support our families, so they use money to control us; The Bankers and Corporate America are the Devils army.

The Devil is at work in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. He'll use whatever tactics he can to harm, tempt, incite, and sway the masses away from God’s law and moral principles. The Devil is tragically taking the lives of good people and precious, innocent children, women and men here in America and the world. Bush and Obama are doing the work of the Devil in the Middle East and in our country. In just 14 years they increased our national debt by 14 trillion Dollars and demise our economy and the world economy and made millions of Americans economy slaves and demised the middle class, while the oligarchs got richer beyond our imagination.

The training to suppress the American people is happening and they are deceiving the people.  Army Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, a command spokesman, said in an e-mail. “Training exercise Jade Helm is going to assist our Special Operations Soldiers and leadership in refining the skills needed against an ever changing foreign threat. The nature of warfare is always changing and U.S. Army Special Operations Command’s mission is to make certain the Army’s various Special Operations Forces are trained, equipped and organized to successfully conduct worldwide special operations in support of our nation’s interests. Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria is a whore, to keep his job he lied to us; the truth is that they see the American people as a threat we are a threat to the US Banking System and the predator corporatism of this country. We do not have any foreign threat; our only threat are the oligarchs that own the Banking system and the predators US corporations, the world’s oppressors that in partnership with the IMS and the world bank destroy the world’s economy and made the working people of the world an economy slave class; but regardless of what our adversary does in this world, regardless of their plans, their actions, or the harm they inflicts, it is comforting to know that they will lose in the end. they are doomed to fail like Roma- and the UK.


Our History of corruption.

Federal Reserve System is Corrupt

Bankers corrupt our government.

Banking Corruption

Our army are ready to kill Americans that oppose to the takeover.

They are lien to us it is a training to suppress Americans

Our future- being replacing by technology.

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The US is a police state

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

We seek the truth and let the people know. Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

America is a police state.

The Patriot act, real name is bondage. The Patriot act slogan is; if we give-up our rights we will demise terrorism and create a perfect society. But the truth is; social control through a maniacal sycophantic ill policy created and executed by the elite sycophants that rule our country is bondage.

It really doesn’t matter what you call them—the 1%, the elite, the controllers, the masterminds, the shadow government, the police state, the surveillance state, the military industrial complex—so long as you understand that while they are in control we are being exploited and transform into slaves while they are getting rich and in control of our government.

The problem, of course, is that we fail to see that we are the solution, the fact is that we fail to understand that divided we will fail and that united we can do anything; luck will not save us and will not get us out of this mess. The people dealing the cards—the politicians, the corporations, the judges, the prosecutors, the police, the bureaucrats, the military, the media, etc.—have only one prevailing concern, and that is to maintain their power and control over the country and us, for money; for the love of money they become sinners. Criminals, that subscribe to the sycophant’s ideology that the ends justified the means.

Fellow Americans we got the power, united we can take our country back. It is simple just follow this rule. United we stand to take our country back:

1-     Close your account on the interstate Banks and deposit your money in credit unions or local Banks.

2-     Buy products made in the USA.

3-     Support local family farming and buy local produce

4-     Form Cooperatives for economic development and create local jobs.

5-     Support local business and family own business.

6-     Seek people that will be interest in community living.

7-     Use Car pulling system to save on transportation

8-     Use your church as a center for community integration and unity.

9-     Form organizations, think tanks for community and neighborhoods problems solving strategies.

10-  Promote key elements of success (Trust- integrity – honesty – respect – working together -  family values and love for each other)    

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The Patriot act.

ACLU Fact Sheet on PATRIOT Act II

Surveillance Under the USA PATRIOT Act

Surveillance crimes against US constitution.

History of NSA Spying Information since 2005

The Criminal N.S.A.

America’s Militarized Police Forces

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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

We seek the truth and let the people know. Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Wall Street criminals got impunity and rewards

Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman Says Financial Management Does More Harm Than Good.  Deceit and Risk Corrupted the Financial Markets.

Morgan Stanley, CEO James Gorman executives received stock-based performance packages that nearly doubled since they were granted three years ago, as reported by Bloomberg. James Gorman’s reward was 113,510 shares, around 6% more than was originally projected after the company beat targets for investor returns.

Morgan Stanley’s stock has increased 165% in three years, and has outperformed the S&P 500. Gorman told the Australian Financial Review some of the lessons he has learned heading up one of the major forces in the financial world.

For one thing, even though he is a CEO, James Gorman thinks management is more likely to do harm than good to a bank. “A laser focus on the quality of management is crucial,” Gorman said, according to the Australian Financial Review. The key is not strong personalities, but strong values, discipline and control-oriented focus. In addition, a CEO needs to recognize that catastrophic risk is faced by all companies, identify where the potential for this risk lies and neutralize it. Gorman added that capitalizing a company’s strengths is crucial, and used the example of Morgan Stanley making smart acquisitions, such as Citigroup’s wealth management business, during the financial crisis. In addition, company culture is important; everyone working for a company needs sufficient ego to avoid being an automaton, but should be a devoted team player who can add a unique perspective to the running of a business.

But the truth is that Deceit and Risk Corrupted the Financial Markets', former Morgan Stanley trader Frank Partnoy argues that “the structure of Wall Street compensation seemed to encourage traders to take excessive risks, or even to defraud their firms.” Employees who gambled on risky investments that achieved windfall profits in the short term saw their bonuses increase exponentially. On the flip side, if their bets resulted in spectacular losses for a bank’s clients, there were few consequences the criminals got rewarded and our government granted impunity to these criminals that demise the savings and retirement of the working people of this country.

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Here is the list of some of the criminals that got rewarded for their crimes.

The GOP-NEOCON- PRO-CORPORATE. hates Rand Paul. anti-corruption stand

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There is much wrong in our "government" and while people like Speaker Boehner "litigate" these issues..... You might care to re-read your Constitution to discover there is no grounds or authority in the Constitution for Congress to "litigate" issues.... It's a ruse, a delaying tactic and Americans are buying into it by the millions.

