election (366)

4063822610?profile=originalCould this be true?-You Decide:

Barack Obama: The Last American President!-Posted on Before It’s News-By The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On April 6, 2014:

BARACK OBAMA: The Last American President

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot
stamping on a human face-forever.” George Orwell

I have reported on various aspects of Executive Order (EO) 13603 in the past. However, I have not reported on the EO in a global sense. When one considers the ramifications of the interconnected sections of this EO, it becomes clear that Obama never intends of vacating the White House. This document also gives a clear look into what America will look like under the coming martial law.

The Ever-Enduring Presidency

Obama has provided a strong set of clues as to how his presidency will continue beyond his scheduled exit date of 2016. If Americans wonder how far this lunatic President will go towards fulfilling the dreams of his real father, and his original political handlers, Weathermen Underground and communist agitators, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorne, one should read this EO and thoughtfully consider the ramifications.  This Obamnistic portend of the future is summarized in the following paragraphs.

The Legalization of Peacetime Martial Law

The descent into total and abject tyranny is almost complete. With President Obama’s draconian executive order, THE NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS ACT, he has granted himself the authority to declare peacetime martial law. This Executive Order was posted on the WhiteHouse.gov web site.

The Elimination of Private Property

This executive order is particularly draconian in that it eliminates the private ownership of everything and Obama has delegated the complete control of the nation’s resources to his cabinet level department heads (i.e. Czars). The delegation of control of the nation’s resources and people is particularly troubling because the heads of America’s resources shall have this power “under both emergency and non-emergency conditions” to control every aspect of our lives. And under this executive order, the President is to the sole decider of what constitutes an emergency (Section 201, paragraph b).”

The Legalization of Government Sponsored
 Cronyism and Protection Rackets

Through Sections 301b and 302, Obama’s executive order legalizes governmental cronyism in which loans/grants are guaranteed by the Federal Reserve and the related actions are not subject to any kind of review or accountability process. Further, the development and implementation of a type of economic worthiness score, related to the relative importance of companies for “national defense,” will permit the government to decide what companies prosper and will receive stimulus money and which companies will fail in a strange version of “Fabian Socialism for corporations”. This is absolute fascism in which the government will ultimately control all business activity (see Sections 302, 303, 304, 305).

Due to the outcry of massively wasteful taxpayer giveaways to the solar industry which were dispensed to companies such as Solyndra and Pat Stryker’s Abound Solar, the American people have demanded accountability for this thinly veiled misuse of the public’s money. It should be noted that both solar companies heavily donated to the Obama 2008 campaign. Abound Solar’s Pat Stryker also contributed $50,000 to Obama’s inauguration ball. Now, both companies are near bankruptcy despite the government giveaway of billions of dollars to both of these Obama donating corporations. Boss Tweed would marvel at the firmly entrenched criminal enterprise system sponsored by the Obama Administration.

Section 303 provides a nonspecific delegated power which will presumably be delegated to the President, “to enable rapid transition of emerging technologies.” This precisely ties in with what I have publicly maintained for months: One of the goals of the globalists, in their engineering of “The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust,” was to destroy the Gulf’s shrimp and oyster industries in order to pave the way for the massive development of algae farms in support of the nation’s new biofuel craze. along the Gulf Coast. To this day, the Gulf of Mexico is still being carpet bombed with Corexit and this toxic substance takes the CO2 out of the water and the only substance that can proliferate in this new environment is algae. Never mind that massive sinkholes complete with explosive methane have been produced by this process which gravely threatens the welfare of Louisiana residents. Subsequently, globalist controlled algae farms are growing exponentially in the Gulf and is beginning to spread across our country. Buffet, Gore, Stryker and Soros are only a few of the billionaire globalists to invest heavily in the biofuel algae industry.

The Literal Legalization of Slavery

As if the previous sections of the already mentioned executive order are not enough to inflame already aware Americans, Section 601 signals the most Orwellian aspect of this executive order in which “upon request by the Director of Selective Service, and in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, assist the Director of Selective Service in development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of persons for duty in the armed services” (paragraph 2). What is particularly troubling is that the Secretary of Labor will possess oversight over the Selective Service process, instead of the Secretary of Defense. This revelation left me scratching my head as I wondered why would the Department of Labor be in charge of the coming military draft?

Then it dawned upon me that we were not just talking about military conscription. I refer to the 2008 Presidential campaign in which Obama stated that “we need to construct a national civilian security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded” (as the military). Obama is clearly planning to conscript civilians, train them and send them where they are needed and will pay them whatever wage the Secretary of Commerce determines (Section 601; paragraphs 3, 4-Section 801; paragraph C). In one fell swoop, Obama has sidestepped the 13th Amendment as we are talking about the introduction of forced labor (i.e. slavery).The previously mentioned sections discuss the term, “Consultant”, in which a person can be forced to work without compensation.

Does anyone else find it ironic and tragic that our first black president has declared his intention to impose government sanctioned slavery upon the American people? For those that know their history, it should also remind everyone of the forced labor camps run by the Nazi’s in which political prisoners were forced into slave labor in support of the German war effort while they were being systematically starved to death. Is this why Jesse Ventura’s FEMA camp episode was scrubbed from Television and why TruTV ‘s archives are missing the FEMA camp episode? Perhaps, America would be well advised to pay attention to the good work being done by Gary Franchi on the topic of FEMA camps. Bill Ayers, the benefactor of Obama’s Harvard education and his original political sponsor is on the record of having stated one day, in America, “we will have to send 50 million Americans to re-education camps and murder 25 million of them.

The Legalization of Sexual Assault and
Illegal Searches Upon American Citizens

The Secretary of Transportation has been authorized control over civil transportation which “includes movement of persons and property by all modes of transportation in interstate, intrastate, or foreign commerce within the United States, its territories and possessions, and the District of Columbia, and related public storage and warehousing, ports, services, equipment and facilities, such as transportation carrier shop and repair facilities.” “Civil transportation” also shall include direction, control, and coordination of civil transportation capacity regardless of ownership” (Section 801 part A). Can there be any doubt that the expanded surveillance program by of the TSA, in their unconstitutional, hands down our pants VIPER program, is designed to control all travel in the United States? The former Soviet Union used to have checkpoints every 20 miles in order to restrict travel and to prevent the congregation of “revolutionary forces” for purposes of opposing government control as well as to limit the ability of political dissidents to flee from their governmental pursuers. I feel compelled to ask, what is the government going to do that is so nefarious and so intrusive that they are seeking to set up a control grid which will accomplish these same Soviet Union-style goals?

The Legalization of Eco-Terrorism
and the Deindustrialization of America

The Secretary of Energy will have control over all “Energy” (which) means all forms of energy including petroleum, gas (both natural and manufactured), electricity, solid fuels (including all forms of coal, coke, coal chemicals, coal liquification, and coal gasification), solar, wind, other types of renewable energy, atomic energy, and the production, conservation, use, control, and distribution (including pipelines) of all of these forms of energy…” This means the government will have total control over all utility prices, the installation of smart meters along with the implementation of the smart grid and the amount of energy which can be consumed by average Americans will be severely curtailed under this new system of energy feudalism which will be imposed on the new American serfs. Obama, in the 2008 Presidential Campaign, stated that “under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” Previously ignorant Americans will soon come to know the true meaning and the accurately prophetic meaning of these words (Section 801, part b).

The Legalization of Starving
 Americans Into Submission

The Secretary of Agriculture will posses control over “fertilizer” (which) means any product or combination of products that contain one or more of the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for use as a plant nutrient.” The Secretary of Agriculture will also control “food resource facilities “(which) means plants, machinery, vehicles (including on farm), and other facilities required for the production, processing, distribution, and storage (including cold storage) of food resources, and for the domestic distribution of farm equipment and fertilizer.” This is the total control of all food.

This will allow Monsanto which demonstrably controls the Department of Agriculture, the FDA and EPA to move forward, unabated, for the total GMO takeover of our food supply. Even more disturbing is that a few men will have total control over all food production and the dissenting masses who oppose this fascist takeover can be effectively starved into submission or starved to death (Section 801, parts c-f).

The Legalization and Installation
of Eugenics as National Policy

Under this EO, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall maintain control over all “Health resources” meaning drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment required to diagnose, mitigate or prevent the impairment of, improve, treat, cure, or restore the physical or mental health conditions of the population.” This is a declaration of a forced form of Codex Alimentarius. Under this provision, it will not matter if Obamacare is repealed by Congress, his cabinet appointee will maintain control over all health care, both pharmacological and alternative/natural (Section 801, part i). Can there be any doubt that the death panel provisions of Obamacare will be implemented and carried out with no oversight or regulation in an manner reminiscent of Logan’s Run nightmarish scenario?

I have long maintained on my talk show that there is a decided effort by a relatively few elite to control the nation’s water and this provision will be utilized as a form of both political and population control. On this point, there can be no doubt as the Secretary of Defense will be placed in charge of all water resources Section 801, part n). I can draw no other conclusion that placing the control of water under the DOD represents the weaponizing of water and the intended target of this full frontal assault are the American people for the purpose of imposing population control and complete compliance.


4063868438?profile=originalThe Alpha

Everything must be considered in its context. First, what has been presented did not emanate from Congress, it came solely from Obama. The fact that every resource and every person will be absolutely controlled by Obama, speaks volumes as to how he views martial law. If this ever comes to fruition, it will be hell on Earth, and we must be mindful that this EO does not even spell out what Obama will do with those who will not comply. Given the absolute tyranny of what is expressed, it does not take much imagination as to how dissenters will be dealt with. However, I will leave that part  to your common sense and imagination.

The coming Constitutional Convention may solidify the permanence of an Obama White House. 

4063868516?profile=originalThe Omega

The second aspect  of this EO is that the office of President takes on air of permanence, absolutism and diabolical tyranny. It is becoming more likely that Michelle won’t be having any garage sales in the next few years. 

Source Link:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following recent articles and/or blogs and videos relate to and/or further support the above article and/or blog regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063868531?profile=originalThe Coming Constitutional Convention Contains the Tipping Point for Revolution!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On April 7, 2014:

Pursuant to Article 5 of the US Constitution, if 34 states call for a convention, the convention is required to take place. Last week the state legislature of Michigan became the 34th state to demand a Constitutional Convention in the United States. There is no time requirement so a convention could be dragged out for years.  However, if a national convention does take place, then everything is on the table and the basic structure of our government could be changed forever. Subsequently, the Bill of Rights could be done away with in a formal manner.

Most will speak of the potential for such a convention to right the wrongs of the Obama administration. That is an unrealistic view. With a Constitutional Convention, America risks losing everything that separates us from us and China. If a convention does take place in 2016, it is clear to many of us that the seeds of civil disobedience, at the least, could come to the surface. At the most, the seeds of revolution could blossom into a bloody civil war. What would be the tipping point for such a confrontation in which a slumbering people awakens to reclaim its country?

Many of us are wondering what will be the tipping point when Americans, on a massive scale, begin to totally disregard and flagrantly disobey the authority of a government that does not respect the Constitution and American civil liberties. How far can the globalists push the American people before the American people will strike back? What will be the tipping point as we descend into WW III? Will it be an economic collapse? Will it be triggered by mass arrests under the NDAA? Will it be Obamacare?

Threat Analysis

I have concluded that the globalists who have hijacked our government are trying to provoke a revolution with the intention of crushing that revolution and the spirit of freedom forever. Further, let’s review the more egregious actions by the globalists and it becomes clear that not one of these transgressions against the people has produced the seeds of revolution. Let’s make no mistake about it, the globalists want you to rebel. There are running out of time before most of humanity will rise up. They need to crush freedom, now. Based upon that premise, I constructed a list of the various ways that the globalists are attacking humanity in order to bring the people to their collective knees as they attempt to carry out their expressed desire to “thin out the herd” and to enslave the survivors. As I constructed the list, which consisted of over 30 soft kill methods (e.g. Chemtrails, GMO’s, vaccines, fluoridated water, MSG, the QE Bailouts of 1, 2, 3, 4…, etc.), I came to the realization that globalists could continue to abuse the public in a number of ways and most of us won’t protest in the least.. Despite the fact that on the surface, it seems that our country has become a nation of sheep and appears to be willing to march headfirst toward our own planned demise. However, I am aware that Homeland Security has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of sniper ammunition. DHS is voting with their pocketbook that they strongly anticipate that America may soon be on the verge of standing up to the bankers who have taken over the government. Therefore, I took another long look at all the ways that we are under deadly attack.

Bringing the Average American To Their Knees

The dollar is hanging by a thread. If the dollar hyper-inflates,this will make the Great Depression unemployment numbers look like a walk in the park. We are on the verge of losing our retirements, 401K’s, Social Security, bank accounts and even our property rights.  If and when this happens, the breakdown of society will begin in earnest. Meanwhile, the elite will continue to grab as much of wealth as possible (i.e. MERS mortgage fraud, the Fed printing $40 billion dollars per month to buy real estate, the 2013, 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling, that banks can legally steal our deposits). And yet, we still have not stood up to the tyranny.

Groceries have recently risen by 30-40% and a food crisis looms. If and when a war in Ukraine actually breaks out, fuel prices will skyrocket. When the cost of shipping food exceeds the retail value of the food, the game is over. The grocery stores will be empty in a couple of days and the food riots will begin. However, a full scale revolution has not happened even though 25% of American children are going to bed hungry every night. The globalists have even employed a divide and conquer philosophy as a means to deal with social issues.


Black vs.White

Legal vs.Illegal

Gay vs.Straight

Left vs.Right 

Yet, not one of these conflicts has resulted in anything approaching a revolution

Will any of this be the tipping point for revolution? No! America has tolerated these behaviors to this point, there is no reason to believe that we will rise up and take up arms against the government over these issues now. How will the powers-that-be provoke America into one final armed conflict in which the last vestiges America are destroyed forever?

The Constitutional Convention Will Be the Tipping Point

As Michigan became the 34th state to demand a convention, many cheered. At last the people will have their day. At a Constitutional Convention, the good guys will win the day, right? Wrong! There are no good guys. Politics is run by one political party controlled by the globalist banksters, masquerading as two parties (i.e. Democrats and Republicans). Subsequently, any Constitutional Convention will be run by the forces who own and control the Democrats and Republicans and they will after go one thing a Constitutional Convention.

Make no mistake about it, the globalists are pushing the Constitution Convention, not the people.  In other words, America, any Constitutional Convention will be run by those who have destroyed this country’s economy and existing Constitution. As a result, nothing good can come out of this event.

Gun Confiscation Is the Ultimate Goal

In today’s America, we have lost every single one of the Bill of Rights under the NDAA and Executive Order 13603. As a result, 9 out of 10 rights, contained in the Bill of Rights, are gone. The only right remaining is the Second Amendment right to bear arms and it hanging by a thread.

You can shout it from the roof tops, there will be a Constitutional Convention and the Second Amendment will be repealed and all gun owners will be criminalized in one stroke of the pen. 

High unemployment rates, skyrocketing food prices and water and food shortages, alone, might not be enough to trigger the next civil war. However, if the previously mentioned factors are combined with an all-out attack upon the Second Amendment, the globalists are going to get just what they want, a well-armed and angry America. When the Obamanistas come for the guns, there will be no hiding the intentions of the globalists. The veil will have been lifted. For those who don’t think this eventuality is true, then why did the NRA pick up 100,000 new members in one month last year? Why do gun shows have two hour wait lines just to get in? The tide is turning America and we are about to do what some feel should have happened after the murder of JFK. As noble as the last statement might sound, things are about to get very ugly.


I am not a gun enthusiast. I do not belong to the NRA. However, I have reached my limit. My personal line in the sand with this criminal government, is the evisceration of the Second Amendment. I will not submit to registration. I will not submit to a voluntary surrender of my weapon for I know that gun confiscation and impending genocide run hand in hand as there were 17 genocides in the 20th century and each one was preceded with gun confiscation. Therefore, I will resist any attempt to remove the only protection that I possess. And now I believe that I will be in good company as witnessed by the recent behaviors of my fellow countrymen. And I also know that globalists are aware of this as well and they may get their wish to draw and destroy the dissidents in one fell swoop. This Constitutional Convention idea was NOT the brainchild of the people. It is a part of the plan to strip away the last line of defense that the American people presently enjoy.

Now do you understand why DHS has armed to the teeth?

Source Link:


4063868540?profile=originalRoger Landry, Stacy Lynne-Defeating Agenda 21!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On April 6, 2014:


4063868564?profile=originalHow Water Will Be Used to Subjugate America!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On April 5, 2014:


4063867341?profile=originalIt’s Not An Alien Invasion, It’s Operation Blue Beam!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On April 4, 2014:


4063868550?profile=originalUN “Human Rights” Report Attacks U.S. Gun Rights, Constitution!-Posted on The New American-By Alex Newman-On April 7, 2014:


4063860803?profile=originalSmart Gun Technology: The New Way To Confiscate Firearms From The Law-Abiding!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On April 4, 2014: 


4063868623?profile=originalEric Holder Wants Gun Owners to Wear ‘Smart Gun’ Bracelets!-Posted on Vision to America-By V2A-On April 8, 2014:


4063868595?profile=originalVideo: Watch Eric Holder Discuss The Future Of Your 2nd Amendment Rights!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TOM HINCHEY-On April 8, 2014:


4063868717?profile=originalVideo: Why Obama Is NOT Likely To Declare Martial Law!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Wild Bill For America-On April 8, 2014:


4063865048?profile=originalThe REAL Americans Begin to Fight Back to Re-Claim Our Country!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Jerry McConnell (Bio and Archives)-On April 8, 2014:


4063865255?profile=originalPress Release: America Demands ‘Administrative Revisions’!-Posted on OAS-By acoffey-On April 8, 2014:



This is Our Best Chance to Take America and her Freedoms Back!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On April 7, 2014:


Read More:


4063868683?profile=originalObama Announces Plans For A Third Term Presidential Run!-Posted on National Report-On May 16, 2014:


4063868746?profile=originalSTUNNING: This Obama Scheme Is Shutting Down Legal Gun Stores1-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR -On May 22, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to and/or further support the above article and/or blog regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063734668?profile=originalAmerica...................Rise Up Or Surrender!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 3, 2014:



New EPA Land Grab, Complete Control Over All Private Land in America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 11, 2014:


4063868701?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!


4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


north-america-union.jpg?w=150&h=115https://weroinnm.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/north-america-union.jpg 199w" alt="" width="150" height="115" data-attachment-id="11608" data-permalink="https://weroinnm.wordpress.com/2011/02/13/new-world-order-by-executive-order/north-america-union/" data-orig-file="https://weroinnm.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/north-america-union.jpg" data-orig-size="199,153" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":""}" data-image-title="North America Union" data-image-description="" data-medium-file="https://weroinnm.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/north-america-union.jpg?w=199" data-large-file="https://weroinnm.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/north-america-union.jpg?w=199" />

New World Order By Executive Order!


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 22)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 28, 2014:


4063551677?profile=originalAre 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War? (Part 5)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 27, 2014:


4063626137?profile=originalWhat is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?


4063829832?profile=originalHow “climate change” is supposedly impacting New Mexico and other southwestern states because of ensuing drought and devastating wildfires!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-ByJake Martinez-On February 10, 2014:


4063566206?profile=originalGeoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!


4063669635?profile=originalNew Twist To New World Order Agenda!


4063868873?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


4063868895?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!


4063758287?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (re: Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


4063784434?profile=originalLetter to our NM Governor Martinez regarding a “Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014: 


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up?-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!



Read more…


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 2 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT A CONSPIRACY'! (Part 2)-Posted On Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 1, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to and/or further support my above blog regarding this extremely disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063867086?profile=originalSatan Worship is Goal of One World Religion!-Posted on henryMakow.com-By Henry Makow-On April 6, 2014:

Left, claims Jesus wasn’t resurrected and he married Mary Magdalene. A tomb containing the bones of Jesus and Mary
Magdalene was found. All part of Illuminati program to discredit the Bible and Christianity.

As James Perloff shows, the Illuminati set out 
to systematically destroy Christianity and belief in God. 
Do we need any more proof that we are ruled by a satanic cult?

by James Perloff


The Bible and the Protocols agree: one world government and religion are coming.

Revelation 13:7 says the Antichrist will have “authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.” Protocol 5:11 says the Illuminati plan to “absorb all the state forces of the world and to form a super-government.”

Revelation 13:8 says that “inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast.” Protocol 15:20 brags “they will acknowledge the autocracy of our ruler with a devotion bordering on ‘apotheosis’” [glorification as a god]. He “will be the real pope of the universe, the patriarch of the international church.” (17:4)

For Satan to rule Earth autocratically, he must not only consolidate governments and currencies, but belief systems. But how could he unite something so diverse as religions?


The long-term strategy: (1) splinter a religion into sects on the “divide and conquer” principle; (2) assault the religion’s foundations, creating doubts among believers; (3) finally, herd the remnants together with other religions - i.e., ecumenism.

Let’s see how this played out in Christianity. Protocol 17:5 says of churches: “we shall fight against them by criticism calculated to produce schism.” Over centuries, Christianity has been splintered into increasingly smaller sects. For example, the Jehovah’s Witnesses were founded by a Freemason, Charles Taze Russell. 

To plant doubts in believers, Darwin’s theory of evolution was introduced as a “scientific” alternative to creation by God. Protocols 2:3 flaunts “the successes we arranged for Darwinism.”

Attacks on the Bible achieved what Protocol 17:2 terms “the complete wrecking of that Christian religion.” The Rockefellers funded seminaries that questioned the Gospel, most notoriously the Union Theological Seminary. In the late 19th century, Union Theological professor Charles Briggs introduced “Higher Criticism,” in America claiming the Bible was error-ridden.

4063867170?profile=originalIn 1922, Harry Emerson Fosdick, left, gave a landmark sermon which cast doubt on the Bible being God’s Word, the Virgin Birth, the Second Coming, and Christ’s death as atonement for sins. He declared those holding these beliefs “intolerant.”

His sermon sparked outrage, and Fosdick was forced to resign. However, he was immediately hired as pastor of Riverside Church - attended and built by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. for $4 million. Rockefeller paid for 130,000 copies of Fosdick’s sermon to be printed and distributed to ministers. Fosdick’s brother Raymond was president of the Rockefeller Foundation.

The views expressed by theologians like Briggs and Fosdick were called “Modernism,” which included denying Christ’s divinity, miracles and resurrection. Modernism was not a quibbling over some gray area of theology; it was total repudiation of Christianity’s major tenets. With Rockefeller funding, it permeated seminaries and churches.

Recently Modernism has gone further; the Jesus Seminar (financial backers unpublicized) declared over 80 percent of sayings attributed to Jesus weren’t authentic. The Da Vinci Code - this century’s best-selling novel, thought by John Coleman to be a Tavistock creation - claimed Jesus wasn’t resurrected and married Mary Magdalene. Shortly after the film version’s release, a Discovery Channel documentary claimed a tomb had been found containing the bones of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.


Consolidation of churches required organizations. The Rockefellers funded the National Council of Churches. John Foster Dulles was chosen to spearhead the ecumenism drive.  Dulles was a Rockefeller in-law, chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation trustees, a founding CFR member who helped draft the UN Charter (which never mentions God.)

In 1942, Dulles chaired a 30-denomination meeting which called for “a world government of delegated powers.” Not content with unifying America’s churches, Dulles traveled to Amsterdam in 1948 to attend the founding conference of the World Council of Churches. Director of research for this foundation-funded conference was John Bennett - president of Union Theological and a CFR member.

Among today’s ecumenical traps: the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. The former British prime minister - a consummate insider - said he wanted to “promote respect, friendship and understanding between the major religious faiths” since “globalization pushes us ever closer.”

But even with structures for consolidation, the question remained: how to motivate churches to unite. Since denominations often disagree on theology, the strategy was to encourage collaboration where they did agree: values (e.g., helping the poor and sick.) This materialized in an action-based program, “the Social Gospel” (socialism masked as religion.)

Walter Rauschenbusch, trained at Rockefeller-funded Rochester Theological Seminary, became “Father of the Social Gospel,” declaring that “the only power that can make socialism succeed, if it is established, is religion.”

Perhaps the most notorious “Social Gospel” pusher: Rockefeller-backed Reverend Harry F. Ward, who long taught at Union Theological. Ward, the ACLU’s first chairman, was called by labor leader Samuel Gompers “the most ardent pro-Bolshevik cleric in this country.” Ward helped found the Methodist Federation for Social Action, which advised Christians to downplay the Gospel and fight for things like social justice, better labor conditions, and “world peace” - i.e., the goals Marxists proclaimed.

Missionary work was targeted. In 1930, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. funded the “Laymen’s Foreign Missions Inquiry,” which recommended missionaries downplay Christian doctrines and ally with other religions in doing good works. Although most denominations were critical of the report, former missionary Pearl Buck praised it in the media. Subsequently her novel The Good Earth received the Nobel Prize.

This “unity through action” strategy continues today. The Tony Blair Faith Foundation’s original website had a “Social Action Projects” page which asked viewers to sign a declaration stating: “I commit to working together with people of all faiths to fight against disease and poverty.”

4063867205?profile=originalRick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life (over 30 million sold) is America’s current Social Gospel point man.  In 2008, backed by a $2 million Rupert Murdoch donation, Warren launched the PEACE Coalition. Time magazine headlined it: “RICK WARREN GOES GLOBAL.” Warren said the coalition’s goal was “to mobilize 1 billion Christians worldwide.”

Warren, who is a CFR member, gave the invocation at Obama’s inauguration, and was dubbed “America’s pastor” by CNN.  He’s anointed, but by who?


The Illuminati haven’t forgotten Catholicism. Protocol 17:3: “When the time comes finally to destroy the papal court...we shall penetrate to its very bowels.”

Like other churches, Catholics have recently seen major ecumenical developments, such as: the signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification by Lutheran and Catholic representatives (1999); dialogue with Eastern Orthodox churches, resulting in the Common Declaration of Pope Benedict XVI and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I (2006); an unprecedented Catholic-Muslim summit at the Vatican (2008); and visits of Pope Benedict XVI to Israel and to the Great Synagogue of Rome (2009).

And Catholicism has experienced its own “social action” movement - comparable to the tactics of Harry F. Ward and Rick Warren - as in the doctrine of liberation theology, which was prominent in Latin America beginning in the 1950s and 60s, where the Gospel took a back seat to fighting poverty and social injustice via Marxist precepts.

Protocols 17:2: “as to other religions we shall have still less difficulty in dealing with them, but it would be premature to speak of this now.”


The final mechanism for one-world religion might be Project Blue Beam. According to Serge Monast, satellite-projected holograms in the sky (the “image of the beast” predicted by the Bible), will be tailored to religious populations in Earth’s different regions.

To induce worship, the Antichrist will not initially appear as a tyrant, but as a “savior.” To save us from what? Probably from all the chaos the satanic Illuminati will have created: wars ignited by false flags, famines from artificial food shortages, plagues from viruses synthesized in laboratories, HAARP-generated storms and earthquakes, and perhaps even a fake “Blue Beam” alien attack, simulated by holograms of spaceships. Having contrived these disasters, it will easy for him to stop them. By turning off HAARP, for example, he will appear to duplicate the feat of Jesus in quelling the storm on the Sea of Galilee. These high-tech counterfeit “miracles” will allow him to be accepted as God, as Christ returned.

But any “saving” will be short-lived. Once enthroned in Jerusalem (the end goal of Zionism), Satan will use his absolute dictatorship to unleash his greatest cruelties on the world. Worshiping the Antichrist will undoubtedly include human sacrifices - a practice consistently associated with Satan worship, from child sacrifices offered to the demonic Baal in the Old Testament, to today’s mock human sacrifices carried out by America’s elite at Bohemian Grove.

People of faith should stand united; not in their one-world religion but against the Illuminati.

Jesus warned: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”

Protocol 11:4: “The goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock.” 

Source Link:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following websites reveal how Marxism has infiltrated the American Catholic Church, which I believe relate to and/or further support the above article and/or blog-You Decide:



Exposing Marxism in the Church!-Posted on GulagBound.com-By Trevor Loudon-On April 27, 2011:


Special Report Especially for Catholics: The Roman Catholic Church and the Road to World Government!-Posted on Religious Left Exposed-By William Mayer:


The Religious Face of The New World Order:  From the Vatican to the White House to the United Religions Initiative!-Posted on America’s Survival-By Lee Penn:


Bitter Harvest: How Marxist “Progressives” Have Infiltrated the American Catholic Church!-Posted on Religious Left Exposed-By William Mayer:


4063359777?profile=originalNote The following articles and/or blogs, and website reveal that George Soros has a pastor close to President Obama on his payroll, along with exposing the President, Soros and the Religious Left, to include how Marxist “Progressives” have infiltrated the American Catholic Church.  Also included is a report that exposes the religious face of the New World Order. I believe that they relate to and/or further support the above article and/or blog-You Decide:


Soros Has a Pastor Close to Obama On His Payroll!-Posted on American Thinker-By Ed Lasky-On August 25, 2010:



Why Do Catholics Keep Funding the Radical Left?-Posted on American Thinker-By Kathryn Scharplaz-On November 20, 2011:



Barack Obama, George Soros and the Religious Left!-Posted on American Thinker-By Jason Lee-On June 12, 2011:



Catholics For Obama (CFO)!-Posted on Discover The Networks:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: What follows is a four-part series of articles and/or blogs regarding The Resurrection of Christ: Hoax or History, along with an article and/or blog that reveals a 1500 year old bible that supposedly confirms that Jesus Christ was not crucified, which I believe relate to and/or further support the above article and/or blog-You Decide:

4063867219?profile=originalThe Resurrection of Christ: Hoax or History? (Part 1 of 4)-Posted on Creation Revolution-By Brandon Vallorani-On April 21, 2011:


The Resurrection of Christ: Hoax or History? (Part 2 of 4)-Posted on Creation Revolution-By R.L. David Jolly-On April 22, 2011:


The Resurrection of Christ: Hoax or History? (Part 3 of 4)-Posted on Creation Revolution-By Brandon Vallorani-On April 23, 2011:


The Resurrection of Christ: Hoax or History? (Part 4 of 4)-Posted on Vision to America-By Brandon Vallorani-On April 24, 2011:


4063867133?profile=original1500 YEAR OLD BIBLE CONFIRMS THAT JESUS CHRIST WAS NOT CRUCIFIED – VATICAN IN AWE!-Posted on sonsonthepyre.com-By THE SERPENT-On February 3, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote What follows are two articles and/or blogs, which were written by Chuck Norris, that compare our Founders with NBC and New York Atheists. I believe that they relate to and/or further support the above article and/or blog-You Decide: 

4063855617?profile=originalOur Founders vs. NBC and New York Atheists! (Part 1 of 2)-Posted on Town Hall-By Chuck Norris-On June 28, 2011:


Our Founders vs. NBC and New York Atheists! (Part 2 of 2)-Posted on WND.com-By Chuck Norris-On July 4, 2011: 


4063359777?profile=originalNote: What follows are other articles and/or blogs and videos that relate to this extremely disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063822254?profile=originalTHE GAY MOVEMENT AND THE CFR’s ANTI-RUSSIA PSY-OP!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Servando Gonzalez-On March 1, 2014:


4063864037?profile=originalCHARLES KOCH: ‘COLLECTIVISTS’ PROMISE HEAVEN, DELIVER HELL!-Posted on Big Government-By BREITBART NEWS-On April 3, 2014:


4063864027?profile=originalVideo: Franklin Graham: Obama Administration Pushing Anti-Christ Agenda into Military!-Posted on Conservative Plus 50-On March 26, 2014:


4063867147?profile=originalThe Obama Admin’s blatant disdain for US Military who teach truth about Islam!-Posted on Allen West Republic-By allenwestrepublic-On May 5, 2013:


4063864202?profile=originalThe Pope Talked to Obama Today About Religious Liberty. Will It Matter?-Posted on The Foundry-By Katrina Trinko-On March 27, 2014:


4063867310?profile=originalObama Lies About His Conversation With The Pope!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Dave Boyer, The Washington Times-On March 27, 2014:


4063867272?profile=originalA GOVERNMENT EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD FEAR: ‘Supremes refuse to hear lesbian case against Christian photog’!-Posted on WND.com-On April 7, 2014:


4063867286?profile=originalRocky Mountain Low!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Lloyd Billingsley-On April 8, 2014:


4063867322?profile=originalEmosexual Teens: Drugs, Dubstep, Depression & Death!-Posted on National Report-By Nigel J. Covington III Editor in Chief-On April 8, 2014:


4063867355?profile=originalEnlightened ex-liberal Rob Lowe: ‘I want the government out of almost everything’!-Posted on Biz Pac-By Joe Saunders-On April 8, 2014:


4063867341?profile=originalIt’s Not An Alien Invasion, It’s Operation Blue Beam!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On April 4, 2014:


4063864027?profile=originalFranklin Graham: Christians Are Persecuted at Home and Abroad!-Posted on Newsmax.com-On April 18, 2014:


4063867452?profile=originalVideo: Christians Under Attack Everywhere! The Fight For Faith!-Posted on Before it’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On April 19, 2014:


4063542593?profile=originalAnother George Soros Attack on The Bible!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On April 19, 2014:


4063867469?profile=originalWORLD VISION, CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION?
(PART 1)-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Marsha West-On April 20, 2014:


4063867478?profile=originalWAR ON CHRISTIANS: THE POLITICS OF PERSECUTION!-Posted on Big Peace-By KATIE GORKA-On April 21, 2014:


4063867495?profile=originalLiberals Announce Plan To ‘Purge’ Christians: ‘Matt Barber sounds alarm over leftist plot to punish pro-family Americans’!-Posted on Western Journalism-By MATT BARBER-On April 21, 2014:


4063867418?profile=originalSenator Introduces Bill to Silence Christians and Conservatives!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Dave Jolly-On April 22, 2014:


4063867394?profile=originalIs Obama Christian or Muslim?-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Dave Jolly-On April 22, 2014:


4063867431?profile=originalThe Progressive Paradigms Lost!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Bruce Thornton-On April 21, 2014:


4063867535?profile=originalObama Implicitly Compares Himself to Pope and Jesus in Tribute Message!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Trey Sanchez,
 Truth Revolt-On April 25, 2014:


4063867450?profile=originalObamaCare and Common Core: Two Fronts of the Same Coup!-Posted on American Thinker-By Bruce Deitrick Price-On April 27, 2014:


4063825772?profile=originalVideo: BUILDING THE MACHINE - The Common Core Documentary!-Posted on YouTube.com-By HSLDA-On March 31, 2014:


4063867613?profile=originalCommon Core Authors' Secret: We Choose 'Teacher of the Year'!-Posted on Truth Revolt-By Trey Sanchez-On April 26, 2014:


4063867569?profile=originalTeacher Confiscates Bible from 2nd Grader!-Posted on Last Resistance-By Dave Jolly-On April 26, 2014:


4063867640?profile=originalLEFT’S PUSH FOR ADULT-CHILD SEX!-Posted on Patriot Update-By J. Matt Barber-On April 27, 2014:


4063867656?profile=originalExposed: The Left’s Push For Adult-Child Sex!-Posted on Western Journalism-By MATT BARBER-On April 28, 2014:


4063551716?profile=originalDAD HANDCUFFED FOR PROTESTING GRAPHIC-SEX BOOK: ‘Cop takes action at school-board meeting’!-Posted on WND.com-By JEROME R. CORSI-On May 6, 2014:


4063867702?profile=originalThese Leftists Just Rewrote The Pledge Of Allegiance!-Posted on Wester Journalism-By B. Christopher Agee-On April 28, 2014:


4063867599?profile=originalHS Students Say Pledge In Arabic: ‘One Nation Under Allah’!-Posted on Your Daily Dose of Conservatism-By Rick Wells-On April 28, 2014:


4063867784?profile=originalUnder Allah: Another School Transforms Pledge Of Allegiance!-Posted on B. Christopher Agee-On May 1, 2014:


4063867727?profile=originalVideo: The Muslim Brotherhood in American Schools | Brigitte Gabriel!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheDynamiteGeneral-On February 27, 2013:


4063867684?profile=originalVideo: America: Common Core Islamic Indoctrination Textbook has Floridians Outraged!-Posted on YouTube.com-By news1232-On November 7, 2013:


4063867740?profile=originalVideo: US Textbooks: Muslims Discovered America!-Posted on YouTube.com-By 1001Phoenix-On July 25, 2009:


4063867698?profile=originalVideo: Islamist Indoctrination In American Schools!-Posted on YouTube.com-By OccidentalSoapbox-On Oct 24, 2008:


4063867858?profile=originalAmerica: What Has Gone Wrong?-Posted on Political Outpost-By DAVID WHITNEY-On April 29, 2014:


4063867905?profile=originalUS Supreme Court Strongly Affirms that Americans are Free to Pray!-Posted BarbWire.com-By BARBWIRE-on May 5, 2014:


4063867871?profile=originalFlorida School Bans Bible During Free Reading Time!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Gary Demar-On May 5, 2014:


4063867922?profile=originalJohn Kerry Condemns Faith, Takes One More Step Toward Fascism!-Posted on Last Resistance-By Frank Camp-On May 6, 2014:


4063867829?profile=originalObama To Remove “In God We Trust” From All Currency Beginning July 1st!-Posted on National Report-On May 23, 2014:


4063867938?profile=originalRead A Veterans Poem (and Hope) for our Nation!-Posted on Eagle Rising-By eaglerising-On 24 May 2014:


4063867900?profile=originalObama to Opt Out of ‘National Prayer Breakfast’!-Posted on National Report-On May 26, 2014:


4063867846?profile=originalCan God bless a Godless America?-Posted on FoxNews.com-By Todd Starnes-On May 6, 2014:







AMERICA IS NOW FACING THE GREATEST CRISIS IN HISTORY!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Paul McGuire-On October 11, 2016:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 4 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT A CONSPIRACY'! (Part 4)-Posted On Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 22, 2014:



Note:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063601613?profile=originalHave the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?


4063868054?profile=originalHomosexuals in the Military!


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063734602?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:


4063371279?profile=originalWhen A U.S. President IS Muslim Brotherhood!


4063551824?profile=originalGodfather of The Islamic Revolution!


4063784582?profile=originalThe Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1):


4063503266?profile=originalWhat do American Citizens Know About “Sharia Law” and is It Something That We Should Know More About?


4063503401?profile=originalFaith of Our Forefathers!


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?


4063566206?profile=originalGeoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!


4063868108?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!


4063557550?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall (re: Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 17, 2014:


4063758287?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (re: Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!


4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!


4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed articles and/or blogs and videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up?-God Bless America!


Semper Fi!


Read more…


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 1 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:


Brainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT A CONSPIRACY”! (Part 1)-Posted On Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this extremely disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063863719?profile=originalCommunism’s Survivor Discusses Putin, Propaganda, Ukraine and Obama, Part 1-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On March 26, 2014:


(Mar. 26, 2014) — Approximately two weeks ago, radio host Andrea Shea King interviewed native Ukrainian political activist and satirist Oleg Atbashian, owner of the website “The People’s Cube,” about the volatile and deadly situation in Ukraine.

Atbashian had appeared on King’s show previously as well as on numerous other radio shows including Blaze TV, PJTV, the Dr. Rich Swier Show, and the Republic Broadcasting Network, among others.  He grew up in the former Soviet Union under communism and came to the United States in 1994, three years after the 74-year-old empire, begun under Vladimir Lenin in 1917 with the Russian Revolution, toppled.

Last month, Russian paramilitary forces invaded Crimea with the alleged purpose of “protecting ethnic Russians in the region against Ukrainian authorities.”

The U.S. and other Western nations consider the Russians to have committed a violation of international law by invading Crimea, after which Obama issued a “threat” to impose sanctions on Russia.  Located on the Black Sea, Crimea is known as a vacation resort with temperate winters and lovely summers.

While Obama claimed that Putin’s “action violates Ukraine’s sovereignty,” he has used the pejorative term “sovereign citizen” against those concerned about corruption within the United States government and their own local communities.  Many Americans believe that the sovereignty of the U.S. has suffered under the Obama regime.

On March 19, Atbashian stated on his website that Crimean Prime Minister Sergey Aksyonov had tweeted a mockery of Obama, depicting him as wearing a Russian military uniform “seen on various Russian websites and forums since he first became president.”  Atbashian noted that The Huffington Post first reported the tweet but quickly removed its story, replacing it with another about Aksyonov.

Sergey Aksyonov

As to Putin’s move to send troops into Crimea, a former Russian government adviser opined that “The debate about the legality of the referendum in Crimea will ramble on for a while but it is very difficult to imagine how the result can now be reversed,” describing Obama’s “smart sanctions” as “an anti-climax and a confirmation of a total lack of any desire on the part of the West to take the fight with Russia any further.”

Atbashian believes that much of the news reaching Western media about the conflict is a result of Russian propaganda.  He cited a March 17 Forbes article as “very credible and scary” which reported that a former Putin adviser stated that “Putin has already declared war on Kiev,” the capital of Ukraine.  According to the former aide, “Putin’s war is being conducted by Russian Spetsnaz (special operations) forces and KGB (now called FSB) agents and is aimed at toppling the pro-Western government in Kiev. The Spetsnaz forces’ orders include the sowing of civil unrest throughout Ukraine via strikes, demonstrations, staged incidents, and street battles. Putin’s subversive forces will also gin up neo-Nazi incidents with Nazi regalia and Swastikas on full display. Their orders include as well the deliberate killing of Russian soldiers and of ethnic Russian civilians to prove the hatred and extremism of radical Ukrainian nationalists. These orders come from Putin himself. Their goal is to create an image of intolerable chaos and loss of civil authority to justify a Russian takeover of all Ukraine. Putin’s goal is the destruction of pro-Western authority in Ukraine, the total humiliation of the West, and a makeover of the geopolitical balance.”

According to a Ukrainian travel website, Kiev, or “Kyiv,” as it is known in Russian, is a center for world art, architecture and history with an opera house featuring live plays, ballets and operas in the Ukrainian or Russian languages.  Kiev became the capital of ancient Rus while it was settled by Slavs prior to the year 1000 and was considered a portal between eastern Europe and the West.

Nineteenth-century Russian composer Modest Mussorgsky wrote a famous suite for piano “inspired by Russian history” titled “Pictures at an Exhibition” which included a movement called “The Great Gate of Kiev.“  The composition has since been arranged for orchestra by French composer Maurice Ravel and many others.

Atbashian has recently been interviewed by America’s Survival’s Cliff Kincaid and Breitbart.  He is a columnist at The Washington Times and an artist who once created propaganda posters for the former Soviet Union, now using his talent to parody current events, legislation, and political propaganda.

On March 5, he told Kincaid that he sees the threat of Marxism, under which he was raised, rising in America (16:00), and the continuation of blame assigned to former President George W. Bush for America’s ills.  In 2010, Atbashian authored a book titled “Shakedown Socialism” to expose “the fallacy of economic equality” stemming from “progressive illusionism.”

As a young man, Atbashian voluntarily went to Siberia to work “because they had large deposits of oil.  They needed workers, not just oil workers, but if you have oil workers there, you also need construction workers and road-builders, people supplying them with food and products, and you need schools and teachers…they were paying double the salary of what would they would pay in the mainland, so that encouraged a lot of people to come because the salaries were really meager around the country.”

Under the Soviets, Siberia had been a penal colony where people were consigned to work in coal-mining and construction.  Siberia is known for its harsh climate and is believed to be the source of the extreme cold experienced by much of the United States this winter.

Atbashian emigrated to the United States and became politically active after the 9/11 attacks, which he witnessed as a resident of New York City at the time.

At the beginning of The Post & Email’s interview with Atbashian, it was discovered that we hold two things in common:  an Armenian father and Ukrainian mother and knowledge of “only a few words of Armenian.”

[Editor’s Note:  While this writer’s parents are of Armenian and Ukrainian descent, respectively, both were born in the United States and were U.S. citizens at the time of her birth, making her a “natural born Citizen,” according to a U.S. Supreme Court opinion.]

Armenian last names generally end in “yan” or “ian,” meaning “son of.”  Armenians have been dispersed around the globe, particularly because of the genocide carried out by the Turks from 1915-1923.


During the first century A.D., the apostles St. Bartholomew and St. Thaddeus brought Christ’s message to what was then Armenia, and the nation became the first to make Christianity the official state faith through the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Atbashian was born in 1960, seven years after Soviet dictator Josef Stalin died.  He told us that at that time, “Things had loosened up in Russia, but it was still a police state.”

On March 14, Atbashian wrote a report about a young man who was killed in violence between Russians and Ukrainians in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.  Russia has since “annexed” Crimea, a section of Ukraine which held a referendum last Sunday as to whether or not to remain part of Ukraine or to join the Russian Federation.  In his article, Atbashian stated that Russian propaganda has resulted in the popular beliefs that “(a) The Ukrainian revolution was the result of a vast Western-Zionist conspiracy against Russia; (b) all pro-Ukrainian demonstrators are violent Nazis, fascists, and traitors who have been paid with dollars by their American, European, and Zionist masters; and (c) the demonstrators are all intruders from Western Ukraine, the land of hateful worshipers of the ‘Nazi collaborator’ Stepan Bandera.”

The results of the March 16 referendum were reportedly 97% in favor of joining the Russian Federation.  In an article cited by Atbashian, Russian soldiers without uniforms were reported arrested by Ukrainian forces on the same day.

On March 22, The New York Times reported that “Russian forces pushed Saturday to complete their expulsion of the Ukrainian military from the disputed Crimean Peninsula, smashing through the gates of a base here with armored vehicles, firing weapons into the air and demanding that the cornered Ukrainian soldiers surrender.”

Of the current situation among Ukraine, Russia and the West, Atbashian told us:

I noticed there’s a tendency in the academic circles to blame America for everything that goes bad in the world, and it borders on the irrational. The US is not perfect, and has a share of stupid politicians, but often times other countries are much worse. There was little that the US could have done with Putin’s idea to unite the country by stirring up jingoistic nationalism inside Russia and creating the image of the West as the evil conniving enemy, which is the easiest road that all wannabe dictators go. I’ve been seeing that develop for years, and now we have the results.

Putin’s goal is a strong Russia, which is great, I only wish the best for that country. But he is not making it strong by fostering growth on the grassroots level. He divides the economy among those oligarchs who stay loyal to him, while destroying those who dare oppose him. In this situation, the only way he can make Russia appear stronger is by undermining and weakening the competition. Hence all the anti-Western propaganda at home and abroad. The KGB used to have a developed network for disseminating and planting disinformation and propaganda in the West, and Putin seems to have brought it back to full speed now, especially with the Ukrainian situation.

Claims that Russia is being constantly provoked by the West are laughable. It’s just like in any group of people some can work with others and take constructive criticism rationally, while some others see the same things and perceive them as personal insults. It’s like saying that a street thug is not guilty for attacking a passer-by who accidentally brushed his shoulder because the passer-by should have been more sensitive to the thug’s sensibilities.