Congress has specific powers and authority the Speaker stated last year he refused to use. The power of arrest and the power of the purse.
You will note he has used neither..... despite actually holding someone in Contempt of Congress!
(ask yourself what would happen to you if YOU were held in Contempt of Court)

What many Americans do not understand is that the "House Committee on unAmerican Activities" from 70 years ago continues to exist today.
It is not staffed, it is not funded, nor is not Chaired - but on paper, it continues to exist under the House Judicial Committee Chaired by Congressman Goodlatte.

Speaker Boehner - after getting hammered many times last year finally came out and said "we aren't going to do what we did 70 years ago" - meaning he has no intentions of resurrecting the Committee - or arresting anyone.

I propose a tactic the Speaker categorically will. not. like.
I propose we do everything in our power to attempt to make this post go viral, sharing it as widely as it can go - urging the readers to contact the Speaker demanding he resurrect the Committee and turn them loose.

While I completely agree with many Congressional members, what the Committee devolved into 70 years ago was unnecessary - if ever there were a time in the History of this Nation when that Committee IS needed - that time is NOW.

I pose a question to ask yourself: If we are a "Nation of Laws", how can we be a "Nation of Laws" if the Laws of the Land are not followed BY EVERYONE?

Please contact the Speaker and demand he resurrect the Committee and start arresting those who have corrupted our government and are actively attempting to destroy our Nation. Regardless who they are or what position they hold - to include mr obama. Be polite, be professional, do not use crude words - but be VERY firm.

We may not retain freedom of speech much longer and if we wait, it might be too late.

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Speaker John Boehner,

Respectfully Sir, it is incumbent upon you to immediately defund the FCC.
This is an issue of the civil rights of every American.

The corruption and lawlessness has gone too far!
There was no public input.
There was no Congressional input.
The FCC Chairman refused to appear before Congress prior to his "vote" on this regulation.....
Yet no one on the Hill is charging him with Contempt of Congress...

Sir, I strongly urge you to READ the Gettysburg Address, review what brought our Nation to that point and why President Lincoln said what he did.

As Speaker of the House of Representatives it is your job to defund this entire administration if necessary in order for the law and Constitution to be followed - not litigate and not require American Citizens and States to constantly litigate simply to receive the Rights they are guaranteed under our Laws and Constitution!

This is a requirement Sir - not an option. How you choose to go about it is your business, but this must be done.


SFC (USA Retired) Aubrey Mason
San Antonio, Texas

Social Media
Fox News
Texas Governor Greg Abbott

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We can control our economy through cooperatives.

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

We seek the truth and let the people know. Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Fellow Americans, The elite of our financial and political system have transformed our Republic and democratic system into a Plutocracy system of government. Our politicians and the supreme court have surrender their political obligation and moral duty to protect the people of these United states to the small minority of the wealthiest citizens that own the Banks and big corporations in this country; today we have these rich people running our country and getting rich by monopolizing, fraud, corruption, exploitation and robing the American people of their wealth and economy future and they are committing these crimes with impunity with the help of our US government. Corporations do not have countries; they are the world’s predators.

The demise of our country’s economy and the slavery of the American people it is done by the few rich people that control our country; they control our economy, the news media, the internet, technology, manufacturing, Agriculture, our jobs and our future. Well today is the time to fight back. Enough is enough. We are Americans and our freedom will never be compromise, controlling us by using fear to keep us where they want us to be; is their biggest fallacy.  So in light of that, we will show them that we are truly free, we are those who just don’t care about what will happen to us if we resist this oppression. In short, the people who have true freedom are those with nothing left to lose; this is the legacy of our founding fathers they risk everything for freedom.

Fellow Americans, our enemy are the Bankers, the financial system and the corporations. This war is about money, they sin and commit these crimes for the love of money; and our weapon is money; we will not waste our time in public demonstrations or public unrest; this is the strategy that will destroy them and change our world for the better. The only thing that we must think is; “UNITY WILL SET US FREE”. The following is our strategy:

1-     Pull all your money from the interstates Banks and deposit in your local credit unions.

2-     Pull 75% of your retirement account and form a coop - investing groups to invest in real estate Real Estate must be pay in full and return after expenses should be 10%. In 2016 millions of Americans will lose their homes and rental property will be on demand.

3-     Form cooperatives to be part of the working force to be employed (Workers coop)

4-     Form cooperatives to form grocery, clothing and electronic retail stores; to support your local economy. This year many retail stores owned by US corporations will close; this is a great opportunity to take over these stores and convert them to coops stores.

5-     Form cooperatives to farm organic produce for your local market. Corporate farming use Monsanto products that are killings us; we must promote organic farming to protect our health.  

This cooperative strategy will create jobs for you and free you from the greedy sycophants that want to destroy us, the working class of this country. We got the power to demise the plutocrats, promote local business, and invest in your community and state in manufacture, farming and distribution.

Working together means winning together follow your moral and ethical convictions do the right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching you. We must build trust and integrity in our community; be true to yourself and do nothing that will demean or dishonors you and demise your integrity.

"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody is going to know whether you did it or not."  Oprah Winfrey.

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What is a Co-operative?

Steps in forming a cooperative.

SBA. Info on Cooperatives.

Cooperative Examples

Texas Coop Power.

Texas Electric cooperatives.

Cooperation Texas.

Texas Agriculture coop.

Corporate slavery

Wal-Mart biggest  ruthless corporate slaver.

Comcast is the worst company.

Coca Cola killers sycophants.

Plutocrats at work.

Corporate crime

Monsanto: the most Evil Company in the Universe. {Here’s Why}

Dow Chemical, number one killer of people

Low-Wage  predator Capitalism

The worst U.S. predators- Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola and Union Carbide/Dow Chemical

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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP- activist -

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

Corporate greed and the love for power and money are evil.

We will reclaim control of our own country. United we stand defending our freedom and our economic prosperity. ""cHYPERLINK ""lHYPERLINK ""id=CPq17JDap8MCFdNj7AodqF4APA

Fellow Americans, it is time to change this political and social economic paradigm. We know our work and the years we labor to build our country; we endure wars and economic hardship, but we cannot continue this path of self-destruction and tolerate this wicked Washington network of collaborators who call themselves the United States Government.