The mistake most observers are making is based on the false EU vs. Russia dichotomy, which is certainly useful to Russia but does not describe the true state of affairs. It’s true that the protests in Ukraine started with Yanukovich’s decision to stay with Russia as opposed to the EU. But from there it went to the demands of the complete overhaul of the corrupt government made of Moscow-backed politicians. If Ukraine doesn’t distance itself from Moscow, it will forever remain in its shadow – a small, corrupt, dependent, incompetent, and ridiculed Little Russia. It’s time for Ukraine to grow up and act as an independent adult.

I know you’ll say that EU is not better, but has there really been any talk of Ukraine actually joining EU as a member? I thought it was about entering the European economic space only.


When we asked Atbashian what he thought of the relationship between Obama and Putin in light of the invasion of Ukraine, he said:

Putin is playing Obama easily, because Obama is not as competent as we were promised.  We were promised that he would fill the government with the brightest, most advanced thinkers, that we would have a great economy and prosperity, complete peace and sunshine.  That all turned out to be a big utopia, pie-in-the-sky, a dream that never happened and can never happen, because all those people that he put in charge were overrated. The ones running the State Department are incompetent. It started with Hillary and now it’s John Kerry. Victoria Nuland, who’s handling Eurasian relations, is also incompetent. Obama himself was described as the ‘voracious consumer of intelligence’ by one of his sycophants. Apparently, that is not true, because as you can see, Putin has outclassed him and outplayed him on the international stage easily.

One of Putin’s main instruments is propaganda. The KGB was very savvy in developing propaganda; that was a large part of their campaign, and the influencing of people’s minds was more important than espionage or conducting any type of subversive operations or sabotage.  The KGB had a very highly developed technology for developing propaganda material and distributing it around the world, planting disinformation lies in Western media.  That went away for a little while after the Cold War ended and the Soviet Union fell apart, and of course, the major part of the KGB was inherited by Russia and renamed the FSB.  For a while, they had a lot of domestic things to worry about, and domestically, they’ve done well.  They’ve quenched most of the corruption that ended the lawless period in Russia, but at the same time, the FSB basically covered the protection racket and they themselves became the big protection racket.

They had a developed network of distributing information, lies and distortions. It subsided for a while, but now Putin has brought it back, even doubling down with Ukraine. They have also mastered the internet and social media.  So Russian stories have been planted all over the Western media.  I’ve seen a clip, because I go to Russian websites, and I have seen a German comedy show that was ridiculing Ukraine, the Ukrainian revolution, and Putin, and it sounded like something that was paid for by Russian intelligence, then it was translated into Russian and posted in Russian.

There are armies of paid internet trolls who have been active on the Russian internet for a long time.  It was really disgusting to see it everywhere.  They weren’t allowing any discussion to go on; they were immediately insulting, and a lot of that was based on anti-Semitic rhetoric, an ultra-nationalist, jingoistic rhetoric, and gay-bashing, too.  If Ukraine wanted to join Europe, as it claimed, then “Europe was all taken over by gays and that meant that those Ukrainian revolutionaries must have been gay themselves, and so you shouldn’t be supporting them.”  That was the main idea.

At some point, this propaganda started spreading West.  There are armies of trolls who go to different websites, Facebook, YouTube, anywhere.  I’ve noticed it even at my Facebook account – that people will suddenly pop out. If one of the discussions is about Ukraine, suddenly I have visitors who have never been there before and they immediately start posting their side of the story, calling whatever I say false.  If you go to YouTube, it’s full of those comments.  Some of the bloggers, even the right-wing bloggers, are falling for it.

Source Link:



THE COMING ENSLAVEMENT OF COMMUNISM!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Kelleigh Nelson-On March 25, 2014:

“...if ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” -Samuel Adams

A few weeks ago, my friend, Tom, sent me an email that I shared with my lists. It was profound, and it told about Tom’s conversation in a WalMart with an immigrant from communist Romania. It was my friend Tom, who originally wrote this up and sent it to his friends. The WalMart conversation was about our coming enslavement, and how very far down the road we’ve gone towards Communism. We’ve had Soviet agents and communists in our federal and state governments for decades. One need only read, Henry Kissinger, Soviet Agent, by Frank A. Capell, to see the depths of deception by the mass media, the elitists in power, and the puppet masters, in destroying our Republic.

I do believe the patriots of America have delayed the total conquest. Despite the daily destruction of our freedoms and liberties, their plans have been derailed and the delay has angered them. When you read the following story, I would hope it would encourage you to keep up the fight, to tell the truth to your friends and neighbors, and to pray to God to give us a Nineveh. As my friend Sally said to me this morning, “We either need a revival or another revolution.” You be the judge. Here is the story, entitled,


Dear Reader,

The following is a true story about a recent experience I had while shopping at the local WalMart. I hope you find it as eye-opening as I did.

One recent, busy afternoon at WalMart, I finished shopping and headed for the checkout lanes to complete my visit. The lines were quite long so I found myself wishing that I had started with a shopping cart because my arms were already getting tired from the heavy load. Most of the people ahead of me had full carts so I figured that I was in for a long, tedious wait. Suddenly a little bearded man appeared behind me, and then quickly stepped into the line next to me as he surveyed the other lanes looking for the shortest wait. His unique appearance caught my attention. He looked like a person one might imagine seeing at a foreign market. He wore a tight fitting green tweed sport coat, a little hat, and had a long pointed beard. His cheeks were darkly tanned and deeply wrinkled. His eyes looked intelligent, the best I could tell. As he darted between lines evaluating his options I said to him, “You can’t win.” He smiled and fell into line behind me. “Now perhaps I could speak to him,” I thought to myself, but before I was able to do so another younger man fell into line behind him and the two started speaking in a language I was not familiar with. Now, I can identify a half dozen or more languages, but this one was completely unfamiliar to me, so I seized the opportunity and blurted out, “Now that’s a language I am not familiar with.” The younger, more western looking man replied, “We are speaking Romanian,” rolling his “R’s” as you would imagine. Finally this conversation was off and running and we would have plenty of time because of the long line, if only my arms would hold out!

“You are both from Romania?” I asked. “Yes,” the younger man replied. Being curious about the older gentleman who had first caught my attention, I nodded in his direction and asked, “Does he speak English too?” The younger man’s reply was, “My father does speak English, but when I am around he prefers for me to do the speaking.” “So this is your father?” I asked. The son smiled and nodded in the affirmative. “Were you born here?” I asked the son. “No, I was born in Romania. I was 14 when we immigrated to the United States in 1982.” With a little quick math in my head I had the son pegged at around 43 years old, which corresponded with his appearance. That would place his father at perhaps somewhere around 70. Wanting to make this conversation count, I asked “Wasn’t Romania a communist country for most of your lives?” “Yes, Romania was put under Russian communist control in 1947,” the son replied.

“What was it like living under communism?” I asked. “There were good things and bad things about it,” he said. Surprised that there could have been anything good about it I asked, “What was good about it?!” “Well, the government controlled the currency so there was no inflation and there were no taxes.” “No taxes?” I asked. “Yes, the government owns everything to start with so they don’t have to tax you, they just give you what they want to give you. My father is a farmer. They took his land away from him and made him work on a government collective farm.”

“Do you think America will fall to communism eventually?” I asked, hoping they wouldn’t mind such a far-flung, probing question. “It’s already started here and it’s moving fast. It will be worse here,” he said. What a time for the cashier to be asking me, “Will that be all, sir,” when I was just getting started with two Romanians who had fled communism after being forced to live under it. From here on, it was going to be a matter of following these two living legends out of the WalMart store and across the parking lot so I could hear the rest of the story.

As we turned to go out the doors, I said confidently, “There is a difference here in America, you know. Americans are armed. They will not allow such a takeover.” He replied, “It doesn’t matter. The Romanian people believed very strongly that Romania would never submit to communism, but it happened quickly. The Romanian people were armed, but it didn’t matter. Communists use informants. They get neighbors to report on their neighbors who have guns, then the authorities come and seize them. They use torture to get compliance. Many Romanian men were burned alive for not turning over their guns, and some didn’t even have guns, but the authorities burned them anyway just to strike fear in the rest. You have to understand that communists use a lot of torture.”

My heart quickened as I listened to these live witnesses tell me the inside story about a communist takeover. I tried one more time, “You don’t understand, Americans are armed with a lot more guns and a lot more ammunition than other countries.” He repeated, “It doesn’t matter. They have more soldiers than you have bullets, besides in this country they have sophisticated means. Americans will not stand a chance against this government any more than we did. Your guns will be good for one thing – looters. When things get bad enough you will need your guns to keep looters away from what you have. In Katrina there were a lot of people killed by looters because they did not have guns to defend themselves. For a while you will need guns to protect yourself from other Americans. Eventually the government will confiscate all of them.”

By now we had walked to their car, a nice midsized sedan and I stood there feeling kind of glum. This was a whole lot more than I came to WalMart for. On a lighter note I said, “You weren’t here in America back then, but this was really a great country back in the 50’s and 60’s and even the 70’s and 80’s.” He said, “Oh, I know! It was a great country in 1982 when my parents sacrificed everything they had in the world to bring us here. We were even required to permanently denounce our Romanian citizenship in order to be allowed to leave Romania. I know many other international people. Five years ago they would still sacrifice everything to come here, but now it is different. Now they ask, ‘What is going on in America?’ It has changed and people are not making the sacrifice as much because what they are fleeing from is coming here now.”

He pointed to his father, the curious-looking little man who was the genesis of our whole conversation, who had dutifully stood alongside and listened to this entire conversation without saying a word, and the son said, “My father spent 5 years in a Romanian communist prison because of his faith.” “Because of his faith?” I asked. The son said, “My father was drafted into the Romanian army by the communists in 1950 and required to take an oath to kill any enemy of the government. Because of his faith he refused to take the oath so he was sent to prison from 1950 until 1955. And when I say ‘prison,’ it was not like what we have here, with four walls and 3 meals. It was outdoors, like a Nazi concentration camp. When someone would die they would just bury him in the mud.” I stood there on the pavement staring into the father’s eyes as the son told me about his father’s incarceration. It was obvious that the father understood every word that we were saying and that it brought back painful memories. He stared back at me for the longest time. It was like there was a fiber optic cable running between us with much being said without words. I stepped toward the father and extended my hand and he shook it. I didn’t know what else to say at the moment, so I thanked him for telling me his story. He smiled, nodded yes, and got into the car.

I asked the son if he had any suggestions and he said, “Yes. When it happens, don’t fight it. If you go along with them and make the best of it you can do quite well. If you resist you will be tormented, tortured, or hunted down and killed.”

I thanked the son for sharing his story as he got into the car. They drove off and left me standing in the parking lot stunned by the experience. I checked both directions before crossing traffic and walked straight back into WalMart and bought another box of bullets. It’s an American thing.

This story rings very true. If you do not understand what happened in Romania, and what communists are really like, I urge you to purchase the small book, Marx and Satan, by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand. He spent 13 years being tortured by Romanian Marxists because of his faith. [Link]

Source Link:


4063863763?profile=originalImagine: Living in a Socialist America!-Posted on American Thinker-By Rick Moran-On January 20, 2014:


4063863811?profile=originalNOW FEDS CAN ORDER ANY FAMILY TO VIOLATE RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: ‘Homeschool advocates warn of dangerous precedent from court case’!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On March 13, 2014:


4063863674?profile=originalWHY IS EVERYONE SO AFRAID OF OBAMA? ‘Exclusive: Joseph Farah offers only solution to ‘fundamental transformation’ of America’!-Posted on WND.com-By JOSEPH FARAH-On March 23, 2014:


4063863779?profile=originalChinese T-Shirt Crackdown? Great Wall Shops Reportedly Ordered to Keep Obama-Mao Apparel Away From One Special Visitor’s Eyes!-Posted on The Blaze-By Dave Urbanski-On March 23, 2014:


4063863691?profile=originalWhere In The World Is Obamao?-Posted on Zero Hedge-By Tyler Durden-On March 25, 2014:


4063863832?profile=originalBig Business Launches Pro-Common Core Propaganda Blitz!-Posted on The New American-By Alex Newman-On March 24, 2014:


4063863797?profile=originalINDIANA: FIRST STATE TO DITCH COMMON CORE STANDARDS, OR WILL HOOSIERS SIMPLY ‘REBRAND?’-Posted on Big Government-By DR. SUSAN BERRY-on March 24, 2014:


4063863870?profile=originalVideo: Teacher Tearfully Describes Bullying and Intimidation She Suffered for Opposing Common Core!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Duane Lester-On March 27, 2014:


4063520967?profile=originalVideo: Frustrated Father Who ‘Obliterated’ Obama’s Common Core in Viral Post Shares How His Son’s Teacher Reacted!-Posted on Conservative 50 Plus-On March 26, 2014:


4063863921?profile=originalSt. Louis County mother furious after being arrested for consoling son!-Posted on KMOV.com-KMOV.com Staff-On March 20, 2014:



Aborted and Miscarried Babies Used to Heat Hospitals in UK!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Gary Demar-On March 24, 2014:


4063822254?profile=originalTHE 9-11-2001 EVENTS: AN INTELLIGENCE APPRAISAL!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Servando Gonzalez-On March 25, 2014:



School Workbook Rewrites Second Amendment!-Posted on FOX NEWS INSIDER-On March 25, 2014:



Sixth Graders’ Common Core Homework: Remove Two Rights from Bill of Rights!-Posted on CNSNews-By Barbara Boland-On April 1, 2014:



Common Core 4th grade reading: Obama biography portrays whites as racist!-Posted on Red Flag-On April 4, 2014:



Video: SHOCKING Leaked DHS Drill: Military, Veterans, Capitalists Are The Enemy!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On March 26, 2014:





4063864063?profile=originalVideo: Ted Cruz’s Full Speech on the Steps of the Supreme Court in Support of Hobby Lobby!-Posted on Breitbart TV-By PAMELA KEY-On March 26, 2014:


4063864074?profile=originalPersecution of American Christians!-Posted on Eagle Rising-By Onan Coca-On March 27, 2014:


4063864027?profile=originalVideo: Franklin Graham: Obama Administration Pushing Anti-Christ Agenda into Military!-Posted on Conservative Plus 50-On March 26, 2014:



Satan Worship is Goal of One World Religion!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Henry Makow-On April 6, 2014:





4063864202?profile=originalThe Pope Talked to Obama Today About Religious Liberty. Will It Matter?-Posted on The Foundry-By Katrina Trinko-On March 27, 2014:



10 Things Barack Obama And Pope Francis Talked About At Their First-Ever Meeting!-Posted on List of X-By X List Celebrity-On March 28, 2014:


4063864179?profile=originalMORE PARENTS CHOOSE HOMESCHOOLING DUE TO COMMON CORE!-Posted on Big Government-By DR. SUSAN BERRY-On March 27, 2014:


4063864221?profile=originalCounty Commissioner, in Defiance of Federal Judge’s Order, Talks About Jesus!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By Dan Calabrese-On March 29, 2014:



Teacher Tells 5 Yr Old ‘It’s Not Good’ to Pray!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Dave Jolly-On April 2, 2014:



Obama implements devious plot to brainwash nation: ‘With Jarrett admitting she ‘nags’ Hollywood, primetime drama included uncanny policy preview’!-Posted on WND.com-By GARTH KANT-On March 31, 2014:


4063861158?profile=originalLiberal Ideology is Hateful and Borderline Sociopathic!-Posted on Eagle Rising-By Onan Coca-On April 1, 2014:



Have We Become the Communist States of America?-Posted on CNSNews-By J. Matt Barber-On March 31, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 3 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT A CONSPIRACY”! (Part 3)-Posted On Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 7, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063734602?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:


4063864148?profile=originalAre We Witnessing Conversational Hypnosis at Work?

4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


4063566206?profile=originalGeoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!



Have the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?


4063855723?profile=originalConfucius Classrooms in the U.S.!


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 22)!


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!



Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War? (Part 1)


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063503401?profile=originalFaith of Our Forefathers!



President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!


4063359851?profile=originalCommunism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!


4063864282?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


4063493143?profile=originalWhat we haven’t been told about the President’s background!


4063784582?profile=originalThe Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1)


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063758956?profile=originalCommunists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063864421?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello-When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


Wanted to take the liberty of sharing the following letter that I recently forwarded to our NM Governor Susana Martinez regarding a Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles:

Letter To Governor Martinez:

“March 29, 2014

Dear Governor Martinez,

I would be remiss if I didn’t share the following letter that I recently forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich regarding a “Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”:

Letter To Senator Heinrich:

“March 29, 2014

The Honorable Martin Heinrich

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Heinrich,

On or about March 23, 2014, I sent the following letter to you regarding a “Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”:

“March 23, 2014

Dear Senator Heinrich,


Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles

As a patriotic citizen, with unwavering faith in our Creator, Whose divine hand guided our founding fathers in composing the United States Constitution, I acknowledge that many in current leadership are willfully violating their Constitutional obligations or are complicit in the actions of others infringing the Rights of the People, including, but not limited to, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, free and fair elections, right to counsel and due process of law.

Under the rights implicit in our People, as stipulated in the First Amendment, I hereby demand immediate Restoration of our Government under its intended Constitutional Principles, rule of law, freedom and personal liberty, and a return to government "of the people, for the people, by the people", free of despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.

To begin the recovery of our Rightful Government, we demand immediate, lawful, and orderly replacement of the following office holders: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Holder according to the process allowed and stipulated in our Constitution.


Mr. Jake Martinez”

For your information, I also sent a similar letter to NM U.S. Senator Udall and NM U.S. Representative Lujan-Grisham.

On or about March 28, 2014, I received the following letter from your office in response to my letter above:

“March 28, 2014

Dear Mr. Martinez,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the government.  I appreciate knowing your thoughts and concerns on this important issue.

To solve the problems facing our nation, I believe we must put aside our partisan bickering and focus on what matters to New Mexicans: growing the economy and making sure they get a fair shake at getting ahead.  There is a lot we need to do to build and grow the economy and restore the middle class.  But to achieve this we must find areas where Republicans and Democrats can work together for the American people.

Opposition and obstructionism, rather than deliberation and accountability, have become far too common in Congress.  Since I was sworn in as your Senator in 2013, I have witnessed unique and successful opportunities for members of the Senate to engage with one another in a significant way and to push aside partisan differences to overcome a problem.

I will continue looking for opportunities to strengthen relationships with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and to work with them to help address the issues that impact New Mexicans.

Again, thank you for contacting me.  I hope you will continue keeping me informed of the issues important to you because thoughtful, respectful discourse is the only way we can address the challenges our country faces.

Sign-up to receive email updates for the latest news on issues important to you.



United States Senator”

Senator Heinrich, although I do appreciate your speedy response to my letter, I am still extremely concerned about the direction that our country is headed, which I believe is further and further away from our “Constitutional Principles,” along with the corruption that seems to be prevalent amongst most members of Congress.  As a means of making my point I am taking the liberty of sharing the following recent articles and/or blogs and video because I believe that they meticulously lay out my concerns:

The first article and/or blog, reveals the corruption by members of Congress (both Democrat and Republican):

4063860302?profile=originalFOLLOW-UP ON OUR CORRUPT U. S. CONGRESS!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Frosty Wooldridge-On March 28, 2014:

At this time, our U.S. Congress rates a nine percent approval rating. It means nine percent of the American public registers “brain-dead.”

Those 535 members over the past 40 years deformed our nation from the largest creditor country in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world. We enjoyed less than $1 trillion in national debt to our current $18 trillion debt. That same Congress forced our young men and women into four hopeless, futile and asinine wars that killed tens of thousands of them and sent millions home with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, drugs and alcoholism. Not to mention dismembered limbs.

That Congress danced to the Military Industrial Complex’s tune of contrived wars benefiting the bankers and corporations that outfitted and fed those young soldiers. Those executives made millions while our kids came home in coffins or missing arms and legs and their minds.

That same Congress turned our nation from a rich manufacturing country into a multi-trillion dollar deficit nation where we import everything we once manufactured, to today where we buy everything from China to make their citizens rich. So rich, in fact, that we owe them $1.4 trillion in trade deficits. Ironically, China now owns many U.S. corporations and buys land for its own beachhead here in America, not to mention Vancouver, BC, Canada where it displaced most of the Canadians in the past 30 years. Chinese now dominates the language in once-English speaking Vancouver, BC.

That bunch of hot shot Congressional Critters took our vibrant economy and turned it into 15 million unemployed and 48 million food stamp users. Those same reps allowed 20 million illegal alien migrants to come into our country and work for crooked employers like Chipotle’s, Marriot Hotels, Holiday Inns, McDonald’s, Hormel, Tyson Chicken, Swift, painting, landscape and construction firms at minimum wages. They and the presidents that headed this country refused to enforce our laws. That’s why you MUST press “1” for Spanish and “2” for English.

Today, we face enormous consequences from their actions. Yet, U.S. voters return 96 percent of incumbents—such as Harry Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, Hatch, McCain, Kyle, Schumer, Lindsey Graham, Levin, Udall, Bennet, Rangel, Jackson, DeGette and hundreds of other failed Congressional Critters.

So are they stupid or are they corrupt?

One reader named Brad said, “They are not necessarily stupid. It’s just that most of these psychopaths are bought. The wealthy buy their services and they get remuneration by jobs when they leave “service”, by getting to indulge in insider trading (again - was cut out, but quietly reinstated) etc.

“Just allowing insider trading makes EVERY decision with any economic consequence suspect, as they will have a vested personal income interest in helping corporations increase profits by any means. Thus the repeal of clean air and water regulations. They allow oil fracking to use 2 million gallons of water per well, pour over 530 toxic chemicals into the aquifer to poison and ruin it, and remain exempt from EPA oversight.

“Some may not be bought. Some not all the time. The sad fact is that enough ARE compromised that essentially the damages get done consistently.

“Most in office are so stupid (such as California’s Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who is also corrupt in the league with former Congressman Tom Delay of Texas) that they accept stupid, flawed societal paradigms like “what’s good for business is good for America” and we can see how well that’s working out.

“The parasitic wealthy class is stealing record profits in some of the worst working economy in history - why? Because they have the true entitlement society in which they get tax breaks, tax exemptions, no bid contracts, inflated government costs, subsidizations and most likely a ton of things we never hear about. Simply by allowing industry execs into the alphabet organizations like FDA, USDA, etc., allows them to regulate competition to a ridiculously low level, and to leverage their income, influence, and profits at everyone else’s expense.”

The greatest flaw facing all U.S. citizens remains “career politicians” that create a “good-old boy” network of cronyism and corruption.

If we citizens fail to press for a maximum of 12-year term limits, we face a downward spiral into poverty and failed government not seen since the 1930s. The majority of Congress remains corrupt. That’s why things in the USA don’t get better, but continue on the downward path.

Remember: power corrupts; long term power corrupts absolutely.

Source Link:


The second article and/or blog, reveals how ObamaCare will eventually destroy America as we know it:

4063860312?profile=originalOBAMACARE IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF A TOTAL TAKE OVER OF AMERICA!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Dr. Laurie Roth-On March 28, 2014:

America must not and will not become the seduced German people in 1933. We will not stand by and watch Obama turn our country into Frankenstein’s laboratory, shredding our constitution, bill of rights and freedom as Hitler did with his country.

Tyrants and Dictators are predictably similar in how they take over. They ride in as the savior of change and hope. They offer health care, jobs for all, a refreshed national identity and protection from danger and harm….that is danger and harm they usually create to blame on enemies…..you know those groups who didn’t vote for them. The rope circles around the seduced neck of the people only after the dictator bribes his way in or gets voted in.

One thing is for sure looking at recent history. Once a socialist/communist dictator gets into power, like terminal cancer he and his administration smother and take control of every aspect of the economy, educational system, health care system and military. They shred and control media, entertainment and religion.

In 1919, Lennon wrote after his take over of Russia that the way to control a country is to first take over the industry, the land, and the banks. Lennon tricked and inspired millions and so did Hitler. These dictators didn’t come in, appearing like monsters. They were the messiahs of change and hope. Their exhaustive plans involved developing a huge and seduced ‘fan’ base at first while aggressively and quickly finding and destroying anyone against them.

Kitty Werthmann was living in Austria when Hitler took over Germany next door. She recalls how deeply depressed Austria was in 1938. Nearly one-third of their workforce was unemployed. They had 25% inflation and 25% interest rates on bank loans.

People were begging for food and bankruptcies were happening daily. Austria was in a mess so they were thrilled when Hitler promised big things and was elected in. There was no talk of persecuting or attacking the Jews. The Austrians were promised jobs, healthcare, protection and recovery.

Kitty said that after the election was over there was instantly law and order. German officials were appointed everywhere and there was dancing in the streets. Though Austria was largely a Catholic country, suddenly in schools everywhere, all Catholic symbols and crosses were taken down and pictures of Hitler were put up everywhere.

Hitler targeted and controlled education and stopped religious instruction for kids in schools. The new church for the children of Austria and Germany was still every Sunday but it now was forced attendance at the National Youth Day. The first two hours was political indoctrination every Sunday, then the rest of the day they played all kinds of sports. Naturally the equipment was free. Children went home thrilled each Sunday and were getting brainwashed. Parents had no choice but to send their children each Sunday or else be fined or taken to jail.

Hitler immediately introduced socialist health care. People were going to the hospital for everything now, lines were huge and doctors were paid a salary by the Government. The Austrians soon paid 80% of their income in taxes. Government gave loans for the newly married, and took care of everything from day care needs are to paying all College tuition.

As the noose tightened around education, religion, healthcare and enforcement, the ‘mercy killings’ started in. Kitty, then student teacher in a small village in the Alps, described 15 mentally retarded adults who were known in the community and did good manual work. One day they were rounded up and taken to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade and various skills. Their families where forced to sign papers saying that they wouldn’t visit them for 6 months. They were told that any visits could cause homesickness and disrupt the program.

The letters started arriving back to the parents after several months saying these people had died natural deaths. Of course, they all knew 15 completely healthy adults could not 6 months later have all died natural deaths. They knew they were killed. Euthanasia started to become more common as Hitler’s real world view of perfection started to come out.

Hitler’s final control step of the Germans and Austrians was Gun laws and control. He started with gun registration. Once that was done, he said that guns were causing too much crime and that it was best for all to turn in their guns. They knew that authorities already knew who owned what so they complied.

When you look at Hitler, Saul Alinsky, Stalin, Lennon, Chavez, Castro and others you see huge similarities with the strategy and world view of Obama. It is the same, promise of health care, jobs and opportunities. There is always a contrived crises or two the big Government has to magically solve, while blaming the enemies they want to create.

Obama is on the same control and dictatorship path as Hitler. First we saw the massive seduction over 15 months, now the controls and intimidation grow with his administration.

This Health care bill might as well have been Hitler’s Enabling Act of March 23rd 1933. It also shreds our constitution and forces socialized health care on the people, rationing care for the unwanted and expensive seniors as they age and forcing us all to pay for the Government slaughter of babies, abortion. This bill, run by the IRS might as well be the Nazi party, as it encourages euthanasia, abortion and rationed care as Hitler did early on in Austria and Germany.

Rep. Burgess stated the obvious about this nightmare bill when asked about the use of the ‘Commerce clause’ excusing forced mandates by the Government. In a www.CNSNews.com interview Rep. Burgess, a doctor, stated, “No, I personally do not, and I think that is exactly right. Never before in the history of this country have we had the ability to coerce American citizens to purchase something and then invoke the Commerce clause after we coerce that purchase.” He went on…..”It just flies in the face of what a free society should be, so I’m perfectly comfortable with the attorneys general bringing suit against this bill,” Yes, law suits are flying by Attorney Generals and other groups. We must stand no matter how awkward, inconvenient or expensive it is. Our freedom and country is at stake.

Obama isn’t stopping with forced Health care and the controls attached to that. He is going to manipulate votes by pushing amnesty for illegal aliens, controlling American businesses through cap and trade, then he will find a manipulative, back door way to come for our guns….most likely with a UN Treaty he is already working toward.

Obama continues to mock anyone who disagrees with him and is now, according to the Wall Street Journal, stepping up Confrontation. Obama must be voted out. I don’t see any tin helmet on my head and yes…..Obama comes from the same essence and evil as Hitler.

Source Link:


Additionally, the following recent video reveals who President Obama’s real enemy is: the military, veterans, the National Guard, and those who eschew his brand of democratic socialism. It also reveals a shocking 160-page Top Secret document that clearly describes drills that are currently going on dubbed “Capstone Exercise 2014: Scenario Ground Truth,” whereby a fictitious anti-government group, whose stated ideology happens to match exactly with that of the Tea Party, wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami:

4063860734?profile=originalVideo: SHOCKING Leaked DHS Drill: Military, Veterans, Capitalists Are The Enemy!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On March 26, 2014:


And finally, what follows is a link to my recent blog, which I believe will provide you with numerous other sources and/or information that further support my concerns:


I again would truly be interested in and would greatly appreciate getting your take and/or feedback regarding the extremely disturbing/shocking information that was revealed in the above articles and/or blogs and video, along with my recent blog.  

Please feel free to contact me at my email and/or home address.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding these extremely disturbing and time sensitive issues.

Thank you for your continued service to our state and our country.


Jake Martinez


Response received from Senator Heinrich’s Office regarding my above letter:

Thank You

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Please follow me on Twitter and visit myFacebook page for updates on my daily activities in the Senate and travels across New Mexico.”

End of Letter To Senator Heinrich.

Governor Martinez, I again would truly be interested in and would greatly appreciate getting your take and/or feedback regarding the extremely disturbing/shocking information that was revealed in my above letter to Senator Heinrich.

Please feel free to contact me at my email and/or home address.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding these extremely disturbing and time sensitive issues.

Thank you for your continued service to our state.


Jake Martinez

Response received from Governor Martinez regarding my above letter:

“Thank you for taking the time to share your comments and concerns with my office. A constituent service representative will be in contact with you regarding your issue.


Susana Martinez

End of Letter To Governor Martinez.

For your information, I will inform you should I happen to get a response from Governor Martinez, which I really don’t expect, but miracles do happen.

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs, videos and websites relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


Another top military official calls for “Second American Revolution”!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 6, 2014:

Citizens won’t leave Washington until change is made

(Tea Party) – Veterans, truckers and bikers all rallied in DC, taking a stand to restore America but after they departed the Washington establishment continued running the nation amok. According to one man he hopes an mass rally in the works for this spring will be different.

Retired US Army Col. Harry G. Riley, who runs the Patriots for America website, doesn’t have an organized sponsor for the rally. Instead, he’s calling on individual Americans. He wants them to assemble and demand America be restored to her former glory.


Riley has pledged that they will not leave Washington until they see change.

“One million or more of the assembled 10 million must be prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes to see Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder removed from office,” explained Riley in an email regarding his plan.

Riley continued:

“The senior Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives will become Speaker of the House and the U.S. House of Representatives will elect a temporary president and vice president of the United States. The U.S. Senate will take action to elect a new majority and minority leader.”

“As required, the U.S. Congress will execute appropriate legislation to convene new elections or U.S. states will appoint replacements for positions vacated consistent with established constitutional requirements.”

With more than 34 years in the US military and multiple tours of duty worldwide, Riley received numerous honors and medals including the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal and Army Achievement Medal among other honors.

Having been successful in a variety of efforts, including the 2007 Gathering of Eagles, Riley has not gone without his share of attacks from the left.

Of the upcoming spring march, Riley says:

“There is not much time and the only planning necessary is to select a starting date, which we have done, and then show up in Washington, D.C., on that date, and plan to stay for the duration. The goal is restoring the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land, removing the lawless leadership.”

“Will this be a cake-walk? No, it will be painful, and some people may die because the government will not be non-violent; some of us will end up in a cell, and some may be injured. If that’s what it will take to save our nation, do we have any choice? Freedom loving Americans will say there is no choice, we must begin the second American Revolution. Not with guns, but with millions of Americans demanding a return to constitutional government and the resignation of Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Holder as a start…then the constitutional restoration process can begin.”

Riley is urging “all organizations, groups, particularly veterans and military retirees, [to] begin planning to visit Washington, D.C., beginning May 16, 2014.”

Another military leaders, Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely has also called on millions of Americans to “stand up” to a government that is “conducting treason … violating the Constitution, violating our laws.”

Vallely is also calling on Americans to march, urging a legislative “no confidence” vote in President Obama as well as Congress in addition to citizen arrests.  It was the 33 million Egyptians who rose up against their government and removed Muslim Brotherhood officials from office that gave him the inspiration.

Vallely claims that his call for a new American uprising struck a note with millions of modern tea partiers—those looking for unifying leadership.

It’s been all over Facebook, a number of websites, radio shows calling me for interviews,” Vallely said. “And the response I’ve received has been 99-percent positive.”

“I think the biggest thing is that someone is finally standing up to lead.” “We need someone to lead; we need a new George Washington,” said Vallely.

Riley expanded on his philosophy:

“Similar to our Founding Fathers, citizens and patriots in America now find themselves increasingly denied freedom and liberty from a government leadership (A new crown) that is focused on self-serving, power hungry, deception, and betrayal motivations…the ultimate goal of U.S. Constitutional destruction,” he writes. “While our Founding Fathers endured pain and suffering from the British Crown, there came a time when they declared ‘enough is enough.’ Thus, the Declaration of Independence was drafted. We should read our Declaration of Independence and note the grievances that led to the decision of ‘independence or death.’ America is under the heel of a new ‘crown,’ enduring grievances of which are not far removed from conditions our Founding Fathers experienced. The Founders moved to action. Now is the time for American patriots to move to action.”

“Underlying the plan is the invitation to “patriots” to help restore the constitutional government, rule of law, freedom and liberty” from what is described as a “despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.”

Step one is for millions of Americans to assemble peaceably and physically unarmed, showing their loyalty to the US Constitution.  The next step is for a large number of those who assemble to stay in Washington until changes that are “consistent with the Constitution” are made.

Riley said he’s never seen so much interest in such a move. “This has to be done,” he said.

“We are past the point of no return, thus must move forward with an effort to save our nation, as there is no other choice. We are asking, pleading with you, and any others that have resources, national voices, email lists, blogs, FB, Twitter, to call for a non-violent American Spring May 16, 2014, in Washington D.C. We must appeal to ten million and more American patriots to come and stay in Washington, D.C., to stop the White House and Congress from total destruction of the United States. It’s now or never. God help us.”

He went on to say, “The Congress and the administration are just totally oblivious to the American people. They go their own way. The administration makes its own laws. They have their own Congress in the president’s staff.”

Riley’s inspiration was Georgetown University’s Jonathan Turley and his recent Congressional testimony. Turley represented members of Congress in a lawsuit over the Libyan war as well as workers at the top-secret Area 51 military base. He’s also served at counsel on national security cases. Turley is now saying that Obama is a danger to the US Constitution.

During a House Judiciary Committee meeting on December 4, Turley was asked by Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R. VA., “Professor Turley, the Constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It’s about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president’s unilateral modification of act[s] of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?”

Turley’s response: “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power.”

“The Newtonian orbit that the three branches exist in is a delicate one but it is designed to prevent this type of concentration,” said Turley.

“There are two trends going on which should be of equal concern to all members of Congress,” he said. “One is that we have had the radical expansion of presidential powers under both President Bush and President Obama. We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend we also have the continued rise of this fourth branch. We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.”

Watch Vallely call for millions of Americans to march on Washington during this radio interview:


Vallely is a huge favorite among the tea party organizations seeking to bring Rule of Law back to Washington. The tea party has cited Obamacare and the more than 15 times that Obama has changed the law without Congressional involvement.

Vallely sees a vote of “no confidence” as the solution.

The founder of Stand Up America, an organization dedicated to providing education resources based on the values of the Founding Fathers said: “Clearly America has lost confidence and no longer trusts those in power at a most critical time in our history. … It is true that not all who ply the halls of power fit under that broad brush, but most of them are guilty of many egregious acts, and we say it is time to hold a vote of no confidence. It’s time for a ‘recall.’”

There are members of Congress addressing Obama’s violations of the Constitution. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-SC., has said that Obama’s actions have reached unprecedented levels and that we must do something about it.


“Assume that a statute said you had to provide two forms of ID to vote. Can the president require three forms? Can the president require one form? Can you suspend all requirements? If not, why not?” he said. “If you can turn off certain categories of law, do you not also have the power to turn off all categories of law?”

Gowdy cited several instances of Obama’s usurping of power including Obama’s decision to ignore immigration law despite Congress not approving the changes. In addition, Gowdy cited the arbitrary changes to Obamacare as well as “recess appointments” of judges even though the Senate was not in recess.

Gowdy is proposing that Congress take the White House to court over Obama’s actions. A resolution that has been proposed by Rep. Tom Rice, R-GA., would authorize the House to sue the Obama administration. Currently, the resolution has 30 co-sponsors backing it.

Because of “this disregard of our country’s checks and balances, many of you have asked me to bring legal action against the president,” said Rice.

“After carefully researching the standing the House of Representatives has and what action we can take, I have introduced a resolution to stop the president’s clear overreach,” Rice said.

Gowdy was asked by a Fox News interviewer if Obama could refuse to enforce election laws.

“Why not?” asked Gowdy, “If you can turn off immigration laws, if you can turn off the mandatory minimum in our drug statutes, if you can turn off the so-called Affordable Care Act – why not election laws?”

Michael Cannon, director of Health Policy Studies for the Cato Institute said that there is “one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the Constitution places of the government.”

“Abraham Lincoln talked about our right to alter our government or our revolutionary right to overthrow it,” said Cannon.

“That is certainly something that no one wants to contemplate. If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”

Cannon continued, saying it is “very dangerous” for President Obama to “wantonly ignore the laws, to try to impose obligations upon people that the legislature did not approve.”


Larry Klayman, former Reagan Justice Department lawyer, hopes that November 19th will rank with the 4th of July someday. Klayman called the day the start of “The Second American Revolution.”  November 19th was the day that Klayman organized a rally by “The Reclaim America Now” coalition at Lafayette Park across from the White House.

The “Reclaim America Now” coalition is composed of approximately three dozen conservative groups, including Freedom Watch, Gun Owners of America, Tea Party Patriots, 2 Million Bikers to D.C., Jihad Watch, and the Western Center for Journalism among others.

Two hundred or so people gathered at the rally where speakers called for two things: The renewal of America and the resignation of Obama.

Klayman accused Obama of tyranny while calling for peaceful change, declaring: “We the People have had enough of the corrupt and incompetent ways of the Obama administration and its bipartisan political enablers. It is time for action, not words.”

It is the hope of Riley, Vallely and many others that this coming May 16th will bring millions upon millions of Americans to DC for an American revolution that will change the course of history back to the one our Founding Fathers envisioned.

Source Link:



A Constitutional Patriot Launches Operation American Spring!-Posted on The Post & Email-BySharon Rondeau-On January 5, 2014:






MARXISM AND REDISTRIBUTION ARE HIGH TREASON!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Andrew C. Wallace
-On March 31, 2014:



OAS Weekly News: United We Stand-Divided We Fall!-Posted on Patriots for America-By Texas Rose-On March 30, 2014:



Regime Change America – Propaganda Or Truth?-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On April 6, 2014:



Regime Change America – Propaganda Or Truth?-HEY WE GET A PLUG IN THIS ONE!-Posted on OAS-By Pinkorchid, Senior Member-On April 6, 2014:



Operation American Spring’s Call To Action – Petition Congress for a Redress of Grievances:

It's all laid out for you folks.  Click on the below link and make our voices heard.  This is being transmitted across the nation, and only you can make it happen.  Put the link on FB, Twitter, Blogs, everywhere........we need a gigantic/massive support of this petition.

The petition will be used in conjunction with our Boots on the Ground evidence to convince Congress our right under the 1st Amendment for a response to our Demands/Grievances is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

Click on the below link and take action now.  Do it several time per day if you can...your entire family....as often as possible.

Harry Riley


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063734602?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:


4063758287?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (re: Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 22)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 28, 2014:


4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:



Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?



Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!



The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!



Rules of Engagement Killing Marines and U.S. Soldiers!



Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 1)



Request For Congressional Investigation Into Mysterious Downing of Chinook Helicopter in Afghanistan!



Price for Justice: One of many Benghazis!



Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse? (Part 5)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 27, 2014:


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063422856?profile=originalNew World Order By Executive Order!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:



Obama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!


4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!



American Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2014:


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?



Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063862404?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


Wanted to take the liberty of sharing the following letter that I recently forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich regarding a Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles:

Letter To Senator Heinrich:

“March 29, 2014

The Honorable Martin Heinrich

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Heinrich,

On or about March 23, 2014, I sent the following letter to you regarding a “Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”:

“March 23, 2014

Dear Senator Heinrich,


Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles

As a patriotic citizen, with unwavering faith in our Creator, Whose divine hand guided our founding fathers in composing the United States Constitution, I acknowledge that many in current leadership are willfully violating their Constitutional obligations or are complicit in the actions of others infringing the Rights of the People, including, but not limited to, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, free and fair elections, right to counsel and due process of law.

Under the rights implicit in our People, as stipulated in the First Amendment, I hereby demand immediate Restoration of our Government under its intended Constitutional Principles, rule of law, freedom and personal liberty, and a return to government "of the people, for the people, by the people", free of despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.

To begin the recovery of our Rightful Government, we demand immediate, lawful, and orderly replacement of the following office holders: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Holder according to the process allowed and stipulated in our Constitution.


Mr. Jake Martinez”

For your information, I also sent a similar letter to NM U.S. Senator Udall and NM U.S. Representative Lujan-Grisham.

On or about March 28, 2014, I received the following letter from your office in response to my letter above:

“March 28, 2014

Dear Mr. Martinez,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the government.  I appreciate knowing your thoughts and concerns on this important issue.

To solve the problems facing our nation, I believe we must put aside our partisan bickering and focus on what matters to New Mexicans: growing the economy and making sure they get a fair shake at getting ahead.  There is a lot we need to do to build and grow the economy and restore the middle class.  But to achieve this we must find areas where Republicans and Democrats can work together for the American people.

Opposition and obstructionism, rather than deliberation and accountability, have become far too common in Congress.  Since I was sworn in as your Senator in 2013, I have witnessed unique and successful opportunities for members of the Senate to engage with one another in a significant way and to push aside partisan differences to overcome a problem.

I will continue looking for opportunities to strengthen relationships with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and to work with them to help address the issues that impact New Mexicans.

Again, thank you for contacting me.  I hope you will continue keeping me informed of the issues important to you because thoughtful, respectful discourse is the only way we can address the challenges our country faces.

Sign-up to receive email updates for the latest news on issues important to you.



United States Senator”

Senator Heinrich, although I do appreciate your speedy response to my letter, I am still extremely concerned about the direction that our country is headed, which I believe is further and further away from our “Constitutional Principles,” along with the corruption that seems to be prevalent amongst most members of Congress.  As a means of making my point I am taking the liberty of sharing the following recent articles and/or blogs and video because I believe that they meticulously lay out my concerns:

The first article and/or blog, reveals the corruption by members of Congress (both Democrat and Republican):

4063860302?profile=originalFOLLOW-UP ON OUR CORRUPT U. S. CONGRESS!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Frosty Wooldridge-On March 28, 2014:

At this time, our U.S. Congress rates a nine percent approval rating. It means nine percent of the American public registers “brain-dead.”

Those 535 members over the past 40 years deformed our nation from the largest creditor country in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world. We enjoyed less than $1 trillion in national debt to our current $18 trillion debt. That same Congress forced our young men and women into four hopeless, futile and asinine wars that killed tens of thousands of them and sent millions home with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, drugs and alcoholism. Not to mention dismembered limbs.

That Congress danced to the Military Industrial Complex’s tune of contrived wars benefiting the bankers and corporations that outfitted and fed those young soldiers. Those executives made millions while our kids came home in coffins or missing arms and legs and their minds.

That same Congress turned our nation from a rich manufacturing country into a multi-trillion dollar deficit nation where we import everything we once manufactured, to today where we buy everything from China to make their citizens rich. So rich, in fact, that we owe them $1.4 trillion in trade deficits. Ironically, China now owns many U.S. corporations and buys land for its own beachhead here in America, not to mention Vancouver, BC, Canada where it displaced most of the Canadians in the past 30 years. Chinese now dominates the language in once-English speaking Vancouver, BC.

That bunch of hot shot Congressional Critters took our vibrant economy and turned it into 15 million unemployed and 48 million food stamp users. Those same reps allowed 20 million illegal alien migrants to come into our country and work for crooked employers like Chipotle’s, Marriot Hotels, Holiday Inns, McDonald’s, Hormel, Tyson Chicken, Swift, painting, landscape and construction firms at minimum wages. They and the presidents that headed this country refused to enforce our laws. That’s why you MUST press “1” for Spanish and “2” for English.

Today, we face enormous consequences from their actions. Yet, U.S. voters return 96 percent of incumbents—such as Harry Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, Hatch, McCain, Kyle, Schumer, Lindsey Graham, Levin, Udall, Bennet, Rangel, Jackson, DeGette and hundreds of other failed Congressional Critters.

So are they stupid or are they corrupt?

One reader named Brad said, “They are not necessarily stupid. It’s just that most of these psychopaths are bought. The wealthy buy their services and they get remuneration by jobs when they leave “service”, by getting to indulge in insider trading (again - was cut out, but quietly reinstated) etc.

“Just allowing insider trading makes EVERY decision with any economic consequence suspect, as they will have a vested personal income interest in helping corporations increase profits by any means. Thus the repeal of clean air and water regulations. They allow oil fracking to use 2 million gallons of water per well, pour over 530 toxic chemicals into the aquifer to poison and ruin it, and remain exempt from EPA oversight.

“Some may not be bought. Some not all the time. The sad fact is that enough ARE compromised that essentially the damages get done consistently.

“Most in office are so stupid (such as California’s Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who is also corrupt in the league with former Congressman Tom Delay of Texas) that they accept stupid, flawed societal paradigms like “what’s good for business is good for America” and we can see how well that’s working out.

“The parasitic wealthy class is stealing record profits in some of the worst working economy in history - why? Because they have the true entitlement society in which they get tax breaks, tax exemptions, no bid contracts, inflated government costs, subsidizations and most likely a ton of things we never hear about. Simply by allowing industry execs into the alphabet organizations like FDA, USDA, etc., allows them to regulate competition to a ridiculously low level, and to leverage their income, influence, and profits at everyone else’s expense.”

The greatest flaw facing all U.S. citizens remains “career politicians” that create a “good-old boy” network of cronyism and corruption.

If we citizens fail to press for a maximum of 12-year term limits, we face a downward spiral into poverty and failed government not seen since the 1930s. The majority of Congress remains corrupt. That’s why things in the USA don’t get better, but continue on the downward path.

Remember: power corrupts; long term power corrupts absolutely.