This is the truth and no matter what we do, we cannot change all the things we done. Our blind trust in our government made us part of all this historical events of criminal activities that our government was engage under the pretense promoting democracy, human rights and freedom. What we have discovered is that they are a bunch of sociopaths and sycophants that their main objective are the world’s control of natural resources and humanity; they are  impostors of moral leadership with an ideology of criminal attitude that the means justified the ends. Our country’s leaders are criminals, killers without conscience or remorse they have not value for human life and humanity, we are all expendable and they will kill us if they can benefit by doing so.

We know that we live where Satan’s throne is, but we have the power to change all this because our principles and faith in God all mighty, we have hold fast to his name and have not denied our faith in our Lord Jesus; we realize how far we have fallen, we must repent, and do the work that needs to be done to re-store our moral leadership in our country. Do not be afraid of anything, they will throw some of us into prison, we may be tested, and we will face an ordeal for a time but remain faithful until we get our freedom and an honorable place in the world community.

The authority and power to reclaim our country comes from our Father and his son our Lord Jesus; The king of all kings, the true ruler of this world and to him we will give our life if need be for social justice, the respect for life and human dignity. This is our land and we will embrace all human beings, no matter their race, color or national Origen, we are our brother’s keeper’s promoters of freedom, moral character and principles. We love, trust, respect and defend our fellow man; we believe that all man are created equal. “WE ARE AMERICANS”

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Sources for this article include:

Congress gives the power to corporate American to control Washington.

Corporate world’s Predators

Corporations: Our Natural Predators

Multinational corporations are not paying U.S. taxes.

 329,745 died in the Iraq and Afghan wars, The Bush war for oil. ""tHYPERLINK ""s%20of%20War%20Since%202001%20Executive%20Summary%203.13.pdf

American corporate gets rich while the killings continue.

 Blood and oil

The Iraq War Exposed -The Bush deception and betrayal.

http://netctr.cHYPERLINK ""oHYPERLINK ""m/iraqwar.html

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Free Trade the killer of American's jobs

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP- activist -

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

Free Trade destroyed one century of American's job protection and broadly share prosperity.

Ronald Reagan's ideology for Americans prosperity created this reckless free-trade policy and the creation of American predator corporatism that destroyed millions of America's jobs. We must return to The American policy and strategic, that made American great and stops this driving unconditional greedy predator corporatism that made American workers this class of economic slaves and demises the dignity, determination and self-worth of the American worker.

Fellow Americans it's time to face this issue of free trade and globalization, the brutal truth about the enslavery of the American working class and the destruction of the American economic by this predator corporate monster created by the financial system with the collaboration of the whores that we elected to office; must be face and deal with. Even with the low gas prices, the high price on our food, housing cost and our private and national debt; our tradition of free enterprise, good jobs and our quality of life broadly shared prosperity will be over.

The truth is that our American job machinery has been destroyed by this reckless free-trade policies and the globalization agenda of the elite of the financial system, predator corporatism, the IMF, the WTO and the Washington whores that sell out and collaborated with these greedy sycophants to control the world economic and help them to establish the one world order, not for the benefit of humanity, but for their own benefit. The fact is that income inequality is growing in favor of the 1% that controls our government at our expenses and our economic slavery.

The fact is that corporate American control Washington, the free trade agreements are an acceleration to pursue a globalized economic; this policy is the major factor in American's increasing income, wealth and class inequality, our rising indebtedness, community abandonment, the fragmentation of our families, the rising in crimes and the demise of our moral principles and values are the result of this class inequality that can impact on our national security.

The Good news is that our God is a God of purpose, this economic will collapse and the most affected are going to be the greedy that created this economic mess in the first place. This global order of free trade is about to crumble, is a matter of time; the stimulus strategy to fix this economic crisis is not working and will not work, our trade deficit will makes this economic collapse a certainty. The economic stimulus benefit most foreign countries since we do not manufacture most of what we consume and we have to import about 90% of the consumers items in our country creating a trade deficit and benefiting the foreign countries wages. As American industrial decline, Washington respond with more stimulus and cheap money leading our country to an ever increasing of private and national debt..

The solution is simple.  American needs to start manufacturing what we consume and balance our trade deficit, jobs created in the service sector will not fix this economic crisis. We need to focus on all the elements that make an economic to be self-sufficient and a foreign trade system of cooperation and mutual benefit. Predator corporatism and exploitation should end and a tax reform to end this concentration of wealth should be implemented. Becoming rich or being rich it is not a crime; what is a crime are being a predator and an exploiter of the poor countries and getting rich at the expenses of humanity. God will punish corporate American and take their wealth, demise their power and give it to the people. The rich people don't create jobs, we the people create jobs. We are the consumers the 99% that make the real economic.  

Corporations and the business community must pay the people a living wages and put our country first.  Greed and the love of money, is a sin and corporate American will be accountable for their sins; it is God's law.

Globalization and free trade created a concentration of wealth that benefit the world elite and the multinational corporations, but impoverished the working people creating a system of poverty and cutting the purchasing power of the people, the government choice to deal with this problem facilitate a credit system that place people in debt creating a financial bubble and compounding the economic crisis to the point of no return. An economic catastrophe is coming and is a matter of time that this multiple bubbles will burst and the whole world will feel the impact of this economic crash.

Fellow American do not despair be calm; because God is in our side; after the storm it will be calm and a new American will be born. An American that is just and prosperous, with principles and high moral character. Americans “Trust in God”. We the people are the solution, remember we the people create jobs, not the rich.

 Free trade and WTO destroyed American’s jobs.

China trade proposal wins support

The American whores continuing the wholesale of American’s jobs.

The GOP NEOCON whores that wholesale Americans jobs through free trade

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You got the money, you got the power

By: Juan Reynoso, activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

We seek the truth and let the people know. America will never be destroyed from the outside; it will be destroyed from within. Greed and the love for money are evil. Money is self-destructive when it leads you to believe that you have the power to buy anyone and that you are above the law.

The politics of crime and punishment. You got the money you got the power. 

Jeffrey Edward Epstein the Jew billionaire got his connections to political elite and the royalty, with money and underage girls for prostitution, Epstein was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution to entertain his elite friends.

In June 2008, after pleading to a single state charge of soliciting prostitution, Epstein began serving an 18-month sentence. He served 13 months, and upon release he became a registered sex offender. There is widespread controversy and suspicion that Epstein got off ease because his connection to powerful people and his friends in the government

Epstein often had his girls shake hands with celebrities while the girls were in the nude and had surveillance cameras in the rooms, obviously to catch these men having sex with underage girls and then to blackmail them. Mr. Epstein friendship with Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, The Duke of York and many others elite of the financial system, was about underage sex. This Jew is very smart because now they owe him some favors; his silent will benefit him and our judicial system will do nothing to seek the truth and punish the criminals. 13 month for running an underage prostitution and the cover-up of pedophiles criminals is a disgrace and a judicial precedent, that money will buy impunity for any crimes if you are rich and have the money to buy your freedom.

Who is this Jew Billionaire? Jeffrey Edward Epstein✡ (born 20 January 1953) is a Jewish financier; he worked at Bear Stearns early in his career and subsequently formed his own firm. In 2008, He is a former board member of Rockefeller University, a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations and a visiting fellow at Harvard University. He is a close-friend of Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of Jewish-swindler Robert Maxwell. Epstein was accused of assaulting and soliciting prostitution from at least 40 different girls aged between 13 and 17. He was convicted for one instance and served a 13-month prison sentence. He is a sociopath and sycophants that believes that he is above the law. He remains under investigation by the FBI over allegations of involvement with a pedophile network, but nothing will be done to seek the truth and justice.

Fellow American, what you stand for? The question is who are worst the criminals that commit the crimes against the American people and humanity or we the people that know what is taken place in our country and do nothing to stop the criminals and remain silent.

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Sources for this article include:

The arrangement of a sweetheart, deal to the well-connected Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: The Most Interesting Jew in the World

Money will buy the silent of witness to avoid prosecution

Pedophiles is the worst crime against a child.

The prince and Jeffrey Spstein the Pedophiles.

Bill Clinton is part of underage sex slavery. Are Pedophiles about the law?

Bill Clinton named in Jeffrey Epstien sex slavery lawsuit

The Clinton Chronicles. Will you elect a criminal to be our President?.

PaedoGate Proofs of a Paedophile ring within royalty & government

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By: Juan Reynoso, activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

Seek the truth and let the people know. America will never be destroy from the outside; it will be destroy from within. The love for money is evil. The evil factors-Corporate greed and bribes corrupts our government. If we falter to take action and loss our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves by ignorance and apathy.

9/11 was an inside job. Demand the truth and punish the criminals                             

Fellow Americans, Our country is run by an army of criminals, sycophants and sociopaths; their ideology is; gain power and control at any cost. they are killers that are convince that they are untouchable, above the laws of this country and God’s laws, they are murders that killed innocent people without any remorse they kill Americans to create motives to deceive the American people and justified the invasion by American arm forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Most Americans are in complete denial and cannot believe that our own government kill Americans to justified their crimes and corruption.

9/11 was an inside job and the investigation was a cover up. But thanks to God many experts question the result of the Government investigation and work to seek the truth and inform the people of this horrendous crime committed against the American people and humanity; I cannot believe the results of their investigation and I expended many hours reviewing the tapes and without a doubt the demise of the towers was a demolition done by experts and it was done many weeks or months before 9/11.

Fellow Americans the fact is that our country is run by criminals that will not stop their crimes if we continue being in complete denial of what they are doing to us and the people of this world. They believe that they can get away with anything; they had turned their back to God almighty, because they do not believe in God, they are people without any moral principles killers without remorse that need to be expose, remove and ban from any political or government jobs. We must clean up our government from all these vicious criminals and re-store our trust in our government; we cannot trust a tyrannical system of government that will kill our own people to fabricate motives and justified their illicit wars for the purpose of gaining control of foreign countries natural resources.

Fellow Americans be brave and do your duty, God is with us, expose the criminals and ask congress to do their job and demand an investigation to seek the truth of 9/11;  Justice requires Americans to demand arrests of today’s leaders as not merely accessories after-the-fact, but ongoing principal actors in the cover-up of the truth.   

 Please take some time to seek the truth, stop the demise of our country’s character, moral principles and the law of the land. No one in our country is above the law; not the president, the CIA, DEA or any US agency or any one that work for our Government including contractors.

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

The question is who are worst the criminals that commit the crimes against Americans and humanity or the ones that know the truth and what is taken place in our country and do nothing to stop it and remain silent.

Sources for this article include:


CIA Insider Tells 911 truth

9-11 Firefighter Blows WTC 7 Cover Up Wide Open

George W. Bush: The 9/11 Interview Is a proof that he was lying.

9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!

Just Found RARE WTC 911 Conspiracy Documentary

13 Years Of 9/11 Lies Explained 2014


Obama’s 9/11 cover-up is a criminal action

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stop this expending frenzy

By: Juan Reynoso, activist -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

The question is, who is worst the criminals that commit the crimes against humanity or the ones that know what is taken place in our country and do nothing to stop it and remain silent.


Open Letter to the US Senators

Dear Senators, We know that President Obama and many in congress of this United States are in agreement and are supporters of the New World Order. This system of the world’s financial control in the hands of the IMF-The World Bank-The UK, The US and the world Reserve Banks with the W.T.O as promoters of world economic blocks, have become a predator economic monster and the   masters of this financial capitalism in the world with absolute powers, taken from our elected official and head of States of many countries by bribery and corruption. 
We know that they dominate the political system in this United States and the economy of the world as a whole. Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world's money. Here in our country, The United States of American our leaders sell out to the World Bank and the Federal Reserve Bank. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation of the IMF and World Bank, the trade agreements and the wars that we are part of, are the work of the IMF, The World bank and the predator corporate elite, they are the creators of the economic booms and catastrophes, they handpicked our leaders and use them as puppets to control our country and push us in the direction they want to obtain their objective. America has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers. 
Senator our American roots are profound, based on our American character, values, principles and integrity. We love our country and we are determine to fight for our country, our Constitution, our sovereignty and the rule of law. We will not allow any more this rampant abuse of the trust we place on our politicians. As Americans we expect for our representatives to do their job. You and your colleague took an oath; do not betray us that are the only thing we ask of you.
Senator, we ask you to cut expenses and stop this expending frenzy, we want 100 billion cut and please do not compromise if our government is shut down, I promise you; we will make pay the ones responsible for this and the mismanagement of the taxpayers money. Senator it is our family future that is at risk, we expended over 18 trillion Dollars ( and the expending must stop now, we are bankrupt we cannot expend any more money, we must stop the collapse of the Dollar.
Senator, we ask you to implement President John F Kennedy executive order 11110 and restore the power of congress to print the US currency. Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 President Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 President Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110

U.S. President James Madison "History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance."

"Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedoms of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."

"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives" 

Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815 
"When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes...Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain." 

May God help us and save us from our own demise.

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By: Juan Reynoso, activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

The question is who is worst, the criminals that commit the crimes against humanity or the ones that know what is taken place in our country and do nothing and remain silent.

Ron Paul, the only honest candidate that was destroyed by the US News Media because he do not sale out. The NEOCON hates Ron Paul because he stands for Freedom, Honesty, and Sound Money. We are broken and pull apart by deception and betrayal; 2016 is the year of unity and the time to get our country on the right path, restore our freedom and take back our jobs and our rights to work for decent wages and our prosperity.

The “neocons” believe that American greatness is measured by our willingness to be a great power, through an unlimited global military intervention in other nations; their objective is to control and dominate regional resources to consolidate control, sufficient to generate global control and power. As American neocons continue to shape the narratives that define the permissible boundaries for U.S. foreign policy thinking, the failure to enforce any meaningful accountability on them for their role in the criminal and disastrous invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan has become painfully clear. We have become the world’s bully, the predators of many nations’ natural resources. Our integrity and honor was destroyed by the ill foreign policy of the GOP NEOCON. In any vibrant democratic system, it would be unthinkable that the neocons and the war hawks who pushed the United States into Iraq and Afghanistan  a little more than twelve years ago would still be exercising control over how Americans perceive today’s events. Yet, many of the exact same pundits and pols who misled the American people then are still misleading them today, they picture themselves as the champions of Democracy, freedom and pro free enterprise system, but in reality they are the promoters of predator corporatism, free trade and globalization, they want the control of the world’s natural resources, commerce and the en slavery of the working class. The question is who is worst, the criminals that commit the crimes against humanity or the ones that know what is taken place in our country and do nothing and remain silent. America, wake up and stand united to take our country back in 2016. Let’s work for Freedom, Honesty, and Sound Money.

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Sources for this article include:     

The Criminal Plot to Stop Ron Paul

Ron Paul, the U.S. Representative from Texas

The NEOCON conservatives hate Ron Paul.



Get to know the man. Ron Paul news, articles and information: 

Ron Paul Institute for peace and prosperity

 The truth about 9/11- The motive to go to war.

The NEOCON responsibles for the Iraq invasion.

make sure to see this.

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To: all freshman Republicans

Dear Freshman Republicans

You were elected to represent the people. You will be pressured to join the corrupt political elite that run our congress and the NEOCON that want to control the world’s resources and send our soldiers to die for the US predator corporatism. Do not betray the people; stand loyal to our constitution, the rule of law and our American principles. Remember that you are accountable to your constituents and the American people; that there is a God and one day you will stand before Him and you will stand in judgment. This world will pass away, but what you do here will be measured on that last day. Eternal things matter most and selling your soul to Washington at the expense of God or your family will eventually catch up to you. This is a great opportunity for you to stand for humanity, freedom and justice for all men. Be the best you can be, you work for us and your job review comes up on a two year schedule in the House and a six year schedule in the Senate.

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By: Juan Reynoso, activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

Seek the truth and expose the corrupt politicians, the people must know the truth.

My fellow Americans, it is time to wake-up before Washington politicians destroy us. American’s trust in the government is being demise by the country’s political culture of corruption. Our political system is infected by sick Politicians, many are Psychopath, sociopath and most are pathological liars; they lost the sense of morality, honesty, responsibility, duty and most important their loyalty to our country. At state and federal government we are contaminate by this moral virus that is like cancer and is invading our whole society.
Our country’s leaders are the role models of our society, but they fail us, because what we learned from them is; that winning at any cost is most important and to get what they want at any cost justified the means. We have become the world’s bully, the world’s worst enemy, the economic predators, and the exploiters of humans and the enslavers of our own people. We have become a society that seek control to subjugate others, motivated by greed for power and money they plot strategies to move up at the control ladder.
This history of corrupting morals start with Reagan, Republicans and Democrats are to blame for this erosion of our leadership morality and values. President Bush and Obama are the ones that trashed our constitution and our God given rights to liberty and freedom; Clinton, Bush and Obama are to blame for the economic demise of our country; Bush and Obama are to blame for the increased of our national debt from 4.5 trillion Dollars to18.001trillion.
Fellow Americans, we the people of faith are the only solution to our country’s down fall. We are very especial people and capable of reversing this trend of destruction. The root of this evil is greed for power, control and money. I pray for our country because many of our country politicians have forgotten God, now is the time to listen to God’s call, his call is to re-store moral leadership, moral authority and re-build our country under our constitution, our Christian-human moral values and the rule of law. Our freedom and liberty should be the force to promote social justice through equal opportunity for all. We must never forget that we are our brother’s keeper and it is our responsibility to help others to be the best they can be; not to make any one dependent of this system of government or any one, for dependency leads to subjugation, slavery and tyranny.
2016 must be the years of reclamation of our constitutional right, our freedom and our Christians-human moral values. The values and morals that Christians share with all civilized people are human universal morals, morals that arise from nature and the Jewish, Christian and Muslim incorporated these moral laws into their holy scriptures thousands of years ago. We must recognize that the world community in reality is a family with the same wants and needs, a world of peace and prosperity free of exploitation and slavery and equal opportunities for all to work and be the best they can be. 
Fellow Americans, our loyalty it is not to any political party, politician, The President or any political organization. Our loyalty is to our country, nothing matters but our constitution, our God’s given freedom and liberty and our Christian/human moral values. This culture of corruption is irreversible and we must do it so our descendants born after the year 2035 will be able to reap the benefits of our vision and mission to reclaim our human moral values to save our country and work for the world’s peace and prosperity, without the exploitation of others.
Fellow Americans, 80% of the citizens of our country are Christians, believers on Christ our Lord; I pray for our unity, 80% of us Christians must stand united, we have apparently made it to the point of return; our Christian community said. “No more Christian persecution in the USA, No more lies. No more cover-ups. No more killings of Americans. No more spying on Americans. No more economy slavery. No more predator corporatism. No more military interventions. No more collusion. Enough is enough."
We can make the difference we must vote out of office all the Psychopath, sociopath and pathological liars and deceivers, they have no conscience and act with no regard for others; they are dangerous, they are criminals that we voted for them because we never suspect them of being psychopaths.
We were informed about Obama’s record as president, but we can’t believe it and we voted for Obama in 2012, now we see the results. Please in 2016 vote for America, be part of the movement to reclaim our country’s Christian/moral human values. We will reclaim our country, pass this on and preach for reform, the truth will set us free.
US-Christian persecution.