Source Link:


The second article and/or blog, reveals how ObamaCare will eventually destroy America as we know it:

4063860312?profile=originalOBAMACARE IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF A TOTAL TAKE OVER OF AMERICA!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Dr. Laurie Roth-On March 28, 2014:

America must not and will not become the seduced German people in 1933. We will not stand by and watch Obama turn our country into Frankenstein’s laboratory, shredding our constitution, bill of rights and freedom as Hitler did with his country.

Tyrants and Dictators are predictably similar in how they take over. They ride in as the savior of change and hope. They offer health care, jobs for all, a refreshed national identity and protection from danger and harm….that is danger and harm they usually create to blame on enemies…..you know those groups who didn’t vote for them. The rope circles around the seduced neck of the people only after the dictator bribes his way in or gets voted in.

One thing is for sure looking at recent history. Once a socialist/communist dictator gets into power, like terminal cancer he and his administration smother and take control of every aspect of the economy, educational system, health care system and military. They shred and control media, entertainment and religion.

In 1919, Lennon wrote after his take over of Russia that the way to control a country is to first take over the industry, the land, and the banks. Lennon tricked and inspired millions and so did Hitler. These dictators didn’t come in, appearing like monsters. They were the messiahs of change and hope. Their exhaustive plans involved developing a huge and seduced ‘fan’ base at first while aggressively and quickly finding and destroying anyone against them.

Kitty Werthmann was living in Austria when Hitler took over Germany next door. She recalls how deeply depressed Austria was in 1938. Nearly one-third of their workforce was unemployed. They had 25% inflation and 25% interest rates on bank loans.

People were begging for food and bankruptcies were happening daily. Austria was in a mess so they were thrilled when Hitler promised big things and was elected in. There was no talk of persecuting or attacking the Jews. The Austrians were promised jobs, healthcare, protection and recovery.

Kitty said that after the election was over there was instantly law and order. German officials were appointed everywhere and there was dancing in the streets. Though Austria was largely a Catholic country, suddenly in schools everywhere, all Catholic symbols and crosses were taken down and pictures of Hitler were put up everywhere.

Hitler targeted and controlled education and stopped religious instruction for kids in schools. The new church for the children of Austria and Germany was still every Sunday but it now was forced attendance at the National Youth Day. The first two hours was political indoctrination every Sunday, then the rest of the day they played all kinds of sports. Naturally the equipment was free. Children went home thrilled each Sunday and were getting brainwashed. Parents had no choice but to send their children each Sunday or else be fined or taken to jail.

Hitler immediately introduced socialist health care. People were going to the hospital for everything now, lines were huge and doctors were paid a salary by the Government. The Austrians soon paid 80% of their income in taxes. Government gave loans for the newly married, and took care of everything from day care needs are to paying all College tuition.

As the noose tightened around education, religion, healthcare and enforcement, the ‘mercy killings’ started in. Kitty, then student teacher in a small village in the Alps, described 15 mentally retarded adults who were known in the community and did good manual work. One day they were rounded up and taken to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade and various skills. Their families where forced to sign papers saying that they wouldn’t visit them for 6 months. They were told that any visits could cause homesickness and disrupt the program.

The letters started arriving back to the parents after several months saying these people had died natural deaths. Of course, they all knew 15 completely healthy adults could not 6 months later have all died natural deaths. They knew they were killed. Euthanasia started to become more common as Hitler’s real world view of perfection started to come out.

Hitler’s final control step of the Germans and Austrians was Gun laws and control. He started with gun registration. Once that was done, he said that guns were causing too much crime and that it was best for all to turn in their guns. They knew that authorities already knew who owned what so they complied.

When you look at Hitler, Saul Alinsky, Stalin, Lennon, Chavez, Castro and others you see huge similarities with the strategy and world view of Obama. It is the same, promise of health care, jobs and opportunities. There is always a contrived crises or two the big Government has to magically solve, while blaming the enemies they want to create.

Obama is on the same control and dictatorship path as Hitler. First we saw the massive seduction over 15 months, now the controls and intimidation grow with his administration.

This Health care bill might as well have been Hitler’s Enabling Act of March 23rd 1933. It also shreds our constitution and forces socialized health care on the people, rationing care for the unwanted and expensive seniors as they age and forcing us all to pay for the Government slaughter of babies, abortion. This bill, run by the IRS might as well be the Nazi party, as it encourages euthanasia, abortion and rationed care as Hitler did early on in Austria and Germany.

Rep. Burgess stated the obvious about this nightmare bill when asked about the use of the ‘Commerce clause’ excusing forced mandates by the Government. In a www.CNSNews.com interview Rep. Burgess, a doctor, stated, “No, I personally do not, and I think that is exactly right. Never before in the history of this country have we had the ability to coerce American citizens to purchase something and then invoke the Commerce clause after we coerce that purchase.” He went on…..”It just flies in the face of what a free society should be, so I’m perfectly comfortable with the attorneys general bringing suit against this bill,” Yes, law suits are flying by Attorney Generals and other groups. We must stand no matter how awkward, inconvenient or expensive it is. Our freedom and country is at stake.

Obama isn’t stopping with forced Health care and the controls attached to that. He is going to manipulate votes by pushing amnesty for illegal aliens, controlling American businesses through cap and trade, then he will find a manipulative, back door way to come for our guns….most likely with a UN Treaty he is already working toward.

Obama continues to mock anyone who disagrees with him and is now, according to the Wall Street Journal, stepping up Confrontation. Obama must be voted out. I don’t see any tin helmet on my head and yes…..Obama comes from the same essence and evil as Hitler.

Source Link:


Additionally, the following recent video reveals who President Obama’s real enemy is: the military, veterans, the National Guard, and those who eschew his brand of democratic socialism. It also reveals a shocking 160-page Top Secret document that clearly describes drills that are currently going on dubbed “Capstone Exercise 2014: Scenario Ground Truth,” whereby a fictitious anti-government group, whose stated ideology happens to match exactly with that of the Tea Party, wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami:

4063860734?profile=originalVideo: SHOCKING Leaked DHS Drill: Military, Veterans, Capitalists Are The Enemy!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On March 26, 2014:


And finally, what follows is a link to my recent blog, which I believe will provide you with numerous other sources and/or information that further support my concerns:


I again would truly be interested in and would greatly appreciate getting your take and/or feedback regarding the extremely disturbing/shocking information that was revealed in the above articles and/or blogs and video, along with my recent blog.  

Please feel free to contact me at my email and/or home address.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding these extremely disturbing and time sensitive issues.

Thank you for your continued service to our state and our country.


Jake Martinez


Response received from Senator Heinrich’s Office regarding my above letter:

Thank You

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Please follow me on Twitter and visit my Facebook page for updates on my daily activities in the Senate and travels across New Mexico.”

End of Letter To Senator Heinrich.

For your information, I will inform you should I happen to get a response from Senator Heinrich, which I really don’t expect, but miracles do happen.

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs, videos and websites relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


Another top military official calls for “Second American Revolution”!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 6, 2014:

Citizens won’t leave Washington until change is made

(Tea Party) – Veterans, truckers and bikers all rallied in DC, taking a stand to restore America but after they departed the Washington establishment continued running the nation amok. According to one man he hopes an mass rally in the works for this spring will be different.

Retired US Army Col. Harry G. Riley, who runs the Patriots for America website, doesn’t have an organized sponsor for the rally. Instead, he’s calling on individual Americans. He wants them to assemble and demand America be restored to her former glory.


Riley has pledged that they will not leave Washington until they see change.

“One million or more of the assembled 10 million must be prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes to see Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder removed from office,” explained Riley in an email regarding his plan.

Riley continued:

“The senior Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives will become Speaker of the House and the U.S. House of Representatives will elect a temporary president and vice president of the United States. The U.S. Senate will take action to elect a new majority and minority leader.”

“As required, the U.S. Congress will execute appropriate legislation to convene new elections or U.S. states will appoint replacements for positions vacated consistent with established constitutional requirements.”

With more than 34 years in the US military and multiple tours of duty worldwide, Riley received numerous honors and medals including the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal and Army Achievement Medal among other honors.

Having been successful in a variety of efforts, including the 2007 Gathering of Eagles, Riley has not gone without his share of attacks from the left.

Of the upcoming spring march, Riley says:

“There is not much time and the only planning necessary is to select a starting date, which we have done, and then show up in Washington, D.C., on that date, and plan to stay for the duration. The goal is restoring the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land, removing the lawless leadership.”

“Will this be a cake-walk? No, it will be painful, and some people may die because the government will not be non-violent; some of us will end up in a cell, and some may be injured. If that’s what it will take to save our nation, do we have any choice? Freedom loving Americans will say there is no choice, we must begin the second American Revolution. Not with guns, but with millions of Americans demanding a return to constitutional government and the resignation of Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Holder as a start…then the constitutional restoration process can begin.”

Riley is urging “all organizations, groups, particularly veterans and military retirees, [to] begin planning to visit Washington, D.C., beginning May 16, 2014.”

Another military leaders, Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely has also called on millions of Americans to “stand up” to a government that is “conducting treason … violating the Constitution, violating our laws.”

Vallely is also calling on Americans to march, urging a legislative “no confidence” vote in President Obama as well as Congress in addition to citizen arrests.  It was the 33 million Egyptians who rose up against their government and removed Muslim Brotherhood officials from office that gave him the inspiration.

Vallely claims that his call for a new American uprising struck a note with millions of modern tea partiers—those looking for unifying leadership.

It’s been all over Facebook, a number of websites, radio shows calling me for interviews,” Vallely said. “And the response I’ve received has been 99-percent positive.”

“I think the biggest thing is that someone is finally standing up to lead.” “We need someone to lead; we need a new George Washington,” said Vallely.

Riley expanded on his philosophy:

“Similar to our Founding Fathers, citizens and patriots in America now find themselves increasingly denied freedom and liberty from a government leadership (A new crown) that is focused on self-serving, power hungry, deception, and betrayal motivations…the ultimate goal of U.S. Constitutional destruction,” he writes. “While our Founding Fathers endured pain and suffering from the British Crown, there came a time when they declared ‘enough is enough.’ Thus, the Declaration of Independence was drafted. We should read our Declaration of Independence and note the grievances that led to the decision of ‘independence or death.’ America is under the heel of a new ‘crown,’ enduring grievances of which are not far removed from conditions our Founding Fathers experienced. The Founders moved to action. Now is the time for American patriots to move to action.”

“Underlying the plan is the invitation to “patriots” to help restore the constitutional government, rule of law, freedom and liberty” from what is described as a “despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.”

Step one is for millions of Americans to assemble peaceably and physically unarmed, showing their loyalty to the US Constitution.  The next step is for a large number of those who assemble to stay in Washington until changes that are “consistent with the Constitution” are made.

Riley said he’s never seen so much interest in such a move. “This has to be done,” he said.

“We are past the point of no return, thus must move forward with an effort to save our nation, as there is no other choice. We are asking, pleading with you, and any others that have resources, national voices, email lists, blogs, FB, Twitter, to call for a non-violent American Spring May 16, 2014, in Washington D.C. We must appeal to ten million and more American patriots to come and stay in Washington, D.C., to stop the White House and Congress from total destruction of the United States. It’s now or never. God help us.”

He went on to say, “The Congress and the administration are just totally oblivious to the American people. They go their own way. The administration makes its own laws. They have their own Congress in the president’s staff.”

Riley’s inspiration was Georgetown University’s Jonathan Turley and his recent Congressional testimony. Turley represented members of Congress in a lawsuit over the Libyan war as well as workers at the top-secret Area 51 military base. He’s also served at counsel on national security cases. Turley is now saying that Obama is a danger to the US Constitution.

During a House Judiciary Committee meeting on December 4, Turley was asked by Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R. VA., “Professor Turley, the Constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It’s about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president’s unilateral modification of act[s] of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?”

Turley’s response: “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power.”

“The Newtonian orbit that the three branches exist in is a delicate one but it is designed to prevent this type of concentration,” said Turley.

“There are two trends going on which should be of equal concern to all members of Congress,” he said. “One is that we have had the radical expansion of presidential powers under both President Bush and President Obama. We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend we also have the continued rise of this fourth branch. We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.”

Watch Vallely call for millions of Americans to march on Washington during this radio interview:


Vallely is a huge favorite among the tea party organizations seeking to bring Rule of Law back to Washington. The tea party has cited Obamacare and the more than 15 times that Obama has changed the law without Congressional involvement.

Vallely sees a vote of “no confidence” as the solution.

The founder of Stand Up America, an organization dedicated to providing education resources based on the values of the Founding Fathers said: “Clearly America has lost confidence and no longer trusts those in power at a most critical time in our history. … It is true that not all who ply the halls of power fit under that broad brush, but most of them are guilty of many egregious acts, and we say it is time to hold a vote of no confidence. It’s time for a ‘recall.’”

There are members of Congress addressing Obama’s violations of the Constitution. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-SC., has said that Obama’s actions have reached unprecedented levels and that we must do something about it.


“Assume that a statute said you had to provide two forms of ID to vote. Can the president require three forms? Can the president require one form? Can you suspend all requirements? If not, why not?” he said. “If you can turn off certain categories of law, do you not also have the power to turn off all categories of law?”

Gowdy cited several instances of Obama’s usurping of power including Obama’s decision to ignore immigration law despite Congress not approving the changes. In addition, Gowdy cited the arbitrary changes to Obamacare as well as “recess appointments” of judges even though the Senate was not in recess.

Gowdy is proposing that Congress take the White House to court over Obama’s actions. A resolution that has been proposed by Rep. Tom Rice, R-GA., would authorize the House to sue the Obama administration. Currently, the resolution has 30 co-sponsors backing it.

Because of “this disregard of our country’s checks and balances, many of you have asked me to bring legal action against the president,” said Rice.

“After carefully researching the standing the House of Representatives has and what action we can take, I have introduced a resolution to stop the president’s clear overreach,” Rice said.

Gowdy was asked by a Fox News interviewer if Obama could refuse to enforce election laws.

“Why not?” asked Gowdy, “If you can turn off immigration laws, if you can turn off the mandatory minimum in our drug statutes, if you can turn off the so-called Affordable Care Act – why not election laws?”

Michael Cannon, director of Health Policy Studies for the Cato Institute said that there is “one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the Constitution places of the government.”

“Abraham Lincoln talked about our right to alter our government or our revolutionary right to overthrow it,” said Cannon.

“That is certainly something that no one wants to contemplate. If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”

Cannon continued, saying it is “very dangerous” for President Obama to “wantonly ignore the laws, to try to impose obligations upon people that the legislature did not approve.”


Larry Klayman, former Reagan Justice Department lawyer, hopes that November 19th will rank with the 4th of July someday. Klayman called the day the start of “The Second American Revolution.”  November 19th was the day that Klayman organized a rally by “The Reclaim America Now” coalition at Lafayette Park across from the White House.

The “Reclaim America Now” coalition is composed of approximately three dozen conservative groups, including Freedom Watch, Gun Owners of America, Tea Party Patriots, 2 Million Bikers to D.C., Jihad Watch, and the Western Center for Journalism among others.

Two hundred or so people gathered at the rally where speakers called for two things: The renewal of America and the resignation of Obama.

Klayman accused Obama of tyranny while calling for peaceful change, declaring: “We the People have had enough of the corrupt and incompetent ways of the Obama administration and its bipartisan political enablers. It is time for action, not words.”

It is the hope of Riley, Vallely and many others that this coming May 16th will bring millions upon millions of Americans to DC for an American revolution that will change the course of history back to the one our Founding Fathers envisioned.

Source Link:



A Constitutional Patriot Launches Operation American Spring!-Posted on The Post & Email-BySharon Rondeau-On January 5, 2014:






MARXISM AND REDISTRIBUTION ARE HIGH TREASON!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Andrew C. Wallace
-On March 31, 2014:



OAS Weekly News: United We Stand-Divided We Fall!-Posted on Patriots for America-By Texas Rose-On March 30, 2014:



Regime Change America – Propaganda Or Truth?-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On April 6, 2014:



Regime Change America – Propaganda Or Truth?-HEY WE GET A PLUG IN THIS ONE!-Posted on OAS-By Pinkorchid, Senior Member-On April 6, 2014:



Operation American Spring’s Call To Action – Petition Congress for a Redress of Grievances:

It's all laid out for you folks.  Click on the below link and make our voices heard.  This is being transmitted across the nation, and only you can make it happen.  Put the link on FB, Twitter, Blogs, everywhere........we need a gigantic/massive support of this petition.

The petition will be used in conjunction with our Boots on the Ground evidence to convince Congress our right under the 1st Amendment for a response to our Demands/Grievances is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

Click on the below link and take action now.  Do it several time per day if you can...your entire family....as often as possible.

Harry Riley


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063734602?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:


4063784434?profile=originalLetter to our NM Governor Martinez regarding a “Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 22)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 28, 2014:


4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:



Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?



Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!



The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!



Rules of Engagement Killing Marines and U.S. Soldiers!



Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 1)



Request For Congressional Investigation Into Mysterious Downing of Chinook Helicopter in Afghanistan!



Price for Justice: One of many Benghazis!



Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse? (Part 5)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 27, 2014:


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063422856?profile=originalNew World Order By Executive Order!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:



Obama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!


4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!



American Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2014:


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?



Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063862026?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 21 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:


Americans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 21)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 8, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide: 


FOLLOW-UP ON OUR CORRUPT U. S. CONGRESS!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Frosty Wooldridge-On March 28, 2014:

At this time, our U.S. Congress rates a nine percent approval rating. It means nine percent of the American public registers “brain-dead.”

Those 535 members over the past 40 years deformed our nation from the largest creditor country in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world. We enjoyed less than $1 trillion in national debt to our current $18 trillion debt. That same Congress forced our young men and women into four hopeless, futile and asinine wars that killed tens of thousands of them and sent millions home with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, drugs and alcoholism. Not to mention dismembered limbs.

That Congress danced to the Military Industrial Complex’s tune of contrived wars benefiting the bankers and corporations that outfitted and fed those young soldiers. Those executives made millions while our kids came home in coffins or missing arms and legs and their minds.

That same Congress turned our nation from a rich manufacturing country into a multi-trillion dollar deficit nation where we import everything we once manufactured, to today where we buy everything from China to make their citizens rich. So rich, in fact, that we owe them $1.4 trillion in trade deficits. Ironically, China now owns many U.S. corporations and buys land for its own beachhead here in America, not to mention Vancouver, BC, Canada where it displaced most of the Canadians in the past 30 years. Chinese now dominates the language in once-English speaking Vancouver, BC.

That bunch of hot shot Congressional Critters took our vibrant economy and turned it into 15 million unemployed and 48 million food stamp users. Those same reps allowed 20 million illegal alien migrants to come into our country and work for crooked employers like Chipotle’s, Marriot Hotels, Holiday Inns, McDonald’s, Hormel, Tyson Chicken, Swift, painting, landscape and construction firms at minimum wages. They and the presidents that headed this country refused to enforce our laws. That’s why you MUST press “1” for Spanish and “2” for English.

Today, we face enormous consequences from their actions. Yet, U.S. voters return 96 percent of incumbents—such as Harry Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, Hatch, McCain, Kyle, Schumer, Lindsey Graham, Levin, Udall, Bennet, Rangel, Jackson, DeGette and hundreds of other failed Congressional Critters.

So are they stupid or are they corrupt?

One reader named Brad said, “They are not necessarily stupid. It’s just that most of these psychopaths are bought. The wealthy buy their services and they get remuneration by jobs when they leave “service”, by getting to indulge in insider trading (again - was cut out, but quietly reinstated) etc.

“Just allowing insider trading makes EVERY decision with any economic consequence suspect, as they will have a vested personal income interest in helping corporations increase profits by any means. Thus the repeal of clean air and water regulations. They allow oil fracking to use 2 million gallons of water per well, pour over 530 toxic chemicals into the aquifer to poison and ruin it, and remain exempt from EPA oversight.

“Some may not be bought. Some not all the time. The sad fact is that enough ARE compromised that essentially the damages get done consistently.

“Most in office are so stupid (such as California’s Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who is also corrupt in the league with former Congressman Tom Delay of Texas) that they accept stupid, flawed societal paradigms like “what’s good for business is good for America” and we can see how well that’s working out.

“The parasitic wealthy class is stealing record profits in some of the worst working economy in history - why? Because they have the true entitlement society in which they get tax breaks, tax exemptions, no bid contracts, inflated government costs, subsidizations and most likely a ton of things we never hear about. Simply by allowing industry execs into the alphabet organizations like FDA, USDA, etc., allows them to regulate competition to a ridiculously low level, and to leverage their income, influence, and profits at everyone else’s expense.”

The greatest flaw facing all U.S. citizens remains “career politicians” that create a “good-old boy” network of cronyism and corruption.

If we citizens fail to press for a maximum of 12-year term limits, we face a downward spiral into poverty and failed government not seen since the 1930s. The majority of Congress remains corrupt. That’s why things in the USA don’t get better, but continue on the downward path.

Remember: power corrupts; long term power corrupts absolutely.

[Join me, Frosty Wooldridge, with Dave Chaffin, host of the Morning Zone at 650 AM, www.KGAB.com, Cheyenne, Wyoming every Monday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., as we discuss my latest commentaries on www.NewsWithViews.com about issues facing America. You may stream the show on your computer. You may call in at: 1-888-503-6500.]

Source Link:



OBAMACARE IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF A TOTAL TAKE OVER OF AMERICA!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Dr. Laurie Roth-On March 28, 2014:

America must not and will not become the seduced German people in 1933. We will not stand by and watch Obama turn our country into Frankenstein’s laboratory, shredding our constitution, bill of rights and freedom as Hitler did with his country.

Tyrants and Dictators are predictably similar in how they take over. They ride in as the savior of change and hope. They offer health care, jobs for all, a refreshed national identity and protection from danger and harm….that is danger and harm they usually create to blame on enemies…..you know those groups who didn’t vote for them. The rope circles around the seduced neck of the people only after the dictator bribes his way in or gets voted in.

One thing is for sure looking at recent history. Once a socialist/communist dictator gets into power, like terminal cancer he and his administration smother and take control of every aspect of the economy, educational system, health care system and military. They shred and control media, entertainment and religion.

In 1919, Lennon wrote after his take over of Russia that the way to control a country is to first take over the industry, the land, and the banks. Lennon tricked and inspired millions and so did Hitler. These dictators didn’t come in, appearing like monsters. They were the messiahs of change and hope. Their exhaustive plans involved developing a huge and seduced ‘fan’ base at first while aggressively and quickly finding and destroying anyone against them.

Kitty Werthmann was living in Austria when Hitler took over Germany next door. She recalls how deeply depressed Austria was in 1938. Nearly one-third of their workforce was unemployed. They had 25% inflation and 25% interest rates on bank loans.

People were begging for food and bankruptcies were happening daily. Austria was in a mess so they were thrilled when Hitler promised big things and was elected in. There was no talk of persecuting or attacking the Jews. The Austrians were promised jobs, healthcare, protection and recovery.

Kitty said that after the election was over there was instantly law and order. German officials were appointed everywhere and there was dancing in the streets. Though Austria was largely a Catholic country, suddenly in schools everywhere, all Catholic symbols and crosses were taken down and pictures of Hitler were put up everywhere.

Hitler targeted and controlled education and stopped religious instruction for kids in schools. The new church for the children of Austria and Germany was still every Sunday but it now was forced attendance at the National Youth Day. The first two hours was political indoctrination every Sunday, then the rest of the day they played all kinds of sports. Naturally the equipment was free. Children went home thrilled each Sunday and were getting brainwashed. Parents had no choice but to send their children each Sunday or else be fined or taken to jail.

Hitler immediately introduced socialist health care. People were going to the hospital for everything now, lines were huge and doctors were paid a salary by the Government. The Austrians soon paid 80% of their income in taxes. Government gave loans for the newly married, and took care of everything from day care needs are to paying all College tuition.

As the noose tightened around education, religion, healthcare and enforcement, the ‘mercy killings’ started in. Kitty, then student teacher in a small village in the Alps, described 15 mentally retarded adults who were known in the community and did good manual work. One day they were rounded up and taken to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade and various skills. Their families where forced to sign papers saying that they wouldn’t visit them for 6 months. They were told that any visits could cause homesickness and disrupt the program.

The letters started arriving back to the parents after several months saying these people had died natural deaths. Of course, they all knew 15 completely healthy adults could not 6 months later have all died natural deaths. They knew they were killed. Euthanasia started to become more common as Hitler’s real world view of perfection started to come out.

Hitler’s final control step of the Germans and Austrians was Gun laws and control. He started with gun registration. Once that was done, he said that guns were causing too much crime and that it was best for all to turn in their guns. They knew that authorities already knew who owned what so they complied.

When you look at Hitler, Saul Alinsky, Stalin, Lennon, Chavez, Castro and others you see huge similarities with the strategy and world view of Obama. It is the same, promise of health care, jobs and opportunities. There is always a contrived crises or two the big Government has to magically solve, while blaming the enemies they want to create.

Obama is on the same control and dictatorship path as Hitler. First we saw the massive seduction over 15 months, now the controls and intimidation grow with his administration.

This Health care bill might as well have been Hitler’s Enabling Act of March 23rd 1933. It also shreds our constitution and forces socialized health care on the people, rationing care for the unwanted and expensive seniors as they age and forcing us all to pay for the Government slaughter of babies, abortion. This bill, run by the IRS might as well be the Nazi party, as it encourages euthanasia, abortion and rationed care as Hitler did early on in Austria and Germany.

Read More:


4063860342?profile=originalRunning Out of Ways to Characterize the Disaster That is Obamacare!-Posted on Conservative Byte-On March 26, 2014:



Valerie Jarrett’s Influence on Obama!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Jamie Glazov-On March 26, 2014:



Valerie Jarrett, the CEO of Obama Inc.!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On March 19, 2014:



FEDS NOW TAKING NAMES OF GUN-PARTS BUYERS: ‘I’m waiting for the knock on the door’!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On March 19, 2014:



New Executive Order: “Obama Has Just Given Himself the Authority to Seize Your Assets”!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Mac Slavo,
SHTFplan.com-On March 20, 2014:






2 MORE STATE HOUSES JOIN PLAN TO REIN IN FEDS: ‘Convention would open door to new limits on Washington’s power’!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On March 19, 2014:



High School Suspends Boy for Supporting Constitution!-Posted on Eagle Rising-By Onan Coca-On March 20, 2014:



29 States Demand a Constitutional Convention!-Posted on The Blaze-By Fred Lucas-On March 20, 2014:






OBAMA OVERTIME ORDER IS SOROS-FUNDED PET PROJECT: ‘Directive seen as another income-redistribution effort’!-Posted on WND.com-By AARON KLEIN-On March 20, 2014:



Gun ordinances face defiance from law officers!-Posted on WatchDog.org-By Contributor-On March 24, 2014:



Video: Senator Slams Americans! “Go F*%K Yourselves”!-Posted on Befoe It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On March 25, 2014:



A Land Without HONOR: ‘CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS VIOLATED ON A DAILY BASIS’!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On March 25, 2014:



NSA-Obama plan would give NSA access to cellphone records!-Posted on LA Times-By Ken Dilanian-On March 25, 2014:



Police Use “StingRay” Device to Monitor Cellphones!-Posted on The New American-By Warren Mass-On March 24, 2014:



NYT reporter: Obama administration ‘the greatest enemy of press freedom’ in a generation!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Brendan Bordelon-On March 24, 2014:



Why Freedom Is Everyone’s Business!-Posted on The Foundry-By Kelsey Harris-On March 25, 2014:



Video: I Have a Plan to Destroy America by Former Governor Richard Lamm, Democrat!-Posted on YouTube.com-By BoogieFinger-On March 26, 2014:



Video: Top 4 Ways Obama Has Fundamentally Changed America!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 26, 2014:



Imagine That: Democrat AG Won’t Prosecute Dems Guilty Of Bribery: Don’t be surprised if she soon rises to stardom in the Regime’s Department of “Justice”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On March 26, 2014:



Democrats targeted by FBI in raids across the nation!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Washington Free Beacon-On March 26, 2014:



BLACK HAWKS FLYING AROUND MY CONDO: ‘Military choppers frighten residents of U.S. city’!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On March 25, 2014:



Homeland Security Exercise Targets “Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny”: ‘Leaked documents reveal plan to counter online dissent during martial law’!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Paul Joseph Watson,
Infowars.com-On March 24, 2014:



The Militarized U.S. Police, by the Numbers (w/Infographic)!-Posted on Before It’s News-By ActivistPost (Reporter)-On March 27, 2014:



Video: SHOCKING Leaked DHS Drill: Military, Veterans, Capitalists Are The Enemy!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On March 26, 2014:



Will Connecticut Declare War On 300,000 Second Amendment Supporters!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On March 27, 2014:



US Gestapo to Disarm Legal Gun Owners with Nighttime No-Knock SWAT Raids!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Dave Jolly-On March 28, 2014:



Senator Feinstein Targets the NRA and Elderly!-Posted on National Report-By Nigel J. Covington III Editor in Chief-On March 28, 2014:



Video: Liberal Democrats Walking The Nazi Road: Have Democrats failed to learn from history?-Posted on Western Journalism-By Wild Bill For America-On March 26, 2014:






From Your Microwave to Your Car, Government Leaves Nothing Untouched!-Posted on The Foundry-By Genevieve Wood-On March 28, 2014:



JIMMY CARTER OFFERED NO-SNOOP EMAIL: ‘Private operation reaches out after former president complains of spying’!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On March 28, 2014:



OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY: ‘2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law’!-Posted on WND.com-By AARON KLEIN-On March 25, 2014:



U.S.-EU Statement Calls for Enforcement of UN Arms Treaty!-Posted on The New American-By Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.-On March 29, 2014:


4063860977?profile=originalCourts Issue Two Bad Rulings Effecting Gun Owners!-Posted on AmmoLand.com-By Philip Van Cleave-On April 2, 2014:



Videos: Surrendering America: A Fox News Special!-Posted on NoicyRoom.net-On March 29, 2014:



MARXISM AND REDISTRIBUTION ARE HIGH TREASON!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Andrew C. Wallace
-On March 31, 2014:



U.N. Agenda 21 Impacts Private Property Rights and Freedom!-Posted on Somewhat Reasonable-By Nancy Thorner-On April 2, 2014:



5 REASONS OBAMA’S 7.1 MILLION NUMBER IS MEANINGLESS!-Posted on Big Government-By BEN SHAPIRO-On April 1, 2014:



Video: Mark Levin Hammers Obama’s ‘Castro’-Like ObamaCare Presser!-Posted on reitbart TV-By PAMELA KEY-On April 2, 2014:



Top Democrat Calls Obama a Delusional Liar!-Posted on Eagle Rising-By Onan Coca-On April 3, 2014:



Obamacare OR Your Country!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On April 3, 2014:



EPA Tested Deadly Pollutants on Humans to Push Obama Admin’s Agenda!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On April 3, 2014:



Liberal Ideology is Hateful and Borderline Sociopathic!-Posted on Eagle Rising-By Onan Coca-On April 1, 2014:



Tea Party sues Obama Administration Over IRS' New Plans For Tea Party Groups!-Posted on TeaParty.org Exclusive-On April 17, 2014:



Obama Uses Phony Statistics to Sell ObamaCare!-Posted on The Natioanl Center Public Policy Research-By Judy Kent-On April 18, 2014:


4063861205?profile=originalVideo: Exhilarating Address to the People!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On April 22, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 23 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 23)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 27, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063557550?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall (re: Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 17, 2014:



New EPA Land Grab, Complete Control Over All Private Land in America! (Part 2)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 16, 2014:


4063734602?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:


4063822610?profile=originalIs Barack Obama Our Last American President?


4063758287?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (re: Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


4063784434?profile=originalLetter to our NM Governor Martinez regarding a “Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:



Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse? (Part 5)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 27, 2014:


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063422856?profile=originalNew World Order By Executive Order!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:



Obama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!


4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!



American Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2014:


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?



Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063861249?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up?-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…

4063566197?profile=originalWanted to share the following extremely chilling, but not surprising information with you-You Decide:

Brainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY'!-Posted on Crossroads-By Berit Kjos – 2001:

Brainwashing is not, as some anti-Christian educators and students contend, the Biblical  process of training our children to love and follow God. The word “brainwashing” refers to a planned, step-by-step attempt to “wash” family-taught beliefs from the minds of those who oppose government ideology. In America, it would mean replacing the old Biblical values and world view with a new way of thinking that would support a totalitarian agenda. In other words, every child must become a peace child, a willing and active servant of a new world order. 

A massive world-wide partnership is pioneering new strategies for social transformation. The media, the entertainment industry, computer companies, government agencies, educational institutions, the United Nations and its accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have all joined together in a common quest toward a global mind change. They seek solidarity—a worldwide unity based on a new set of beliefs and values.  “Obsolete” and “exclusive” loyalties to national sovereignty, Biblical values, and the unadulterated U.S. Constitution stand in their way.

Conforming the masses to their way of thinking requires all the sophisticated tools and tactics developed at the various “behavioral science research” institutes and “education laboratories” established first in England, then in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, and finally in the United States.  If these psycho-social engineers win their battle against an unsuspecting public, they would “wash” away individual thinking, free speech and all the other “rights” that have made America unique. The vacuum would be filled with lofty ideals, enticing images and deceptive promises designed to mold minds that match their global vision. Group thinking and other controls and “incentives” would enforce compliance. (See Mind Control and The UN Plan for Your Mental Health)

Bombard children with mind-changing suggestions

A familiar tale told to first-graders in Pennsylvania illustrates both the tactics and the planned  transformation of the world. We all know the story of the Little Red Hen who wanted some bread to eat. She asked some of her barnyard friends to help make it. But the cat, the dog, and the goat all said “no.” Finally she did all the work herself. Yet, when the bread was done and its fragrance spread throughout the farm, her unwilling neighbors were more than willing to help her eat it.

“Won’t you share with us?” they begged.

“No,” she answered. “Since you didn’t help, you don’t get anything.”

In the context of  traditional values, the moral of the story is: you get what you work for. But those who have learned to think and see from the new global perspective are led to a different conclusion. Listen to the kinds of questions the first grade teacher asked her class: 

-   “Why was the Little Red Hen so stingy?  Isn’t it only right that everyone gets to eat? Why wouldn’t she share what she had with some who had none?”[5]

The concerned mother who heard and reported this story asked, “What kinds of values were the children taught?”  The new interpretation emphasizes love and sharing, but what is missing?  How might it confuse a child’s values?  

The answers are obvious. The children were taught socialist values. The new interpretation vilified values that had motivated Americans to be diligent, responsible and fair. The teacher’s questions were actually strategic suggestions prompting the group to ridicule traditional values, to see reality and society from the new politically correct perspective, and to intimidate and shame anyone who dared to disagree. 

A new mental “framework” is vital to this paradigm shift [see chart]. But to launch the new system, the old patterns must be blurred and broken. The educational establishment knows that children who are fed a daily diet of biblical truth will resist their plans for change. They also know that students bombarded with strategic suggestions and idealized pagan images will probably reject Christianity. If schools can build the “right” kind of framework or filter in the minds of children early enough, the new global beliefs will fit right in. In other words, the battle for the hearts and minds of America’s children will be won by the side that first trains children to see reality from its point of view. 

This paradigm shift was no mystery to Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World. He wrote that education must provide a mental “framework... within which any piece of information acquired in later life may find its proper and significant place.” [6]  

In the old days, that mental framework was the biblical world view. But Huxley, like most of today’s change agents, called for a New Age/global framework. Like a filter, it blocks facts and ideas that don’t fit, but welcomes input that strengthens the framework—especially when communicated through stories and images that stir the imagination and arouse strong feelings.

Focus on feelings, not facts

This shift from factual education to feeling and experience-based learning began over seventy years ago. Through the decades, the strategies used to manipulate minds in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were developed, first at the Tavistock Clinic near London and later at Germany’s Frankfurt School (originally called Frankfurt Institute for Social Research). Their mind-bending methods soon spread to a rising number of psycho-social research centers in America. They were fine-tuned at Columbia, Harvard, Stanford and other American universities, at our regional educational laboratories [7] and at the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies where Elian Gonzales was remediated in preparation for his return to a Communist system. (See Elian Starts Re-Education)

Bob Buford, former head of the Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management and the founder of Leadership Network also taught the new “Christian” leadership methods at the Aspen Institute.

More recently, at the 1989 Governor’s Conference on Education in Kansas, Dr. Shirley McCune, then head of the Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory, summarized the policy in her keynote speech:

“The revolution… in curriculum is that we no longer are teaching facts to children…. We no longer see the teaching of facts and information as the primary outcome of education.”[7]

“What will take the place of logic, fact and analysis in the coming age?” This rhetorical question was raised by Dr. Donald A. Cowan, president emeritus of the University of Dallas. His revealing answer exposes an important step toward the new consensus: 

“The central way of thought for this new era will be imagination.... Imagination will be the active, creative agent of culture, transforming brute materials to a higher, more knowable state.” [8]

It’s easy to see why visionary change agents would prefer to inspire the imagination rather than teach facts and logic. Unlike facts and convictions, the imagination can easily be manipulated. Today’s popular books, games and other forms of edutainment bring all kinds of suggestions and images that confuse the old ways of thinking and promote the new values.  They twist facts, turn right and wrong upside down, stir the imagination with unthinkable suggestions, redefine words, and give new meanings to old images such as the Little Red Hen. (See Establishing a Global Spirituality)

Eventually, most students become conditioned to see everything through the new politically correct mental filter. The sight of an old social symbol (i.e. flag) or the sound of an word they have learned to hate (pastor, evil, capitalism, etc.) can now trigger emotional reactions that cannot be resolved with facts and logic.  

A simple example of this process was exposed by a Christian teacher in Sunnyvale CA. During a public elementary school assembly, the students sang the words of the Peacemakers’ Planetary Anthem to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner. This melody, which has symbolized freedom to those who have loved America, now became a tactical trigger used to turn hearts from the old ways to the new vision: 

O Say can you see by the one light in all

A New Age to embrace at the call of the nations,

Where our children can play in a world without war

Where we stand hand in hand in the grace of creation,

Where the rivers run clean through forests pristine.... 

Inspiring, isn’t it? The mental images behind those words illustrate the “visioning” part of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) as well as Total Quality Management (TQM). Both use the consensus process to create the collective consciousness needed for the new communities and social organizations. 

In the classroom, this process of change often begins with planned “visions” that plant vivid but unrealistic goals into children’s minds and emotions.  

Next, students must learn to visualize scary images of the current crisis. The crisis is vital to the process. It provides the justification for environmental activism, government control, and unthinkable changes. So, in stark contrast to the lofty ideal in the song above, the students must learn to feel the pain of a dying earth abused by the ruling generation. The colorful classroom manual on global change, Rescue Mission Planet Earth, fits the bill. It is full of scary, sensational pictures and misguided children’s opinions that fire the imagination and fuel anger. 

Trained teacher/facilitators turn this anger toward parents and grandparents who must bear the blame for destroying our planet. This is important, because—as in totalitarian countries around the world—children must learn to submit to state-defined values and loyalties—not their parents or traditional values.

4063855548?profile=originalIn Rescue Mission Planet Earth, page after page of pseudo-science and twisted facts prepare the reader to follow the call to political action on behalf of the United Nations and planet Earth. Unless they know the facts, children and their teachers will have little resistance to the heart-breaking images of dying trees, starving children, abused women and an overcrowded planet drowning in pollution and rising oceans. 

As Al Gore wrote in Earth in the Balance, “I strongly urge the establishment of a Mission to Planet Earth, a worldwide monitoring system staffed by children…design to rescue the global environment.”

It’s all part of the plan: create and/or publicize a crisis, vilify the “enemy of the people”, then market the pre-planned global solution to the world—starting with the children. As in the former Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, the school becomes a boot camp for an army of angry and self-righteous rescuers, ready to argue using their feelings, not facts, against anything that opposes their new and narrow idealism. (See third point in Paradigm Shift)  

Rescue Mission Planet Earth is nothing less than “the children’s version” of the United Nations’ Agenda 21.  Sponsored by UNESCO and other UN agencies and promoted by the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (see Local Agenda 21), the propaganda-filled children’s book helps create the needed “gap” between inspiring visions and a perceived crisis scary enough to evoke strong feelings, change values and motivate children to government-led social action.  

“We have to re-orient education so that we turn out planetary carers (sic),” explained David R. Woollcombe [9], President of Peace Child International and head of the Rescue Mission Planet Earth project. He also serves as Consultant to the Global Vision Corporation,[10] a massive international NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) accredited to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development.  Behind the backs of parents around the world, it works to transform the goals, the methods, the leaders, and the process of education. “And that,” continued Mr. Woollcombe, 

“...requires, as Agenda 21 said, a re-orientation of education towards sustainable development. It’s a revolution we’re talking about here! It’s going to require new materials, it’s going to require much greater involvement by young people themselves in their own teaching and education, because actually, adults don’t know as much and don’t care as much about the environment as many young people do. And it’s going to require a much better sort of facultative education, where teacher and students together are on this exploratory journey about how you can square the circle between economic growth and prosperity....” [11]

Before you dismiss Global Vision’s power and influence, consider a few of its partners and sponsors. They include UN agencies such as the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN Centre for Human Settlements and the UN Centre for Human Rights.

It also includes numerous foundations, environmental groups, educational institutions, and media and corporate giants such as the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Princeton University Centre of International Studies, Columbia University Department of Religion,  Mystic Fire Video, Apple Computer, Sun Microsystems, The Image Bank, Bell Labs, Robert Muller, Noel Brown, Federico Mayor, Nafis Sadik, Maurice and Hanne Strong (See World Heritage “Protection?”), Gro Harlem Brundtland (Head of The World Health Organization), the Dalai Lama, and movie moguls Bernardo Bertolucci and Martin Scorsese. All have joined their talents and resources in a common pursuit of the global consciousness envisioned by the United Nations.

A “new way of thinking” 

In 1994, President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development took a big step toward that global vision. It met with an influential  group of like-minded change agents at the Presidio – the former army base in San Francisco that now houses the Gorbachev Foundation USA and dozens of other UN-related organizations. Its partners  included the UN Environmental Programme, the EPA, the U.S. Departments of Education, Labor, State and Energy, the Council of Chief State School Officers, the American Federation of Teachers, Stanford, Colombia and other major universities, the Sierra Club... and the organizers of the Rescue Mission Planet Earth project.

Their joint report, “Education for Sustainability,” became a model for sustainable education. Quoting David Orr, author of Earth in Mind, it states,

“One result [of formal] education is that students graduate without knowing how to think in whole systems, how to find connections, how to ask big questions, and how to separate the trivial from the important. Now more than ever, however, we need people who think broadly and who understand systems, connections, patterns and root causes.[12] emphasis added

“Root causes” involve far more than ecology. Anything that blocks the general acceptance of the new global ideology is suspect and must be challenged. Traditional beliefs and values rank high on the list of villains to their vision of peace. For example, an international “Declaration on Tolerance,” prepared by UNESCO and signed by its member nations, shows one of the major “root causes:”

  1. “Tolerance involves the rejection of dogmatism and absolutism.” 
  2. “Scientific studies and networking should be undertaken to coordinate the international community’s response to this global challenge, including analysis of root causes and effective countermeasures, as well as research and monitoring...
  3. “Promote rational tolerance teaching methods that will address the cultural, social, economic, political and religious sources of intolerance—major roots of violence and exclusion.”  Emphasis added [13]

The earlier statement from Education for Sustainability stressed the “need” for “people who think broadly and who understand systems, connections, patterns and root causes” from a predetermined perspective. This kind of thinking is—and always have been—crucial to brainwashing in totalitarian regimes with a global mission. 

A basic goal of UNESCO’s worldwide program for “lifelong learning” was summarized in Our Creative Diversity, the 1995 book-sized report from the UN Commission on Culture and Development. Published by UNESCO, it tells us that, 

“The challenge to humanity is to adopt new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organizing itself in society, in short, new ways of living.” [14]

This “new way of thinking” has become the standard for mental health in America. (See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health) As head of the Department of Health and Human Services, Donna Shalala helped organize The National Mental Health Services Knowledge Exchange Network. Ponder its definition for mental health:

“Mental health refers to how a person thinks, feels, and acts when faced with life’s situations. It is how people look at themselves, their lives, and the other people in their lives ...and explore choices.” [15]

Do you wonder what Dr. Shalala and her network of health planners would consider good thinking? Or bad thinking? This definition doesn’t tell us. But Al Gore’s 1992 best-seller, Earth in the Balance, helps answer the question:

“The fifth major goal of the Global Marshall Plan should be . . . to organize a worldwide education program to promote a more complete understanding of the crisis. In the process, we should actively search for ways to promote a new way of thinking about the current relationship between human civilization and the earth.” [16]

Vice-President Gore was referring to an environmental crisis with psychological overtones. As we pointed out in the article on Al Gore’s Vision of Global Salvation, he has diagnosed our basic social problem in America and suggested a solution: 

“...we feel increasingly distant from our roots in the earth...we lost our feeling of connectedness to the rest of nature.”[17]

“The richness and diversity of our religious tradition throughout history is a spiritual resource long ignored by people of faith, who are often afraid to open their minds to teachings first offered outside their own system of belief. But the emergence of a civilization in which knowledge moves freely and almost instantaneously throughout the world has. . . spurred a renewed investigation of the wisdom distilled by all faiths. This panreligious perspective may prove especially important where our global civilization’s responsibility for the earth is concerned.” [18] emphasis added

Al Gore’s “panreligious perspective” has helped lay the foundation for a global environmental ethic. His vision of a “world education program” is nearing reality. It fits right into the United Nations’ education system. This “seamless system” of partnerships and governmental agencies around the world has two main goals: 

In other words, people must learn “to look at themselves” as part of the collective society, not as individuals. Their sense of worth must be based on participation in the community and compliance with the new ideology, not on individual beliefs or independent choices. A continual barrage of classroom “assessments” and surveys must test and track how children and their parents think, “explore choices” and draw conclusions.

To win this battle for the minds of the world, the United Nations and its powerful partners have agreed to put aside integrity and employ any possible means to reach their end. But they must still must operate according to guidelines that demand, at least, a perception of the consent of the masses. Therefore, the means to their end must be both subtle and deceptive, employing all the skills and strategies proven successful in the totalitarian countries of the 20th century. Al Gore summarized the attitude behind this global agenda well:

“Adopting a central organizing principle – one agreed to voluntarily – means embarking on an all-out effort to use every policy and program, every law and institution, every treaty and alliance, every tactic and strategy, every plan and course of action – to use, in short, every means to halt the destruction of the environment. . . . Minor shifts in policy, moderate improvement in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change—these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public’s desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary.” [19] Emphasis added

Our leaders have already shown us that Al Gore’s words, “every tactic and strategy...” includes compromise, lies, deception, and propaganda. Where Biblical values have been dismissed as obsolete, these tactics seem are perfectly acceptable to those who lead this spiritual and psychological war for control of the masses. The UN, with help from the Clinton-Gore administration, have already re-invented the concept of government. Its new global management system would be based on its principle of sustainable development or rather, the 3 E’s: Environment, Economy and Equity. It means using a grossly exaggerated view of the environmental “crisis” to re-educate the masses, persuading them to accept totalitarian tactics for redistributing the world’s economic resources and creating socialist equality. (See Local Agenda 21- The U.N. Plan for Your Community). 

Take a look at the envisioned world of the 21st century:


The masses would be controlled through the Hegelian dialectic (consensus) process by globalist leaders who would view the world through the new filter of globalism. Polls, propaganda, simple slogans, and continual conflicts would be essential to its success. In fact, the greater the perceived crisis, the faster the leader can assume the coveted political powers that true freedom forbids. President Clinton has already mastered these totalitarian strategies, as Mikhail Gorbachev suggested in a 1993 editorial:

“Bill Clinton will be a great president if he can make America the creator of a new world order based on consensus.”[20]

Remember, consensus demands a felt crisis, and today’s moral crisis—created by trading moral boundaries for sensual freedom—serves the purpose well. The absence of absolute boundaries leads to social chaos which, in turn, calls for social controls that would have been unthinkable under the old paradigm. In other words, the official promotion of sensual indulgence serves a political purpose.  Aldous Huxley summarized it well in Brave New World:

As political and economic freedom... diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase. And the dictator... will do well to encourage that freedom.  In conjunction with the freedom to daydream under the influence of dope, movies and the radio, it will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude.”[21]

Psalm 2 fit our times:

Why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing?

The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,

Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,

“Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.”

He who sits in the heavens shall laugh....  

Then He shall speak to them in His wrath 

And distress them in His deep displeasure:

“Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.” ....

Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.

See chart:  Brainwashing & How to Resist It 

Read More:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following website contains the above article and/or blog, along with numerous other eye-opening sources and/or information regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063518162?profile=originalFake Mental Health: The UN Plan for Your Mental Health!-Posted on limetro.com:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  What follows is a two-part series of articles and/or blogs that reveal the ongoing Progressive indoctrination that is taking place in our public schools, along with an article and/or blog that reveals that schools and/or even parents at home may be forced to teach a Government agenda.  Also included is an article and/or blog that exposes Obama’s Education Department’s alleged aims of a U.S. take over.  I believe that this information relates to this extremely disturbing issue-You Decide:

4063855617?profile=originalU.S. public schools: Progressive indoctrination camps (Part 1 of 2 )-Posted on WND.com-By Chuck Norris-On March 7, 2011:


4063855617?profile=originalUS Public Schools: Progressive Indoctrination Camps (Part 2 of 2)-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Chuck Norris-On March 18, 2011:


4063855665?profile=originalWarning: Obama Ed Aims at U.S. Takeover!-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On November 2, 2011:


4063359777?profile=originalQuestion:  Have Soviet KGB operatives brainwashed Americans as a means of transforming our Country/Republic into a one world socialist government (NWO)?

Answer:  I believe that the extremely disturbing information revealed on the following thought-provoking video provides us with the answer to this question-You Decide:4063855626?profile=originalIn 1984, during an interview by G. Edward Griffin with Yuri Bezmenov, a former Soviet KGB Operative, who defected to the US in 1968, revealed the Soviet’s alleged strategy for the subversion of the US. During his interview he revealed that this subversive process had been in place in the US and Canada for the past twenty-five (25) years and was being carried out in four distinct stages, which are: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization.

Question:  What stage in the alleged Soviet subversive process is our Country/Republic in today?-You Decide:

Source Link: 


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  What follows are excerpts from part 5 of an eye-opening special report by Wayne Madsen titled ‘Wayne Madsen Report’, which I believe relates to and/or supports the above articles and/or blogs and video regarding this extremely disturbing and chilling issue. Also included are videos that reveal the CIA's background and history regarding mind control/brainwashing, along with an article and/or blog and video that confirm the connection between President Obama and Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Marxist who was the former National Security Adviser to President Carter and a CIA expert on the Soviet Union and taught International Relations (IR), along with being the head of the Institute for Communist Affairs at Columbia, where Obama was heavily influenced by him and subsequently hired him and allegedly sent him to Pakistan in 1981 as a U.S. Government CIA faction-You Decide: 

PART 5: The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part V)

4063855577?profile=originalThe CIA and Tavistock:

Also known as the “Freud Hilton,” Tavistock has long been involved in brainwashing techniques and CIA work since its foundation. The institute also has links to the Harvard Psychology Clinic, the CIA, and Stanford Research Institute (SRI), a major contractor for CIA psychic warfare activities in the 1970s and 80s. Alban told the 1984 CCL seminar, “talent should be nurtured and developed for tomorrow not today. If one focuses on today’s requirements, by the time talents are nurtured one will find they are the talents required of yesterday. The focus must be visionary and look to the needs of the future.”

The Tavistock Institute has long been linked with the CIA’s MK-ULTRA and Projects BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE mind control and brain-washing operations, conducted by the CIA’s top scientist for such matters, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. Much of the records bout MK-ULTRA and other CIA programs was destroyed on the order of Helms in 1972.

BLUEBIRD documents describe what the CIA was trying to accomplish with behavioral modification in the early 1950s: “Can we ‘alter’ a person’s personality? Can we devise a system for making unwilling subjects into willing agents and then transfer that control to untrained agency agents in the field by use of codes or identifying signs?” In other words, the movie “The Manchurian Candidate,” was not purely a fictional account within the CIA’s research and scientific community.

Considering Obama’s penchant for homosexual encounters in Chicago and Washington, DC, the question of a continuation of Gottlieb’s OPERATION MIDNIGHT CLIMAX continues to the present day. A sub-program of MK-ULTRA, MIDNIGHT EXPRESS employed prostitutes in the San Francisco Bay Area and New York City to lure targeted individuals into CIA safehouses where they would then be plied with drugs like LSD.

They would then be tested for their susceptibility to sexual blackmail. The program was “officially” halted in 1966, but the continuing use of prostitutes by the CIA for blackmail purposes has been verified to WMR by workers in the sex industry.

Twelve pages in the CIA’s director for training and education’s January 25, 1984, report to the deputy director for administration remain classified to this day, but in a hand written note on the CIA transmittal sheet, he states “I think you will find Tab B to be very interesting.” The deputy director for administration replies, also in a handwritten note, “I did – though I don’t [subscribe]? to call the community on Tab C.”

Tab B is the training and education director’s comments to the CCL. The talking points include:

  1. “Pleased to be invited to participate and to exchange ideas on the cultivating and nurturing of talent.
  2. Our recent visibility has been both an asset and a liability in this regard. More people know of the CIA and its activities than when I joined (tell the labor union story), and this attracts some good people. By the same token, it brings out the weird ones.
  3. We have an exceptional screening process involving security investigation, testing, (assessment – OSSCCL) psychological screening, medical review, interviewing, polygraph, etc. (and a long processing time!) [Ed. note: it cannot be determined if this reference is to the Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner of the CIA or the CIA’s Special Security Office. CCL, however, appears to indicate a past and on-going relationship between the CIA and the Center for Creative Leadership.]
  4. So, the pepole who come to us are, for the most part, exceptionally talented, thoroughly screened, and represent a real challenge for us to stretch, nurture and retain.
  5. Eventually reach the point where at least some people are identified early on as having high potential for senior agency-wide positions and are consciously developed toward that end.

CIA university recruitment the year Obama graduated from Columbia: 

A September 11, 1984 memo to Dan Carlin, the assistant director of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) from the CIA’s executive assistant/executive director to director William Casey points out the academia sources for the past year’s CIA undergraduate recruits. Two recruits came from Columbia University. Obama graduated from Columbia in 1983 after reportedly studying under Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former National Security Adviser to President Carter. The chairman of the PFIAB at the time of the stepped-up CIA college recruiting campaign was Anne Armstrong, the Ford administration’s ambassador to London from 1976 to 1977 and a major backer of George H.W. and George W. Bush. A one-time board member of Halliburton, Armstrong was a mentor for Karl Rove when she served as co-chairman of the Republican National Committee from 1971 to 1973.

By way of comparison, one undergraduate was recruited from Harvard, one from Occidental College (where Obama attended before transferring to Columbia), one from Claremont Men’s College, one from Pepperdine. Topping the list are five each from Georgetown and Dartmouth. Graduate recruits include one from Harvard Law, where Obama attended law school after his “community service” work in Chicago; three from the University of Michigan (one of Helms’s favored behavioral science research campuses), and, trumpeting other graduate schools, American University in Washington, with five new recruits.

CIA archival records also indicate an on-going relationship between Obama’s former college, Occidental, and the CIA in 1983. A MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour transcript shows a guest, Lawrence Caldwell of Occidental, as having been a scholar in residence at the CIA’s Office of Soviet Analysis for two years.

Behavioral science, the CIA, and SRI:

A formerly Secret NOFORN [not releasable to foreign nationals] proposal for the CIA, dated December 31, 1992, and prepared for the CIA by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) describes in great detail the agency’s behavioral science programs, which included anomalous cognition (AC) and anomalous perturbation (AP). AC is defined as “the awareness of information that is considered otherwise shielded from all known sensory channels” and AP is “the perturbation of physical matter under conditions of complete physical and sensorial isolation.”

The document states that research into both field began in 1973 with the CIA engaged in such research and was followed by U.S. military service and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) research with SRI through fiscal year 1990. The document also states “beginning in 1986, the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) [Fort Detrick, Maryland] initiated the first coordinated long-term examination of AC and AP phenomenon.”


The nexus of Obama’s almae matres: Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard, as well as that of his parents, the University of Hawaii, in the CIA’s mind control, behavioral modification, and mass hypnosis projects is deeply troubling. The fact that Obama has failed to provide a full accounting of his past academic and professional employment history, coupled with the presence of a major CIA presence within his and his parents’, grandparents’, and step-father’s backgrounds opens up the real possibility that Obama was, to use the CIA’s own term, “nurtured,” for a higher calling.  Obama told the nation that his would be the most open and transparent in recent recent history. However, Obama’s biography and those of his parents and guardians are full of more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese. It is well past time for the President to make good on that promise and fully release his past academic, passport, employment, and overseas travel records.

After eight brutal years of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the nation was ready for any change. Unfortunately, the CIA, through LOOKING GLASS, MK-ULTRA, ARTICHOKE, PANDORA, and other behavioral science programs were ready to answer the call. The CIA answered the call with Obama and most of us bought him and his “Hope and Change” propaganda fecundity “nurtured” by CIA programs going back some sixty years.”

September 7, 2010

4063855644?profile=originalWayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. He has some twenty years experience in security issues. As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation. Madsen was a Senior Fellow for the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a privacy public advocacy organization. Visit his website.

Continue Reading:


4063855681?profile=originalVideo: CIA Black Ops, Mind Control, MK-Ultra, New Phoenix Project, Organized Stalking, Monarch!-Posted on YouTube.com-By FansFiltration-On March 2, 2013:


4063855704?profile=originalVideo: CIA Mind Control Experiments | Secrets of the Central Intelligence Agency (Full Documentary Film)!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheBestFilmArchives-On November 29, 2013:


4063565990?profile=originalConfirmed - Obama Is Zbigniew Brzezinski Puppet!-Commentary posted on rense.com-By Webster Tarpley-On March 21, 2008:


4063565990?profile=originalVideo: Confirmed - Obama Is Zbigniew Brzezinski Puppet!-Posted on NBCNews.com-On March 21, 2008:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following video and articles and/or blogs relate to this extremely disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063855717?profile=originalVideo: HAARP: The illuminati mind control exposed-Posted on YouTube.com-By WeStayEternal-On February 6, 2012:


4063566104?profile=originalPresident Obama Wants to Get Inside Your BRAIN!-Posted on The New American-By Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.-On April 2, 2013:


4063855723?profile=originalConfucius Classrooms in the U.S.-Posted on FoxNews.com-By Anita Vogel-On May 18, 2010:

They’re called Confucius Classrooms, named after an ancient Chinese philosopher, and they are becoming more and more popular throughout the United States.  They are classes paid for, in part, by China and designed to teach U.S. school kids Chinese language and culture.  Proponents say it’s one extra tool students can use to be competitive in the global environment, but critics say it’s nothing more than a subtle attempt by the Chinese government to spread pro-China propaganda.

Continue Reading:


4063855728?profile=originalVideo of ASI “Communism in the Classroom” Conference; Learn how Communist Professors Like Bill Ayers Are Brainwashing College Students. Speakers include Paul Kengor, Mary Grabar, and Cliff Kincaid-Posted on USASurvival.org:


4063848343?profile=originalWhy The Government HAS to Indoctrinate Our Children!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Chris Carrington-On March 8, 2014:


If an article could consist of one word this article would be finished.

The government knows that it’s in trouble, in more trouble than the administrations that came before it. Government spending is out of control and the fact that the country is still actually afloat is simply down to the privately owned, and inappropriately named, Federal Reserve buying up government debt like it’s going out of fashion.

The government knows that more and more people are waking up to the possibility that we are going to face a major crisis in our lifetime. Awakened people are far more difficult people to control than sleeping people, hence the constant surveillance we face daily. They need to keep tabs on who is where and what they are up to.

The government knows that some other major powers are thinking of dumping the dollar, and that its status as sole reserve currency is at risk. They also know the implications of the dollar being dumped, and it’s not pretty.

The government knows it does not have the standing it once did. Up until recently the United States said “jump” and other countries said “how high?” Now The United States says “jump” and the other nations say “why should I?”

The government knows it is too far down the road, it has kicked the can too hard, and too long to be able to repair the damage, so it has to do what it can to mitigate future damage…indoctrinate the children.

Continue Reading:


4063855600?profile=originalVideo: Boston Tea Party being taught as an act of terrorism!-Posted on GlennBeck.com-By Glenn Beck-On November 20, 2012:


4063855805?profile=originalWHAT PARENTS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ‘COMMON CORE’ EDUCATION STANDARDS!-Posted on Big Government-By DR. SUSAN BERRY-On July 22, 2013:


4063855767?profile=originalThe Impact of Common Core Standards on Homeschoolers!-Posted on Big Government-By DR. SUSAN BERRY-On January 10, 2014:


4063855853?profile=originalCATHOLIC SCHOOL PARENTS ORGANIZE TO OPPOSE COMMON CORE STANDARDS!-Posted Big Government-By DR. SUSAN BERRY-On January 24, 2014:


4063855805?profile=originalHERITAGE: ‘COMMON CORE’ MAY AFFECT PRIVATE, HOMESCHOOL STUDENTS’ COLLEGE ADMISSIONS!-Posted on Big Government-By DR. SUSAN BERRY-On January 26, 2014:


4063825772?profile=originalCOMMON CORE IS A POWER GRAB!-Posted on Big Government-By DAVID BOSSIE-On February 22, 2014:


4063855863?profile=originalCommon Core’s Little Green Soldiers!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Mary Grabar-On March 4, 2014:


4063855823?profile=original‘YOU CAN’T DO THIS!’ PARENTS REVOLT AGAINST ‘OBAMACORE’: ‘It’s truly a grassroots effort. It is extraordinary’!-Posted on WND.com-By Karen VanTil Gushta-On March 3, 2014:


4063855886?profile=originalTED CRUZ ‘EMPHATICALLY OPPOSED’ TO COMMON CORE!-Posted on Big Government-By TONY LEE-On March 18, 2014:


4063855906?profile=originalBlack Senior Forced to Choose: Obama or Jesus!-Posted on Lloyd Marcus-By Lloyd Marcus-On March 18, 2014:


4063855923?profile=originalTeachers Union Contract Blatantly Discriminates Against Christians!-Posted on Wester Journalism-By B. Christopher Agee-On March 19, 2014:


4063855849?profile=originalSchool To 8-Year-Old: Jesus Is No Hero: ‘Unfortunately, today’s morally bankrupt public education system apparently has no room for such a message of love and hope’!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. Christopher Agee-On March 21, 2014:


4063855789?profile=originalTeachers told to quit the red ink: It’s ‘very negative’!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Cheryl K. Chumley, The Washington Times-On March 21, 2014:


4063855979?profile=originalFEMINIST: BABIES ARE ‘TIME-SUCKING MONSTERS’: ‘This is actually what I think, and I feel zero guilt about it’!-Posted on WND.com-On March 21, 2014:


4063856010?profile=originalWE ARE AT WAR FOR OUR CHILDREN’S MIND AND SOUL!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Charlotte Iserbyt-On September 26, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 2 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT A CONSPIRACY'! (Part 2)-Posted On Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 1, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote I believe that my following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:



Brainwashed the DocuMovie Part One!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 17, 2021:



Letter to NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (Re: NM Soros-Backed Secretary of State allegedly used illegal software to combine election results thereby breaking several state and local laws!) (Part 1)-Posted on Patriot Command Center-By Jake Martinez-March 11, 2023:



Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Michelle Lujan Gresham (Re: Taking down of America from within!)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 30, 2020:


4064080025?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Shadow Party’s alleged agenda to take down America)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 13, 2015:


4063856021?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Articles of Impeachment and Impeachment Proceedings)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 12, 2014:


4063856043?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 20, 2014:


4063856043?profile=originalAre We Witnessing Conversational Hypnosis at Work?

4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


4063601613?profile=originalHave the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?


4063855723?profile=originalConfucius Classrooms in the U.S.!


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063503401?profile=originalFaith of Our Forefathers!


4063359851?profile=originalCommunism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!


4063856121?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


4063493143?profile=originalWhat we haven’t been told about the President’s background!


4063784582?profile=originalThe Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1)


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063758956?profile=originalCommunists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


New Report Exposes Rockefeller Dynasty's Role in 'Climate Scam'!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:


4063566206?profile=originalGeoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!



The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2016:


4063856177?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


4068746313?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!


4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!


4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


“Food for Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take A Stand Against Treasonous Traitors That Are Doing Their Utmost To Destroy Our Country/Republic From Within?-God Bless America!

Semper Fi!
Read more…


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 20 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:


Americans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 20)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 18, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


The Democratic Party’s Dirty Secret: Ku Klux Klan is the Democratic Party Muscle!-Posted on InfoWars.com-On March 8, 2014:

Jon Bowne investigates the mass amnesia associated with the indisputable connection between the Ku Klux Klan and the Democratic Party as well as its long history of murder, torture and voting coercion:


Video: Ku Klux Klan is the Democratic Party Muscle!


And Alex explains how the Democrats’ history ties into their current race-based, divide and conquer platform:


Video: Democrats Are The Party Of Race Politics!


Yet the mainstream media is always trying to bury these obvious connections.

For example, shortly after the death of Democratic Senator Robert Byrd in 2010, Daily Caller contributor Mike Riggs pointed out the mainstream media’s whitewash of Byrd’s former ties to the Ku Klux Klan:

Deceased U.S. Sen. Robert Byrd will be remembered by lots of things: His love for dogs and hyperbole, his ability to funnel federal dollars into make-work jobs in his native West Virginia, his loathing of balanced budgets and the fact that he skillfully conned several generations of Appalachian woodhicks into voting for him, over and over again, for almost six decades.

In passing, Sen. Byrd will also be remembered for having joined the Ku Klux Klan as a “young man.”

A quick check of this morning’s obituaries reveal that in the eyes of the traditional media, Byrd the Progressive Porker is much more important than Bob the Exalted Cyclops.

Byrd joined the Klan at the ripe young age of 24 — hardly a young’un by today’s standards, much less those of 1944, when Byrd refused to join the military because he might have to serve alongside “race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds,” according to a letter Byrd wrote to Sen. Theodore Bilbo at the height of World War II.

Today’s obituaries, however, made little mention of Byrd’s once-deeply held hatred for African Americans.

For your reading pleasure, a collection of obituary snow jobs:

From the 11th paragraph of the LA Times’ Byrd obituary: “Byrd was not always a champion of liberal causes. He had come of age as a member of the Ku Klux Klan and cast a “no” vote on the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 that prohibited discrimination against African Americans and others. He later renounced his actions in both cases and called his membership in the KKK ‘the worst mistake of my life.’”

ABC News noted that “despite his successful political track record, the Senate’s senior Democrat was no stranger to controversy and was once a member of the Ku Klux Klan,” as if calling for the extermination of dark-skinned peoples (as well as Jews, Catholics, and gays) was no more stirring a gaffe than Gary Hart’s monkey business.

MSNBC.com reported that “Byrd’s success on the national stage came despite a complicated history on racial matters. As a young man, we was a member of the Ku Klux Klan for a brief period, and he joined Southern Democrats in an unsuccessful filibuster against the landmark 1964 Civil Rights.” (The Ku Klux Klan no doubt objects to being called complicated, and has held since Day 1 one that there is nothing wishy-washy about castrations, lynchings or burning folks alive.)

CNN also gave Byrd a pass on his association with the early 20th-century homegrown terrorist movement, writing in the 20th paragraph of Byrd’s obituary that “He blamed ‘that Southern atmosphere in which I grew up, with all of its prejudices and its feelings,’ for his opposition to equal rights, which included joining the [domestic terrorist outfit] Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s.”

Source Link:



Video: Total Tyranny: Cops Now Spying On Your Phone!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheAlexJonesChannel-On March 3, 2014:



U.S. Court Declares The American Flag Incites Violence!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. Christopher Agee-On March 3, 2014



Video: Self-Identified Obama Supporter Delivers A Must-See Critique Of The President!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On March 3, 2014:



JUDGMENT DAY FOR MARINE HANDCUFFED OVER FACEBOOK POST: ‘Arrested without charges, detained for mental evaluation’!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On March 3, 2014:



Obama Redefines ‘Freedom’ In Recent Speech!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On March 4, 2014:



Obama Orders The Murder Of Two American Citizens!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On March 4, 2014:



Video: CT State Police: Opposing Door to Door Gun Confiscation Is “Un-American”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On March 4, 2014:



Obama Forces Innocent Man To Sponsor Heinous Act!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On March 4, 2014:



Video: Obama: Healthcare Law ‘Working The Way It Should’: ‘Obama had the nerve to say this to a couple of journalists’!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On March 7, 2014:



Video: Judge Jeanine Pirro - Push To Silence Obamacare Critics?-Posted on YouTube.com-By Mass Tea Party-On March 1, 2014:



Video: Is President Obama Too Big to Jail!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TCCTV-On March 4, 2014:



PANDA Update: “You’d Be As Outraged As We Are”!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On March 5, 2014:



DINESH D’SOUZA UNLOADS ON YOU-KNOW-WHO AGAIN: ‘Filmmaker touts ‘America’ while facing prosecution’!-Posted on WND.com-By Jerome Corsi and Garth Kant-On March 7, 2014:



Video: CPAC 2014: Dinesh D’Souza!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Dinesh D’Souza-On March 7, 2014:


4063847084?profile=originalYAHOO: Dinesh D’Souza, ‘Wait Until President Obama Sees My New Film’!-Posted on Big Hollywood-By MICHAEL PATRICK LEAHY-On March 7, 2014:



Video: “America” The Movie Trailer!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Dinesh D’Souza-On March 7, 2014:



Video: Dr. Ben Carson, Professor Emeritus and Author!-Posted on YouTube.com-By The ACU-On March 8, 2014:


4063847101?profile=originalVideo: PALIN: ‘THIS IS A GREAT AWAKENING: ‘The age of Obama is almost over’!-Posted on WND.com-By GARTH KANT-On March 8, 2014:



The Left Always Overplays its Hand – Always!-Posted on The Clash Daily-By Clash Daily-On March 8, 2014:



Colorado Girl Scouts To Introduce Exclusive Line of Cannabis Infused Cookies!-Posted on Natiuonal Report-On March 8, 2014:


4063847146?profile=originalHouse Might Finally Move to Stop Obama’s Lawbreaking!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Tad Cronn-On March 8, 2014:



Video: This is the “Biggest Act of Civil Disobedience in Recent Memory”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Asst Natl Dir Melony B. DeFord-On March 9, 2014:



Rick Perry shaken up by Obama’s disturbing threat to governors in meeting!-Posted on BizPac-By Michael Dorstewitz-On March 9, 2014:



Will Leftists Admit They Were Wrong about Obama?-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Ronn Torossian-On March 10, 2014:



Obama Nominee For Surgeon General Says Banning Guns Is Part of Medicine!-Posted on The Last Great Stand-By reasonvoice-On March 10, 2014:






Californians Refuse to Turn In Newly-Banned Magazines: ‘No one has complied with city mandate regulating so-called “high capacity” magazines’!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Adan Salazar,
Infowars.com-On March 10, 2014:



CT Cop Who Wants to Kick in Doors & Confiscate Guns Suspended – Not Before Spilling the Beans on What Gun Registration is all About!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On March 10, 2014:



Homeland Security’s Heavily Armed East Williamsburg Raid ‘Terrorized And Confused’ Residents!-Posted on GotHamist.com-On March 10, 2014:



Just a Coincidence or Something Far More Sinister!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On March 11, 2014:



Former ThinkProgress Blogger: I Quit Over White House Censorship!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By Ben Bullard-On March 10, 2014:



CBS Journalist Sharyl Attkisson Resigns After Pressure Over ‘Anti-Obama’ Reporting!-Posted on Politico-By DYLAN BYERS-On March 10, 2014:



Obama’s Latest Underreported Fiasco Invites More Lambs to the Slaughter!-Posted on Western Jorunalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On March 10, 2014:



Tea Party Leader Diagnoses America’s Freedom Deficiency: ‘Of course, this is a difficult pill for liberty-loving Americans to swallow’!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. Christopher Agee-On March 10, 2014:



Video: Mark Levin Hammers Mitch McConnell: ‘You Can’t Deter Us, You Won’t Deter Us’!-Posted on Breitbart TV-On March 10, 2014:



CHRISTIANS ORDERED TO TEACH WICCAN, PAGAN RITES: ‘Court to rule on government’s decision to control religion classes’!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On March 11, 2014:



GOOGLE, CHINA, THE NSA AND THE FOURTH TURNING!-Posted on Washington’s Blog-By JimQ-On March 12, 2014:



Could Some Internet ‘Trolls’ Actually Be Government Operatives? Beck Warns Americans to Be Wary!-Posted on The Last Great Stand-By reasonvoice-On March 12, 2014:



Justin Amash to Feinstein: ‘Hypocrites Like You Are Why the Public Doesn’t Trust Congress’!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Melissa Melton-On March 12, 2014:



USA Today: Americans Rising Up Against Obama Government Is Just Beginning!-Posted on The Last Great Stand-By reasonvoice-On March 10, 2014:



Oliver North: ‘Any Other President Would Be Impeached’!-Posted on The Last Great Stand-By reasonvoice-On March 12, 2014:



Lynching the Koch Brothers: The Dems’ Strategy for 2014!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Arnold Ahlert-On March 12, 2014:



THE BETRAYER!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Bradlee Dean-On
March 12, 2014:



How the NSA Plans to Infect ‘Millions’ of Computers with Malware!-Posted on The Intercept-By Ryan Gallagher and Glenn Greenwald-On March 12, 2014:



OBAMA BRINGS UKRAINE WAR HOME TO U.S.: ‘Issues order targeting Americans who threaten ‘peace’!-Posted on WND.com-By AARON KLEIN-On March 12, 2014:



CITIZENS REVOLT, REFUSE TO REGISTER GUNS: ‘Americans declare, ‘I’m prepared to go to jail’!-Posted on WND.com-By GREG COROMBOS-On March 13, 2014:



A former Navy SEAL on Connecticut government’s gun grab!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Dr. Eowyn-On March 14, 2014:



United Nations Attacks Second Amendment: ‘Critics of Second Amendment routinely ignore data showing guns save lives and prevent violence’!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Kurt Nimmo,
Infowars.com-On March 14, 2014:



UN-sponsored corporate movement for environment and good governance accused of cutting membership out of key decisions!-Posted on FoxNews.com-By George Russell-On March 14, 2014: 



U.S. to Relinquish Remaining Control Over the Internet to Global Governance!-Posted on The Washington Post-By Craig Timberg-On March 14, 2014:



President Obama Reportedly Shredding Copies of the United States Constitution!-Posted on The National Report-On March 14, 2014:



Russian Immigrant: Dear beautiful America, please, stop moving Forward!-Posted on Doug Ross @ Journal-By Aleksey-On February 16, 2014:



IN THE FIGHT FOR LIFE AND LIBERTY, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS THE ENEMY!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Dr. Patrick Johnston-On March 18, 2014:



U.S. GOVERNMENT: AMERICANS ARE ‘KILLER ZOMBIES’: ‘’Uncle Sam’ portrayed as bloodthirsty cannibal’!-Posted on WND.com-By STEVE PEACOCK-On March 17, 2014:



Obama defenders and their false premises!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By JOHN HAYWARD-On March 18, 2014:



The Response To This Anti-Gun Bar Might Make You Smile!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. Christopher Agee-On March 18, 2014:



Clinton’s” Imagining America”: higher education and left-wing activism!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On March 19, 2014:



NSA Collection Systems are Recording ‘Every Single’ Conversation Nationwide!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On March 19, 2014:



PUTTING A FACE ON RADICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Ron Ewart-On March 19, 2014:



TREASON DEFINED!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Bradlee Dean-On
March 19, 2014:



Obama as Imperial President!-Posted on American Thinker-By Elise Cooper-On March 18, 2014:



America Has A Constitutional Crisis!-Posted on CNSNews.com-By Charlie Daniels-On March 18, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 22 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 22)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 28, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:



Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse? (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 27, 2014:


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!- Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2014:


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063422856?profile=originalNew World Order By Executive Order!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:



Obama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!



President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!



American Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2014:


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?



Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063848065?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 19 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 19)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 3, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


Chuck Schumer Calls for Violating the Constitution!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Common Constitutionalist-On February 17, 2014:

The New York Times reported late last week that New York Sen. Chuck-U-Schumer is suggesting a “legislative maneuver known as a discharge petition, that would allow supporters of overhauling the nation’s immigration laws to circumvent the Republican majority in the House by bringing the measure directly to the house floor, bypassing the regular committee process.” Let's call this "maneuver" what it is -- a violation of the Constitution.

The Times continued, “Lawmakers and aides in both parties say that a discharge position, especially one coming from Mr. Schumer, whose views are strongly opposed by many House conservatives, is unlikely to succeed. Even if all House Democrats supported the measure, it would still require more than a dozen Republican signatures.”

Now I’m not certain that the House could do the same to the Senate – issue a discharge position – but I could guarantee Chuck Schumer would be one of the first to the microphone, crying like a stuck pig, saying how dare the House try to meddle in the affairs of the Senate or usurp the leadership’s authority, or some such nonsense.

“This scheme has zero chance of success,” the Times reported. “A clear majority in the House understands that the massive Senate-passed bill is deeply flawed,” said Michael Steel, a spokesman for Speaker John Boehner. “That’s why we will continue to work on a step-by-step, common sense reform.”

Quick tip: when a known dirt bag politician, or anyone affiliated with said dirt bag, mentions a “common sense” solution to anything – hide your wallet and put on your iron chastity belt.

The Times continued, “The Senate bill included a path for citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants already in the country, and House Republicans have largely dismissed it as amnesty. They preferred to take on the issue in a piecemeal approach through a series of narrower bills.”

Undocumented immigrant is so passé. I recently heard a new, even more ridiculous term for people who are in the United States illegally. On NPR, a Democrat strategist told the cheerleader interviewer that politicians should now be using the term “Aspiring Citizen” or “Aspiring American,” although it would more accurately be described as “Aspiring Democrat” or “Aspiring Full Entitlement Recipient.”

“Discharge Positions are difficult, but when they work, it’s because a clear majority of the body that supports a specific proposal, and in this case, that is true,” Chuck-U-Schumer said.

Source Link:



Holder Doubles Down On Radical Leftist Rhetoric!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On February 17, 2014:

Despite facing mounting criticism from his conservative opponents, Attorney General Eric Holder shows no signs of curtailing his bitterly partisan agenda.

Most recently, he advocated for the reissuance of voting privileges to individuals – specifically minorities – who have previously been convicted of felonies. He is currently suing two U.S. states for taking appropriate measures in the fight against voter fraud, furthering public perception that he is anything but an impartial arbiter of the law.

While a recent New Yorker article seemed to hint at Holder’s intention to resign from his post in coming months, the Department of Justice shot down those rumors.

According to spokesperson Brian Fallon, Holder merely said that “he still has a lot he wants to accomplish on issues like criminal justice reform, voting rights, and LGBT equality.” His opinions on such issues are major factors in the conservative call to forcibly remove him from the position of attorney general.

Do you think Holder should be impeached? Sound off by taking our important survey here!

For many critics, Holder’s insistence on giving convicted felons a vote was a breaking point in his already questionable tenure as the nation’s top law enforcement official. Hans von Spakovsky, for instance, is an active opponent of Holder’s platform. As a former official in the Justice Department, his opinion on this situation carries particular influence.

“All he talks about is the restoration of voting rights for felons,” he said. “What he fails to mention is the fact that you don’t just lose your right to vote. In most states, you lose your rights to own a gun, to sit on a jury, to engage in certain kinds of employment like being a police officer.”

Since Holder was not similarly preoccupied with restoring those rights, von Spakovsky continued, the implicit message is that “he is only interested in the potential votes.”

Nevertheless, he and other vocal critics are not overly optimistic that Holder will be stripped of his position any time soon.

“I doubt that the president would want him to leave,” he concluded, “because he has in many ways acted as a heat shield for the administration. I can’t imagine what kind of grilling a new nominee would have to take to come in.”

  • B. Christopher Agee

Source Link:



Video: U.S. Army Builds ‘Fake City’ To Practice Military Occupation Of U.S. Citizens?-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On February 17, 2014:



Video: Christian Rapper Gets Death Threats From Leftists!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On February 17, 2014:



Ronald Reagan On Religious Tolerance!-posted on Western Journalism-By PAUL G. KENGOR-On February 17, 2014:



Democrat Rep.: Kill Babies Because “They Have Colic”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On February 17, 2014:



Video: Former Obama Secret Service Agent Speaks Out!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheAlexJonesChannel-On August 6, 2013:



Video: Dan Bongino Slams Lying Gun Control Advocate!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Charles Town-On July 19, 2013:



It’s Time for States to Say No to Federal Courts!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Gary Demar-On February 17, 2014:



Video: German Television does first Edward Snowden Interview!-Posted on geoengineeringwatch.org-On February 12, 2014:



Snowden’s lawyer says she was ‘interrogated and harassed’ at London airport!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Phillip Swarts, The Washington Times-On February 17, 2014:



Dumbing Down: Florida Schools Ban Low Grades!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On February 18, 2014:



EXCLUSIVE: DHS official Marrone used private eye to find dirt on Rendell to undercut Pa. race: ‘Emails from corruption case undercut aide’s story, harken ‘Nixonian’ tactics’!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Kelly Riddell and Jim McElhatton, The Washington Times-On February 17, 2014:



Video: Former Clinton Aide Drops BOMBSHELL On Hillary, Bill!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On February 18, 2014:


4063835020?profile=originalReport Shows Distressing Drop In American Freedom!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On February 18, 2014:



Obama Encourages Drug Money Laundering!-Posted on Western Journalism-By –On CLIFF KINCAID-On February 21, 2014:



Homeland Security is seeking a national license plate tracking system!-Posted on The Washington Post-By Ellen Nakashima and Josh Hicks-On February 18, 2014:



License Plate Recognition Systems and Privacy: ‘The Changing Face of Privacy’!-Posted IDTheft.About.com-By Jake Stroup-On 2013:


4063835106?profile=originalDHS Abruptly Cancels Plan to Collect License Plate Tracking Information!-Posted on The Blaze-By Associated Press-On February 19, 2014:



Video: Father of the 15-year-old being held at Boston Children’s Hospital speaks out for the first time!-Posted on GlennBeck.com-On February 17, 2014:



Land of the Free: where the government can kidnap your child and lock her in a psych ward for a year!-Posted on The Matt Walsh Blog-On February 19, 2014:



Justice for Justina Pelletier!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On February 20, 2014:


4063835174?profile=originalVideo: Free Justina! Glenn explains why you have ‘the opportunity to save a woman’s life’!-Posted on GlennBeck.com-On February 19, 2014:



WOMAN DRAGGED TO JAIL FOR RECORDING COP: ‘Officer: ‘I know the law better than you, believe me’!-Posted on WND.com-By JOE KOVACS-On February 19, 2014:



BUSTED! DEMOCRATS IN MAJOR VOTING SCAM: ‘Undercover video shows astonishing illegal plot’!-Posted on WND.com-On February 19, 2014:



Obama Administration’s Plan to Study Newsrooms Is Drawing Plenty of Public Opposition!-Posted on The Blaze-By Fred Lucas-On February 19, 2014:





4063802385?profile=originalVideo: Obama Would Be Impeached If He Weren’t America’s First Black President!-Posted on YouTube.com-By RightSightings-On February 15, 2014:


4063802501?profile=originalVideo: Stockman: In Senate, I Would Vote To Convict Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On February 17, 2014:


4063802661?profile=originalThe World Is Being Run By Psychopaths & Sociopaths!-Posted on Before It’s News-By FSN-On February 11, 2014:



Sheep Never Stalk The Tiger!-Posted on Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On February 23, 2014:


4063813252?profile=original‘Nothing Will Be Fixed Until [US] Criminals Are Arrested’: Top US Official!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Washington’s Blog (Reporter)-On February 15, 2014:



Universities in FCC Newsroom Probe Have Close Ties to Soros, Got $1.8M in Funding: ‘Connections include partnerships with Soros foundation on events, projects’!-Posted on CNSNews.com-By Mike Ciandella-On February 21, 2014:



Former Justice Stevens: Change 2nd Amendment to Improve Constitution!-Posted on Big Government-By AWR HAWKINS-On February 22, 2014:



Senators Demand FBI Head Answer Questions About Dinesh D’Souza’s Indictment!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By Daniel Halper-On February 23, 2014:



Texas man turned away from voting booth over pro-gun Second Amendment T-shirt!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On Febraury 23, 2014:



SHUT UP WITH THE MARTIAL LAW HYSTERIA!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Devvy-On February 24, 2014:



Video: The REAL Target Of Obama’s Next Extrajudicial Assassination May Surprise You!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On February 24, 2014:






NEW HANKY PANKY FOR TRANSGENDER BATHROOMS: ‘Writing on the wall for next court battle’!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On February 25, 2014:



Police Charge Child With Felony After Throwing A Snowball!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On February 24, 2014:



UN Plotting to “Dramatically Alter” Your Views and Behavior!-Posted on The New American-By  Alex Newman-On February 24, 2014:



Eric Holder To State Attorneys General: You Don’t Have to Enforce Laws You Disagree With!-Posted on Townhall-By Katie Pavlich-On February 25, 2014:



Poll: Overwhelming Majority Believe News Monitoring Not the Government’s Job!-Posted on Townhall-By Katie Pavlich-On February 25, 2014:



Breaking News: Gun Confiscation Letters Sent Out in Connecticut!-Posted on CONSERVATIVE DAILY-On February 25, 2014:



Supreme Court ruling expands police authority in home searches: ‘The Supreme Court decision, based on a Los Angeles case, says officers may search a residence without a warrant as long as one occupant consents’!-Posted on LA Times-By David G. Savage-On February 25, 2014:



Black Pastor Calls President Obama the Worst President He’s Ever Seen!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Gary Demar-On February 26, 2014:



Video: Ted Nugent Nukes CNN: History Will Show That I’m Right About Obama: ‘CNN’s Erin Burnett interviews Rocker Ted Nugent’!-Posted on Western Journalism-On February 26, 2014:



David Frank on American Restoration: “We Have to Take Responsibility”!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On February 25, 2014:



Law professor: Americans are rising up against government!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-ByDr. Eowyn-On February 26, 2014:



WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS: ‘Famous liberal scorches Obama’s ‘dangerous’ use of executive orders’!-Posted on WND.com-By GARTH KANT-On February 26, 2014:



AMERICA, YOU ARE THE MILITIA!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Bradlee Dean-On February 26, 2014:


4063835556?profile=originalVideo: Actor Steven Seagal Calls For Obama’s Impeachment: ‘Actor Steven Seagal appeared at the Western Conservative Conference in Phoenix on February 22, 2014, where he called for the impeachment of President Obama’!-Posted on Western Journalism-On February 26, 2014:



IMPEACHMENT CHRONICLES!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Attorney Michael Peroutka-On February 26, 2014:



WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS: ‘Famous liberal scorches Obama’s ‘dangerous’ use of executive orders’!-Posted on WND.com-By GARTH KANT-On February 26, 2014:



Video: Top Democrats questioning ObamaCare ‘horror stories’!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 28, 2014:



Video: Mother with sickly daughter outraged by Reid’s comments!-Posted on FoxNews.com-O Febrary 28, 2014:



Video: ObamaCare Victims Fight Back: We Are Not Liars and Phonies!-Posted on NationFoxNews.com-On March 1, 2014:



30 STATES WAGE WAR ON ‘OBAMACORE’: ‘They thought people would be sheep and roll over, but it hasn’t turned out that way’!-Posted on WND.com-On March 2, 2014:



Video: First Amendment, American flag lose to Cinco de Mayo!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 28, 2014:



Unbelievable: Planned Parenthood Admits It Doesn’t Care When Life Begins!-Posted on B. Christopher Agee-On February 28, 2014:



Colorado Pot Shop Offers Free Marijuana to Those Who Register to Vote!-Posted on National Report-On March 1, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 21 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 21)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 8, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 27, 2014:


4063784434?profile=originalLetter to our NM Governor Martinez regarding climate change!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 18, 2014:


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!- Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2014:


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?



Faith of Our Forefathers!


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063422856?profile=originalNew World Order By Executive Order!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:



Obama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!



American Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2014:


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?



Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063835765?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 18 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 18)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs, videos and audio relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063825420?profile=originalThe State of Our Nation: The Greatest Threat to Our Freedoms Is the Government!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By John W Whitehead-On February 1, 2014:

The reality Americans must contend with is that the world is no better the day after President Obama’s State of the Union address than it was the day before. Indeed, if the following rundown on the actual state of our freedoms is anything to go by, the world is a far more dangerous place.

Americans have no protection against police abuse. It is no longer unusual to hear about incidents in which police shoot unarmed individuals first and ask questions later, such as the 16-year-old teenager who skipped school only to be shot by police after they mistook him for a fleeing burglar. Then there was the unarmed black man in Texas “who was pursued and shot in the back of the neck by Austin Police… after failing to properly identify himself and leaving the scene of an unrelated incident.” And who could forget the 19-year-old Seattle woman who was accidentally shot in the leg by police after she refused to show her hands?

Americans are no longer innocent until proven guilty. We once operated under the assumption that you were innocent until proven guilty. Due in large part to rapid advances in technology and a heightened surveillance culture, the burden of proof has been shifted so that the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty has been usurped by a new norm in which all citizens are suspects.

Americans no longer have a right to self-defense. In the wake of various shootings in recent years, “gun control” has become a resounding theme for government officials, with President Obama even going so far as to pledge to reduce gun violence “with or without Congress.” Those advocating gun reform see the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms as applying only to government officials. As a result, even Americans who legally own firearms are being treated with suspicion and, in some cases, undue violence. In one case, a Texas man had his home subjected to a no-knock raid and was shot in his bed after police, attempting to deliver a routine search warrant, learned that he was in legal possession of a firearm.

Americans no longer have a right to private property. If government agents can invade your home, break down your doors, kill your dog, damage your furnishings and terrorize your family, your property is no longer private and secure—it belongs to the government. Likewise, if government officials can fine and arrest you for growing vegetables in your front yard, praying with friends in your living room, installing solar panels on your roof, and raising chickens in your backyard, you’re no longer the owner of your property.

Americans are powerless in the face of militarized policeIn early America, citizens were considered equals with law enforcement officials. Authorities were rarely permitted to enter one’s home without permission or in a deceitful manner. And it was not uncommon for police officers to be held personally liable for trespass when they wrongfully invaded a citizen’s home. Unlike today, early Americans could resist arrest when a police officer tried to restrain them without proper justification or a warrant—which the police had to allow citizens to read before arresting them. As police forces across the country continue to be transformed into outposts of the military, with police agencies acquiring military-grade hardware in droves, Americans are finding their once-peaceful communities transformed into military outposts, complete with tanks, weaponry, and other equipment designed for the battlefield.

Americans no longer have a right to bodily integrity. Court rulings undermining the Fourth Amendment and justifying invasive strip searches have left us powerless against police empowered to forcefully draw our blood, strip search us, and probe us intimately. Accounts are on the rise of individuals—men and women—being subjected to what is essentially government-sanctioned rape by police in the course of “routine” traffic stops. Most recently, a New Mexico man was subjected to a 12-hour ordeal of anal probes, X-rays, enemas, and finally a colonoscopy because he allegedly rolled through a stop sign.

Americans no longer have a right to the expectation of privacyDespite the staggering number of revelations about government spying on Americans’ phone calls, Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, Google searches, emails, bookstore and grocery purchases, bank statements, commuter toll records, etc., Congress, the president and the courts have done little to nothing to counteract these abuses. Instead, they seem determined to accustom us to life in this electronic concentration camp.

Americans no longer have a representative government. We have moved beyond the era of representative government and entered a new age, let’s call it the age of authoritarianism. History may show that from this point forward, we will have left behind any semblance of constitutional government and entered into a militaristic state where all citizens are suspects and security trumps freedom.

Yes, the world is a far more dangerous place than it was a year ago. What the president failed to mention in his State of the Union address, however (and what I document in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State), is the fact that it’s the government that poses the gravest threat to our freedoms and way of life, and no amount of politicking, parsing or pandering will change that.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead [send him mail] is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. He is the author of A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State and The Change Manifesto (Sourcebooks).

Source Link:


4063812464?profile=originalThe Poison of Postmodern Lying: ‘When truth is relative, political expediency becomes the truth’!-Posted on National Review Online-By Victor Davis Hanson-On January 30, 2014:

AAll presidents have, at one time or another, fudged on the truth. Most politicians pad their résumés and airbrush away their sins. But what is new about political lying is the present notion that lies are not necessarily lies anymore — a reflection of the relativism that infects our entire culture.

Postmodernism (the cultural fad “after modernism”) went well beyond questioning norms and rules. It attacked the very idea of having any rules at all. Postmodernist relativists claimed that things like “truth” were mere fictions to preserve elite privilege. Unfortunately, bad ideas like that have a habit of poisoning an entire society — and now they have.

Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis was recently caught fabricating her own autobiography. She exaggerated her earlier ordeals, lied about the age at which she divorced, and was untruthful about how she paid for her Harvard Law School education.

When caught, Davis did not apologize for lying. Instead, she lamely offered that “my language should be tighter.” Apparently, only old fogies still believe in truth and falsehood — period. In contrast, Davis knows that promoting a progressive feminist agenda is “truth,” and she only needs to be “tighter” about her fabrications to neutralize her reactionary critics.

Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren for years falsely claimed that she was a Native American. That fabricated ancestry proved useful in upping her career trajectory. When pressed about her racial background during her 2012 campaign, the Harvard law professor denied any deliberate misrepresentation and went on to be elected. Such progressive crusaders assume that they serve the greater truth of social change.

In the gospel of postmodern relativism, what did it matter if the president of the United States promised that Obamacare would not alter existing health-care plans when it was clear that it would? Instead, the good intentions of universal health care are the only truth that matters.

For that matter, the “law” that requires a president to enforce legislation passed by Congress is likewise a construct. If ignoring bothersome laws — whether the individual mandate and timetable of Obamacare, or federal immigration law — serves a greater social justice, then such dereliction also becomes “truth.” Blindly enforcing legalistic details of the law that are deemed no longer in the interest of the people would be the real lie, or so the reasoning goes.

Without notions of objective truth there can never be lies, just competing narratives and discourses. Stories that supposedly serve the noble majority are true; those that supposedly don’t become lies — the facts are irrelevant. When Senator Hillary Clinton in 2007 heard the factual details of the successful Iraq surge as related by General David Petraeus, she said they required a “suspension of disbelief.” In her postmodern sensibility, fighting an unpopular war was a lie, but opposing it was the truth — and the actual metrics for whether the surge was working or not were simply an irrelevant narrative.

Later, as secretary of state, Clinton dismissed the circumstances surrounding the murders in Benghazi with the callous exclamation, “What difference does it make?” She had a postmodern point. If President Obama, thenUnited Nations ambassador Susan Rice, and Clinton herself all wrongly and deliberately assured the nation that a politically incorrect video had triggered the attacks in Benghazi, were they not on the right side of opposing religious bias and helping a progressive president to be reelected? How could that good intention be a lie?

If Director of National Intelligence James Clapper lied under oath to Congress that the National Security Agency does not snoop on American citizens, how can that be perjury if Clapper’s goal was to silence Obama’s right-wing critics? For that matter, if Clapper wanted to show tolerance for Islamists, how could it be a lie when he testified earlier that the radical Muslim Brotherhood was “largely secular”?

By what arbitrary rules can one claim that “Piss Christ” or other provocative anti-Christian art is blasphemous or inferior if its apparent purpose is to lessen the influence of a purportedly pernicious religion? Was Obama’s autobiography truth or fiction, or something in between — as hinted by the president himself when he was caught in untruths and then backed away from some of his stories, claiming they were now just “composites”?

Part of old America still abides by absolute truth and falsity. A door is either hung plumb or not. The calibrations of the Atlas rocket either are accurate and it takes off or inaccurate and it blows up. Noble intentions cannot make prime numbers like five or seven divisible.

But outside of math and science, whose natural truth man so far cannot impugn, almost everything else in America has become “it depends.” Admissions, hiring, evaluations, autobiographies, and the statements of politicians and government officials all become truthful if they serve the correct cause — and damn any reactionary discrepancies.  

To paraphrase George Orwell, everything is relative, but some things are more relative than others.

Source Link:


4063825461?profile=originalVideo: Judge Jeanine: Mr. President, who are you talking to?-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 2, 2014:


4063825471?profile=originalAudio: Worldmeets.US Radio News: SOTU, Syria, Poland’s CIA Prison, CELAC!-Posted BlogTalkRadio-By William Kern-On February 1, 2014:


4063825481?profile=originalGoverning by Pen and Phone: ‘Obama used to sigh that he was not a dictator who could act unilaterally. No more’!-Posted on National Review Online-By Victor Davis Hanson-On January 28, 2014:


4063802385?profile=originalBachmann: Obama’s Legacy Is ‘Establishment of Lawlessness in U.S.’!-Posted on CNSNews.com-By Michael W. Chapman-On January 21, 2014:


4063825552?profile=originalVideo: Is Obama running a ‘lawless presidency’?-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 3, 2014:


4063812282?profile=originalVideo: Charles Krauthammer Explains Obama’s Lawlessness in 50 Seconds!-Posted on The Foundry-By Karen Jeffers-On February 2, 2014:


4063820916?profile=originalJUDICIAL WATCH CONTINUES LAWSUIT AGAINST OBAMACARE LAWLESSNESS!-Posted on Big Government-By TOM FITTON-On January 29, 2014:


4063825531?profile=originalVideo: Bill O'Reilly's Super Bowl interview with President Obama!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 2, 2014:


4063825544?profile=originalObama on IRS Scandal: “Not Even A Smidgen Of Corruption!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On February 2, 2014:



Video: Christine O’Donnell reacts to ongoing IRS investigations!-Posted on FoxNews.com-By February 2, 2014:


4063825567?profile=originalObama and Executive Orders!-Posted on American Thinker-By Richard Winchester-On February 1, 2014:



Video: Court showdown looming over Obama’s executive actions?-Posted on FoxNews.com-On January 31, 2014:


4063825617?profile=originalObama Quietly Uses Executive Orders for Two New Gun Control Laws!-Posted on Vision To America-On February 1, 2014:


4063825589?profile=originalGallup Poll: Americans seeing gun laws as too strict has tripled since 2013!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On February 1, 2014:





4063825637?profile=originalVideo: Mom who lost insurance confronts president on ObamaCare!-Posted on FoxNews.com-By February 3, 2014:


4063825710?profile=originalMr. President, We Want Real Health Care Reform, Not Obamacare!-Posted on The Foundry-ByNina Owcharenko-On February 2, 2014:


4063825730?profile=originalInsider Video Of Barack Obama’s Idiotic Self-Announced Arrival Onto AF1-Posted on The Ulsterman Report-By Ulsterman-On February 1, 2014:


4063825743?profile=originalMutiny on the USS America?-Posted on AllenWest.com-By Allen West-On February 1, 2014:


4063825803?profile=originalChicago’s black community organizers to Obama: Just quit!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-ByDr. Eowyn-On February 1, 2014:


4063825853?profile=originalSupreme Court Justice Confirms American Internment Camps Will Happen Again: “It is the Reality”!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Mac Slavo-On February 5, 2014:


4063825825?profile=originalDefending the Imperial Presidency—When the Mood Strikes!-Posted on National Review Online-By Jonah Goldberg-On February 5, 2014:


4063692147?profile=originalHouse Intel Chair Suggests Glenn Greenwald Selling Snowden NSA Docs!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By ELIZABETH SHELD-On February 5, 2014:


4063814146?profile=originalSTATES LOOK TO REIN IN GOVERNMENT SURVEILLANCE: ‘We need to stand up and protect our liberty’!-Posted on News9.com-By By NIGEL DUARA-On February 5, 2014:


4063825843?profile=originalVideo: Obamacare will push 2 million workers out of labor market: CBO!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times-On February 4, 2014:


4063814310?profile=originalObamacare, a.k.a, ‘The War on Work’!-Posted on National Review Online-By Jim Geraghty-On February 5, 2014: 


4063825902?profile=originalOver 100 Leftist Groups Want To Take Away Your Choices At Restaurants!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On February 3, 2014:


4063825927?profile=originalLawmaker: Congress Should Write Executive Orders for Obama to Sign!-Posted on The Foundry-By Todd Thurman-On February 5, 2014:



Sheila Jackson Lee: Obama’s a Liberal Dictator So Executive Orders are OK!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Gary Demar-On February 8, 2014:


4063825966?profile=originalCollege presidents, corporate CEOs to help Obama in end-run around Congress!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Ben Wolfgang, The Washington Times-On February 4, 2014:


4063825772?profile=originalCommon Core: Corruption and Revisionist History!-Posted on EAGnews.org-By February 4, 2014:


4063813076?profile=originalPush to Impeach Obama Gains Major Ground!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On February 4, 2014:



BEN CARSON: OBAMA OFFICIALS ‘ACTING LIKE GESTAPO’: ‘We’re dealing with an extremely corrupt administration’!-Posted on WND.com-By JOSEPH FARAH-On February 7, 2014:



Good Morning America - Our Country has been Confiscated!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Marcia Wood-On February 6, 2014:



Tyrant Obama will force liberalism on America: ‘A lame duck is ruling by decree and violating the Constitution’!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Emily Miller, The Washington Times-On February 5, 2014:



COMMON CORE is rotten to the core!-Posted on AllenWestRepublic.com-By Allen West-On February 6, 2014:



Mayor: Nationwide Gun Confiscation Is Goal of Mayors Against Illegal Guns: ‘Poughkeepsie, N.Y. mayor says he left the group over confiscation plans’!-Posted on Infowars.com-By Kit Daniels Infowars.com-On February 7, 2014:



The IRS’ New Target: The First Amendment: ‘Proposed rules governing political groups are surely unconstitutional’!-Posted on USNews-By Peter Roff-On February 7, 2014:



THE TRUTH ABOUT BIGOTRY, ANARCHY, AND COMMIES!-Posted on ImpeachObamaCampaign.com-By A.J. CASTELLITTO-On February 7, 2014:



Barack Obama’s War on Blacks Marches On!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Gordan Runyan-On February 7, 2014:



Obama is not a Pathological Liar, He is an Ideological Liar!-Posted on American Thinker-By Lawrence Sellin-On December 9, 2013:



TEA PARTY RIPS ‘EVER-GROWING GOV’T’ THAT LIES AND SPIES: ‘We need to do what Americans have always done – come together and press for change’!-Posted on WND.com-By MICHAEL CARL-On January 28, 2014:



Video: NBC Calls Soviet-Era Communism, Responsible For Mass Suffering And Death, A ‘Pivotal Experiment’!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-On February 9, 2014:



Video: NBC: Communist Russia ‘one of modern history’s most pivotal experiments’!-Posted on GlennBeck.com-On February 10, 2014:



Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens: ‘The president’s partisan lawyers purport to vest him with the most extreme power a political leader can seize’!-Posted on The Guardian-By Glenn Greenwald, theguardian.com-On February 2013:



Video: Watch Jay Leno’s Best Comedic Jabs at President Obama: 3 Minutes of Non-Stop Thrashing!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-On February 9, 2014:



We Must Defacto Impeach the Defacto President to Start the Process to Reveal All the Enemy to the Constitution Within and Remove Him!-Posted on Cdr Kerchner (Ret)’s Log-By cfkerchner-On February 6, 2014:



A Nation of Laws, Not Men, Must Impeach Obama!-Posted on Townhall-By Diana West-On February 7, 2014:






Wisconsin Town Bans Display of American Flag!-Posted on Eagle Rising-By Onan Coca-On February 8, 2014:



List of Impeachment Supporters in Congress Steadily Growing!-Posted on Last Resistance-By Dave Jolly-On February 8, 2014:



SMOKING GUN IN IRS POLITICAL TARGETING: ‘Shocker! Leftist group paid to review right’!-Posted on WND.com-By AARON KLEIN-On February 10, 2014:



Using Deception, Bloomberg Conspires to Completely Disarm Americans: ‘Violent crimes will skyrocket if Bloomberg’s gun control agenda is realized’!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Kit Daniels,
Infowars.com-On February 10, 2014:



Harry Reid Looks to Change Rules to Ram Through Obama nominees!-Posted on Big Government-By ROBERT WILDE-On February 10, 2014:



OBAMA WANTS HIS FACE ON YOUR FACEBOOK PHOTO: ‘People are always looking for the perfect profile picture’!-Posted on WND.com-By JOE KOVACS-On February 10, 2014:



Dem Strategist: You Don’t Try to Impeach Someone Because ‘They’re Black in the White House’!-Posted on CNSNews.com-By Melanie Hunter-On February 10, 2014:



It Sucks to Be an American: Welcome to the New Normal, comrades!-Posted on PJ Media-By STEPHEN GREEN-On February 10, 2014:



Obama: ‘I Can Do Whatever I Want’!-Posted on Vision To America-By V2A-On February 11, 2014:



Is It Over, and We Just Don’t Know It? Have we lost our Founders’ government?-Posted on PJ Media-By TOM BLUMER-On February 10, 2014:



Obama Pushes and the People Punt!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On February 9, 2014:



NATIONAL GUARD TRAINS TO FIGHT ‘ANTI-GOVERNMENT’ AMERICANS: ‘2nd Amendment supporters portrayed as domestic terrorists’!-Posted on WND.com-On February 11, 2014:



Ohio National Guard Training Envisions Right-Wing Terrorism!-Posted Mediatrackers-By Jesse Hathaway-On February 10, 2014:


4063826524?profile=originalObama Activating Secret “Death Squads” To Target Gun Owners – VIPR teams!-Posted on Patriotism Today-By Robert Rich-On February 11, 2014:



Obama Wants To Kill American Citizen Without A Trial!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On February 11, 2014:



Video: Obama Admits He Rules The World!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TOM HINCHEY-On February 11, 2014:



Holder Wants To Let Black Felons Vote!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On February 11, 2014:



IRS SMOKING GUN AWAKENS SLEEPING GIANT: ‘Fox isn’t guarding henhouse. Fox has set up the deep fryer’!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On February 11, 2014:


4063826580?profile=originalHouse Committee Approves Bill to Prevent IRS Targeting!-Posted on Free Beacon-By Washington Free Beacon Staff-On February 11, 2014:


4063826604?profile=originalHow Much Power Will Congress Let Obama Seize?-Posted on CNSNews-By Terence P. Jeffrey-On February 12, 2014:



16 Reasons Why America Is Upside Down And Has Left Us!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DR. KEVIN “COACH” COLLINS-On February 11, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 20 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 20)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 18, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!- Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2014:


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063422856?profile=originalNew World Order By Executive Order!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:



Obama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063359908?profile=originalDishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


4063826715?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…

America’s “Long War” Against Humanity!

4063821895?profile=originalIf True-What’s extremely disturbing, but not surprising about this issue?-You Decide: 

America’s “Long War” against Humanity!-Posted on The Real Agenda News-By MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY-On Janaury 29, 2014:

The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. This “war without borders” is being carried out at the crossroads of the most serious economic crisis in World history, which has been conducive to the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population.

The Pentagon’s global military design is one of world conquest. The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the world simultaneously.

The concept of the “Long War” has characterized US military doctrine since the end of World War II. Worldwide militarization is part of a global economic agenda.

Militarization at the global level is instrumented through the US military’s Unified Command structure: the entire planet is divided up into geographic Combatant Commands under the control of the Pentagon. US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska plays a central role in coordinating military operations.

According to former NATO Commander General Wesley Clark, the Pentagon’s military road-map consists of a sequence of war theatres:

4063821962?profile=original“[The] five-year campaign plan [includes]… a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.” (Democracy Now, 2007)

The ongoing war on Syria is a stepping stone towards a war on Iran, which could lead to a process of military escalation.

Russia and China, which are allies of both Syria and Iran, are also targeted by US-NATO. In the wake of the Cold War, nuclear weapons are no longer a weapon of last resort (deterrence), their use is now contemplated in conventional war theatre.

The road to Tehran goes through Damascus. A US-NATO sponsored war on Iran would involve, as a first step, a destabilization campaign (“regime change”) including covert intelligence operations in support of Al Qaeda affiliated rebel forces directed against the Syria. .

The geopolitics of oil and oil pipelines is crucial in the conduct of these military operations.  The broader Middle East- Central Asian region encompasses more than 60 percent of the World’s oil reserves.

There are at present five distinct war theatres in the Middle East Central Asian region: Afghanistan-Pakistan, Iraq, Palestine, Libya and Syria.

An all out military attack on Syria would lead to the integration of these separate war theaters, eventually leading towards a broader Middle East-Central Asian war, engulfing an entire region from North Africa and the Mediterranean to Afghanistan, Pakistan and China’s Western frontier.

The 2000 Project for the New American Century (PNAC), first formulated by the NeoCons, was predicated on “waging a war without borders”.

The PNAC’s declared objectives were to “fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars in different regions of the world as well as perform the so-called military “constabulary” duties “associated with shaping the security environment in critical regions”. Global constabulary implies a worldwide process of military policing and interventionism, including covert operations and “regime change”, all of which are carried out in accordance with a “humanitarian mandate”.

Military actions are implemented simultaneously in different regions of the world (as outlined in the PNAC) as well as sequentially.

This military agenda undertaken under the banner of “Responsibility to Protect” largely prevails under the Obama presidency. Media propaganda has been instrumental is sustaining the fiction of humanitarian warfare.

The Legacy of World War II. Demise of Competing Imperialist powers

What is referred euphemistically as the “post war era” is in fact a period of continuous wars and militarization. This must be understood when focussing on contemporary US led wars. While commemorating World War I,  it is also important to understand that there is a continuum of US military strategies going back to World War I and the inter-war period.

The US emerges in the wake of the Second World War unscathed. Most of the fighting was conducted by its allies, a strategy which the US has used consistently in post-world war II conflicts. Moreover, a careful examination of World War II suggests that US corporate interests including Rockefeller’s Standard Oil supported both its allies and its enemies including Nazi Germany well beyond the US’s entry into World War II in 1941. The strategic objective was to weaken both sides, namely to destabilize competing imperialist powers.

Emerging as the victor nation in the wake of World War II, the US has determined the political and economic contours of post-War Western Europe. US troops are stationed in several European countries. Both its World War II adversaries (Germany, Japan, Italy) as well as its allies (France, U.K. Belgium, the Netherlands) have been weakened. With the exception of the U.K. which is part of the Anglo-American axis, these countries are outgoing colonial powers, displaced by US hegemony. Their pre-World War II colonial territories including Indonesia, The Congo, Indochina, Rwanda (among others) have been gradually integrated over a period of half a century into a dominant US sphere of influence.

4063821984?profile=originalIn Africa, the process of displacement of France’s sphere of influence is still ongoing. The US is currently taking over the control of France’s former colonies in central Africa. Washington also exerts a decisive role in the Maghreb.

“Internal Colonialism” in the European Union

A complex form of  “internal colonialism” is also emerging in the European Union. US financial institutions and business conglomerates together with their European partners are prevalent in setting both the monetary, trade and investment agenda.

Politics are subordinated to dominant financial interests. What is also unfolding in terms of secret trade negotiations (under the TTIP and CETA), is a process of economic and political integration between the EU and North America. These agreements together with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) constitute the building blocks of a process of global economic domination.

Meanwhile, presidential and parliamentary elections in the EU, including Germany, Italy and France (e.g. Sarkozy and Hollande) are increasingly the object of covert political interference (modeled on the color revolutions), namely US sponsored regime change. The fundamental question is to what extent are European leaders political proxies.

US Sponsored Wars and Military Intelligence Operations

This entire period (1945- present) has been marked by a succession of US sponsored wars and military-intelligence interventions in all major regions of the World.

We are not dealing with piecemeal military operations pertaining to specific countries and regions: There is a military roadmap, a sequence of military operations. Non-conventional forms of intervention including State sponsored terrorist attacks rather than theater war have also been launched.

America’s war is a cohesive and coordinated plan of Worldwide military conquest which serves dominant financial and corporate interests. The structure of alliances including NATO is crucial.

The European Union plays a central role in this military agenda. The member states of the EU are allies of the Anglo-American axis, but at the same time, a restructuring process is occurring within the EU, whereby previously sovereign countries are increasingly under the jurisdiction of powerful financial institutions.

The imposition of the IMF’s deadly economic reforms on several European countries is indicative of America’s interference in European affairs. What is at stake is a major shift in EU political and economic structures, whereby member states of the EU are de facto re-categorized by the IMF and treated in the same way as an indebted Third World country.

Military Strategy

While the US has intervened militarily in major regions of the World, the thrust of US foreign policy is to have these wars fought by America’s allies or to resort to non-conventional forms of warfare.

The thrust of this agenda is twofold.

1) US military might is coupled with that of “Global NATO” including Israel. We are dealing with a formidable force, in terms of advanced weapons systems. US military bases have been established in all major regions of the World under the geographical command structure. A new African command has been established.

2) Military action supports powerful economic and financial interests. A strategy of “Economic Warfare” under the neoliberal agenda is implemented in close coordination with military planning.

The purpose of warfare is not conquest per se. The US lost the Vietnam war, but the ultimate objective was to destroy Vietnam as a sovereign country. Vietnam together with Cambodia today constitute a new impoverished frontier of the global cheap labor economy.

The imperial project is predicated on economic conquest, implying the confiscation and appropriation of the wealth and resources of sovereign countries. In the Middle East, successive wars have been geared towards the confiscation of oil and gas reserves.

Countries are destroyed, often transformed into territories, sovereignty is foregone, national institutions collapse, the national economy is destroyed through the imposition of “free market” reforms under the helm of the IMF, unemployment becomes rampant, social services are dismantled, wages collapse, and people are impoverished.

The ruling capitalist elites in these countries are subordinated to those of the US and its allies. The nation’s assets and natural resources are transferred into the hands of foreign investors through a privatization program imposed by the invading forces.

Historical Background: Nuclear Weapons. The Legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

America’s early nuclear weapons doctrine under the Manhattan Project was not based on the Cold War notions of “Deterrence” and “Mutually Assured Destruction” (MAD). Contemporary post Cold War US nuclear doctrine is based on the notion that nuclear weapons can be used in the conventional war theater and that these weapons are “harmless to civilians”.

The strategic objective in the use of both conventional and nuclear attacks has been to trigger “mass casualty producing events” resulting in tens of thousands of deaths.

This strategy first applied during World War II in Japan and Germany was to terrorize an entire nation, as a means of military conquest.

In Japan, military targets were not the main objective: the notion of “collateral damage” was used as a justification for the mass killing of civilians, under the official pretense that Hiroshima was “a military base” and that civilians were not the target.Harry

In the words of president Harry Truman:

“We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world. … This weapon is to be used against Japan … [We] will use it so that military objectives and soldiers and sailors are the target and not women and children. Even if the Japs are savages, ruthless, merciless and fanatic, we as the leader of the world for the common welfare cannot drop that terrible bomb on the old capital or the new. …  The target will be a purely military one…

“It seems to be the most terrible thing ever discovered, but it can be made the most useful.” 20 (President Harry S. Truman, Diary, July 25, 1945)

“The World will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians..” (President Harry S. Truman in a radio speech to the Nation, August 9, 1945).

[Note: the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945; the Second on Nagasaki, on August 9, on the same day as Truman’s radio speech to the Nation]

4063822059?profile=originalContinue Reading:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following video revealed the New World Order (Secret Societies) and how evil is systematically fulfilling Bible prophecy.  It is a 6,000 year survey of secret societies and a 220 year survey of progressively engineered warfare. Far from "conspiracy theory" or "Bible thumping", it calmly relies on original source documents. This video will challenge your world-view, regardless of your background.  It is for those who want the truth. Also included are eye-opening articles that reveal the International Banking Cartels, to include the Federal Reserve, Big Oil & their bankers, Rothschilds, Secret Societies, Illuminati and their global intelligence, narcotics & terror network, which I believe all relate to this extremely disturbing issue-You Decide:

4063670213?profile=originalVideo: NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy (Vol. 1)!-Posted on YouTube-ByLeonardUlrich-On June 1, 2011:


4063734014?profile=originalThe International Banking Cartel on Press TV!-Posted on VT News-By Dean Henderson-On November 16, 2012:


4063734014?profile=originalThe Federal Reserve Cartel: Part I: The Eight Families!-Posted on VT News-By Dean Henderson-On December 4, 2012:


4063734014?profile=originalThe Federal Reserve Cartel: Part II: The Freemason BUS & the House of Rothschild!-Posted on VT News-By Dean Henderson-On December 7, 2012:


4063734014?profile=originalThe Federal Reserve Cartel: Part III: The Roundtable & the Illuminati!-Posted on VT News-ByDean Henderson-On December 10, 2012:


4063734014?profile=originalThe Federal Reserve Cartel: Part IV: A Financial Parasite!-Posted on VT News-By Dean Henderson-On December 14, 2012:


4063734014?profile=originalThe Federal Reserve Cartel: Part V: The Solution!-Posted on VT News-By Dean Henderson-On December 17, 2012:


4063734054?profile=originalWikiLeaks releases Kissinger cables that reveal the 1973 Yom Kippur War, and America’s entanglement with a series of Cold War dictatorships in Europe and Latin America!-Posted on The Independent-By TIM WALKER-On April 8, 2013:


4063733968?profile=originalRothschilds’ BCCI Shake Down of Arabs!-Posted on VT News-By Dean Henderson-On April 9, 2013:


4063734076?profile=originalBilderberg Uncovered: Confab Set to Take Place In Watford UK on Jun...: Hotel staff told “high profile” group will descend on luxury venue!-Posted on PrisonPlanet.com-By Paul Joseph Watson,
Prison Planet.com-On April 13, 2013:


4063734091?profile=originalTop Globalists Meet in Berlin to Plot Strategy!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Intellihub-On April 10, 2013:


4063733984?profile=originalItalian Supreme Court President Blames Bilderberg For Terrorist Att...: Document says secretive group was involved in “strategy of tension”!-Posted on InforWars.com-By Paul Joseph Watson,
Infowars.com-On April 11, 2013:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063822040?profile=originalVideo: Jordan Maxwell ‘Occult World Leaders’!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Insightfreeman-On April 19, 2013:


4063812250?profile=originalWith friends like these…Karzai says U.S., not Taliban, secretly conducted attacks!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Cheryl K. Chumley, The Washington Times-On January 28, 2014:


4063812291?profile=originalIranian commander: We have targets within America!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Reza Kahlili-On February 2, 2014:


4063812395?profile=originalIntel chief: al-Qaida wants to attack US!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Nelson Campbell-OnFebruary 2, 2014:


4063812464?profile=originalThe Poison of Postmodern Lying: ‘When truth is relative, political expediency becomes the truth’!-Posted on National Review Online-By Victor Davis Hanson-On January 30, 2014:


4063800709?profile=originalSWEDISH STUDY: ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS GREATEST TERRORISM THREAT!-Posted on Big Peace-BySTEVEN EMERSON-On January 31, 2014:


4063812318?profile=originalExposed: The Muslim Brotherhood/Al-Qaeda Connection!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Raymond Ibrahim-On February 7, 2014


4063745755?profile=originalREPORTS: SARIN GAS USED BY U.N.-BACKED LIBYANS: ‘Tribal leader: ‘Al-Qaida-related Islamic militia killing civilian members of our tribe’!-Posted on WND.com-By JEROME R. CORSI-On February 6, 2014:


4063822154?profile=originalVideo: CIA Agent Captured In Ukraine Helping Ukranian Protesters!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On February 20, 2014:


4063822114?profile=originalWhat Is Happening In Ukraine Is Far More Important Than Most People Realize!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Michael Snyder-OnFebruary 24, 2014:


4063822175?profile=originalUkraine Gun Owners Association Demands Their Own Second Amendment!-Posted on Big Peace-By MARY CHASTAIN-On February 24, 2014:


4063748873?profile=originalAudio: Impeachment AD now running on major DC radio station!-Posted on LaRouche PAC-On February 27, 2014


4063822124?profile=originalExtremists in Venezuela and Ukraine get money from same sources?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By National Director, Dee-On February 27, 2014:


4063518153?profile=originalDOGS OF WAR, ARCHITECTS OF TERROR!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Darren Weeks-On
July 25, 2014:


4063802661?profile=originalThe World Is Being Run By Psychopaths & Sociopaths!-Posted on Before It’s News-By FSN-On February 11, 2014:


4063822220?profile=originalHOMELAND SECURITY PREDICTS RISE OF ‘ANTI-GOVERNMENT’ VIOLENCE!-Posted on Big Government-By KERRY PICKET-On August 14, 2014:


4063822254?profile=originalTHE COLD WAR HOAX (PART 1)!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Servando Gonzalez
August 15, 2014:


4063822238?profile=originalISIS Ice-Bucket-Challenge Fundraiser To Fight “United States Devils” Passes $1 Million Mark!-Posted on National Report-By Ashley Downes-Cox-On August 15, 2014:


4063822267?profile=originalLook: ISIS Flag Raised In Front Of White House: How capable is ISIS of following through on its threats?-Posted on WND.com-By F. Peter Brown-On August 15, 2014:


4063822284?profile=originalObama faces growing pressure for more military force against Islamic State: ‘Lawmakers call for ground troops in Iraq, airstrikes in Syria to counter terroist group’!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Ben Wolfgang, The Washington Times-On August 17, 2014:


4063822309?profile=originalCIA Expert: Obama and Osama Have the Same Goals in the Middle East!-Posted on Conservative Tribune-On August 18, 2014:


4063623102?profile=originalIRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, LIBYA: DID ANYONE EXPECT A DIFFERENT OUTCOME?-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Devvy-On
August 18, 2014:


4063822407?profile=originalNothing to Do With Islam!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Bruce Thornton-On August 18, 2014:


4063822420?profile=originalUS Intel : Will Patriots Help Us Expose Government Psyops?-Posted on Before It’s News-By Glenn Canady-On September 15, 2014:


4063822332?profile=originalBirds of a Feather: John McCain Defends Henry Kissinger!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Brandon Turbeville-On January 30, 2015:


4063822360?profile=originalWar, lies and Brian Williams!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By John Myers-On February 18, 2015:


4063822350?profile=originalFormer Ambassador Robert Ford Admits “Conspiracy Theorists” Were Right – Jihadists Are Majority Of Rebels!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Brandon Turbeville-On February 22, 2015:


Videos: U.S. Media Silent as U.N. Security Council Accuses Obama of War Crimes!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By MIchael DePinto-On October 10, 2016:


U.S. Military Operations Are Biggest Motivation for Homegrown Terrorists, FBI Study Finds-Posted on The Intercept-By Murtaza Hussain, Cora Currier-On October 11, 2016:


Freedoms we’ve lost while our military is ‘fighting for our freedoms’!-Posted on BobLivingstonLetter.com-By Bob Livingston-On September 18, 2019:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 68)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 15, 2018:



Dogs of War, Architects of Terror!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2017:


4063371851?profile=originalTime To Remember Those Who Fought and Died For What They Thought Was Freedom!


4063734492?profile=original9/11 TRUTH SEEKERS: THE ‘LUNATIC FRINGE’ IS WHOM?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 25, 2014:


4063559463?profile=originalMy Opinion of How and Who Controls the People! 


4063591162?profile=originalNew Evidence in The JFK Assassination!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 20, 2014:


4063547843?profile=originalPowerful men who meet secretly to plan on how to run our country!


4063551677?profile=originalAre 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War? (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 27, 2014:


4063371464?profile=originalBlowing a whistle on Benghazi: There’s no hiding four murders!


4063692851?profile=originalIsrael Helps Its Al-Qaeda Ally With Attack on Syria: Tel Aviv emboldens western-backed jihadists (Part 1)!


4063547923?profile=originalVice President Biden Calls for a New World Order!


4063422856?profile=originalNew World Order By Executive Order!


4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY”! (Part 1)


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?


4063534881?profile=originalAmerican Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 19)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 3, 2014:


4063822488?profile=originalNew EPA Land Grab, Complete Control Over All Private Land in America! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 11, 2014:


4063566206?profile=originalGeoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2014:


4063736304?profile=originalHow “climate change” is supposedly impacting New Mexico and other southwestern states because of ensuing drought and devastating wildfires!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-ByJake Martinez-On February 10, 2014:


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!


4063734602?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America! (Part 4)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On September 24, 2014:


4063822610?profile=originalIs Barack Obama Our Last American President?


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063692791?profile=originalObama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!


4063371279?profile=originalWhen A U.S. President IS Muslim Brotherhood!(Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 17, 2014:


4063784582?profile=originalThe Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1):


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?


4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


4063822662?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


4063623102?profile=originalVote Fraud – What They Aren’t Telling You!


4063822637?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!


4063822701?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Shadow Party’s alleged agenda to take down America)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 13, 2015:


4063557550?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall (re: Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 17, 2014:


4063758287?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (re: Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


4063784434?profile=originalLetter to our NM Governor Martinez regarding a “Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


4063822701?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Articles of Impeachment and Impeachment Proceedings)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 12, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!


4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!


4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!


God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!

Source Link:


Read more…


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 17 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 17)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 25, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs, videos and audio relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:


I Am Afraid of My Government!-Posted on Accuracy In Media-By Alan Caruba-On January 29, 2014:

I came into this world when Franklin D. Roosevelt was President and I have never been afraid of my government until now.

I am not alone. A consistent and growing theme of commentaries on the conservative news sites and blogs that I read every day is the fear of the Obama administration that has been cracking down on those who criticize it. They get audited by the IRS. They are refused the same status as non-profit entitles engaging in public education as Left-leaning organizations. They are accused of being racists, homophobes, anti-immigration, and anti-women.

This goes beyond the ordinary disagreements between individuals and groups that express opposition to the Obama administration. It has the look of a deliberate campaign and we have three more years of Obama as President in which to endure it.

In a speech to the leftist nonprofit Center for American Progress, Sen. Chuck Schumer, (D-BY) recently urged the IRS to “redouble” its intimidation tactics against the Tea Party. He represents a State whose governor recently said that conservatives were not welcome to live and do business. Its largest city, New York, just elected a Marxist as its mayor.

Jim Lakely, the director of communications of The Heartland Institute, a free market think tank that has led the effort to debunk the global warming hoax, recently posted a commentary, “The Unceasing Political Thuggery of Obama’s Gangster Government.” He noted Michael Barone’s description of the Obama administration as a “gangster government.”

Lakely cited the growing list of actions taken against some who have expressed criticism. It includes Dinesh D’Souza, who produced a documentary about Obama’s life, “Obama’s America,” and who was arrested on felony charges for violating campaign finance law. “This is beyond absurd—especially in light of what the FBI and IRS have found not worthy of any investigation, let alone indictment” in the past. A Hollywood group of conservatives, the only one there, received an IRS demand for its complete donor list; this is a repeat of similar demands of Tea Party groups seeking non-profit status. James O’Keefe whose Project Veritas exposed the nonprofit status of the leftist ACORN is being audited as was Frank VanderSloot, a big Republican donor as was conservative journalist Wayne Allen Root—twice. The list keeps growing.

The Heartland Institute was subjected to the stealing of its confidential budget and planning documents by global warming activist Peter Gleick “for the purpose of harassing” its donors, but no action has been taken against him by law enforcement authorities.

“Never in the history of this country have we seen such a broad and coordinated abuse of the government’s power to threaten criminal prosecution and ruin the lives and livelihoods of people the President and his party see as political ‘enemies’”, says Lakely.

“This should be the political scandal of the century—if only we had an honorable and competent MSM (mainstream media) press corps in this country.”

Ordinary Americans have cause to share my fear as they discover the wreckage that Obamacare is inflicting on our healthcare system, losing their insurance plans, and now we are hearing that the insurance industry may have to be bailed out as it is subjected to major losses. The government’s website is not only a disaster, but it subjects anyone using it to the threat of identity theft as experts testify it can be hacked with ease.

The economy of a nation with enormous energy reserves, enough to make us energy sufficient for decades, is being undermined by a deliberate campaign to shut down coal-fired plants and make the construction of new ones impossible. The Keystone XL pipeline from Canada has been delayed for five years despite the jobs it represents and access to oil at the same time the government has slowed the provision of leases to oil companies seeking to explore and extract our own reserves.

And millions of Americans are out of work or have ceased looking for work as the result of the worst economic “recovery” in the history of the nation. This is occurring at a time when the Obama administration has added $6 trillion to the nation’s debt, causing a leading credit agency to downgrade the nation’s credit rating for the first time in its history.

The scandals attributed to the Obama administration keep mounting from “Fast and Furious” that transmitted weapons to Mexican drug cartels, to the failure to provide security to our Libyan consulate despite many requests, leading to the Benghazi killing of a U.S. ambassador and three brave security personnel who went to his aid. The list keeps growing.

There is ample reason for Americans to fear their government these days and the mood of the nation is growing worse as they realize that they have a President who lies all the time and pursues “climate change” policies that have no basis in known science and a campaign of class war based on “income inequality” as the incomes of Middle Class Americans have suffered a decline. The solution to income inequality has always been an increase in the national economy.

The nation’s military is being undermined by budget cuts and policies that encourage open homosexual participation and the introduction of women into its combat forces. A growing list of generals and admirals have been forced to retire.

It has taken only five years to bring the nation to this point and none of the scandals has resulted in anyone in the Obama administration being held accountable.

They have good reason. When they can no longer depend on the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service, and other elements of the government to act lawfully, this nation—a nation of laws—we are all in jeopardy.

For these and other reasons I and many Americans are growing fearful. We have good reason.

Source Link:



Video: “2016: Obama’s America” Producer: “I Have Never Feared My Gov’t Until Now”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On January 29, 2014:



LEFT VS. RIGHT DEBATE TO FEATURE D’SOUZA, AYERS: ‘It’s ‘Spirit of ‘76’ vs. ‘brink of destruction’!-Posted on WND.com-On January 29, 2014:

Where the United States is heading, and where many think it should he heading, is expected to be defined in so many words tonight when “2016″ moviemaker Dinesh D’Souza debates President Obama’s longtime buddy, unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers.

The topic will be “What’s So Great About America?” and the face-off features D’Souza, whose 2008 film, “2016: Obama’s America,” envisions the dire consequences he expects from Obama’s tenure in the White House.

It’s the second-highest grossing political documentary of all time.

Watch Bill Ayers and Dinesh D’Souza face off over “What’s So Great About America?” This extraordinary Left versus Right debate will take place Thursday, Jan. 30, at 7:30 pm EST.

Ayers, meanwhile, with his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, were the main founders of the domestic terror group the Weather Underground, which ultimately was assigned responsibility for dozens of bombings aimed at destroying the defense and security infrastructure of the U.S.

Ayers characterized the Weather Underground as “an American Red Army” and said the ideology was to: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.”

In a 2001 memoir, he wrote, “Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon. The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.”

In a 2001 interview with the New York Times, Ayers said, “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” Accompanying the article was a photograph of him stepping on an American flag.

Ayers worked for years in the education industry in Chicago, and is noted for holding a fundraiser for Obama in that city while Obama was launching his political career. He’s also been cited by many as the real author of “Dreams From My Father,” which purportedly is Obama’s autobiographical writing.

Gerald R. Molen, producer for D’Souza’s “2016″ said, “I’m looking forward to watching the debate between my friend and colleague, Dinesh D’Souza, and the president’s friend and colleague, Bill Ayers.

“It will be a great opportunity for the American people to tune in online and see the stark differences between the spirit of 1776 that gave us this great country and the spirit of 1968 – the radical vision for our nation that has brought us to the brink of destruction.”

D’Souza’s film, “2016: Obama’s America,” is to be followed soon by a new project, called “America.”

His appearance has been overshadowed by the recent accusation from authorities that he donated more than the legal requirement to the 2006 campaign of Republican Wendy Long, who lost the race for the U.S. Senate seat in New York that had been vacated by Hillary Clinton.

The indictment charges D’Souza donated $20,000 to Long’s campaign by aggregating the money from various people and falsely reporting the source of the funds.

As WND reported, many of D’Souza’s defenders see the indictment as the administration exacting revenge over D’Souza’s film.


Molen, in a previous WND interview, called the charges against D’Souza “the equivalent of prosecuting a political dissident in the Soviet Union for jaywalking.”

“Yes, jaywalking in the Soviet Union is a crime, but it’s a minor crime. The real point is that you are a political dissenter and the government wants to put you away,” he said.

“When Dinesh D’Souza can be prosecuted for making a movie,” he continued, “every American should ask themselves one question: ‘What will I do to preserve the First Amendment?’”

Dennis Michael Lynch, well-known for his films on immigration, “They Come to America” and “They Come to America II: The Cost of Amnesty,” also sees a political motive behind the charges.

In pointed out that D’Souza’s new project is arriving just before the 2014 midterm election.

“What Dinesh D’Souza proved is there is a huge appetite, a huge audience, for the kinds of films that he and I make. That’s why it won’t happen again. Because, the other side knows that. And they want to make sure that doesn’t happen,” observed Lynch.

Dinesh D’Souza’s books are available at the WND Superstore

His new “America” is scheduled for release July 4, and Molen predicts it will become a thorn in Obama’s side because of the prosecution against D’Souza.

“This action may have been designed to intimidate us, but it will have the opposite effect,” Molen said.

D’Souza’s lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, released a statement saying, “Mr. D’Souza did not act with any corrupt or criminal intent whatsoever. He and the candidate have been friends since their college days, and at worst, this was an act of misguided friendship by D’Souza.”

See a trailer for the upcoming “America:”


Watch Bill Ayers and Dinesh D’Souza face off over “What’s So Great About America?” This extraordinary Left versus Right debate will take place Thursday, Jan. 30, at 7:30 pm EST.

Source Link:



What’s So Great About America?-Posted on Eagle Rising-By David Whitley-On February 3, 2014:


4063820379?profile=originalD’SOUZA TO HANNITY: MOVIE ‘RATTLED,’ ‘UPSET’ OBAMA: ‘Filmmaker talks about ‘targeting,’ ‘payback,’ Bill Ayers’!-Posted on WND.com-On January 31, 2014:



Obama critics: D’Souza indictment is payback!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On February 1, 2014:



Video: Exclusive: Mitch McConnell slams WH for intimidating critics!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On January 29, 2014:



EVERYONE LOVES A POLICE STATE!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Chuck Baldwin-On January 30, 2014:

A few years ago, Reuters News reported that a nationwide poll conducted of the Russian people found that former dictator Josef Stalin was voted the third most popular historical figure. Over one-third of the Russian population participated in the poll.

See the report; "Dictator Stalin Voted Third Most Popular Russian"

Can you imagine? Stalin just might be the greatest mass-murderer in human history. Estimates of the body count during Stalin’s reign of terror range anywhere from 20-60 million, and that doesn’t include the millions of people who were starved, imprisoned, and tortured but who didn’t die. Only China’s Mao Tse-tung rivals Stalin’s butchery. Then, again, many Chinese people still love Mao Tse-tung, too.

How is it that people can laud and honor tyrants and butchers? How can people so easily submit to slavery and despotism?

No tyrant rises to power calling himself a tyrant. Tyranny is never sold as tyranny. Every tyrannical regime of history considered itself to be patriotic and compassionate; and the people who supported and submitted to such regimes considered themselves to be patriotic and compassionate, as well. The police state is never called that by those who promote it; they call it “law and order,” “keeping the peace,” “protecting the homeland,” etc.

Ask the average American today about the possibility that our country could become a police state and the common response is, “That could never happen here.” But, ladies and gentlemen, it is already happening here. And, furthermore, it seems that the vast majority of the American people are all in favor it. Republicans love it; Democrats love it; Christians love it; politicians love it; police officers love it; pastors love it; school teachers love it; businessmen love it; everyone loves a police state.

Threaten to remove Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty, and Christians and conservatives come out of the woodwork in righteous indignation. Threaten to put a Nativity scene on some courthouse lawn, and Democrats and liberals come out of the woodwork in righteous indignation. But propose laws that strip the American people of their God-ordained liberties protected by the Bill of Rights, and conservatives and liberals alike, Christians and unbelievers alike, think it’s just about the greatest thing since sliced bread.

You don’t believe that? Try this news story on for size:

According to a World Net Daily report, “The 2014 NDAA was fast-tracked through the U.S. Senate, with no time for discussion or amendments, while most Americans were distracted by the scandal surrounding A&E’s troubles with ‘Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson.

“Eighty-five of 100 senators voted in favor of the new version of the NDAA, which had already been quietly passed by the House of Representatives.”

The report continued saying, “Section 1021 allows the detention of anyone, including American citizens, by the military, if the president considers that person to have helped with terror.”

The report further said, “Congress specifically expressed its desire for the detention provision to apply to American citizens even on American soil by rejecting multiple amendments that would have exempted them.”

So, where are the notable leaders of the Religious Right? Where are the liberal groups? Where is the national media? Where are the talking heads from the right and the left? With precious few exceptions, they are absolutely silent on the subject. Why? Because they like it.

Liberals never met a big-government program or proposal they didn’t like. If it increases the size and scope of government, liberals love it. Conservatives love anything that smacks of “law and order.” (A word of caution: you never want to be the defendant in a courtroom where the jury is stacked with conservatives. If you do, you’re dead meat, friend.) And Christians get goose bumps up their spine about anything they think resembles Romans 13. Give government more power over our lives and listen to the Hallelujahs ringing out from the all of these 501c3 churches. And ditto for most of the talking heads on radio and television and the vast majority of the pundits and spokesmen from the national news media. Like I said, everyone loves a police state.

Well, not everyone, thank God!

The same WND report mentioned above states, “Some of the nation’s most respected legal teams are asking the Supreme Court to take up a challenge to the indefinite-detention provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act, charging the law has created the framework for a police state.