Ban in school praying demise American values.


Our Constitutional crisis


We must pray for a new President and members of Congress

We must stop the persecution of Christian in America.
Christianity is at risk in America and the UK.

US persecution of Christians.

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U.S. Christians persecution must stop

By: Juan Reynoso, activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

Seek the truth and expose the corrupt politicians, the people must know the truth.

My fellow Americans, it is time to wake-up before Washington politicians destroy us. American’s trust in the government is being demise by the country’s political culture of corruption. Our political system is infected by sick Politicians, many are Psychopath, sociopath and most are pathological liars; they lost the sense of morality, honesty, responsibility, duty and most important their loyalty to our country. At state and federal government we are contaminate by this moral virus that is like cancer and is invading our whole society.
Our country’s leaders are the role models of our society, but they fail us, because what we learned from them is; that winning at any cost is most important and to get what they want at any cost justified the means. We have become the world’s bully, the world’s worst enemy, the economic predators, and the exploiters of humans and the enslavers of our own people. We have become a society that seek control to subjugate others, motivated by greed for power and money they plot strategies to move up at the control ladder.
This history of corrupting morals start with Reagan, Republicans and Democrats are to blame for this erosion of our leadership morality and values. President Bush and Obama are the ones that trashed our constitution and our God given rights to liberty and freedom; Clinton, Bush and Obama are to blame for the economic demise of our country; Bush and Obama are to blame for the increased of our national debt from 4.5 trillion Dollars to18.001trillion.
Fellow Americans, we the people of faith are the only solution to our country’s down fall. We are very especial people and capable of reversing this trend of destruction. The root of this evil is greed for power, control and money. I pray for our country because many of our country politicians have forgotten God, now is the time to listen to God’s call, his call is to re-store moral leadership, moral authority and re-build our country under our constitution, our Christian-human moral values and the rule of law. Our freedom and liberty should be the force to promote social justice through equal opportunity for all. We must never forget that we are our brother’s keeper and it is our responsibility to help others to be the best they can be; not to make any one dependent of this system of government or any one, for dependency leads to subjugation, slavery and tyranny.
2016 must be the years of reclamation of our constitutional right, our freedom and our Christians-human moral values. The values and morals that Christians share with all civilized people are human universal morals, morals that arise from nature and the Jewish, Christian and Muslim incorporated these moral laws into their holy scriptures thousands of years ago. We must recognize that the world community in reality is a family with the same wants and needs, a world of peace and prosperity free of exploitation and slavery and equal opportunities for all to work and be the best they can be. 
Fellow Americans, our loyalty it is not to any political party, politician, The President or any political organization. Our loyalty is to our country, nothing matters but our constitution, our God’s given freedom and liberty and our Christian/human moral values. This culture of corruption is irreversible and we must do it so our descendants born after the year 2035 will be able to reap the benefits of our vision and mission to reclaim our human moral values to save our country and work for the world’s peace and prosperity, without the exploitation of others.
Fellow Americans, 80% of the citizens of our country are Christians, believers on Christ our Lord; I pray for our unity, 80% of us Christians must stand united, we have apparently made it to the point of return; our Christian community said. “No more Christian persecution in the USA, No more lies. No more cover-ups. No more killings of Americans. No more spying on Americans. No more economy slavery. No more predator corporatism. No more military interventions. No more collusion. Enough is enough."
We can make the difference we must vote out of office all the Psychopath, sociopath and pathological liars and deceivers, they have no conscience and act with no regard for others; they are dangerous, they are criminals that we voted for them because we never suspect them of being psychopaths.
We were informed about Obama’s record as president, but we can’t believe it and we voted for Obama in 2012, now we see the results. Please in 2016 vote for America, be part of the movement to reclaim our country’s Christian/moral human values. We will reclaim our country, pass this on and preach for reform, the truth will set us free.
US-Christian persecution.

Ban in school praying demise American values.


Our Constitutional crisis


We must pray for a new President and members of Congress

We must stop the persecution of Christian in America.
Christianity is at risk in America and the UK.

US persecution of Christians.

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By: Juan Reynoso, activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

Seek the truth and expose the collaborators, the people must know the truth.

The Path to Nazi Genocide will be a duplicate a strategy of the US Government.

Fellow Americans, the extermination of millions, will be repeated again here in these United States, Hitler was able to kill millions of Jews with the help of the Nazi collaborators and the Christian hatred toward Jews. Today our government is recruiting Christian preacher to help them in the control and subjugation of Americans patriots to be place in concentration camps when they start defending their rights and confronting the corrupt government that is destroying our country.

Most American will think that this is impossible, just like the German Jews, they can't believe that Hitler will arrest them and place them in concentration camps and exterminate them; but it happen.