Continue Reading:



POLICE STATE AMERICA!-Posted on ImpeachObamaCampaign.com-By ALLAN ERICKSON-On January 29, 2014:



U.S. SUED OVER UNARMED MOM’S D.C. KILLING: ‘Family seeking $75 million after woman shot dead by federal agents’!-Posted on WND.com-By GARTH KANT-On January 30, 2014:



Video: Ted Cruz Grills Eric Holder On Investigation Into IRS Targeting Of Conseratives!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By DEBRA HEINE-On January 29, 2014:



National Security Reporting ‘Criminalized’ Under Obama!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 31, 2014:



OBAMA’S ‘NSA WATCHDOG’ FUNDED RESEARCH TARGETING REPORTERS: ‘Campaign included de facto enemies list, investigations of news personalities’!-Posted on WND.com-By AARON KLEIN-On January 29, 2014:


4063820543?profile=originalIf it Weren’t for Snowden!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 29, 2014:


4063820607?profile=originalDoes Edward Snowden Deserve A Nobel Prize?-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On January 31, 2014:



Snowden Gets Nobel Nomination as U.S. Pursues Trial!-Posted on Bloomberg Technology-By Mike Dorning and Saleha Mohsin-On January 29, 2014:



OBAMA’S CORRUPTION EXPOSED FROM THE INSIDE: ‘Exclusive: Jim Fletcher reviews revelations from Secret Service whistleblower’!-Posted on WND.com-By JIM FLETCHER-On January 29, 2014:



PETE SEEGER, ‘TOTALITARIAN TROUBADOUR’!-Posted on Big Government-By BREITBART NEWS-On January 29, 2014:



Video: Obama to further restrict federal land from oil production!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Dave Boyer, The Washington Times-On January 29, 2014:



Cruz Blasts Obama’s Use of Executive Orders!-Posted on The Foundry-By Todd Thurman-On January 29, 2014:






Video: CNN Poll: 67% Oppose Obama’s Executive Agenda: ‘Clear majority of State of the Union viewers want Obama to work with Congress’!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Paul Joseph Watson,
Infowars.com-On January 29, 2014:



The President Won’t Be Needing You!-Posted on The Foundry-By Amy Payne-On January 29, 2014:



15 Dreadfully Treasonous Words In Obama’s Speech!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On January 30, 2014:



Video: FRANK GAFFNEY’S SECURE FREEDOM MINUTE: STATE OF THE FRAUD!-Posted on Breitbart TV-On January 29, 2014:



Allen West “Wounded warrior gets stabbed in the back at SOTU!-Posted on AllenWestRepublic.com-By Allen West-On January 29, 2014:












Video: Hospitals to pay ObamaCare premiums for uninsured patients?-Posted on FoxNews.com-On January 31, 2014:






Obama Says He Will Continue Gun Control Push Without Congress!-Posted on NewsMax.com-By Thomson/Reuters-On January 28, 2014:



Gun Control: Amicus Brief, as filed in Quinn v. Texas!-Posted on usjf.net-On January 27, 2014:



This Made Me Jump Off the Couch!-Posted on RushLiimbaugh.com-By Rush Limbaugh-On January 29, 2014:






THE KING’S SPEECH!-Posted on ImpeachObamaCampaign.com-By DAVE MERRICK-On January 29, 2014:









Video: Lee’s Tea Party Response: ‘American Dream Falling Out of Reach’!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 29, 2014:



Video: Republican Response to Barack Obama’s 2014 State of the Union Address!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On January 29, 2014:



Liberals Unhappy with Diminished Obama!-Posted on RushLimbaugh.com-By Rush Limbaugh-On January 29, 2014:



Video: Vulnerable Dems not buying into Obama’s SOTU agenda!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On January 29, 2014:



Video: CNN’s John King Amazed At How Fast Senate Democrats Abandoned Obama After SOTU!-Posted on Accuracy in Media-By Don Irvine-On January 29, 2014:



What Congress Did While You Were Talking About the State of the Union!-Posted on The Foundry-By Amy Payne-On January 30, 2014:



Obama 1 step closer to seizing retirement accounts!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 29, 2014:



Ted Cruz: The Imperial Presidency of Barack Obama: ‘In the nation’s history, there is simply no precedent for an American president so wantonly ignoring federal law’!-Posted on The Wall Street Journal-By TED CRUZ-On January 28, 2014:



Video: Glenn Beck: Obama Vows to Become ‘America’s First Dictator’!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 29, 2014:



Bachmann says House preparing to sue Obama for overreach: ‘He’s not a king’!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Alex Pappas, Political Reporter-On January 29, 2014:



Obama on Being Sued by Congress: ‘I Am Not Particularly Worried About It’!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Alex Pappas, Political Reporter-On January 31, 2014:



Video: Fiery Townhall: “Obama Should Be Executed”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On January 29, 2014:


4063813168?profile=originalANGER RISING: OBAMA’S AN ‘ENEMY COMBATANT’: ‘Calls to ‘impeach,’ ‘execute’ at town hall surprise congressman: ‘You look so sweet’!-Posted on WND.com-On January 31, 2014:



Ohio man who threatened Obama gets prison time!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Associated Press-On January 30, 2014:



Understanding the Constitution – How Government Owes It’s Allegiance to God and His Word!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On January 29, 2014:



Liberty & Democracy Are Not the Same Thing!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Dr. Robert Owens-On February 1, 2014:



Audio: Harry G. Riley, Colonel, U. S. Army on Operation American Spring!-Posted on BlogTalkRadio-By wheresobamasbirthcertificateXcom-On January 23, 2014:



Similarities Between Obama’s America And USSR Frightening And Growing!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DR. KEVIN “COACH” COLLINS-On January 31, 2014:



Young Obama’s Dreams of a Communist Revolution in America!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Jamie Glazov-On August 8, 2012:



Video: Liberal Activist: Obama Must Use Executive Orders Because He’s Black!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On January 31, 2014:



Video: This Single Video Shows How Many Lies People Are Willing To Say To Support Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On January 31, 2014:



This Former TSA Agent Confirms Your Worst Fears!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On January 31, 2014:



Congressman Rallies Conservatives With Obama Impeachment Bid!-Posted onWestern Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On January 31, 2014:



Articles Of Impeachment Against Barack Hussein Obama (Finally!)-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On February 3, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 19 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 19)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 3, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!


4063670658?profile=originalIt has begun: Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design!


4063591265?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:



Obama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063359908?profile=originalDishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


4063821521?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


Is The New York Times now a “conspiracy theorist” news outlet?-You Decide:

Posted on The New York Times-By By DAVID K. SHIPLER-On April 20, 2012:

“THE United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years — or so it has seemed. A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol; a scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft was developed by men in Newburgh, N.Y.; and a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts.

But all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naïvely played their parts until they were arrested.

When an Oregon college student, Mohamed Osman Mohamud, thought of using a car bomb to attack a festive Christmas-tree lighting ceremony in Portland, the F.B.I. provided a van loaded with six 55-gallon drums of “inert material,” harmless blasting caps, a detonator cord and a gallon of diesel fuel to make the van smell flammable. An undercover F.B.I. agent even did the driving, with Mr. Mohamud in the passenger seat. To trigger the bomb the student punched a number into a cellphone and got no boom, only a bust.

This is legal, but is it legitimate? Without the F.B.I., would the culprits commit violence on their own? Is cultivating potential terrorists the best use of the manpower designed to find the real ones? Judging by their official answers, the F.B.I. and the Justice Department are sure of themselves — too sure, perhaps.

Carefully orchestrated sting operations usually hold up in court. Defendants invariably claim entrapment and almost always lose, because the law requires that they show no predisposition to commit the crime, even when induced by government agents. To underscore their predisposition, many suspects are “warned about the seriousness of their plots and given opportunities to back out,” said Dean Boyd, a Justice Department spokesman. But not always, recorded conversations show. Sometimes they are coaxed to continue.

Undercover operations, long practiced by the F.B.I., have become a mainstay of counterterrorism, and they have changed in response to the post-9/11 focus on prevention. “Prior to 9/11 it would be very unusual for the F.B.I. to present a crime opportunity that wasn’t in the scope of the activities that a person was already involved in,” said Mike German of the American Civil Liberties Union, a lawyer and former F.B.I. agent who infiltrated white supremacist groups. An alleged drug dealer would be set up to sell drugs to an undercover agent, an arms trafficker to sell weapons. That still happens routinely, but less so in counterterrorism, and for good reason.

“There isn’t a business of terrorism in the United States, thank God,” a former federal prosecutor, David Raskin, explained.

“You’re not going to be able to go to a street corner and find somebody who’s already blown something up,” he said. Therefore, the usual goal is not “to find somebody who’s already engaged in terrorism but find somebody who would jump at the opportunity if a real terrorist showed up in town.”

And that’s the gray area. Who is susceptible? Anyone who plays along with the agents, apparently. Once the snare is set, law enforcement sees no choice. “Ignoring such threats is not an option,” Mr. Boyd argued, “given the possibility that the suspect could act alone at any time or find someone else willing to help him.”

Typically, the stings initially target suspects for pure speech — comments to an informer outside a mosque, angry postings on Web sites, e-mails with radicals overseas — then woo them into relationships with informers, who are often convicted felons working in exchange for leniency, or with F.B.I. agents posing as members of Al Qaeda or other groups.

Some targets have previous involvement in more than idle talk: for example, Waad Ramadan Alwan, an Iraqi in Kentucky, whose fingerprints were found on an unexploded roadside bomb near Bayji, Iraq, and Raja Khan of Chicago, who had sent funds to an Al Qaeda leader in Pakistan.

But others seem ambivalent, incompetent and adrift, like hapless wannabes looking for a cause that the informer or undercover agent skillfully helps them find. Take the Stinger missile defendant James Cromitie, a low-level drug dealer with a criminal record that included no violence or hate crime, despite his rants against Jews. “He was searching for answers within his Islamic faith,” said his lawyer, Clinton W. Calhoun III, who has appealed his conviction. “And this informant, I think, twisted that search in a really pretty awful way, sort of misdirected Cromitie in his search and turned him towards violence.”

THE informer, Shahed Hussain, had been charged with fraud, but avoided prison and deportation by working undercover in another investigation. He was being paid by the F.B.I. to pose as a wealthy Pakistani with ties to Jaish-e-Mohammed, a terrorist group that Mr. Cromitie apparently had never heard of before they met by chance in the parking lot of a mosque.

“Brother, did you ever try to do anything for the cause of Islam?” Mr. Hussain asked at one point.

“O.K., brother,” Mr. Cromitie replied warily, “where you going with this, brother?”

Two days later, the informer told him, “Allah has more work for you to do,” and added, “Revelation is going to come in your dreams that you have to do this thing, O.K.?” About 15 minutes later, Mr. Hussain proposed the idea of using missiles, saying he could get them in a container from China. Mr. Cromitie laughed.

Reading hundreds of pages of transcripts of the recorded conversations is like looking at the inkblots of a Rorschach test. Patterns of willingness and hesitation overlap and merge. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt,” Mr. Cromitie said, and then explained that he meant women and children. “I don’t care if it’s a whole synagogue of men.” It took 11 months of meandering discussion and a promise of $250,000 to lead him, with three co-conspirators he recruited, to plant fake bombs at two Riverdale synagogues.

“Only the government could have made a ‘terrorist’ out of Mr. Cromitie, whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in its scope,” said Judge Colleen McMahon, sentencing him to 25 years. She branded it a “fantasy terror operation” but called his attempt “beyond despicable” and rejected his claim of entrapment.

The judge’s statement was unusual, but Mr. Cromitie’s characteristics were not. His incompetence and ambivalence could be found among other aspiring terrorists whose grandiose plans were nurtured by law enforcement. They included men who wanted to attack fuel lines at Kennedy International Airport; destroy the Sears Tower (now Willis Tower) in Chicago; carry out a suicide bombing near Tampa Bay, Fla., and bomb subways in New York and Washington. Of the 22 most frightening plans for attacks since 9/11 on American soil, 14 were developed in sting operations.

Another New York City subway plot, which recently went to trial, needed no help from government. Nor did a bombing attempt in Times Square, the abortive underwear bombing in a jetliner over Detroit, a planned attack on Fort Dix, N.J., and several smaller efforts. Some threats are real, others less so. In terrorism, it’s not easy to tell the difference.

  • David K. Shipler is the author of “Rights at Risk: The Limits of Liberty in Modern America.”



4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:


The CIA’s “Founding” of Al Qaeda Documented: The Muslim Terrorist Apparatus was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon!-Posted on VT News-By  Gordon Duff-On April 20, 2013:

"Le Nouvel Observateur’s Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski         

Originally published 15-21 January 1998

Translated by Jean Martineau

(Editor’s Note:  The following article and interview have been suppressed by Google, now a “black-ops” contractor.  The background on US backing for the Chechen rebels totally debunks attempts to assign blame for the Boston Marathon bombings to any group other than American security agencies and their domestic and foreign contractors who were very obvious at the scene, before and after the attack we believe they staged.  Without adequate background on how we got where we are, real information can easily be “shaken off” as conspiracy.

If you want real conspiracy, read on and see who the very real conspirators are.  G Duff for VT)

Below is our translation of an interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski. It is important for three reasons. First, it flatly contradicts the official US justification for giving billions of dollars to the mujahedeen in Afghanistan in the 1980s, namely that the US and Saudi Arabia were defending so-called freedom fighters against Soviet aggression.

“Not so,” says Brzezinski. He confirms what opponents have charged: that the US began covert sponsorship of Muslim extremists five months before the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. He says that after President Carter authorized the covert action: “I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.” Second, the interview is instructive concerning so-called “conspiracy theory.” To be sure, there are plenty of nutty theories out there. And of course, there are plenty of just plain wrong theories.

But as Brzezinski demonstrates, the US foreign policy establishment did, for want of a better word, conspire. Even as they claimed to oppose Muslim extremism, they knowingly fomented it as a weapon of policy. And they lied about what they were doing, pretending they were helping freedom fighters resist an invasion. In other words, deceit on two levels.

One must ask oneself: if the US foreign policy Establishment used Muslim extremism as a weapon once, how can one argue in principle that they would not use it again? We say they haveused it again; that they have used it continuously; and that we are seeing the fruits of this policy. Most recently we have seen the real essence of the Brzezinski doctrine in the horrendous events this past week in Russia (culminating in the school attack) and Israel (the double bus bombing).

Brzezinski and his protégé, Zalmay Khalilzad, set up a corporation in 1985, funded by the US congress, to train the mujahedeen to sell reporters the lie that the mujahedeen were freedom fighters and victims of aggression (Associated Press

U.S. Provides $500,000 So Afghan Rebels Can Tell Their Story
AP, September 16, 1985, Monday, PM cycle SECTION: Washington Dateline,  by JOAN MOWER

Guerrillas in Afghanistan are about to get money from the United States government for a public relations campaign intended to bring their struggle against Soviet troops to the world’s attention.
The money will train Afghan rebel journalists to use television, radio and newspapers to advance their cause. Reporters will be given mini-cameras to photograph the war inside Afghanistan.

“It is the goal of this project to facilitate the collection, development and distribution of credible, objective and timely professional-quality news stories, photographs and television images about developments in Afghanistan,” said a notice in the Federal Register. The program will be overseen by Uncle Sam’s own propaganda arm, the U.S. Information Agency. Congress appropriated $500,000 to hire experts and may provide more later.

In making the money available, Congress all but instructed USIA to consider an organization like Friends of Afghanistan, a new group whose board includes former Carter administration national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, known for hard-line anti-Soviet views.
USIA has solicited proposals, due Sept. 25 (1985).

Friends of Afghanistan includes other American foreign policy luminaries such as Lawrence Eagleburger, a former undersecretary of state, and Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad, a Columbia University political science professor and some-time paid adviser to the State Department on Afghanistan.

Afghan rebels, called the Mujahedeen, have been battling 100,000 Soviet troops who have occupied the rugged, mountainous country since December 1979.

The Associated Press referred to Khalilzad as a  ”some-time paid adviser to the State Department on Afghanistan.” This was in the late summer of 1985.  Less than three years later Tass, the Soviet news agency, reported that Khalilzad was delivering the mujahedeen an important message from the State Department.  Khalilzad told them that the State Department would continue to support them:

a) only if they could consolidate control of Afghanistan and

b) only if they maintained an attitude of implacable hostility to the government in Kabul.

In other words the US ordered the mujahedeen not to make peace:

‘The United States has told the Afghan guerrillas that it would support them in an effort to form a provisional government if they consolidate their control of most of the country and meet other criteria,’ the newspaper New York Times today quoted State Department officials as saying.

A top State Department official made it clear that the government must oppose ‘the soviet-backed regime in Kabul’ and said that the USA did not ‘accept the legitimacy’ of the authorities in Afghanistan. The relevant message was delivered to the rebels in the Pakistani city of Peshawar last week by Zalmay Khalilzad, a special adviser on Afghanistan to under secretary of state Michael H. Armacost. (” To Support Afghan Counter Revolutionaries” New York; The Russian Information Agency ITAR-TASS, May 6, 1988, Friday)


Brzezinski’s interview has tremendous importance today.  According to a Dutch intelligence report on Bosnia, in the early 1990s  Pentagon intelligence worked with the Saudis and Iranians to bring weapons and mujahedeen terrorists the ‘Afghan Arabs’ – into Bosnia to indoctrinate and lead Alija Izetbegovic’s Muslim extremists in fighting the Bosnian Serbs.

The same terrorists had been used against the pro-Soviet side in Afghanistan.  Once again the media lied, claiming the Bosnian Serbs were fighting to destroy the Bosnian Muslims (i.e., genocide) when they were in fact defending their communities from the mujahedeen, and were allied with a large group of moderate Muslims.

This picture appeared in the London Times on December 11, 1995. The caption reads:

One of the Bosnian Army’s Muslim brigades marches through Zenica in a demonstration of strength by 10,000 soldiers.” Note that according to the Times these 10,000 troops constituted only one of “the Bosnian Army’s Muslim brigades…”

During the 1990s, pictures like this were as rare as hen’s teeth in the Western media.  Why? Because they graphically demonstrated that the media was lying when it claimed that the Bosnian Government was moderate and multiculturalist and so on.

The white costumes these troops are wearing are the uniforms of Middle Eastern mujahedeen, not Yugoslav Muslims.  The Bosnian Muslim troops wore them because they had been indoctrinated by Muslim extremists, including mujahedeen imported by Iran, Saudi Arabia and other extremist states, with the participation of Pentagon intelligence.  In the early part of the Bosnian conflict (up until January 1993) Zalmay Khalilzad, the protégé of Zginew Brzezinski, was in charge of strategic planning at the Pentagon.

In Afghanistan (as Brzezinski proudly states) and then in Bosnia, the US sponsored Muslim terror even as the State Department was officially condemning it. Because ordinary people would never support such a policy, it was sold to the public as support for freedom fighters (Afghanistan) or as defense of abused Muslims (Bosnia.)

By the late 1980s Brzezinski’s protégé, Prof. Zalmay Khalilzad, was the  top strategist of the Afghan war.

Under the  administration of Bush, Sr., Khalilzad was in charge of strategy at the Pentagon.  We have substantial evidence that it was under Bush, Sr., not Clinton, that the US began assisting the mujahedeen in Bosnia.

So, in both cases, we have Brzezinski’s protégé directing the use of Muslim extremism as a weapon against a secular state, with the media misrepresenting the nature of the fight.  The Brzezinski Doctrine in action.

2001: Brzezinski’s protégé Zalmay Khalilzad was appointed Senior National Security Director for Southwest Asia, the heartland of Muslim extremist terror…

Khalilzad was in charge of US policy on the ground in Afghanistan before and during the 2001 war. He then personally chose the Afghan government.  It was under his watch that the US and Iran cooperated in convening a top level conference to give Afghanistan a government based on Muslim religious law. Now he’s Ambassador and Special Envoy to Afghanistan.

Even while Khalilzad was in charge of Afghanistan he was also the key man on the ground before, during and after the invasion of Iraq. He was in charge of political relations with Iraqi exile politicians and the Iranian and Saudi governments up until the fall 2003. A crucial period.


His area of official responsibility included Georgia during the period when the US was intensifying the financing and training of the Georgian military.  Russia accuses Georgia of aiding the Chechen terrorists.

So Brzezinski has been the key hands-on strategist, the leader on the ground, in a vast area plagued with Muslim extremist terror during most of the so-called war on terror. Oops – did I say rzezinski? Sorry; I meant Zalmay Khalilzad…

Brzezinski’s Interview with Le Nouvel  Observateur

Le Nouvel Observateur: Former CIA director Robert Gates states in his memoirs: The American secret services began six months before the Soviet intervention to support the Mujahideen [in         Afghanistan]. At that time you were president Carters security advisor;  thus you played a key role in this affair. Do you confirm this statement?

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version, the CIA’s support for the Mujahideen began in 1980, i.e. after the Soviet army’s invasion of Afghanistan on 24 December 1979. But the reality, which was kept secret until today, is completely different:

Actually it was on 3 July 1979 that president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.

Le Nouvel Observateur: Despite this risk you were a supporter of this covert action? But perhaps you expected the Soviets to enter this war and tried to provoke it?

Zbigniew Brzezinski: It’s not exactly like that. We didn’t push the Russians to intervene but we knowingly increased the probability that they would do it.

Le Nouvel Observateur: When the Soviets justified their intervention with the statement that they were fighting against a secret US interference in Afghanistan, nobody believed them. Nevertheless there was a core of truth to this…Do you regret nothing today?

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Regret what? This secret operation was an excellent idea. It lured the Russians into the Afghan trap, and you would like me to regret that? On the day when the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote president Carter, in essence:

“We now have the opportunity to provide the USSR with their Viet Nam war.” Indeed for ten years Moscow had to conduct a war that was intolerable for the regime, a conflict which involved the demoralization and finally the breakup of     the Soviet Empire.

Le Nouvel Observateur: And also, don’t you regret having helped future terrorists, having given them weapons and advice?

Zbigniew Brzezinski: What is most important for world history? The Taliban or the fall of the Soviet Empire? Some Islamic hotheads or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

Le Nouvel Observateur: “Some hotheads?” But it has been said time and time again: today Islamic fundamentalism represents a world-wide threat…

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Rubbish! It’s said that the West has a global policy regarding Islam. That’s hogwash: there is no global Islam. Let’s         look at Islam in a rational and not a demagogic or emotional way. It is         the first world religion with 1.5 billion adherents. But what is there in common between fundamentalist Saudi Arabia, moderate Morocco, militaristic Pakistan, pro-Western Egypt and secularized Central Asia? Nothing more than that which connects the Christian countries…




Tamerlan Tsarnaev Attended CIA-sponsored Workshop: Tamerlan Tsarnaev was radicalized by the CIA!-Posted on InfoWars,com-By Kurt Nimmo,
Infowars.com-On April 24, 2013:



Video: False Flags Of Days Gone By.: When False Flags Dont Fly Anymore!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Josey Wales (Reporter)-On April 17, 2013:



Why Government Should Be The First Suspect In Any Terror Attack: History tells us that false flag is a favored form of statecraft!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Paul Joseph Watson & Kurt Nimmo,
Infowars.com-On April 19, 2013:



Sinaloa Cartel Challenges the U.S.: FBI, the DEA and various Homeland Security agents in Mexico were actually working with Zambada for more than five years!-Posted on Border Reporter-By Michel Marizco-On April 7, 2013:



Psyops: Mind Control Marathon And Boston Bombings!-Posted on Before It’s News-By BARRACUDA (Reporter)-On April 20, 2013:



Congress Exploits Our Fears to Take Our Liberty!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Ron Paul,
Infowars.com-On April 22, 2013:



Global awakening to false-flag terrorism, Copernican revolution!-Posted on PressTV-By Kevin Barrett-On April 21, 2013:



AMERICANS ‘SNAPPING’ BY THE MILLIONS: Exclusive: David Kupelian reveals record fear, stress, suicide – and inspired way out!-Posted on WND.com-By David Kupelian-On April 21, 2013:



Video: The World of Synthetic Manufactured Terrorism!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Infowars.com-On
April 22, 2013:



Obama’s blood trail from Benghazi to Boston!-Posted on Homeland Security US-By Douglas J. Hagmann-On
April 22, 2013:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:


NY Times: ‘FBI Staged Terror Attacks’!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Infowars.com-On April 20, 2013:



Glenn Beck says Obama is Covering up Truth of Boston Bombing: “You have til Monday to come clean”!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By
Infowars.com-On April 20, 2013:



BOMBING USED TO SLAM PATRIOTS AS ‘HATE’ GROUP: Tea partiers wouldn’t have done it, because victims weren’t ‘black’!-Posted on WND.com-By DREW ZAHN-On April 19, 2013:



Video: Boston Bombing: Did You Notice This?-Posted on Before It’s News-By Mort Amsel (Reporter)-On April 20, 2013:



Video: Waco Explosion Caused by Missile Strike? Drills, Explosions, and Lawsuit Info!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Blogdog-On April 20, 2013:



West Texas Explosion Might Have Been Triggered by Militarized Blast, Eyewitness Says ‘It Was a Plane’!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Intellihub-On April 20, 2013:



Air Force Major General Assassinated?-Posted on Before It’s News-By BARRACUDA (Reporter)-On April 20, 2013:



The Case Against the FBI in the Boston Bombing: Ten Perspectives, the First World Trade Center Bombing, 9/11 and Now!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian (Reporter)-On April 20, 2013:



Who To Blame for American Terrorism?-Posted on VT News-By Johnny Punish-On April 19, 2013:



Obama: Don’t form opinions on Boston attacks until government decides!-Posted on The Daily Caler-By Neil Munro, White House Correspondent-On April 20, 2013:



Russia Promised to Assist US Even Before Discovering Bombings’ Chechen Connection!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By Julian Pecquet-On April 20, 2013:



Video: Police perform house-to-house raids in Watertown MA ripping innocent families from their homes!-Posted on YouTube.com-By rambone5-On April 20, 2013:



Report: FBI Searching For “Sleeper Cell” in Connecton with Boston B...: Police believe the pair were specially trained to carry out the devastating attack!-Posted on Mirror.co.uk-By-Christopher Bucktin, Andy Lines-On April 21, 2013:



Hackers Hijack CBS To Claim Obama Involvement in Boston Bombings: Hacktivists expose media’s refusal to report on private operatives at Boston bombings!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Paul Joseph Watson,
Infowars.com-On April 21, 2013:



Military Men Witnessed At Boston Bombing Identified As National Gua...: Finally, an explanation emerges for presence of men in black and tan uniforms!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Steve Watson,
Infowars.com-On April 21, 2013:



“False-flag meme goes mainstream on Boston bombings” Part 2: Glenn Beck goes off the reservation!-Posted on VT News-By Kevin Barrett-On April 21, 2013:



Gov. Patrick: ‘No Idea Why Someone Would Deliberately Harm Innocent Men, Women, Children’!-Posted on CBS Boston-On April 21, 2013:



Rep. Peter King on Spread of Radical Islam: ‘We can’t be Politically Correct!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On April 20, 2013:



Video: Here We Go… Sen. Feinstein Accuses GOP Rep. Peter King of Islamophobia After Boston Bombings!-Posted on Gateway Pundit-By Jim Hoft-On Sunday April 21, 2013:



Mullah Kerry Compares Boston Victims To Gaza Flotilla Terrorists Who Were Killed By Israel!-Posted on Pat Dollard-By Jake Hammer-On April 22, 2013:



Video: Glenn Beck’s Big Story On Obama And The Bombing Released!-Posted onTheAlexJonesChannel-On April 21, 2013:






Video: Shocking Footage: Americans Ordered Out Of Homes At Gunpoint By SWA...: This is what martial law in the US looks like!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Steve Watson,
Infowars.com-On April 22, 2013:



17 Unanswered Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing The Media...!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Michael Snyder,
American Dream-On April 22, 2013:



Video: Tsarnaev Aunt Claims Naked Man In Video Is Tamerlan!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Infowars.com-On
April 22, 2013:



Video: Joel Skousen: Tsarnaev Brothers Were Set Up!-Posted on YouTube.com-ByTheAlexJonesChannel-On April 22, 2013:



Video: Boston Bombing Suspects Were Gov't Assets!-Posted on YouTube.com-ByTheAlexJonesChannel-On April 22, 2013:



Video: Boston Narrative Unravels!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheAlexJonesChannel-On April 22, 2013:



Video: Boston Bombing Manhunt: This is What A Police State Looks Like!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheAlexJonesChannel-On April 23, 2013:



Video: Callers Don't Believe Official Story Behind Boston Bombings!- Posted on YouTube.com-By TheAlexJonesChannel-On April 23, 2013:



“Best Place to Raise a Family” to be Rattled by Gunfire and Militar...!- Posted on InfoWars.com-By Kurt Nimmo,
Infowars.com-On April 23, 2013:



Video: Chambliss: Law enforcement agency may have known about Boston bombi...!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By wsbtv.com-On
April 24, 2013:



Secret Service tried to block press from bombing questions? Bidondi has told Infowars on record he was threatened before and after the press conference!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Adan Salazar,
Infowars.com-On April 24, 2013:



Video: Media Jumps On Alex Jones In Desperate Attempt To Connect Infowars ...: AP: “Tamerlan took an interest in Infowars”, Salon: “Tamerlan Tsarnaev was an Alex Jones fan”!-Posted on InfoWars,com-By Steve Watson,
Infowars.com-On April 24, 2013:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 2 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063688830?profile=originalNY Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. (Part 2)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 26, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to and/or further support this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063557550?profile=originalLetter To NM U.S. Senator Udall (Re: Questionable and/or mysterious circumstances surrounding Boston Marathon bombing)!



Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Boston Bombing, Fog of War on Steroids!



U.S. Practiced Torture After 9/11, Non Partisan Review Concludes!



Father Of Alleged Boston Bombers Makes Terroristic Threat To U.S. If Second Son Is Killed!



“Innocent” Saudi has ties to several Al-Qaeda Terrorists!



Eyewitness: Authorities Announced “Drill” Before Boston Explosions!



Vice President Biden Calls for a New World Order!


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 17)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 25, 2014:



The Real-Deal About Obama And Congressional/Court Silence!



CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!



Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?



Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!



Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!



Where Is America Today?


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following video is extremely appropriate today: 


The Fightin Side of Me!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


God Bless Victims Of Boston Marathon-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 1 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063688830?profile=originalNY Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. (Part 1)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 26, 2014:


  4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and videos relate to this disturbing issue:


Retired 4 star Admiral Blows Whistle on Benghazi new Evidence!-Posted on Politisite-By Doc Vega-On January 17, 2013:

“A lot has been said and written, but this promises to break the case wide open!

There have been many theories and accusations about the Benghazi fiasco that not only cost Ambassador J. Christian Stevens his life, but the lives of his staff and one Navy Seal body-guard as well. This action which led to a complete conflagration of terrorist attacks against US diplomatic buildings throughout the Middle East and North Africa still remains largely uninvestigated by the government, unprosecuted by AG Eric Holder’s Depart of Justice, and refuses to bring the guilty parties to justice while many know the truth and are not coming forward. Even though President Obama is implicated in this oversees tragedy still the truth has not emerged.

That has all changed. Finally, an authoritative figure with the proper credentials has stepped up to the plate to tell the true story of what did happen without the lies and cover-ups that have so far kept those guilty of murder from standing trial. The admission on the part of this man will likely blow the Benghazi scandal wide open and lead to arrests if we can get our legal system to act as it should. That, however, is a big if.

Related: Read Letter: Special Ops Vets Demand Benghazi Congressional Investi...

The story as it truly unfolded

According to a report from the Washington Times, retired 4 Star Admiral James Lyons reveals the entire plot that led to the deaths of Americans in Libya that could have been prevented, who gave the orders, and why events took place as they tragically did. Admiral James Lyons is probably the highest ranking figure ever to intervene in a federal government criminal case, and testify. Thanks to this man’s dedication to his country and the truth, we will finally know the truth and who was responsible.

In his words Lyons says that the attack on Benghazi was a bungled kidnapping attempt to be perpetrated upon Ambassador Stevens. This was to appear to be a hostage exchange for a terrorist prisoner who was to be released in trade for a supposedly captured US ambassador. The trade would have been for Omar Abdel Rahman an international prisoner, known as the Blind Sheikh.

This apparent abduction by terrorists of our ambassador and then negotiated trade for the Blind Sheikh would have been the “October Surprise” that would have elevated President Obama’s flagging popularity and boosted his approval ratings for a re-election. A dramatic prisoner exchange that saved our ambassador’s life However, something went horribly wrong. A cunning and illegal bit of treachery by the Obama White House turned into something entirely different. Obama’s October surprise turned into a carnage orchestrated by the White House itself as the President, Leon Panetta, and CIA Director, David Petraeus watched via a UAV real-time feed as a 7 hour attack on the Benghazi Embassy raged. Reportedly, stand down orders were given several times to different units within striking distance.

A plot of pure deception

With what should have been only a staged kidnapping of Ambassador J. Christian Stevens, instead, Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty refused a stand down order and began doing their job of protecting the ambassador using force. Immediately the well-trained Seals began inflicting heavy casualties upon the terrorists who thought they were merely in a cake walk to abduct Ambassador Stevens without mishap. As a result of the plan going awry, a massive attack arose from the anger of the terrorists who felt they had been betrayed by President Obama. In the aftermath of the battle which saw Navy Seal Glen Doherty was killed after the embassy had been overrun along with the ambassador’s staff. Ambassador Steven’s whose body showed up 5 hours later at a Benghazi hospital supposedly overcome by smoke as the initial press reports indicated was, in fact, raped, tortured, and dragged around Benghazi in retaliation for the botched Obama White House plan.

Obama hands over Libya to Al Qaeda

Was this just a freak occurrence that belies the true nature of dealings in Libya with American diplomatic efforts, just one glitch in normal standard operating procedure? No, according to former Admiral Lyons and many others such as Glen Beck, who have all uncovered evidence that lead to much more sinister deeds being undertaken. Evidence of a working relationship between the US and its alleged terrorist enemies had already delivered Libya to the Al Qaeda terrorist organization through infiltration of the government, media, and general society prior to the rebellion against Muammar Gaddafi that toppled the dictator last year. That the US has worked with Al Qaeda awarding them security contracts for all US embassies and consulates as well as border protection has instead allowed Libya to become a haven for numerous terrorist operators who have automatic access to Libya’s territory to carry out their training. All this with the support and blessing of the Obama administration. This is not only unthinkable, but beyond excuse or rationalization. There should already be indictments for many in the state department, in the DOJ, all the way up to the oval office, yet, so far nothing has been done.

Treason plain and simple

It goes even farther than that. Evidence indicates that Ambassador Stevens was being used as an arms dealer to supply Jihadists in the region to support yet another uprising in Syria. Just prior to the murder of our ambassador, he was trying to locate guns that had been walked across Libya’s border to other countries just as the ATF had done in operation Fast and Furious on the border of Mexico. These are not the actions of inexperience or bad intelligence. They are the actions of traitorous intention. President Obama will, no doubt, be linked to these deaths and operations if Congress will only act, and do its duty in prosecuting a treasonous president who is endangering national security.

There is no where else for a Congressional investigation to turn other than naming the conspirators, determining when officials knew, and assembling the evidence that murder was committed on behalf of the White House to silence those who knew and could testify. Through out the Obama presidency over the last four years the administration has master minded operations that have caused numerous controversies and crises.

When will the GOP take action?

The Republicans have missed opportunities to discredit the President, to impeach Obama in the wake of waging war against Libya without Congressional approval, and allowed executive privilege to  quash subpoenaed demands for evidence on Fast and Furious never released by AG Eric Holder. John Boehner, Speaker of the House, has refused to exercise initiative whenever the GOP could have used much-needed momentum to stem the tide against the incessant assaults against state’s rights, constitutional rights, and the traditional institutions of America. Will the recent damning evidence now uncovered over the Benghazi fiasco thanks to Admiral James Lyons be implemented to convict the President of potential high treason, or will we see yet another case of criminal acts ignored and hidden at the expense of the American people? If you bother to take interest and act as a responsible citizens contact your congressman and demand action!”







Video: Ted L Gunderson Ex FBI Whistleblower Poisoned?-Posted on YouTube.com-By Anthony Hilder-On December 3, 2011:



Ninety Five Articles of Impeachment against Obama!-Posted on ConservativePapers.com-By peter paton-On April 4, 2013:



Video: Was Tamerian Tsarnaev Radicalized by The CIA?-Posted on TheAlexJonesChannel-On April 24, 2013:



Video: Rachel Maddow Froths Over Boston False Flag and Alex Jones: Maddow conflated “truthers” and Boston bombing skeptics with neocons calling for a renewed war on Islam!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Kurt Nimmo,
Infowars.com-On April 25, 2013:









Video: Did The Gov't Know About Boston Bombings In Advance?-Posted onTheAlexJonesChannel-On April 25, 2013:



Video: Secret Service Can’t Handle False Flag Question!-Posted on TheAlexJonesChannel-On April 25, 2013:



Uncle Ruslan and the Official Boston Bombing Narrative: Uncle of Tsarnaev brothers allegedly worked for USAID and company linked to Halliburton!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Kurt Nimmo
Infowars.com-On April 25, 2013:



2 U.S. Agencies Added Boston Bomb Suspect to Watch Lists!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By ERIC SCHMITT and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT,
NY Times-On April 25, 2013:



CONFIRMED: Both FBI & CIA Watched Boston Bombing Suspects for Y...!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Tony Cartalucci,
Infowars.com-On April 25, 2013:



Boston Bombing – DHS Contracted Security out to Israelis!-Posted on VT News-By Jim W. Dean-On April 24, 2013:



Breaking: Third Bomb Explodes in Boston!-Posted on VT News-By Jim W. Dean-On April 25, 2013:



Video: Beck: Today Is Beginning Of The End Of Obama Admin!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On April 25, 2013:



Man On Roof In Boston Identified? See Something! Say Something!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On April 25, 2013:



Hagel Claims Syrian Regime May Have Used Sarin, Ignores FSA Chemica...!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Infowars.com-On April 25, 2013:



US Unveils Iraq WMD “Curveball-Style” Lies Vs. Syria!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Tony Cartalucci,
April 26, 2013:



Video: Police Stop Reporters From Investigating Fertilizer Explosion!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Infowars.com-On
April 26, 2013:



Video: Gerald Celente: Temple of The Bankers!-Posted on TheAlexJonesChannel-On April 25, 2012:



Video: Janet's Giant Bureaucracy Fails, or Was That What It Was Meant To Do!-Posted onTheAlexJonesChannel-On April 26, 2012:



Uncanny Proof for Los Angeles Disaster THIS WEEKEND!!!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Dreg Hunter-On April 26, 2013:



Former Army Spymaster Cites “Bifurcated” US Government in False Flag Terrorism!-Posted on VT News-By  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor-On April 26, 2013:



The Ties That Bind Washington to Chechen Bombers!-Posted on VT News-By Wayne MADSEN (USA)-On April 26, 2013:



Video: Sibel Edmonds: CIA Ran Tsarnaev Brothers!-Posted on TheAlexJonesChannel-On April 26, 2013:



Video: Five Smoking Guns of The Boston Marathon Bombings!-Posted onTheAlexJonesChannel-On April 26, 2013:



Video: Official Boston Bombing Story Gets New Twist!-Posted on TheAlexJonesChannel-On April 26, 2013:



Video: Feds Were Watching Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Mother Long Before the Bombing!-Posted on TheAlexJonesChannel-On April 27, 2013:



Video: Decades of Secret Testing In The NY Subways!-Posted on TheAlexJonesChannel-On April 27, 2013:



Video: Media Matters Hates Drudge Report Infowars.com Collaboration!-Posted onTheAlexJonesChannel-On April 27, 2013:



Video: All Evidence Points To Bombings Being Staged!-Posted on InfoWars.com-On April 27, 2013:



Government Admits Using ‘Professional Actors’ To Play The Role Of Victims In Terror Drills!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Mort Amsel (Reporter)-On April 27, 2013:



Obama’s National Security Fraud!-Posted on American Thinker-By Thomas Lifson-On April 27, 2013:



Video: “Iraqi Scenario” to Take Down Syria!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Kurt Nimmo,
Infowars.com-On April 27, 2013:






New York Times Tells Truth About Syria; Neo-Cons Unfazed!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Daniel McAdams,
lewrockwell.com-On April 27, 2013:



White House says the US may use military force against Syria!-Posted on InfoWars.com-ByRT-On April 28, 2013:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 3 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063688830?profile=originalNY Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. (Part 3)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 26, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to and/or further support this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063557550?profile=originalLetter To NM U.S. Senator Udall (Re: Questionable and/or mysterious circumstances surrounding Boston Marathon bombing)!



Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Boston Bombing, Fog of War on Steroids!



U.S. Practiced Torture After 9/11, Non Partisan Review Concludes!



Father Of Alleged Boston Bombers Makes Terroristic Threat To U.S. If Second Son Is Killed (Part 1)!



“Innocent” Saudi has ties to several Al-Qaeda Terrorists (Part 1)!



Eyewitness: Authorities Announced “Drill” Before Boston Explosions!



Vice President Biden Calls for a New World Order!


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 17)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 25, 2014:



The Real-Deal About Obama And Congressional/Court Silence!



CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!



Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?



Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?



Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!



Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!



Where Is America Today?


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following video is extremely appropriate today: 


The Fightin Side of Me!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


God Bless Victims Of Boston Marathon-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 2 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063688830?profile=originalNY Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. (Part 2)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 26, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following article relates to this disturbing issue:


April 28, 2013:

“Over the past nearly two decades, every time some horrific ‘event’ happens, wanna be “journalists” come out of the wood work with their conspiracy theories based on absolutely nothing. Bloggers who specialize in no facts, just rank speculation. Irresponsible people out to make a name for themselves or to get people to their web sites. They have zero credibility and hurt the rest of us by being lumped together. I have debunked conspiracy theories in the past based on documentation. I get attacked as if I’m the bad guy for pursuing the truth! There are conspiracies and cover-ups, but we want the truth, not speculation.

As someone who works at home, I have been able to see events as they unfold where most folks are at work; perhaps at school. Way back when, the Communist News Network (CNN) was pretty much the only source for manufactured “news” besides the “big three”. The media lies about the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 were taken as fact until one of the FBIs CI’s opened his mouth. It was a sting operation the FBI let get out of control:

“Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast. The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad A. Salem, should be used, the informer said.

“The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of hours of tape recordings Mr. Salem secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities as in a far better position than previously known to foil the Feb. 26 bombing of New York City’s tallest towers. The explosion left six people dead, more than 1,000 injured and damages in excess of half a billion dollars. Four men are now on trial in Manhattan Federal Court in that attack.”

I researched that bombing. Janet (Butch) Reno and Bill Clinton covered up the truth and then spun the new official lie. Not one single person involved in the FBI was ever indicted and tried for facilitating the murder of six people, those injured and all the damage to the building.

I watched the media deliberately lie about the murder of former Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. CNNs reporter on the ground at the Dubrovnik airport reported live the rescue was underway in the ocean. Within an hour, suddenly, the plane is found washed clean up on the side of a mountain.Ron Brown had a bullet hole in the top of his head. How is that possible if the plane crashed into the ocean? Another cover-up aided and abetted by the disgraced media.

I watched Ruby Ridge unfold. Then the massacre at WACO and yes, it was just that. David Koresch could have been arrested in town several times before the first confrontation. The ATF and FBI lied to the military and the slaughter began. It was murder. Murder of almost 100 Americans including 17 children. It was a publicity stunt gone bad and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Again, no government official involved was ever held accountable. It was all “justified” and the American people went back to watching their favorite tv show or shopping.

I watched the media deliberately lie from morning until night the day the Murrah Building was blown in OKC. I am very fortunate to have had many long discussions while visiting my dear friend, retired Brigadier General Ben Partin, about WACO and OKC; Oklahoma City Bombing: Expert Analysis. Ben briefed U.S. senators on both ‘events’; they have gone along with the cover-up. There’s no question in my mind it was a sting that went bad based on my endless hours of research and watching videos.

Besides McVeigh and Terry Nichols, rogue FBI agents responsible for that bombing not only have never been prosecuted, many of them were promoted. In June 1998, I put on a day long event at the Santa Clara Convention Center to launch The Wallace Institute with Larry Becraft. Ben was a key note speaker. The links to his speech are at the bottom of this column. He explains both in great detail; I hope you’ll take the time to watch his presentation.

TWA Flight 800. Again, a first class cover up. In discussions with Ben, he is convinced it was likely a missile. Ben based his conclusions on his 33 years experience in the U.S. Air Force as someone who had hands-on experience in designing many different types of weapons systems.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, dubbed the “underwear bomber” was clearly government entrapment:

 Terror War Cheerleader Gets Reality Check On Underwear Bomber Facts Infowars Nightly News: Kurt Haskell Breaks Down Underwear Bomber Tr... Kurt Haskell Says He Will Sue Feds in Underwear Bomber Case

None of the FBI or CIA involved have ever been held accountable. They risked the lives of everyone on that flight. Damn good thing Abdulmutallab was a bumbling idiot.

Sandy Hook slaughter in Connecticut. Many have emailed and ask why I haven’t written about it? Well, there has been some excellent coverage already. There’s also the garbage spewed out by people who never went there, never did anything other than speculate while making wild allegations and accusations.

What I do is collect articles, columns and videos. In the case of Sandy Hook, the only way to get answers is the same way I went about getting them for Columbine: you order autopsy reports, copies of search warrants and affidavits, toxocology reports, ballistics reports, etc. Those things take time and in some cases, agencies will not release them for months because it’s an on-going, active investigation. Some have been released:

Finally some answers about the Sandy Hook school shooting

Do I have questions about Sandy Hook? But, yes, but not because I believe it was a false flag operation. I have some because I believe local law enforcement was simply overwhelmed from minute one. Very few rural police and sheriff’s departments have the kind of training necessary to respond to a mass shooting because everyone thinks it can’t happen where they live. Sure, they train and might read a few bulletins or pamphlets from the FBI, but reality is a whole different thing. Honest mistakes are made, but not corrected which would expose them and make law enforcement look incompetent. The confusion in real time adds fuel to the fire.

But, that does not excuse some of the grossly irresponsible, splashy head lines on the Internet about Sandy Hook being staged; dead children not dead. You name it, some mush head has slapped it up on some web site. When I get the documents and sort through everything, then I will write a column and scan whatever documents I receive that might be different from the ones in the link above.

Then, of course, we have the grand daddy of them all: 9/11. In particular, the deluge of yellow “journalism” about Flight 93 turned my stomach. Individuals who sat at computer keyboards declaring Flight 93 did not crash outside of Shanksville, PA. Their rank speculation is then taken as fact and is still plastered all over the Internet.

It’s very difficult for the average American to go to all the locations for disasters over the past 20 years. I went to Columbine and OKC. I also went to Shanksville to do my own on site investigation in an effort to try and find out the truth. It wasn’t cheap since I lived in Sacramento at the time, but I wanted to try to sift through the bull and find the truth. One jackass put up “headlines” on the Internet: Da plane, Da plane! A parody from the old tv program, Fantasy Island. Yeah, some joke.

One thing I can tell you, the good people of Shanksville and surrounding bergs highly resent the conspiracy theories posted all over the Internet. I ask a friend of mine who is an attorney to meet me in Shanksville. One of our stops was the local airport. Besides being a lawyer, Dane is also a pilot. While there we spoke with a couple of first responders who happened to be in the building at the time. They were angry about all the conspiracy theories the plane never crashed where it did and I don’t blame them. People really cannot appreciate what happened to all the folks in that area; the horror and clean up.

Before the dust even settled out in Boston, irresponsible individuals slapped their crap up on the Internet. Why, do you know those were actors in Boston? The amputees were actors faking it? Do you know fake blood was used? And, fake bomb dust! Of course! All the EMTs who were already there because at big marathons like that triage tents are common for runners or even bystanders who might have a medical problem, why they had to be actors, too! They’re all part of a staged event as well as hundreds of average, ordinary Americans watching the runners. And, people believe it because they send me emails as “proof”.

The link above claims a vet who did lose his legs in Afghanistan was a knowing participant in perpetrating fraud on the American people. There is a resemblance, but how insulting to Nick Vogt to be used in such a way.

Boston Bombing Story Unravels–Fake New York Times Article
by Stuart Wilde - April 19, 2013 - Conspiracy Theories

“The picture of a man in a wheel chair that supposedly lost his legs in the Boston bombing, was in fact that of an army vet called Nick Vogt that lost his legs in Afghanistan. He is an actor in the event–a stooge. Another Government false flag op eh? Like Sandy Hook. The Media said the Moslems did it. Sure…and next we’ll have the tooth fairy posing topless for a Honda ad. See fake New York Times story below.”

On that site you will also see the photo of Carlos Arredondo, whose son was killed in Iraq in 2004. Do people really think that man who has suffered so much was a willing participant as an “actor” in the “fake Boston bombing”? Would he so dishonor his son’s memory? But, wait! Arrendondo and Jeff Bauman, Jr. are still continuing their roles as actors:

‘I gave him a kiss on the cheek as it was beautiful to see him doing so well’: Boston victim who lost both legs reunited with the cowboy hat hero who saved his life”.

It’s sickening. Not too long ago I was looking at a piece about people who could be twins, but don’t even know each other. When you put their photos side by side, you’d swear they were the same person, but they weren’t. Here’s another one.

Or, how about this mother and daughter?

“Tragedy of woman, 18, in iconic Boston blast image being comforted by man in red t-shirt: Student had her limbs shredded and her mom’s legs were amputated. Picture of a wounded Sydney Corcoran being aided by strangers was seen around the world.”

Oh, sure, those strangers who happened to be at the marathon that day helping people like Sydney Corcoran were all just part of a giant hoax. Mother and daughter must be continuing their starring roles:

A different reality’: Mother-daughter bombing victims look ahead’I just wanted to die’: Mother relives horror of Boston blast and how her husband saved her life by wrapping belts around both her mangled legs.”

The people involved in the Boston massacre in the hundreds had their lives changed forever that day. Dozens of people lost arms, legs or one of each or both. Think they don’t get wind of all the grotesque conspiracy theories and that somehow they’re involved because it was all a staged fake? I guess all the doctors and surgeons who worked around the clock to save lives were also part of the fakery. After all, the blood was fake, the bomb dust was fake, those who lost their limbs - all faked.

Nightmares plague doctor who treated Boston victims

Much has been made about bomb sniffing dogs. Well, I’m sorry to disappoint all the conspiracy people, but since 9/11, bomb sniffing dogs are at most big events. Allegedly, there was a drill that day regarding readiness for any kind of threat. That is still being checked out by many of us. The same thing happened right after 9/11: FEMA’s Prior Knowledge of 9-11 Put to Rest. That’s my investigation.

If I got one, I got a hundred emails with similiar captions:

Proof Craft/Blackwater did Boston Bombing!
Mercenary Militia at Boston Bombing!
Evidence Mounts Boston Bombers Were FBI Assets!

All of those theories stem from photos of a couple of guys wearing specific clothing. The same flavor of men I saw at while attending the GOP convention up in St. Paul in 2008. They were all over the place as well as FBI who weren’t wearing jackets that identified them. Guess what? Those individuals have been identified as members of the Massachusetts National Guard Civilian Security Team (CST).

Identity of the Khaki Wearing Boston Bombing Operatives Revealed (Do take the time to read the article and hit on the links.)

“According to this article from the Air National Guard site: “The Massachusetts team was on duty during the running of the Boston marathon, augmented by similar civil support teams from the New York and Rhode Island National Guards.” So it would appear that the CST team on duty during the explosion was the Massachusetts Army National Guard’s 1st Civil Support Team, augmented by New York’s 24th CST and Rhode Island’s 13th CST.”

Do people see how harmful it is to send out emails proclaiming some company’s employees were part of killing and maiming Americans when they had nothing to do with it? Proof my arse. Perhaps Craft should sue all irresponsible bloggers for slandering their company and accusing them of a heinous crime. How do all those bloggers and wanna be “journalists” think those Massachusetts Army National Guard guys feel about being fingered as perpetrators in the bombing?

People whine the “mainstream” media and cable networks lie and don’t give the facts. They should look in the mirror. It’s one thing to ask responsible questions and we should, but never should such wild accusations be acceptable. The examples above by irresponsible individuals “reporting”, if you can even call it that, is not acceptable.

So, what really happened and who was behind the bombing? I have a lot of questions myself and since day one I’ve been building my file for purposes of filing state records act requests to FOIAs at the federal level as well as obtaining the search warrants, affidavits and a whole lot more. But, it takes time because law enforcement at all levels simply won’t release a lot of documents until they’re ready - or they refuse then you have to file a lawsuit. Too many people think the CSI programs on the boob tube is how it is in real life. It’s not.

The 19-year old reportedly confessed. After being read his Miranda rights, he decided not to talk anymore. Is that a lie? At this time, we don’t know because I sure as hell don’t believe anything that comes out of the mouth of the FBI, ATF, CIA or the Department of Justice. Unless some documents are released to the media by an individual(s) fed up with the lying or a big media outfit sues, it will be awhile before anything is released. If ever, just like the 23 videos the FBI still has under wraps of the OKC bombing. That’s exactly what happened with Glen Beck: people sick of the lies and cover ups provided him with documentation:

New evidence on Saudi national, Glenn reads cover of event file (Do read it)

Many readers are familiar with Joel Skoussen and his history. Joel’s research is impeccable and he doesn’t publish hysterical claims with nothing to back them up. Joel has a weekly subscription newsletter that comes out every Friday. I believe he’s done a superb job in giving a detailed over view about many aspects of that slaughter from the suspects, the lying by the FBI and much more. His analysis brings even more questions that must be answered. I have taken the liberty of putting his excellent (and rational) piece in an addendum (click below). He, like so many of us, are digging for the truth, not headlines.

Is this another false flag operation where rogue elements within the federal government suckered a couple of brothers into murdering and maiming Americans? I believe there’s a high probability some individuals within the federal government were involved. Or, it could be yet another sting operation that went bad involving individuals in alphabet soup agencies. We just don’t know at this time. People will shake their heads and say, it can’t be! Our government would never do anything like that! Knowing what I know about OKC and 9/11, it is very possible.

Just like OKC and 9/11, Americans simply cannot process the evil gripping this country and who is behind it. That’s why the truth about 9/11 is so important - it was the “next Pearl Harbor” needed to begin destroying our rights and freedoms for false security. Hacks like Sean Hannity & Bill O’Reilly and their million dollar a month plus paychecks will label anyone questioning the official story as tin foil hat people and other derogatory labels. Frankly, I don’t care. What I care about is the truth, holding everyone responsible and seeing justice (executing them) done.

As a matter of fact, I would say FOX viewers are the least educated on the issues and events like OKC and 9/11. When my dear friend and I were at the state capitol in Austin this past January, we visited the offices of many Republicans. Every office had FOX news on their tv. Yet, when ask about Agenda 21, the response was: What’s that? Agenda 21 is one of the top hottest issues in this country, yet there are people who have never heard of it. Why? Because FOX picks and chooses what they want you to know. CNN and all the others do the same thing. When I say that, people get mad because FOX is the “only network that gives us the truth”. Okay. Stay in denial and in your comfort zone.

The American people continue to be lied to and kept in a state of terror to further the agenda of the shadow government. Foolishly, they have allowed a totalitarian police state to grow unchecked out of fear. I am reminded of something Dr. Edwin Vieira wrote back in 2005:

Homeland Security: For What and Whom?

“To answer the question “Why is this happening?” one must ask the deeper question: Cui bono? Who benefits? Whose “security” is being obtained by the systematic abridgment of common Americans’ constitutional liberties? And by the step-by-step creation of a national police state that could (and doubtlessly is designed to) eliminate those liberties altogether? And by what is obviously a plan in the works to cement that police state into place by scrapping the Constitution when a suitable occasion and excuse arises or can be contrived?

“Well, what good is the “security” of a thoroughgoing police state to its victims? Obviously, none. A police state provides security only for the elitists who run it and who benefit from the repression it imposes on the mass of citizens. By hypothesis, then, today’s push for “homeland security” actually aims, not at the security of the United States or of the American people under the Constitution, but at the Establishment’s security over the Constitution and against the people.”

‘Boston Strong’: Marching In Lockstep With The Police State TyrannyBoston and gun confiscation hysteria

How many more of these terror events are going to be covered up? If I lived in Boston, I would get together with trusted friends and begin gathering every bit of documentation and film I could, whether through state records act or FOIA’s, and put it all together in a professional report. The next step would be a grand jury.

Those murders and other crimes happened within Boston city limits and nearby towns. It is not a federal case. The 19-year old will be tried in civilian court because of jurisdiction and the fact he is a naturalized citizen. If I lived in Boston, I would not allow the feds or any other law enforcement steam roll over everyone by hiding the truth. I believe the people of Boston (as well as the rest of the country and the world) would fully support a grand jury investigation, but that will only happen if the investigators (the people) put together a solid case and make enough noise to force the DA to convene one.


Important Links:


1- McVeigh’s Second Trial

2- This is a 135 page report by Patrick Briley
A must read - bookmark

3- OKC columns - All are on my CD
Early columns on 9/11 are on my CD

4- Continued research 9/11

5- Last column on 9/11 (Oct. 2012)

Flight 93 - 9/11

On site investigation - Flight 93I sued the FAAI won


Brig. Gen. Ben Partin video - Part 1


Brig. Gen. Ben Partin video - Part 2


My investigation into the Alaska Airlines disaster, the murder of microbiologist, Dr. Don C. Wily (after 9/11), including the official 250 pg report, my on site investigation into Columbine and more are on my CD.

Ashcroft Personally Rejected Specific Warnings of Impending Terrorist Attacks During the Summer of 2001

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  • Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn’t left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party.
  • Devvy’s regularly posted new columns are on her site at: www.devvy.com. You can also sign up for her free email alerts.
  • E-mail is: devvyk@npn.net



4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following eye-opening videos, audio and website relate to and/or further support the above article-You Decide:


Video: Oklahoma City Bombing - General Ben Partin – 2001!-Posted on YouTube.com-Byfreedomlawschool-On June 11, 2011:



Video: The Oklahoma City & 9/11 False Flag Events By Stew Webb!-Posted on YouTube.com-By projectnsearch-On May 16, 2012:



Video: Bush Crime Syndicate, Aliens, Area 51, Secret Space Program!- Posted on YouTube.com-By projectnsearch-On April 12, 2012:



Video: CIA Kill Teams Activiated By Obama & Coming Bank Collapse By Stew Webb!-Posted on YouTube.com-By projectnsearch-On May 31, 2012:



Video: Gordon Duff and Stew Webb Blasting the Truth!-Posted on YouTube.com-Byprojectnsearch-On January 13, 2013:



Stew Webb, Federal Whistle Blower Activist Web-Site:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following articles and videos relate to and/or further support the above articles and videos -You Decide:


Winner Takes All: Why DHS is gearing up for war!-Posted on VT News-By Jim Fetzer (with Ellen Brown)-On April 9, 2013:



Video: Rachel Maddow’s Jihad Against Alex Jones, Part II!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Infowars.com-On April 27, 2013:



All In The Family: Uncle Ruslan Married to Daughter of Top CIA Offi...: Some believe mysterious and absent Misha was Tsarnaev’s FBI handler

Kurt!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Nimmo,
Infowars.com-On April 27, 2013:



The CIA Hoax Report!-Posted on VT News-By Barry Chamish-On April 28, 2013:



Has Brzezinski’s terror come back to America!-Posted on StewWebb.com-By stewwebb-On April 28, 2013:



EMERGENCY UPDATE!-Posted on StewWebb.com-By stewwebb-On April 28, 2013:



Obama Signed “Operation Ring Of Fire” Exec Order For NUKES and MARTIAL LAW!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Pamela Rae-On April 28, 2013:



Audio: RADIO Amber and Collin interview Stew Webb Whistleblower Activist: DHS Martial Law Could happen this week!-Posted on StewWebb.com-By stewwebb-On April 28, 2013:



Virginia – Martial Law? “Shelter In Place” Ordered & Lifted in Fredericksburg Virginia!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On April 28, 2013:



CIA’s Graham Fuller, connected to Tsarnaevs -9/11 cover-up!-Posted on VT News-By Kevin Barrett-On April 28, 2013:



Boston And More Government Lies!-Posted Personal Liberty Digest-By Bob Livingston-On April 29, 2013:



RON PAUL: BOSTON MANHUNT SCARIER THAN ATTACK: ‘Turned into a military-style occupation of an American city’!-Posted on WND.com-On April 29, 2013:



Video: Americans Fear Government More Than Terror!-Posted on Conservative Byte-On April 29, 2013:



The Last Roundup!-Posted on StewWebb.com-By stewwebb-On April 29, 2013:



Boston Bombs Over Syria!-Posted on VT News-By Dean Henderson-On April 29, 2013:



Israel Intelligence Directorate Sends America to War!-Posted on VT News-Bywww.roytov.com-On April 29, 2013:



Caught, Israel orchestrating world war!-Posted on VT News-By Gordon Duff and Press TV-On April 29, 2013:



Video: STATE DEPT CHANGES VIEW ON SYRIA IN 24 HRS, CAN’T EXPLAIN WHY!-Posted on Breitbart TV-On April 24, 2013:



NY Times Admits We Are Supporting Terrorists In Syria!-Posted on Last Resistance-By Mark Horne-On April 29, 2013:



Grim Alternatives in Syria!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Joseph Klein-On April 30, 2013:



Boston Bombers: Cherished to Kill!-Posted on VT News-By Veterans Today-On April 29, 2013:



CIA Financing of Chechen and Other Caucasus Regional Terrorists!-Posted on VT News-By Wayne MADSEN (USA)-On April 29, 2013:



Video: Likely Foreign Connections In Boston Bombing!-Posted on Western Journalism-ByNEWSEDITOR-On April 29, 2013:



‘Persons Of Interest’ Home And Abroad: US Claims More Suspects In Boston Bombing!-Posted on Before It’s News-By RussiaToday-On April 29, 2013:



Video: George W. Bush Suggests Boston Bombings Were A Conspiracy?-Posted on RedFlagNews.com-By Paul Watson-On April 29, 2013:



Hypocrisy of US War on Terrorism!-Posted on VT News-By Paul Balles-On April 29, 2013:



Benghazi Whistleblower: Witnesses Threatened with “Decapitation” by Obama Regime!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On April 29, 2013:



Whose side is Obama on? A pattern of soft-pedaling U.S. response to terrorism prompts questions!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Frank J. Gaffney Jr., The Washington Times-On April 30, 2013:



Escalation: Iranian Drones Over Israel!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By P. David Hornik-On April 30, 2013:



Alert Level High!-Posted on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report-On April 29, 2013:



Bad moon over America!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Douglas J. Hagmann-on April 29, 2013:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 4 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063688830?profile=originalNY Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. (Part 4)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 26, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to and/or further support this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063557550?profile=originalLetter To NM U.S. Senator Udall (Re: Questionable and/or mysterious circumstances surrounding Boston Marathon bombing)!



Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Boston Bombing, Fog of War on Steroids!



U.S. Practiced Torture After 9/11, Non Partisan Review Concludes!



Father Of Alleged Boston Bombers Makes Terroristic Threat To U.S. If Second Son Is Killed (Part 1)!



“Innocent” Saudi has ties to several Al-Qaeda Terrorists (Part 1)!



Eyewitness: Authorities Announced “Drill” Before Boston Explosions!



Vice President Biden Calls for a New World Order!


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 17)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 25, 2014:



The Real-Deal About Obama And Congressional/Court Silence!



CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!



Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?



Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?



Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!



Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!



Where Is America Today?


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following video is extremely appropriate today: 


The Fightin Side of Me!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


God Bless Victims Of Boston Marathon-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 3 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063688830?profile=originalNY Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. (Part 3)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 26, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing issue:


Who We Must Blame For Boston!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Robert Spencer-On May 1, 2013:

“Barack Obama promised Tuesday that he would be taking lessons from the Boston Marathon jihad bombing: “When an event like this happens, we want to review every step that was taken, we want to leave no stone unturned, we want to see if there is in fact additional protocols and procedures that could be put in place that would further improve and enhance our ability to detect a potential attack.’’

Sounds great – but ultimately all Obama offered were words. Words that are unlikely to be backed up by real action. The one thing that needs to be done – an official acknowledgement of the reality and magnitude of the global jihad, and the commitment of U.S. intelligence to understanding and combating it – is the one thing that will not be done.

After all, the Administration official Obama has charged with ferreting out the lessons of Boston is none other than his director of national intelligence, James “Clueless” Clapper, who thinks the Muslim Brotherhood is “largely secular.” Obama explained: “Part of what Director Clapper is doing is to see if we can determine lessons learned from what happened’’ in Boston.

Yet one of the foremost of those lessons is that people like James Clapper should not be entrusted with the nation’s intelligence-gathering apparatus. The Russians had Boston jihad bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev under surveillance, were deeply concerned about his contacts with jihad terrorists, and shared those concerns with the FBI. Yet Obama said that criticism of how the FBI handled that intelligence was “not right, although I am sure it generated some headlines. It’s not as if the FBI did nothing. They not only investigated the older brother, they interviewed the older brother, they concluded that there were no signs he was engaging in extremist activity.”

Obama concluded from this that “the question then is, is there something that happened that triggered radicalization and an actual decision by the older brother to engage in the tragic attack we actually saw in Boston, and are there additional things that could have been done in the interim that might have prevented it?’’

That’s not the only conclusion that can be drawn from the fact that the FBI found no signs that Tsarnaev was “engaging in extremist activity.” The other is that the FBI had no idea how to tell whether or not Tamerlan Tsarnaev was “engaging in extremist activity,” because the “extremist activity” he was engaging in was Islamic jihad, and Obama’s FBI is forbidden to study Islamic jihad. This is because the Obama Administration in 2011 mandated the scrubbing of counter-terror training materials of the truth about I.... It is the terror threat that dare not speak its name.

The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) deserves some credit for this — they mounted a huge campaign in 2010 to have me dropped as a trainer of .... Nor was that campaign personal: they mounted similar campaigns against any trainers and training materials that told the truth about Islam and jihad. But CAIR’s was not a lonely struggle. Others responsible for the politically correct scrubbing of counterterror training materials of any mention of Islam or jihad include hard-Left pseudo-journalist Spencer Ackerman, who published a series of “exposes” of “Islamophobic” counterterror training; Fatima Khera of Muslim Advocates, who wrote a letter to Obama’s then-chief counterterrorism adviser and current CIA director, John Brennan, demanding that this material be removed. Brennan, who readily acquiesced to this demand, also bears responsibility, as does Salam al-Marayati of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, who piled on in the mainstream media. They got what they wanted: now FBI agents are woefully ill-equipped to deal with the Islamic jihad threat, which they largely must pretend does not even exist.

Now in Boston, we have begun reaping the fruit of this.

Khera’s letter to Brennan complained that my books could be found in “the FBI’s library at the FBI training academy in Quantico, Virginia”; that a reading list accompanying a powerpoint presentation by the FBI’s Law Enforcement Communications Unit recommended my book The Truth About Muhammad; and that in July 2010 I “presented a two-hour seminar on ‘the belief system of Islamic jihadists’ to the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in Tidewater, Virginia,” and “presented a similar lecture to the U.S. Attorney’s Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council, which is co-hosted by the FBI’s Norfolk Field Office.” In fact, I gave many such presentations to various government agencies and law enforcement groups.

Again, the complaints about me and my work were not singular or personal; they came amid many other complaints about similar material from other writers, and presentations by other counter-jihadists. So now all that material is gone, and the witless and politically correct FBI of today ignored Tamerlan Tsarnaev despite repeated warnings from Russian authorities. And if they did investigate him, they didn’t know what to look for or how to understand what they were seeing.

The Leftist journalists and Islamic supremacist groups who pressured Obama (as well as Obama and his administration officials themselves) ought to be held accountable for the law enforcement and intelligence failures connected to the Boston jihad bombings. J’accuse.”




Video: 11 Years After 9/11 - What Went Wrong With American Policy!-Posted on YouTube.com-By emetonline-On November 3, 2012:



Video: FBI’s Boston Bombing False Flag - A CLOSER LOOK!-Posted on YouTube.com-Bycgreene34-On April 25, 2013:



BOMBSHELL: FBI Whistleblower Reveals CIA Ran The Boston Bombers!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Alexander Higgins (Reporter)-On April 30, 2013:



Video: Nothing more v 1.0!-Posted on YouTube.com-By NothingMore0415-On April 29, 2013:



Energy Weapon Dustified Steel, Brought Down Towers, Toasted Cars!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Alton Parrish (Reporter)-On April 30, 2013:



RUSSIA DELIVERS NEW AL-QAIDA WARNING TO U.S.: Jihadists reportedly being armed by Obama administration!-Posted on WND.com-By AARON KLEIN-On April 30, 2013:



Where Is Islamic And Media Condemnation For Saudi Arabia And Qatar?-Posted on The Last Resistance-By John Demayo-On April 30, 2013:



Saudi Arabia Warned the United States IN WRITING about Boston Bomber in 2012!-Posted on Mail Online-By DAVID MARTOSKO and THE AMERICAN MEDIA INSTITUTE-On May 1, 2013:



Video: Obama Issues Lone Wolf Terrorist Warning!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Infowars.com-On May 1, 2013:



Tsarnaev brothers: 9/11 truthers – and obviously innocent!-Posted on VT News-By Kevin Barrett-On May 2, 2013:



Israel Assassinates the “Freelancer of Terror”!-Posted on VT News-By www.roytov.com-On April 30, 2013:



Video: SYRIA: ‘Missiles fired at’ Russian plane with 159 passengers!-Posted on amtvmedia.com-By Christopher Greene-On April 30, 2013:



Obama To Arm Al-Qaeda Terrorists In Syria: White House set to green light weapons to jihadists who have vowed to destroy America!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Paul Joseph Watson,
Infowars.com-On May 1, 2013:



Paving The Road To Ruin With Islamists!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By John Myers-On May 1, 2013: 



Ambassador Stevens Was Set Up!-Posted on Western Journalism-By LOUISE HODGES-On April 30, 2013:



BENGHAZI WHISTLEBLOWERS: Obama, Hillary Lied About Assets That Could Have Saved SEALs, Then Threatened Witnesses!-Posted on Doug Ross @ Journal-On April 29, 2013:



MIND-BLOWING TRANSCRIPT OF BENGHAZI WHISTLE-BLOWER: US identified terrorist behind 9/11 attack but refuses to capture him!-Posted on Doug Ross @ Journal-On April 30, 2013:






Video: Benghazi WhistleBlower Attorney: State Department Violating The Law!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On April 30, 2013:






State Department Denies Retaliation Against Benghazi Whistleblowers!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By ELIZABETH SHELD-On May 1, 2013:



Issa: Obama ‘aids those’ who are intimidating Benghazi whistle-blowers!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Joel Gehrke,
Washington Examiner-On May 1, 2013:



Video: Obama: ‘Not Familiar’ With Benghazi Whistleblowers Being Threatened!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On April 30, 2013:



War On Whistle Blowers Website:


4063692210?profile=originalSpecial Ops Benghazi Survivor Speaks Out Against Obama Administration (M.I. Related)!-Posted on Before It’s News-By John Rolls (Reporter)-On May 1, 2013:



Video: Eyewitnesses Will Testify Next Week On Benghazi Massacre!-Posted on Western Journalism—By NEWSEDITOR-On May 1, 2013:



Drowning Out All Things Benghazi!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Bosch Fawstin-On May 1, 2013:



The Spirit to Overcome!-Posted on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report-On April 30, 2013:



Iranian President Arrested, Military Coup In Iran?-Posted on Before It’s News-By Mort Amsel (Reporter)-On May 1, 2013:



Spy, or Pay Up: FBI-Backed Bill Would Fine US Firms for Refusing Wiretaps!-Posted on Before It’s News-By JIMALE (Reporter)-On May 1, 2013:



The Boston Bombings Swing in Israel’s and the NeoCon’s Favor!-Posted on VT News-ByJonas E. Alexis-On April 30, 2013:



London’s former mayor blames America first for Boston bombings!-Posted on American Thinker-By Ethel C. Fenig-On May 1, 2013:



How Terrorism Operates on the Psyche of Nations – on The Glazov Gang!-Posted onFrontpagemag.com-On May 1, 2013:



The Camp Bastion Cover-Up!-Posted on MichelleMalkin.com-By Michelle Malkin-On May 1, 2013:



Video: Whistleblower: We Know Who Was Behind Benghazi Attack!-Posted on Conservative Byte-On May 2, 2013:



Benghazi Whistle Blower: “… Americans Were Deliberately Left There To Die”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BILLY ALLMAN-On May 2, 2013:



Video: The Boston Bombing, the CIA, and the US Empire | Sibel Edmonds!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Lew Rockwell-On April 30, 2013:



New Documents Reveal Homeland Security Deeply Involved in Boston Bombing!-Posted on VT News-By Harold Saive-On May 1, 2013:



Report: U.S. Government Worked with Bin Laden and His Top Lieutenan...!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By washingtonsblog.com-On May 2, 2013:



Mystery Solved: The WTC was Nuked on 9/11!-Posted on VT News-By Jim Fetzer-On May 1, 2013:



US Army Warns of May 2nd Terror Threat: Anniversary of Osama bin Laden death increases risk terrorists “may carry out an attack”!-Posted on InfoWars.com-By Paul Joseph Watson,
Infowars.com-On May 1, 2013:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 5 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063688830?profile=originalNY Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. (Part 5)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On September 27, 2013:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to and/or further support this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063557550?profile=originalLetter To NM U.S. Senator Udall (Re: Questionable and/or mysterious circumstances surrounding Boston Marathon bombing)!



Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?



Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!



Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!



Where Is America Today?


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos are extremely appropriate today: 


The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


God Bless Victims Of Boston Marathon-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 16 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:


Americans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 16)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 8, 2013:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063565879?profile=originalValerie Jarret – “After We Win This Election, It’s Our Turn. Payback Time!”-Posted on Ulsterman Report-By Ulsterman-On November 1, 2012:


4063813696?profile=original‘SCHINDLR’S LIST’ PRODUCER RIPS OBAMA’S ‘SOVIET’ TACTICS: ‘Decries ‘political prosecution’ of conservative filmmaker’!-Posted on WND.com-By JEROME R. CORSI-On January 24, 2014:

The Obama administration’s prosecution of conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza on campaign-finance charges is a “political prosecution” comparable to the tactics used on the communist former Soviet Union to quell dissent, charges the producer of D’Souza’s 2012 hit film, which warned of dire consequences for the nation if Obama were elected to a second term.

“When Dinesh D’Souza can be prosecuted for making a movie, every American should ask themselves one question: ‘What will I do to preserve the First Amendment?’” Gerald R. Molen, the producer of “2016: Obama’s America,” told WND.

Molen previously produced the Academy Award-winning film “Schindler’s List.”

D’Souza has a new film scheduled for release July 4, “America,” which imagines what the world would be like without the nation.

Watch the movie that explains it all. The movie that everyone is talking about. The movie the White House doesn’t want you to see!

His “2016: Obama’s America” was the No. 2 political documentary of all time, Molen noted, “and it obviously got the attention of our rulers.”

“This action may have been designed to intimidate us, but it will have the opposite effect,” he said.

Federal authorities have accused D’Souza of donating more than the legal requirement to the 2006 campaign of Republican Wendy Long, who lost the race for the Senate seat in New York that had been vacated by Hillary Clinton.

The indictment charges D’Souza donated $20,000 to Long’s campaign by aggregating the money from various people and falsely reporting the source of the funds.

Molen told WND the prosecution of D’Souza “is the equivalent of prosecuting a political dissident in the Soviet Union for jay-walking.”

“Yes, jaywalking in the Soviet Union is a crime, but it’s a minor crime. The real point is that you are a political dissenter and the government wants to put you away,” he said.

D’Souza pleaded not guilty to the charges Friday in federal court in Manhattan, where he was released on $500,000 bond and restricted to travel in the U.S.


He faces a maximum of two years in prison for the illegal contributions charge and a maximum of five years in prison for a false statements charge. D’Souza’s lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, released a statement saying, “Mr. D’Souza did not act with any corrupt or criminal intent whatsoever. He and the candidate have been friends since their college days, and at worst, this was an act of misguided friendship by D’Souza.”

Molen said the Obama administration “is engaging in a practice of ‘selective enforcement of the law’ where there is double standard such that if you oppose Obama politically, the IRS and the Department of Justice knock on your door, but if you’re a liberal who supports Obama, you can say anything you want.”

In the eyes of the Obama administration, Molen contends, D’Souza’s crime was to dare to produce a movie that could damage President Obama at the polls.

“This is not the America we grew up in,” Molen said. “In the America I treasured, a president would go out of his way to protect those who disagreed with the president’s policy. That’s what the First Amendment is all about.”

Molen said D’Souza is encouraging Americans who still treasure the First Amendment and want to preserve the right to express political dissent without being prosecuted to “vote with your feet” by making the debut of D’Sousa’s next film, “America,” a success at the box office.


-   No, it’s a paranoid, right-wing fantasy

-   No, Dinsesh D’Souza may actually be guilty

-   No, Obama’s critics deserve all the punishment they get

-   No, Republicans are desperate because they hate Obama

-   No, this is more right-wing racism

-   Yes, remember when Obama said: ‘I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way’?

-   Yes, he is targeting them. He views them as a stumbling block to the U.S. he wants to create

-   Yes, punishing his enemies’ is one of the few promises Obama has actually kept

-   Yes, this is the ‘payback’ Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarret promised after Obama’s re-election

-   Yes, and combined with other recent attacks on media, it’s the most chilling attack on the First Amendment in recent memory

-   Other

Source Link:



OBAMA’S GOAL: QUASH TARGETED FILMMAKER’S UPCOMING MOVIE? ‘’They’re going to throw him into the mud to discredit his name’!-Posted on WND.com-By GARTH KANT-On January 24, 2014:



U.S. Attorney Behind D’Souza Indictment On Short List To Replace Eric Holder!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By DEBRA HEINE-On January 25, 2014:



Obama ‘threatens Fox News reporter’s career’!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 16, 2014:

Reports ‘put broadcaster’s job in jeopardy’

(Greta Van Susteren) - After Benghazi on 9/11/2012, the Obama administration tried very hard to discourage Fox News Channel from reporting on it. The effort was obstruction – pure and simple.

They tried to prevent the truth from coming out and the Administration tried just about everything to discourage Fox from investigating and reporting.


All the American people wanted, and all I ever wanted, was just the facts – why did 4 Americans die? What happened?

The Obama Administration put out that phony video story — but who could not have been suspicious of the Administration after hearing that? Frankly, if they had been candid on day 1, the Benghazi story would have been over in short order. It would not be to the point we are now: with a Senate Bi Partisan Intelligence Committee report with the very painful conclusion that the murders at Benghazi could have been prevented.

So let’s take a little walk in history…just a sample of how the Obama Administration tried to shut Fox News Channel’s reporting down:

In the early days after Benghazi, the State Department omitted only Fox News Channel from its conference call to all the media when it claimed to be answering questions about Benghazi for the media. Our friends in other media outlets were scandalized that Fox was not included and told us all about it. They were suspicious of State Department forgetting us/Fox and courageous to tip us off. The State Department claimed it was accident and not intentional.

And then shortly thereafter, there was the CIA briefing about Benghazi at the CIA for all the networks – except one: Fox News Channel. The CIA would not let Fox News Channel attend.

Then we had to listen to all the silliness about a video….what was with that? Did anyone ever really think that was legitimate?

And there were many times in the months and years since September 2012 when Obama Administration officials would make comments to suggest that Fox was just doing the Benghazi reporting for political reasons. The Administration was doing what it could to deter and demean the Fox News Channel investigation. They did not want to give us the facts — so their strategy was to attempt to belittle and demean our reporting.

As an aside, does the Obama Administration think politics is the reason the Democratically led Senate Intelligence Committee opened its investigation? Obviously not.

It is also interesting to note that The New York Times, thought by many to be the gold standard in journalism, recently reported that it was not Al Qaeda. According to the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report, the NY Times reporting is wrong. (Yes, the same New York Times that reported there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. That was wrong, too.)

And then as I was sitting at my desk thinking about the reporting since September 2012, I thought about the weirdest of all and the worst of all for me personally! I remembered a disturbing phone call from a good friend in the Obama Administration. I have known this friend for years. The call was a short time after 9/11 (maybe Oct. 2012?) In the call, my friend told me that my colleague Jennifer Griffin, who was aggressively reporting on Benghazi, was wrong and that, as a favor to me, my friend in the Administration was telling me so that I could tell Jennifer so that she did not ruin her career. My friend was telling me to tell Jennifer to stop her reporting. Ruin her career?

In 20 plus years, I have never received a call to try and shut down a colleague – not that I even could – this was a first. Here is what I know: Jennifer is a class act….experienced..and a very responsible journalist. One of the absolute best in the business – no axe to grind, she just wants the facts.

I told my friend before I go to Jennifer telling her she is wrong, I need proof she is wrong, strong proof and you need to be specific – what are you saying she is getting wrong? We went around and around — including the statement again that this was just a call as a favor to Jennifer and me to save Jennifer’s career from reporting incorrect information. I got no proof. Zero. I smelled a rat. Favor to me? Hardly. My friend was trying to use me. I feel bad that a friend did that to me, tried to use me for a dirty reason. I knew then — and it is now confirmed by BIPARTISAN Senate Intelligence Committee — Jennifer was getting her facts right. I think it is really low for the Administration to stoop this low.


Source Link:



Obama: Fox News is Responsible for My Failures!-Posted on Mr. Conservative-By Robert Rich-On January 24, 2014:

Obama recently took to an interview to whine—once again—about his failures and how, of course, they’re not his fault.  He explained that his inability to, “penetrate the Republican base,” all stems from the “caricature” Fox News and Rush Limbaugh have portrayed him to be.

Obama started his pouting session by explain that as he is the devout father of two children, going the social rout isn’t really an option.  He suggests that going out late at night for a couple of drinks with a fellow political—either Republican or Democrat—just isn’t plausible as his committed family values do not permit it.

(See also: Obama: American’s Don’t Like Me Because I’m Black)

Instead of admitting his total denial to compromise, he insists:

“I think probably, just from a purely political point of view, the bigger challenge that I’ve had has to do with the fact that there is a core group of Republican House members in particular who know that I lost their districts by twenty-five or thirty points, and that there is a Republican base of voters for whom compromise with me is a betrayal.”

Riiiight.  It wouldn’t be the fact that many of your proposals are unconstitutional or more in line with your own personal agenda rather than what’s best for the public.  He instead explains that the true reason for the lack of negotiation from Republicans actually stems from Fox News.

He claims:

“The issue has been the inability of my message to penetrate the Republican base so that they feel persuaded that I’m not the caricature that you see on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh, but I’m somebody who is interested in solving problems and is pretty practical, and that, actually, a lot of the things that we’ve put in place worked better than people might think.”

(See also: Obama Accused of Sueing S&P $5 Billion As Political Retaliation)

Members of Congress, on the other hand, feel the reason may be a little clearer than the President’s proposed excuses.  Politicians from the other side of the isle have been complaining that it’s the other way around and, in fact, it’s Obama that isn’t willing to negotiate.

Former Sen. Olympia Snowe stated, “A president should be reaching out to many on the opposite side of the aisle — you know, to many Republicans, on a bipartisan basis.”  She later went on to say that she would give Obama a, “close to failing,” grade when it came to his, “relationship with Congress.”

But it isn’t just Republican’s that have been speaking out against the “caracturized” Commander-in-Chief—several Democrats are starting to see Obama’s nonnegotiable demands to get what he wants. Sen. Joe Manchin claimed that he noticed Congress was, “almost to a crisis stage before,” Obama would intervene—and not by his own choice, but out of obligation.

Manchin explained that, “I just think sometimes they’re looking for a little bit of guidance also … that’s your responsibility as a leader to give that guidance,” speaking about congress and Obama’s inability to be a leader.

Of course, this isn’t fazing Obama as he continues to march to the beat of his own drum with blinders on. He’s taking what little support he has left as the only assurance he needs that he’s doing the right thing.

Wrapping up the interview, he states, “I’d like to think that part of that is because the Democrats up on Capitol Hill that I have relationships with know that the things I’m fighting for are things they care deeply about, and that I have a genuine commitment to seeing them succeed.”

(See also: VIDEO: Man Trashes Obama On YouTube: “Being Black Isn’t Your Problem… The Problem Is You Suck!”)

Sure, you run with that.

What do you think—is it really Fox News’ fault or is Obama truly a disastrous failure in office?

Source Link:



Obama blames Limbaugh for ‘caricature’ status!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 25, 2014:

‘It’s Me Again! Obama Says I’m His Problem’


RUSH:  Well, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like I continue to live rent free in the head of the president, Barack Obama.  It seems that the New Yorker has just posted more from their 18-page Obama interview.  I don’t know if the whole thing has been on the Internet.  I didn’t read the whole thing.  It may have been up there all the time.  But here is what the president said, the New Yorker interview with David Remnick that they have just posted.

“Another way of putting it, I guess, is that the issue has been the inability of my message to penetrate the Republican base so that they feel persuaded that I’m not the caricature that you see on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh, but I’m somebody who is interested in solving problems and is pretty practical, and that, actually, a lot of the things that we’ve put in place worked better than people might think. And as long as there’s that gap between perceptions of me within the average Republican primary voter and the reality, it’s hard for folks like John Boehner to move too far in my direction.”


So it’s me again, and Fox News.  We are the reason Obama can’t advance his agenda, because Boehner is afraid to move too close to Obama because I have made you — along with Fox News has made you — think Obama is something that he isn’t.  And it’s such a shame.  I have so distorted who the real Obama is in your mind, that it is paralyzing our government.  It is paralyzing the Speaker of the House, who really, really, really, really wants to go in there and really, really work with Obama, but he just can’t.  It’s hard for people like Boehner to move too far in my direction because of the misperception of me, Obama says, created by Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.


And greetings, my friends.  Welcome.  Great to have you.  We’re here for another three hours of broadcast excellence here at the distinguished and special Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies.  The telephone number if you’d like to be on the program is 800-282-2882.  The e-mail address, ElRushbo@eibnet.com.

We have polling news all over the place today, and we have some data, some actual data that is not polling news, actual results.  For example, Quinnipiac poll has Obama way under 50% all over the place.  By the way, this is a poll that’s sympathetic to the president.  They’ve got his job approval at 40%.  Economic policy approval at 39%.  Obamacare approval at 36%.  In the Quinnipiac poll 77% say the economy is not so good or poor.  Forty-nine percent say that Obama is dishonest, and that is the majority in that category.  Fifty-three percent say the Obama Regime is incompetent.

So I guess Fox News and I are having a robust time here in getting the truth out about the Regime and the president.  You look at that poll, and looks like we’ve succeeded here.  In what?  Having the truth finally understood.  It’s only taken five years.  Five years of steady effort.


By the way, folks, I meant to get to this yesterday.  It just slipped my mind ’cause I never got to the backup Stack.  Actually it’s not the backup Stack.  It’s a holdover Stack, I mean, the stuff I don’t get to one day I put it in the Stack that is for use potentially the next day or the day after, and I’m gonna get to it today.  The latest science proving that modern mothers are lazy, and lazier.  I meant to do it yesterday.  Slipped my mind.  I’ve got it at the top of the do-over Stack today, the holdover Stack.

Anyway, the Washington Post.  The American dream has actually been dead 50 years.  The Washington Post has a story that says economic mobility hasn’t changed in 50 years.  And that would include the Clinton. I mean, the economic mobility was dead during the Clinton years.  I don’t know if the Washington Post realizes that they are acknowledging that.  No, no, no.  Of course it’s bogus.  But look, the news for Obama, the health care news, folks, Jim Angle at Fox News ran across some internal Regime documents — we reported on this — and the Regime on TV, the public face, anybody from the Regime talking about health care, “Oh, yeah, got the website up and running, all the problems ironed out, and we’re just humming along now.”  And that’s apparently not true.


The Regime, according to the documents that Jim Angle came across, the Regime is really worried that the whole thing is going to collapse.  And one of the reasons why is that the so-called back end of HealthCare.gov, which is where all the data collected then gets sent on to the Regime and to insurance companies, has yet to function.  (laughing)  The entire reason you do a website — (laughing) Folks, this would be like going on Amazon and ordering whatever you order, and it stopping there.  What’s in your shopping cart never leaving your cart.  Nobody at Amazon ever finding out what’s in your cart.  That is the essential reality here.  And the back end isn’t done.

There’s another companion story.  Aetna insurance company might be totally forced out of Obamacare.  It’s a companion story.  They’ve brought in some experts from Accenture.  Now, of those who watch golf may have heard of Accenture.  They sponsor the world golf championship, or they did.  I don’t know.  I haven’t watched a golf tournament on TV in so long I don’t know if they still do, but they were prominent as sponsors of golf tournaments.  And they used to be called something else.  I forget what they used to be called, and I still don’t know what they do now.  I guess they’re an auditing firm of some kind.  But they have been given the charge of fixing this thing by March, and if they don’t get it fixed by March, then supposedly we’re looking at an utter collapse.  You know, I guess that’s true.

Forbes magazine did this first-ever top 10 most influential personality, slash, celebrity poll, and it was not reported on in this country.  It was reported on in the UK Independent, I believe.  We had it last week.  And it showed that I am in the top 10 most influential. Most everybody else was in Hollywood, and all of the top 10 except me are involved in pictures, either movies or television.  I’m the only person that is not involved in pictures in the top 10, and I was ahead of Hillary.  Remember that?  Hillary was at number 10, and I was ahead of her in the list.  So you could say Hillary wasn’t able to change people’s thinking about Obamacare during the campaign of 2007-2008, but it looks like I, along with Fox News, have been able to do so.  So I guess that poll might have had some accuracy to it, or that ranking.

But back to the Washington Post.  We have not had any upward mobility. The American dream, in other words, according to the Washington Post, has been dead for 50 years — and this conveniently coincides with a stagnant economy that we find ourselves in after five years of Obama.  Obama’s out there claiming 44 straight months of job growth, and we got an economic rescue, and people are going back to work, and the economy is starting to hum, and… (interruption)

It does.  It sounds like a dream come true, except it isn’t happening, and now the Washington Post, in order to make sure that that is not linked exclusively to Obama, has just decided to tell us that there hasn’t really been any upward mobility in 50 years.  USA Today and the Pew Center for the People and the Press have another poll, teeing it up for Obama’s State of the Union speech on the wealth gap.  Sixty-plus percentage of everybody thinks that inequality in America is growing.


Was Elizabeth Warren right that the game is rigged?  Thirty-eight percent agree with Elizabeth Warren that the economic game in America is rigged! The thinking is “that hard work and determination were no guarantee of success,” and that coincides, does it not, with the Washington Post?  We haven’t had any upward mobility in 50 years, and, by the way, it’s got nothing to do with Obama.  This happened long before Obama!

Obama is trying to fix it!

Obama’s trying to reverse this!

By the way, when did this country come with “a guarantee of success”?  Well, I’m just bouncing off this USA Today/Pew Center poll where a sizable number of people proclaim “that hard work and determination were no guarantee of success.”  I missed that of success.  Have you heard of that guarantee?  What guarantee of success?  Hard work or any other guarantee. Where is that guarantee? (interruption) Yeah, and security, too.  Where’s that guarantee?  For anybody, for anyone in the world, but particularly here in the US?

Where is that?  Europe?  Environmentalist wackos in Europe say that climate rules, in order to head off global warming, are causing economic pain — and even at that, we’re not keeping pace with the dire warnings.  We’re not keeping pace.  We not doing what we need to do to stave off climate change, and even falling short of what we should be doing, what we’re supposed to do, we are nevertheless causing economic pain.  It’s just disastrous out there.


RUSH: T.J. in Sierra Vista, Arizona.  You’re up first today, sir.  Great to have you, and welcome.

CALLER:  Hello, Rush.  How are you today, sir?

RUSH:  I’m fine.  Thank you for calling.  Great to have you here.

CALLER:  It is a privilege to talk to you.  Listen, I am not a mathematician.  I am a Baptist preacher.  I have the privilege of pastoring the teenagers of our men and women that serve the armed forces out here at Fort Huachuca.  But, best as I can tell, if the president is right and you are the reason that his approval rating is somewhere, it’s 38, 39, 40% –

RUSH:  Yeah, that’s right.

CALLER:  — then that would mean, Rush, that you have a listenership of roughly 150 to 175 million a day.  So I just wanted to call and tell you congratulations on –

RUSH:  Yeah.

CALLER:  — being easily the most influential person in the media.  That means you’ve got more listeners than people who will watch the Super Bowl next week. That’s fantastic.


RUSH:  Well, it wouldn’t quite go that far because, I appreciate your sentiment, but I’ve always said that one must never lose perspective.  You don’t get lost in your success, and you don’t get depressed about failure, and you keep it all in an even keel.  And the fact of the matter is that Obama’s approval rating at 38, 39, 40%, this is the thing.  It’s not all due to outside influence.  The idea that people are incapable of making up their own minds about people is something that Obama and his party live with every day.

So in Obama’s world, it is Fox News and me.  That’s what he told the New Yorker.  It’s Fox News and me that are the reason the Republican base doesn’t like him.  It can’t possibly be that those people actually pay attention, they’re actually intelligent, they’re actually informed, and they actually disagree with what he’s doing.  It can’t be that.  Oh, no.  It can’t be that because you people are not that smart and you’re not that independently thinkable.  You’re not that independently intelligent.  You’re like the Democrat base.  You’re bunch of idiots, and you only know and do and believe what you’re told.  And do not doubt me.  There may be a degree of exaggeration in there, but that is exactly how the left looks at their voters, and that’s how they look at the whole population.

How else do you explain that everything to them is group and victim related?  In fact, the left can’t survive with independently self-sufficient, self-reliant people.  They aren’t needed if that ever happens, or within groups of people like that.  So they have to assume that people are mind-numbed robots.  They’ve assumed that about me from the get-go.

Now, Mr. Snerdley just said to me during the break, he said, “You’re losing touch.”

I said, “What do you mean?”

He said, “Well, this is no big deal to you.  You’ve had presidents calling you out ever since you’ve been doing this show.  You’ve had presidents and presidential candidates calling you out, and you’re used to it.  Isn’t any big deal to you.”  But he said, “To the average American, the president calling out a single individual citizen isn’t done unless that citizen happens to be an elected member of the opposition party.  This just isn’t done.  But it’s happened to you so often, you just take it for granted, it isn’t any big deal, you just mention it and you go on.”  And he said, “There’s a reason you’re in that top 10 most influential poll.  It’s exactly because of stuff like this.”


And he’s right, I have to admit.  It isn’t any big deal anymore when I see what I saw today in the New Yorker.  It isn’t.  It’s certainly not as big a deal as the first time it happened.  I’ll never forget that one.  Bill Clinton, flying into St. Louis, Air Force One.  I don’t even know if that was the first.  The first might have been when he called me out at the White House Correspondents Dinner.  It’s one of the two.  But he’s flying into St. Louis on Air Force One and he’s talking to the morning guys on our affiliate there, KMOX.  He starts complaining about me, said there’s no truth detector.  He said (paraphrasing), “Limbaugh’s gonna go on for three hours this afternoon and there’s gonna be nobody to challenge what the guy says.”

The president was complaining.  Now, that was big.  But it’s happened every year.  That was 1993 and it’s happened every year since.  And Snerdley’s right.  It isn’t that big a deal the fact that I am living free, rent free, in Obama’s head.  If you’re just joining us here’s what he said.  It’s from a New Yorker interview just posted.  Obama’s complaining about why the Republican base doesn’t like him.

“Another way of putting it, I guess, is that the issue has been the inability of my message to penetrate the Republican base so that they feel persuaded that I’m not the caricature that you see on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh, but I’m somebody who is interested in solving problems and is pretty practical, and that, actually, a lot of the things that we’ve put in place worked better than people might think. And as long as there’s that gap between perceptions of me within the average Republican primary voter and the reality, it’s hard for folks like John Boehner to move too far in my direction.”