Fellow Americans the fall of the Dollar and the economic demise of our country will be the beginning of this human genocide, the people will turn against the government and the government will place them in concentration camps and will kill millions with the help of Christian pastors that are trained to obey the laws of this tyrannical corrupt government. I ask you to open your eyes and see what is taken place in our country and ask yourself who is worse the ones that knowing what is going on and do nothing about it or the criminals that will kill Americans to stay in power.

This is what our government is doing to place American in concentration camps.

1- The building of concentration camps in the United States

2- The buying of food supply for millions.

3- Why the training of our arm forces for law enforcement?

4- Why HLS is expending millions in ammo.

5-Why the militarization of our police force.

6-Why our government is collecting information on American citizens.

7-Why our government is recruiting pastors and training to act as collaborators.

8-Ron Paul declaration.

Nazi collaborators.

History of human extermination will be repeated again here in the USA.

The church should not be part of this agenda.

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By: Juan Reynoso, activist - STAND FOR AMERICA
"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."
Ron Paul the only honest candidate that was destroy by the US News Media because he do not sale out.
Fellow Americans, the demise of our honor and Christian principles and values comes, when the CIA agents acting in the name and interests of the American people knowing that they were committing war crimes and crimes against humanity they torture many people and killed many by engaging in these crimes and using third party agents to commit murder.
Despite the fact "Senate investigators determined that the CIA’s embrace many acts of torture such as mock-drowning, sleep deprivation, 'stress positions', sensory and dietary manipulation and other torture techniques were ineffective, and the CIA covered up that ineffectiveness by misrepresenting its results to Bush officials, Congress and the public," George W Bush cover-up these crimes and show his support for CIA operatives who had participated in torture, calling them “Patriots” It is a shame that our own presidents foster criminals acts against humanity and destroy our credibility and honor in the process.
It is a fact that the CIA by bribery was able to use a network of countries and run unacknowledged prisons in places like Poland, Thailand and Afghanistan, Bulgaria and other countries. Human Rights investigators have identified (at least) 54 countries that have cooperated with CIA exceptional American renditions, detentions and interrogations in violation of international laws.
The Obama administration has attempted to suppress the report, saying it is concerned over issues of international backlash, but the truth is that he wants to cover up these crimes. The events that president Bush fabricated and was promoted by the US propaganda machinery “The news Media” to get the American people to support the war was done for the only purpose of taken over the control of the middle east oil.
Fellow patriots this corrupt government betray us, they used our soldiers to commit crimes and kill millions in the name of America, our government is to be blame for the killings of our own soldiers that they send to fight all these illegal wars, this corrupt government has tinted our hands with the blood of our own soldiers and the blood of millions of innocent people; our duty as Americans is to seek justice for humanity and prosecute all the criminals; American must stand for justice and no one should be granted immunity or pardon for crimes against humanity and war crimes. It is a shame that they cover up all these crimes for years, the whole world knows about these crimes, but us the American people, the US news media is to be blame for this cover up, because they knew about it and fell to inform the people about these crimes.
Fellow Americans now we know the truth, the cover up must end and we must demand 100% accountability, the traitors must account for their actions. George W. Bush was convicted of war crimes, now is the time to get Bush and all the rest of the criminals to justice and clean our country of the sins of our government officials, we ask the world community to support the American people and demand justice and punishment for the criminals. We the people will not foster this type of crimes against humanity and ask for the world courts to seek justice for humanity. The HAGE and the international court must take this issue as their number one priority; the American people want justice and will not be living in shame for the actions of the sycophants that are in our government and betray us.
Fellow Americans, we must expose these crimes; do not let these crimes remain secrets destroying any more lives; we must bare the truth, and like true patriots, bear the sins of our government that committed these crimes and allow our nation to heal and to hold its head high once again, as we have not been able to do for far too many years now.
Today I am deeply ashamed for our country’s crimes and await for justice that must come from the people as we can’t trust our government to clean our country from the sins of their colleagues.
May God help us and save us from our own demise.
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Sources for this article include:

Our Government is Guilty of War Crimes

The Establishment do not want Ron Paul because he cannot be corrupt.

CIA Torture Whistleblower Letter.

CIA violated US and International laws.

CIA Crimes.

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The next economic crisis is near.

By: Juan Reynoso, activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

Fellow Americans, I hope that you care about the future of your children and grandchildren as I do. Families, communities and our cities form this country that we love so much. Please take some time and seek the truth and causes of our economic demise. It is in our best interest to know the truth and correct this path of self-economic destruction.  As I have studied the history of debt growth in the U.S. economy, it has become apparent that we have reached a historic point. The truth is that today, we are in uncharted waters that makes it pretty much impossible for anyone, to know what will happen next.

There are several reasons for this economic crisis. The Reagan Free trade agenda, the NEOCON globalization, the demise of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, The housing bubble, the bailouts and the wars.

The Reagan free trade agenda, push for free trade and stopped enforcing the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, businesses started merging and acquiring each other like crazy. Because of changes in the rules on how that could be done, Private Equity or LBO firms came into existence, driving the monopolistic merger process with trillions in debt. Today virtually every corporate merger involves the company taking on huge debt, while the executives and the Pirate Equity boys take home billions. The result is that most of this private sector debt is corporate debt, and it's dangerously high, a teetering, and towering house of cards.

And then there's household debt. Since Reagan, millions of Americans lost their jobs and latter got low paying jobs, and also millions of Americans have not been paid more for their increased productivity, so wages have failed to keep up with the rising costs of housing, energy, education, and healthcare. To make ends meet, Americans had to borrowed and extend their credit lines and home mortgages, thus sinking further into debt. This was the time in human history that so many people was able to borrow so much money so quickly with so little accountability facilitated by our own government; this was the creation of the housing bubble, which was caused by the banks and financial institutions pushing mortgages – or debt – on millions of Americans, knowing that those same Americans were unlikely to be able to pay down those mortgages and debt. But the banks made a ton of money selling off that bad debt to other investors before the market went bust, but the losses that the bankers did incur during the crisis were promptly repaid by our government thanks to the bailout; but no one bail out the people.

Common sense tell us, that because job losses and decrease in wages due to free trade and globalization made Americans get into debt, this low income and debt obligations make consumers expend less and less creating this economic crisis, that resulted in layoffs of U.S. Workers and workers around the world. The truth is that economic exploitation it is not good for the economic, Economic crisis are due to lower consumer spending because of household debt; The result of this NEOCON globalist agenda of human exploitation.

We should wipe the worst and most destructive of the private sector debt, the debt that prevents people from spending. If private debt was 50% of GDP like in the 1950’s, then Americans could afford to both buy things and pay down their own debt, and also for businesses. But at 250% of GDP, the private sector debt will strangles the economy and sets the stage for a looming economic collapse that the whole world will suffer.

So then, what’s to be done?; We should call for a debt jubilee. That means using the government to simply pay off much of the individual debt across America, from mortgages to student loans to credit cards. A debt jubilee isn’t a radical idea. In fact, it’s promoted in the Bible in the Book of Leviticus, which calls for a debt jubilee every 49 years. As Leviticus 25:10 reads, "This fiftieth year is sacred, it is a time of freedom and of celebration when everyone will receive back their original property, and slaves will return home to their families."

Debt cancellation is supported in the Koran, too. And it was used in Ancient Athens and many Native American societies.

Wiping out private debt would unleash enormous spending in our economy in ways we haven’t seen since the boom years of the 1950’s and 1960’s. The only reason it’s not seriously being considered by our lawmakers today is because a debt jubilee would diminish the profits of the bankers who thrive and prey on an indebted nation.

But, in the not-to-distant future, as our economy continues to collapse under the weight of tens of trillions of dollars in private sector debt, our nation will be faced with an ultimate choice: Strike Debt or watch our economy completely collapse in a way that will make 1929 look like a picnic.

Deuteronomy 15:1-23 ESV. “At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release. And this is the manner of the release: every creditor shall release what he has lent to his neighbor. He shall not exact it of his neighbor, his brother, because the Lord's release has been proclaimed. Of a foreigner you may exact it, but whatever of yours is with your brother your hand shall release. But there will be no poor among you; for the Lord will bless you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance to possess— if only you will strictly obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all this commandment that I command you today.

Leviticus 19:13 ESV .“You shall not oppress your neighbor or rob him. The wages of a hired servant shall not remain with you all night until the morning.

Let’s make the right choice now!.

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Sources for this article include:

The National Debt

Private public debt

Student Federal Loans Top a Trillion and no jobs for graduates to repay it.

The last economic crash

The coming Tribulation.

The Tribulation has begun.

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By: Juan Reynoso, activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

Fellow Americans, our Government and corporate American it’s  blind by greed and their pursuit of economic control through the exploitation of the world working class; that is why they are not able to see the fuel that ignite unrest in the United States. The real issue is poverty, oppression and the concentration of wealth created by the NEOCON globalist agenda at the expenses of the average American working class.

The demise of the US economic and the slavery of the American working class begin with Ronald Reagan, Reagan was the main promoter of NAFTA and followed by the presidents elected by the US corporate money that used the US propaganda machinery “The US News Media” to promote and elect their Washington puppets. Most Americans know that Washington is controlled by corporate American; Corporate American are the ones that pushed for NAFTA and all the free trade agreements that destroyed Americans jobs, made the American economic slave class and demise the American middleclass.

In the 2008 Presidential Campaign, NAFTA was attacked from all sides, during the 2008 Presidential campaign. Barack Obama blamed it for growing unemployment. He said it helped businesses at the expense of workers in the U.S. It also did not provide enough protection against exploitation of workers and the environment along the border in Mexico. Hillary Clinton included the trade agreement in her pledge to strictly enforce all existing trade agreements, as well as halt any new ones. Both candidates promised to either amend or back out of the agreement all together. However, Obama hasn't done anything about these campaigns promises since becoming President. Why? The answer is simple Obama is corporate American puppet. In 2008, Republican candidate Ron Paul said he would abolish the trade agreement. He said it was responsible for a Superhighway and compared it to the European Union. He was right, the EU destroy many of their members increased poverty and demise their economic, However the US propaganda machinery killed Ron Paul opportunity to become the US president, Ron Paul has maintained this position in his 2012 campaign but no one support him, because the American propaganda machinery worked to discredit the only candidate that have the solution to get our country on the right path. Ron Paul will not sell out that is why they have to destroy him and they used the News Media. They transformed the news media into their propaganda machinery to place in office their choose candidate, their puppets that they control, because they are the owners of this US propaganda machinery that is used to brainwash the American people.

Today, protests and civil unrest is Treated as Terrorism in America, What we’re seeing in Ferguson, is not a local issue, this is something that’s been driven by national policies, by policies that Congress has approved of and has oversight of, and must end. The militarization of the police force; and the idea to take domestic police officers and train them like soldiers and give them military gear and dress them up like soldiers and tell them they’re fighting a war on crime or war on terrorism; that is why the police see themselves as soldiers. That’s the mindset of police officers that responded to protests—not just in Ferguson, but also on many others cities with activist and protesters; on the crackdowns at the political conventions. Police brutality has become the default response to protest in the U.S., and it’s something that, demise the very idea of free speech and the First Amendment. We are not the enemy the enemy is corporate American and the whores that become the puppets of corporate American, the Washington corrupt politicians.

The real issues are rampant police abuse and brutality. The FBI treated the peaceful protesters – who were protesting too big to fail banks, and who were predominately white - as terrorists.

Highly-militarized, federally-coordinated police used such brutal violence to break up the protests.

Violence was also been unleashed against peaceful protesters outside of Republican and Democratic conventions. Reporter Amy Goodman was arrested at the Republican convention for documenting violence against protestors.

Peaceful protest is considered terrorism in modern America. Honest Journalists are considered terrorists in modern America; whistleblowers are being prosecuting as traitors for telling the truth to the American people. So the question is who is the enemy we the people or the corrupt corporate American and their Washington puppets?.

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Sources for this article include:

NAFTA 21 years of deception and betrayal.

Obama the puppet of the Neocon Globalist elite.

NAFTA- the great American deception.

NAFTA’S Serfs: From Wage Slavery to Debt Slavery


NAFTA is destroying our economic.

The truth about NAFTA.

Some US corporation pay more to their CEOS than they paid in taxes.

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