Why is it incumbent on Boehner to move in Obama’s direction?  Why shouldn’t Obama have to move in Boehner’s direction or our direction?  But you see, folks, the subtext of this is, if it weren’t for me or Fox News, you’d love Obama.  But you are nothing but sponges.  You are incapable, in other words, of seeing the truth.  You believe the lies about Obama that you hear from me and on Fox News.

That’s what the president’s telling David Remnick here.  And I’m telling you, to me, if I were you, I’d be insulted.  You don’t have a mind of your own.  In other words, you’re not capable of looking at 92 million Americans out of work and thinking Obama’s doing a great job.  You’re not capable of looking at the takeover of health care and the resulting disaster and not liking Obama.  You are incapable of hearing him promise you three years in a row that you get to keep your doctor and keep your plan except you can’t, and still like Obama.  You are incapable of hearing the president promise you that your premium is gonna be reduced by $2,500 a year.  And then you learn that it isn’t, but you’re still supposed to like Obama.  If it weren’t for me.

You are perhaps enable to find a career job.  You’re unable to find a job that will pay you for working more than 29 hours a week, but you’re still supposed to think Obama’s doing a great job, and you would, if it weren’t for me.  You’re incapable of seeing the disaster that has happened to this country.  And if it weren’t for me and Fox News, you would be loving on Obama like his voters are.  And again, all that means is, you can’t think for yourself, mind-numbed robot.  And so we’ve gotta do something about me and Fox News.  What are we gonna do?  Obama’s gotta find a way to reach you ’cause, you know, he’s really doing a good job. The stuff he’s put in place is working better than people might think, 44 straight months of job growth.  Wow.  And we’ve had an economic rescue.

Now, who is delusional?  Who is absent reality, you or Obama?  Imagine… Seriously, now. Imagine that you were president and you purposely put in place policies that caused all of this debt, poverty, unemployment, and the total debacle that is health care. Imagine that you are president — you’ve done it all, you’ve done it on purpose — and then imagine your surprise that people disagree with you.  What kind of person would you have to be?

Wouldn’t it make more sense if you were in Obama’s shoes, that you would understand why certain people don’t like you and disagree with you?


RUSH:  As you know, folks, I’m really uncomfortable talking about myself. Unlike Richard Sherman, I really am uncomfortable talking about my self — and that’s not a slam on Richard Sherman.  As you people know, I like Richard Sherman, and I told you. I said, “The more people get to know this guy, the more they’re gonna like him and the more impressed by him they’re going to be.”  Anyway, I’m gonna tell you what.  The reason that Obama…

This is actually not about me; it’s about you.

The reason that Obama, the media, and the rest of the left… What it is about me they really, really don’t like is that you think for yourselves.  They know it.  They may say that you are not. They may try to insult you by telling you and others that, and imply you’re just mind-numbed robots, and if it weren’t for me, you would be thinking straight, but I’ve corrupted you.  They say that, but they know because they’re politically afraid of you.

They’re afraid of independent thinkers.  They are afraid of people who are able to reason and think on their own.  That’s the main beef with me that they have is that this program inspires curiosity. It inspires thought and critical thinking, and they know they’re never gonna be able to control that. They’re never gonna be able to make you a mind-numbed robot, and you know their modus operandi; they don’t want to have a level playing field.

They want to get rid of all opposition.

They don’t want to debate the opposition.

They don’t want to argue.  They just don’t want there to be any, and they look at you and me and don’t see a way they can make that happen, not within the normal flow of things in the arena of ideas.  So it’s gonna require drastic action — such as the IRS penalizing and harassing the Tea Party, for example.  That’s exactly why that kind of thing happens.



Source Link:






Obama Eliminating Opposing Voices by Using Dictatorial Practices!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Ed Wood-On January 26, 2014:



Obama Launches Chilling Purge Against Political Enemies!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 26, 2014:



OBAMA, DEMOCRATS THRIVE ON POLITICAL REVENGE!-Posted on The New York Post-By By Kyle Smith-On January 24, 2014:



Democrats Are Playing the Knockout Game!-Posted on American Thinker-By Fay Voshell-On January 25, 2014:

It’s no wonder there’s been so little outrage from the Left over the phenomenon known as the Knockout Game.

The Left loves the game and is increasingly expert in knocking out conservative opposition with one swift and lethal blow to the head of any and all who oppose progressivism.

We on the right have seen a rapid succession of punches aimed at taking down everyone and everything conservative. Whether it is potential presidential candidates or conservative organizations like the Tea Party, the aim is the same. Go in from behind in packs and sucker punch the unwitting victims, using governmental entities such as the IRS, the DOJ, or state AGs to deliver the fatal strikes.

It’s clear the end game has a dual purpose: Get potential presidential competitors out of the game and provide distractions from the deep and dangerous scandals afflicting the Obama administration. The attacks against “enemies” like the Tea Party also provide additional and convenient diversions that channel attention away from the disaster that is ObamaCare.

Let’s take a look at just five examples of people and organizations that are on the knockout list:

Knockout punch #1: In Virginia, former governor Robert McDonnell, was indicted on federal corruption charges scarcely ten days after leaving office. The governor, who has just been released on his own recognizance, may have been blindly obtuse when he accepted gifts. But he firmly maintains he did nothing criminal. Be that as it may, fighting the charges will knock him out of the 2016 presidential race. He was seen as a potential GOP candidate.

Knockout punch #2 is aimed at the skull of New Jersey’s Chris Christie, also seen as a frontrunner candidate for the presidency. The U.S. Attorney General has now inserted himself into the Bridgegate scandal, in which Christie has been accused of deliberately tying up traffic in order to get back at Democrat mayor Mark Sokolich, who did not endorse him for the governorship. Fighting the charges against him will take up most of Christie’s time—time he could have spent campaigning for the presidency. The knockout appears to have achieved a twofer, as Christie himself dismissed Bill Stepien, who had been seen as a prospective manager for the governor’s 2016 possible presidential bid.

Knockout punch #3 is aimed at Mike Huckabee, who is falsely being accused of misogyny because he said, “For Democrats to reduce women to beggars for cheap government-funded birth control is demeaning to the women that I know who are far more complicated than their libido and the management of their reproductive system.”

Jay Carney quickly deemed Huckabee’s comments as “offensive.” Look for Huckabee to be a knockout target, as he has also been cited as a potential candidate for the presidency. He will continually and incessantly berated by the Left as being “anti-woman.” The hope is that no woman in America will even think of supporting him. If that were to be the case, he would be toast.

But you don’t have to be a potential candidate for the presidency to be targeted. Democrat knockout gangs are roaming around looking for other potential victims.

One such potential victim is Dinesh D’Souza, target of Knockout punch #4. D’Souza has been charged with making illegal contributions via others and of making false statements. The leaders of the D’Souza knockout gang are the FBI and the U.S. Attorney for Manhattan, Preet Bharara, an Obama appointee who primly stated of D’Souza’s supposed criminality, “As we have long said, this Office and the FBI take a zero tolerance approach to corruption of the electoral process.”

Cough, cough.

Of course the fact D’Souza directed the very successful 2012 film, 2016: Obama’s America, a work extremely critical of Obama, would have nothing to do with his indictment. Nor would punching him in the face have anything to do with interest in deterring the scheduled July 4th release of his next film. And the fact the FBI said it found no criminality in the IRS targeting of conservative organizations means its investigations into D’Souza’s affairs are completely unbiased.

Knockout Punch # 5 is directed against the conservative Hollywood organization known as “Friends of Abe.” The group is being harassed by the IRS after they applied for tax exempt status. The Heritage Foundation writes, “According to the Times, federal tax authorities have requested detailed information from the group about its meetings with several conservative politicians, including Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) and former presidential candidate Herman Cain. Sources say the application has been under review for two years and that the IRS requested access to Friends of Abe’s private website, which would have revealed member names.”

This is the same trustworthy IRS that was given a clean bill of health by the FBI after revelations it has been harassing conservative groups seeking tax exempt status.

Continue Reading:



I Am Afraid of My Government!-Posted on Accuracy In Media-By Alan Caruba-On January 29, 2014:



The President Won’t Be Needing You!-Posted on The Foundry-By Amy Payne-On January 29, 2014:



Obama Says He Will Continue Gun Control Push Without Congress!-Posted on NewsMax.com-By Thomson/Reuters-On January 28, 2014:



Gun Control: Amicus Brief, as filed in Quinn v. Texas!-Posted on usjf.net-On January 27, 2014:



Narcissism Part of Presidential Job Description, Professor Says!-Posted on CNSNews.com-By Barbara Boland-On January 24, 2014:



100 million ready for war against Obama’s NSA!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 26, 2014:



NSA Cases Can End Government Tyranny – Latest Tactic in Fight against Obama’s Illegal Surveillance!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Larry Klayman-On January 28, 2014:



Note:   What follows is an email that I shared with everyone on my email address book regarding a comment that was posted on my WordPress blog site by none other than Valerie Jarrett, who is President Obama’s top and closest advisors, which I believe relates to this extremely disturbing issue-You Decide:

“January 25, 2013

Good Morning:

Wanted to share the attached comment that was recently posted on my blog site, which I accept as a badge of honor because it came from none other than Valerie Jarrett, President Obama’s top advisor-guess I must have hit a nerve with my following blog titled “Are We Witnessing Conversational Hypnosis at Work?”



My only question now is-what’s next?  Have I now graduated to President Obama’s “Kill List” like so many other country loving Americans that speak out against some of his policies that I believe will ultimately destroy this country?

Note: What follows are recent articles and/or blog posts that I believe reveal what happened to other Americans that spoke out against his policies-You Decide: 

Kevin Barrett: Is Obama killing ‘kill list’ critics?-Posted on sott.net-By PressTV-On January 24, 2013:


Prominent rifle manufacturer killed in mysterious car crash days after posting psych drug link to school shooters!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of NaturalNews.com-On January 10, 2013:


Border Whistleblower Sheriff Dead After Testifying Against Obama Administration!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On September 21, 2012:


For your information, I am not suicidal or on drugs.

Note: The above articles and/or blog posts and others that I believe relate to this disturbing issue are contained in my following blog:

Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


“Food For Thought”

Semper Fi!


“When You Honor One Veteran-You Honor All Veterans”

— On Wed, 1/23/13, WordPress <donotreply@wordpress.com> wrote:

From: WordPress <donotreply@wordpress.com>
Subject: [A Nation ADrift-Why?] Please moderate: “Are We Witnessing Conversational Hypnosis At Work?”
To: Jake
Date: Wednesday, January 23, 2013, 5:04 PM

New comment waiting approval on A Nation ADrift-Why?

Val Jarrett commented on Are We Witnessing Conversational Hypnosis At Work?

you are insane!

Approve  Trash | Mark as Spam

More information about Val Jarrett

IP:, pool-71-191-104-227.washdc.east.verizon.net
E-mail: VJarrett@gmail.com
Whois: http://whois.arin.net/rest/ip/

Thanks for flying with  WordPress.com

Personal Note:  I am a proud American who honorably served his country unselfishly for twenty years as a Marine Corps Mustang Officer and have always prided myself as being intelligent, level headed and normally don’t listen to conspiracies, but my gut tells me that something reeks in our country today and am extremely concerned about the destructive direction in which our Country/Republic is headed.

As a result, I believe that there is an urgent and time sensitive need for me to do what I must to get our Country/Republic back on track before it’s too late for the sake of my warmhearted wife of forty-seven years, along with our four loving sons, fifteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren that we have both been blessed with.  It is my opinion that, if our Country’s/Republic’s destructive direction does not change soon, my sons and grandchildren will not have the same opportunities that my wife and I have been blessed with as Americans and I honestly could not live with myself if I did what many Americans are doing today, which is to keep their heads in the sand and pretend that every destructive thing that we are experiencing in America today is just a bad nightmarish dream that will eventually go away on its own, instead of stepping up to the plate and doing what they must to get our Country/Republic back on track.

I am who I am today because of my twenty year Marine Corps career, which taught me that ‘adversities in our life multiply the end benefit, build character and make you a better person.’  And Lord knows I have had my share of adversities in my life, to include, but not limited to surviving: 1) an attempted suicide on the eve of my seventeenth birthday; and 2) two recent bouts with colon cancer.   And, as a result, seem to have a completely different outlook regarding life in general, which includes having little or no fear of death or dying and will continue to practice my ‘First Amendment Rights’ by sharing with other Country/Republic loving Americans what I consider to be any destructive actions and/or inactions by this President, his administration, and allies, to include both Democrats and Republicans in Congress, along with our courts, with the help of the Main Stream Media.  Actions and/or inactions that I believe will eventually destroy our Country/Republic, as we know it.  I also believe that ‘knowledge is power’ and ‘silence breeds contempt’, which is something that I personally would never want to live with, as others mentioned above whom I believe have literally sold their souls to the devil through their actions and/or inactions that will eventually destroy the America that my family and I dearly love (their spouses, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren must be very proud of them).

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”  -Psalms 23:4

4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 18 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 18)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063533322?profile=originalAre We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?


4063520820?profile=originalNarcissism and Tyranny—The Consequence of Executive Egocentrism: ‘Self Service Masquerading as Public Service!’


4063734602?profile=originalAre We Witnessing Conversational Hypnosis At Work?


4063518191?profile=originalWhat Happened to Free Speech?


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 24, 2014:


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!


4063692791?profile=originalObama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!


4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


4063503499?profile=originalActive complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!



Recipient of Foreign Donations Accuses Others of Taking Foreign Donations!


4063559431?profile=originalWas Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 9, 2012:


4063568281?profile=originalLetter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Alleged Illegal Credit Card Solicitations and Donations To President and Capitol Hill From Un-Secure Overseas Accounts!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 8, 2012:


4063557550?profile=originalLetter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Regarding Alleged Illegal Credit Card Solicitations and Donations To President and Capitol Hill From Un-Secure Overseas Accounts!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 8, 2012:


4063359908?profile=originalDishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


4063814359?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…

4063520987?profile=originalWhat's extremely disturbing, but not surprising about this issue?-You Decide:

Was Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?-Posted on The Washington Sentinel-By Dave Jolly-On January 24, 2014:

It should be obvious to everyone that Barack Hussein Obama’s sudden rise to power had to be orchestrated by some very powerful and wealthy people.  We can speculate who some of them are, but needless to say, Obama was not capable of pulling off political victories on his own.

So what was the purpose behind Obama’s push to power?  What was his real job that his puppet masters gave him?

After five years in office, I believe that the real job the power tycoons gave Obama was to destroy the moral and ethical values and foundations of America.  Think about what Obama has done or is trying to do since taking office:

Can you list anything positive that Obama has done since taking office in January 2009?  I can’t.  So ask yourself what was the real task given him by his secret handlers?

The reason behind it is simple.  Once the moral and ethical values of Americans had been destroyed, the hidden power tycoons could take complete control of the nation.  And they’re getting very close to accomplishing their goal.

Source Link:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063812031?profile=originalVIDEO: OBAMA’S COMING COUP D’ÉTAT OF AMERICA!-Posted on ImpeachObamaCampaign.com-By KRIS ZANE-On January 24, 2014:

A coup d’état  of America is on the horizon, led by Barack Hussein Obama. Shockingly, certain congressional members are complicit in the treason.

Guns won’t be used—at least until the coup d’état is over. Something much more insidious will be their weapon of choice.

Watch Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video to find out about Obama’s coming coup d’état of America.

Get Informed! Read More About this topic::

Source Link:


4063788989?profile=originalMARK LEVIN: PRESIDENT OBAMA EXECUTING A QUIET COUP!-Posted on Big Journalism-By ROBERT WILDE-On January 16, 2014:

On Wednesday, President Obama delivered more evidence that he has no intention of letting congress get in the way of his path for “transforming” America. “Where I can act on my own, without Congress, I’m going to do so,” Obama told students Wednesday at North Carolina State University.

On Tuesday, Mark Levin, conservative radio broadcaster and constitutional scholar, criticized Obama for ignoring the legislature and using his “pen to write executive orders.” Levin told his listeners that we are witnessing a “quiet coup.”

“He’s [President Obama] just announced that he is going to assume lawmaking powers. He does not recognize the majority in the House of Representatives. I don’t know how much more clearly he can say it. You know what this is folks? This is a gradual, quiet coup. That’s what is taking place. It’s gradual. It’s quiet, in the sense that it’s non-violent. But it’s a coup!”

Obama was visiting the University to tout a new spending program that will unleash $70 million over five years from the Department of Energy “to help make Raleigh-Durham and America a magnet for the good high-tech manufacturing jobs that a growing middle class requires and that are going to continue to keep this country on the cutting edge.” The President is calling for 2014 to be “year of action” to get the economy moving again.

Republicans have a different view of how resources should be utilized, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) responded: “He could announce construction of the Keystone pipeline, which would help create thousands of American jobs right away. And he could actually deliver on one of the brightest spots of his economic agenda: trade.”

Source Link:


4063812045?profile=originalVideo: Obama’s Coming Communist Coup D’état In 2016!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On February 21, 2014:


4063812105?profile=originalVideo: Jeff Rense & Jay Weidner - America is Gone!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Jeff Rense-On June 14, 2013:


4063811992?profile=originalVideo: Jeff Rense & Jordan Maxwell - America is Gone!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Jeff Rense-On May 1, 2013:


4063812091?profile=originalOBAMA, CLINTONS ACCUSED IN EGYPT OF AIDING TERRORISTS: ‘Documents leaked ahead of trial of Muslim Brotherhood leaders’!-Posted on WND.com-By JEROME R. CORSI-On January 23, 2014:

NEW YORK – Two new, classifed documents leaked by Egyptian security implicate President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton in the aiding and abetting of terrorists.

The documents have been entered as evidence in the criminal trials of former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and other top Muslim Brotherhood leaders, scheduled to begin next month in Cairo.

Obtained by Arabic-speaking former Palestinian Liberation Organization-member Walid Shoebat and posted Thursday on his website, the two leaked documents provide evidence Egyptian security forces have monitored the movements and activities of Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, and his Islamic Dawa Organization, or IDO. The security forces also have kept an eye on the dealings with the Muslim Brotherhood of Essam El-Haddad, the father of Gehad El-Haddad, a senior adviser to the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States and a former employee of the William J. Clinton Foundation.

Malik Obama’s alleged terrorist ties

Shoebat referenced the publication of the leaked documents in Arabic by the Al-Masry Network in Egypt as evidence Malik Obama’s organization is the main sponsor of the effort to Islamize the Nuba area, Aswan and Luxor.

“The Aswan region is a territory in southeastern Egypt that borders northern Sudan, which includes a long stretch of the Nile River,” Shoebat wrote. “During the Mohammed Morsi regime, both Egypt and Sudan (under Omar al-Bashir) would have presented an opportunity to work toward the slow erasure of the border between the two nations. Such negotiations in Aswan would have predictably caused Egypt’s Security Forces great concern.”

Shoebat noted the Al-Masry report indicated that Malik Obama’s role with the Sudanese branch of IDO is much more significant than previously thought.

Problems in Egypt for Hillary and Bill

Continue Reading:


4063503117?profile=originalOBAMA FAMILY BUSTED IN SHARIAH SCHEME: ‘Foundation funding training for Saudi-style government!’-Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On October 10, 2012:

Since his inauguration, President Obama’s family in Kenya has been on a mission to use the Obama name to transform Kenya from the nation’s current Christian majority to an Islamic majority that will spread Islamic law, or Shariah, through the country.

Arab researchers Walid and Theodore Shoebat have documented the claims in a special report that translates an explosive television interview never before seen in the West.

In the interview, Musa Ismail Obama, President Obama’s first cousin in Kenya, told the Arabic-language satellite TV network Al-Jazeera that the Saudi Arabian royal family has developed a strong relationship with the Obama family in their home village of Kogelo in Alego, Siaya District, West Kenya.

Aaron Klein’s “Fool Me Twice” unveils Barack Obama’s second-term foreign policy plans — it’s available now at WND’s Superstore

Musa took pains to explain the need to proselytize Islam in Kenya, which is in line with the desire of wealthy Saudis to transform Kenya into a majority Muslim country.

Walid Shoebat pointed out that an article in the Arabic-language newspaper Al-Arab acknowledged the importance of the Obama name to the efforts of the Kenya family to expand the position of Islam in the country. Shoebat noted the article describes President Obama as a Muslim, referring to “President Obama’s Islamic faith.”

Continue Reading:


4063812171?profile=originalExposed: Obama Family Part of Secret Muslim Terror Operation!-Posted on Fredom Outpost-By Walid Shoebat-On February 1, 2014:


4063812144?profile=originalVideo: The whole Obama family are “all Muslim”, everyone!-Posted on NoBaracko8’s Weblog-By nobarack08-On February 11, 2014:


4063812217?profile=originalYoung Obama’s Dreams of a Communist Revolution in America!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Jamie Glazov-On August 8, 2012:


4063812187?profile=originalVideo: YES OBAMA IS A TERRORIST- Walid Shoebat Interview on Savage Nation Radio!-Posted on YouTube.com-By mamaknock-On October 10, 2013:


4063812236?profile=originalVideo: Navy SEAL Benjamin Smith says Obama is a Muslim & Drops Koran Quran on Ground!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Ana Gadadivida-On January 24, 2014:


4063812197?profile=originalVideo: Proof: Obama is a Muslim: Obama is the Perfect Storm for the NWO!-Posted on YouTube.com-By shakaama-On August 4, 2013:


4063812250?profile=originalWith friends like these…Karzai says U.S., not Taliban, secretly conducted attacks!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Cheryl K. Chumley, The Washington Times-On January 28, 2014:


4063812318?profile=originalExposed: The Muslim Brotherhood/Al-Qaeda Connection!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-ByRaymond Ibrahim-On February 7, 2014


4063812271?profile=originalBlack Republican Defends Call To Hang Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On January 24, 2014:


4063812367?profile=originalVideo: Candidate For Congress Vows To File Obama Articles Of Impeachment!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On January 24, 2014:


4063802385?profile=originalBachmann: Obama’s Legacy Is ‘Establishment of Lawlessness in U.S.’!-Posted on CNSNews.com-By Michael W. Chapman-On January 21, 2014:


4063812282?profile=originalVideo: Charles Krauthammer Explains Obama’s Lawlessness in 50 Seconds!-Posted on The Foundry-By Karen Jeffers-On February 2, 2014:


4063812291?profile=originalIranian commander: We have targets within America!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Reza Kahlili-On February 2, 2014:


4063800650?profile=originalIranian Navy Commander Vows to Sink U.S. Warships: ‘War rhetoric comes as Tehran enters U.S. waters’!-Posted on Free Beacon-By Adam Kredo-On February 9, 2014:


4063800825?profile=originalIran: Ballistic Missile Test a ‘Firm Response’ to U.S.: ‘White House vows to press issue in final deal’!-Posted on Free Beacon-By Adam Kredo-On February 11, 2014:


4063800738?profile=originalWhite House Draws Red Line on Iranian Ballistic Missile Program: ‘WH: ‘This issue will need to be addressed’!-Posted on Free Beacon-By Adam Kredo-On February 10, 2014:


4063800755?profile=originalIranians: ‘We Are Eager for U.S. Military Option’: ‘Iran holds ‘Death to America Grand Prix ceremony’!-Posted on Free Beacon-By Adam Kredo-On February 11, 2014:


4063800860?profile=originalPentagon to Iran: Sail wherever you like!-Posted on Free Beacon-By Adam Kredo-On February 11, 2014:


4063800847?profile=originalWhite House Keeping Tabs on Who Views Secret Iran Deal: ‘A step-by-step look at how ‘unclassified’ deal text is kept hidden from public’!-Posted on Free Beacon-By Adam Kredo-On February 12, 2014:


4063812453?profile=originalDNI: Al-Qaida's Syrian Rebels Have 'Aspirations' to Attack U.S.!-Posted on CNSNews-By Terence P. Jeffrey-On February 5, 2014:


4063812395?profile=originalIntel chief: al-Qaida wants to attack US!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Nelson Campbell-On February 2, 2014:


4063812464?profile=originalThe Poison of Postmodern Lying: ‘When truth is relative, political expediency becomes the truth’!-Posted on National Review Online-By Victor Davis Hanson-On January 30, 2014:


4063812519?profile=originalOBAMA DOUBLES DOWN ON DESTROYING THE ECONOMY!-Posted on Big Government-By HUNTER LEWIS-ON February 1, 2014:


4063812543?profile=originalAre We On The Verge Of A Massive Emerging Markets Currency Collapse?-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Michael Snyder-On January 27, 2014:


4063812438?profile=originalMatt Drudge Issues Warning: “Have An Exit Plan”!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Mac Slavo-On January 27, 2014:


4063812490?profile=originalCORSI: Warning – Take Your Retirement Money Out of Stock Investments as soon as possible!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 27, 2014:


4063812564?profile=originalRichard Russell - Stocks To Crash As U.S. Lies To Its People!-Posted on King World News Blog-On January 28, 2014:


4063812611?profile=originalThis Is The Beginning Of The 3rd Round Of A Currency War!-Posted on King World News-On February 1, 2014:


4063812628?profile=originalBernanke Leaves Fed with Record Balance Sheet of $4,102,138,000,000!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By Ali Meyer-On February 1, 2014:


4063812638?profile=originalSchiff: 2/3 of America to Lose 
Everything Because of This Crisis!-Posted on Money Morning-By MONEY MORNING STAFF REPORTS-On February 1, 2014:


4063812674?profile=originalWorst January for Stocks in Four Years!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On February 2, 2014:


4063812601?profile=originalStock market plunges on global growth concerns!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Associated Press-On February 3, 2014:


4063812754?profile=originalIs The Japanese Stock Market Collapsing?-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Michael Snyder-On February 5, 2014:


4063812716?profile=originalThe Horrifying End Game & The Coming Big Crash!-Posted on King World News-On February 6, 2014:


4063812773?profile=original2014, ROAD MAP TO GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Debra Rae-On February 7, 2014:


4063812791?profile=originalHow Central Banks Are Popping The Emerging Markets Bubble!-Posted on Forbes-By Jesse Colombo, Contributor-On February 7, 2014:


4063812800?profile=originalFederal Reserve Issues Warning, Bank Drills, Possible False Flag!-Posted on govslaves.info-By Breaking News-On February 6, 2014:


4063812738?profile=originalRisky Business in Emerging Markets!-Posted on The Foundry-By Ryan Olson-On February 7, 2014:


4063812697?profile=originalDARK GOLD: SHEDDING LIGHT ON A MYSTERIOUS MARKET!-Posted on Europacmetals.com-By By Peter Schiff-February Newsletter:


4063812748?profile=originalTop Adviser To The Chinese Government Calls For A “Global Currency” To Replace The U.S. Dollar!-Posted on The D.C.Clothesline-By Michael Snyder-On February 7, 2014:


4063812827?profile=original“Government “Uncle Sugar” pitting the producers against the takers”!-Posted on AllenWestRepublic.com-By Allen West-On February 7, 2014:


4063812846?profile=originalThe Final Swindle Of Private American Wealth Has Begun!-Posted on Alt-Market.com-By Brandon Smith-On February 5, 2014: 


4063812973?profile=originalScary 1929 market chart gains traction: ‘If market follows the same script, trouble lies directly ahead’!-Posted on MarketWatch-By MARK HULBERT-On February 11, 2014:


4063812866?profile=originalJunk Yield Premiums Soar on China’s Looming First Default!-Post on Bloomberg-On February 9, 2014:


4063812926?profile=originalJapan govt debt reaches record 1,017 trillion yen – MOF!-Posted on Reuters-By Reuters TOKYO-On February 10, 2014:


4063812939?profile=originalDollar falls vs. pound after BOE boosts GDP view!-Posted on MarketWatch-By Saumya Vaishampayan and Laura He, MarketWatch-On February 12, 2014:


4063812879?profile=originalToilet Paper?? This Is How The Dollar Could One Day Be As Valuable!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BIRCH GOLD GROUP-On February 18, 2014:


4063812997?profile=originalDON’T BE BULLIED BY OBAMA ADMIN ATTACK ON 501C-4S!-Posted on Big Government-By CHUCK WARREN-On February 2, 2014:


4063813008?profile=originalDEMOCRATS SCRAMBLE TO BLOCK ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’: ‘Obama wants to ‘fast track’ job-killing, sovereignty-threatening plan’!-Posted on WND.com-By JEROME R. CORSI-On January 27, 2014:


4063813024?profile=originalObama’s Road to Serfdom!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Lloyd Billingsley-On January 28, 2014:


4063812894?profile=originalPOLL: AMERICANS LAMENT ‘DETERIORATING’ NATION!-Posted on NBCNews.com-By Mark Murray, Senior Political Editor, NBC News-On January 27, 2014:


4063813046?profile=originalEXCLUSIVE—SEN. CORNYN: PRESIDENT OBAMA’S CREDIBILITY GAP!-Posted on Big Government-By SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX)-On January 27, 2014:


4063813076?profile=originalCongress grants Obama ‘free rein for martial law!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 25, 2014:
4063813123?profile=originalHEEDING THE FALL OF ROME IN AN AGE OF ‘CAESARISM’!-Posted on Big Government-By JARRETT STEPMAN-On January 25, 2014:


4063802661?profile=originalThe World Is Being Run By Psychopaths & Sociopaths!-Posted on Before It’s News-By FSN-On February 11, 2014:


4063813252?profile=original‘Nothing Will Be Fixed Until [US] Criminals Are Arrested’: Top US Official!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Washington’s Blog (Reporter)-On February 15, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blogs relate to this extremely disturbing & gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

New Report Exposes Rockefeller Dynasty's Role in 'Climate Scam'!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:


4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY'!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:


4063591265?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:


4063422856?profile=originalNew World Order By Executive Order!


4063547923?profile=originalVice President Biden Calls for a New World Order!


4063551824?profile=originalIs Obama The Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!


4063371823?profile=originalWho ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s 2008 Campaign’!


4063546719?profile=originalIs President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?


4063784582?profile=originalThe Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1):


4063758956?profile=originalCommunists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063503439?profile=originalDid Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 17)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 25, 2014:


4063670658?profile=originalIt has begun: Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design!


4063493143?profile=originalWhat we haven’t been told about the President’s background!



Obama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:


4063784328?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


4063688830?profile=originalNY Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. (Part 5)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On September 27, 2013:


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!


4063692791?profile=originalObama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2014:


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063813228?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063557550?profile=originalLetter To My NM U.S. Senator Regarding George Soros’ Anti-American Agendas!-Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On August 9, 2011:


4063758287?profile=originalLetter To My NM U.S. Congressman Regarding George Soros’ Anti-American Agendas!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 10, 2011:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!


4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!


4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!


God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Read more…


What’s refreshing about this issue, if we are to change the destructive direction that our Country/Republic is on?-You Decide:

Posted on WND.com-By DREW ZAHN-On January 6, 2014:

What to do about the alleged unconstitutional and unlawful actions of President Barack Obama?

Some have proposed marches. Others hearings. Some have demanded the president’s resignation. Some have called for impeachment, even though a Democrat-controlled Senate would be unlikely to oust their party’s leader.

Polls show Americans of all parties are upset with the direction of the country, but what can they actually do to make a difference?

Retired Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, as chairman of Stand Up America, has been at the forefront of many of these rallying cries, encouraging Americans to take action in a number of ways.

But now the former deputy commanding general of the U.S. Army in the Pacific has settled upon a battle plan he believes could actually work: a House-led, parliamentary style vote of “no confidence” in Obama’s administration.

“I have already achieved a level of ‘no confidence’ in Obama as a leader, but now I urge you to examine this concept,” Vallely wrote in an email to supporters obtained by WND. “If you agree with me that all confidence is lost, I urge you to then ask yourself what is in the realm of the possible. I implore you to push aside the urge to try and fix everything in one fell swoop.

“Now is the time for something a dear friend calls ‘conviction without eviction,’ an end that can be brought on through a vote of no confidence, locally, statewide and nationally,” Vallely claims. “This is just a first step in what can only be repaired over time, but it is achievable in the short term and starts to remove Obama’s ability to continue his ruinous ways now.”


In a blog post on the battle plan posted Dec. 15, the general explained he already has a man on the ground in Washington working to make it happen.

Vallely quotes “a prominent Washington, D.C., insider with whom Stand Up America is coordinating –and who prefers to remain under the radar for the moment while conferring with potential House co-sponsors on both the basic rationale and the detailed content of such a House Resolution of no confidence” as offering the following justification for this novel course of action:

“First, in most of the world’s so-called ‘democracies’ – actually, multi-party constitutional republics – a formal vote of ‘no confidence’ by the Lower House suspends or greatly limits the governing authority of the party in power and, in a ‘recall’ of sorts, mandates new elections within 30-60 days,” the insider reportedly reasons. “Although we have no such instrument in our Constitution or in existing law, there is nothing to prevent its use as a comprehensive de facto indictment and conviction for contempt of Congress, violations of oath of office and of the Constitution itself – for all of the reasons stated in such a resolution.

“Second,” he reasons, “it would be much easier to cosponsor [than impeachment articles], to be formally adopted by the House and to achieve what might be called Obama’s ‘conviction without eviction’ – in which wholesale repudiation by the House, loss of control of the Senate and a substantial diminution of power and influence during his remaining time in office would be the penalties.

“We know there is no legal standing in a vote of ‘no confidence’ that would come of this act, but at least one thing will certainly occur: We take back the power of discourse,” the insider contends. “What do we do? We conduct a national ‘vote of no confidence.’”

To join the general’s call for action, visit the Stand Up America contact page to see how you can get involved.

“We cannot possibly believe that impeachment is attainable, and we know he will never resign,” Vallely adds, “but at least we can show other leaders the way; show our collective voices that we have no confidence in [Obama].”

Vellely contends the vote also would defuse some of the partisan finger-pointing that infects not only D.C. but the entire country.

“You are not calling anyone names, or labeling others. You are not trying to encapsulate each and every event,” he explains. “Rather, what you are doing is telling the world that ‘I have no confidence in him or his team anymore.’ They cannot take that away from you or attack you for it.

“A vote of ‘no confidence,’ albeit symbolic, at least focuses the discussion on something you can own as I own. This ownership is in your opinion; one based in fact and close analysis, not in emotion, ‘talking points’ or ulterior motives,” Vallely continued. “If asked or challenged tomorrow by his supporters that my lack of confidence is a political ploy, I will say, ‘No, I own my conclusions, I own my opinions and I have a deep sense of no confidence in Obama.’

“The House of Representatives must follow our lead and take up a resolution of no confidence,” the general contends.

Vallely’s calls to action have been immensely popular among tea party organizations that are seeking a way to restore the rule of law to Washington.

Among other examples they cite as evidence of disregard for law and the Constitution are the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, and the 15 or more times Obama has changed the law – without consulting Congress.

“What else is our nation to do now that the rule of law has effectively been thrown out the window by the Obama administration?” Vallely asks. “How are we to trust our government anymore, now that lying and fraud are acceptable practices?”

Sign the petition urging Congress to pursue impeachment right away!

Vallely listed a sampling of Obama’s broken promises and lies, crediting Peter Wehner at Commentary Magazine:

  1. His promise not to allow lobbyists to work in his administration. (They have.)
  2. His commitment to slash earmarks. (He didn’t.)
  3. To be the most transparent presidency in history. (He’s not.)
  4. To put an end to “phony accounting.” (It started almost on Day 1 and continues.)
  5. And to restore trust in government. (Trust in government is at near-historic lows.)
  6. His pledge to seek public financing in the general election. (He didn’t.)
  7. To treat super-PACS as a “threat to democracy.” (He embraced them.)
  8. His pledge to keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent. (It remained above 8 percent for the longest stretch since the Great Depression.)
  9. To create five million new energy jobs alone. (The total number of jobs created in Obama’s first term was roughly one-tenth that figure.)
  10. To identify all those “shovel-ready’ jobs. (Mr. Obama later chuckled that his much-hyped “shovel-ready projects” were “not as shovel-ready as we expected.”)
  11. To lift two million Americans from poverty. (A record 46 million Americans are living in poverty during the Obama era.)
  12. His promise to bring down health care premiums by $2,500 for the typical family (they went up) … allow Americans to keep the health care coverage they currently have (many can’t) … refuse to fund abortion via the Affordable Care Act (it did) … to respect religious liberties (he has violated them) … and the insistent that a mandate to buy insurance, enforced by financial penalties, was not a tax (it is).
  13. Obama’s pledge to stop the rise of oceans. (It hasn’t.)
  14. To “remake the world” and to “heal the planet.” (Hardly.)
  15. To usher in a “new beginning” based on “mutual respect” with the Arab and Islamic world and “help answer the call for a new dawn in the Middle East.” (Come again?)
  16. To punish Syria if it crossed the “red line” of using chemical weapons. (The “red line” was crossed earlier this year – and nothing of consequence happened.)
  17. That as president “I don’t bluff.” (See the previous sentence on Syria.)
  18. And of course the much-ballyhooed Russian reset. (Tensions between Russia and the United States are increasing and examples of Russia undermining U.S. interests are multiplying.)
  19. And let’s not forget Mr. Obama’s promise to bring us together. (He is the most polarizing president in the history of the Gallup polling.)
  20. Or his assurance to us that he would put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” (All three have increased during the Obama presidency.)
  21. And his counsel to us to “resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.” (Remind me again whose campaign allies accused Mitt Romney of being responsible for the cancer death of a steelworker’s wife.)

“It is time to recall the reprobates and reclaim the power of the people,” Vallely said. “We need to start with the White House and all of Obama’s appointees, especially Eric Holder. … Then on to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi – the architects who shoved Obamacare down our throats. We also cannot forget John Boehner and company who openly castigate the tea-party caucus, which are only doing that which they campaigned upon.”

Read the definitive case for removing Barack Obama from office in “Impeachable Offenses” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.

Congress already is addressing charges that Obama is violating the Constitution.

WND reported when Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said Obama’s actions have reached “an unprecedented level, and we’ve got to do something about it.


“Assume that a statute said you had to provide two forms of ID to vote. Can the president require three forms? Can the president require one form? Can you suspend all requirements? If not, why not?” he said. “If you can turn off certain categories of law, do you not also have the power to turn off all categories of law?”

Gowdy cited Obama’s decisions to ignore certain immigration laws, even though Congress did not approve the changes. He also cited arbitrary changes to the Obamacare law and Obama’s “recess appointments” of judges even though the U.S. Senate was not in recess.

His proposal is for Congress to take the White House to court over the president’s actions, through a resolution proposed by Rep. Tom Rice, R-Ga., that would authorize the House to sue the Obama administration. It has 30 co-sponsors.

Rice said that because of “this disregard of our country’s checks and balances, many of you have asked me to bring legal action against the president.”

“After carefully researching the standing the House of Representatives has and what action we can take, I have introduced a resolution to stop the president’s clear overreach,” he said.

A Fox News interviewer asked Gowdy if Obama could refuse to enforce election laws.

“Why not?” asked Gowdy, “If you can turn off immigration laws, if you can turn off the mandatory minimum in our drug statutes, if you can turn off the so-called Affordable Care Act – why not election laws?”

Gowdy noted that a liberal law professor, Jonathan Turley, agrees.

WND reported Turley’s concerns in December.

Turley has represented members of Congress in a lawsuit over the Libyan war, represented workers at the secret Area 51 military base and served as counsel on national security cases. He now says Obama is a danger to the U.S. Constitution.

He was addressing a House Judiciary Committee hearing Dec. 4. Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., asked him: “Professor Turley, the Constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It’s about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president’s unilateral modification of act[s] of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?”

Turley replied: “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power.”

Turley explained that the “Newtonian orbit that the three branches exist in is a delicate one but it is designed to prevent this type of concentration.”

“There are two trends going on which should be of equal concern to all members of Congress,” he said. “One is that we have had the radical expansion of presidential powers under both President Bush and President Obama. We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend we also have the continued rise of this fourth branch. We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.”

Turley was appointed in 1998 to the prestigious Shapiro Chair for Public Interest at Georgetown. He has handled a wide range of precedent-setting and headline-making cases, including the successful defense of Petty Officer Daniel King, who faced the death penalty for alleged spying for Russia.

Turley also has served as the legal expert in the review of polygamy laws in the British Columbia Supreme Court. He’s been a consultant on homeland security, and his articles appear regularly in national publications such as the New York Times and USA Today.

WND reported that it was at the same hearing that Michael Cannon, director of Health Policy Studies for the Cato Institute, said there is “one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the Constitution places of the government.”

“Abraham Lincoln talked about our right to alter our government or our revolutionary right to overthrow it,” he said.

“That is certainly something that no one wants to contemplate. If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”

Cannon said it is “very dangerous” for the president to “wantonly ignore the laws, to try to impose obligations upon people that the legislature did not approve.”

Several members of Congress also contributed their opinions in an interview with talk-show host Sean Hannity.

See the Hannity segment:


Vallely explained that a “no confidence” vote now “would also tell the world that we recognize the mess this administration has wrought upon the world and we do not support his actions. Despite what supporters of Obama say about our standing in the world, the world is laughing at us. We are not pleased!”

Without that action, he writes, “Obama will just continue to subvert the Constitution he took an oath to faithfully protect.”

To join the general’s call for action, visit the Stand Up America contact page to see how you can get involved.

Source Link:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and websites reveal "Operation American Spring," which relates to this issue-You Decide:


Another top military official calls for “Second American Revolution”!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 6, 2014:

Citizens won’t leave Washington until change is made

(Tea Party) – Veterans, truckers and bikers all rallied in DC, taking a stand to restore America but after they departed the Washington establishment continued running the nation amok. According to one man he hopes an mass rally in the works for this spring will be different.

Retired US Army Col. Harry G. Riley, who runs the Patriots for America website, doesn’t have an organized sponsor for the rally. Instead, he’s calling on individual Americans. He wants them to assemble and demand America be restored to her former glory.


Riley has pledged that they will not leave Washington until they see change.

“One million or more of the assembled 10 million must be prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes to see Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder removed from office,” explained Riley in an email regarding his plan.

Riley continued:

“The senior Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives will become Speaker of the House and the U.S. House of Representatives will elect a temporary president and vice president of the United States. The U.S. Senate will take action to elect a new majority and minority leader.”

“As required, the U.S. Congress will execute appropriate legislation to convene new elections or U.S. states will appoint replacements for positions vacated consistent with established constitutional requirements.”

With more than 34 years in the US military and multiple tours of duty worldwide, Riley received numerous honors and medals including the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal and Army Achievement Medal among other honors.

Having been successful in a variety of efforts, including the 2007 Gathering of Eagles, Riley has not gone without his share of attacks from the left.

Of the upcoming spring march, Riley says:

“There is not much time and the only planning necessary is to select a starting date, which we have done, and then show up in Washington, D.C., on that date, and plan to stay for the duration. The goal is restoring the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land, removing the lawless leadership.”

“Will this be a cake-walk? No, it will be painful, and some people may die because the government will not be non-violent; some of us will end up in a cell, and some may be injured. If that’s what it will take to save our nation, do we have any choice? Freedom loving Americans will say there is no choice, we must begin the second American Revolution. Not with guns, but with millions of Americans demanding a return to constitutional government and the resignation of Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Holder as a start…then the constitutional restoration process can begin.”

Riley is urging “all organizations, groups, particularly veterans and military retirees, [to] begin planning to visit Washington, D.C., beginning May 16, 2014.”

Another military leaders, Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely has also called on millions of Americans to “stand up” to a government that is “conducting treason … violating the Constitution, violating our laws.”

Vallely is also calling on Americans to march, urging a legislative “no confidence” vote in President Obama as well as Congress in addition to citizen arrests.  It was the 33 million Egyptians who rose up against their government and removed Muslim Brotherhood officials from office that gave him the inspiration.

Vallely claims that his call for a new American uprising struck a note with millions of modern tea partiers—those looking for unifying leadership.

It’s been all over Facebook, a number of websites, radio shows calling me for interviews,” Vallely said. “And the response I’ve received has been 99-percent positive.”

“I think the biggest thing is that someone is finally standing up to lead.” “We need someone to lead; we need a new George Washington,” said Vallely.

Riley expanded on his philosophy:

“Similar to our Founding Fathers, citizens and patriots in America now find themselves increasingly denied freedom and liberty from a government leadership (A new crown) that is focused on self-serving, power hungry, deception, and betrayal motivations…the ultimate goal of U.S. Constitutional destruction,” he writes. “While our Founding Fathers endured pain and suffering from the British Crown, there came a time when they declared ‘enough is enough.’ Thus, the Declaration of Independence was drafted. We should read our Declaration of Independence and note the grievances that led to the decision of ‘independence or death.’ America is under the heel of a new ‘crown,’ enduring grievances of which are not far removed from conditions our Founding Fathers experienced. The Founders moved to action. Now is the time for American patriots to move to action.”

“Underlying the plan is the invitation to “patriots” to help restore the constitutional government, rule of law, freedom and liberty” from what is described as a “despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.”

Step one is for millions of Americans to assemble peaceably and physically unarmed, showing their loyalty to the US Constitution.  The next step is for a large number of those who assemble to stay in Washington until changes that are “consistent with the Constitution” are made.

Riley said he’s never seen so much interest in such a move. “This has to be done,” he said.

“We are past the point of no return, thus must move forward with an effort to save our nation, as there is no other choice. We are asking, pleading with you, and any others that have resources, national voices, email lists, blogs, FB, Twitter, to call for a non-violent American Spring May 16, 2014, in Washington D.C. We must appeal to ten million and more American patriots to come and stay in Washington, D.C., to stop the White House and Congress from total destruction of the United States. It’s now or never. God help us.”

He went on to say, “The Congress and the administration are just totally oblivious to the American people. They go their own way. The administration makes its own laws. They have their own Congress in the president’s staff.”

Riley’s inspiration was Georgetown University’s Jonathan Turley and his recent Congressional testimony. Turley represented members of Congress in a lawsuit over the Libyan war as well as workers at the top-secret Area 51 military base. He’s also served at counsel on national security cases. Turley is now saying that Obama is a danger to the US Constitution.

During a House Judiciary Committee meeting on December 4, Turley was asked by Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R. VA., “Professor Turley, the Constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It’s about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president’s unilateral modification of act[s] of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?”

Turley’s response: “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power.”

“The Newtonian orbit that the three branches exist in is a delicate one but it is designed to prevent this type of concentration,” said Turley.

“There are two trends going on which should be of equal concern to all members of Congress,” he said. “One is that we have had the radical expansion of presidential powers under both President Bush and President Obama. We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend we also have the continued rise of this fourth branch. We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.”

Watch Vallely call for millions of Americans to march on Washington during this radio interview:


Vallely is a huge favorite among the tea party organizations seeking to bring Rule of Law back to Washington. The tea party has cited Obamacare and the more than 15 times that Obama has changed the law without Congressional involvement.

Vallely sees a vote of “no confidence” as the solution.

The founder of Stand Up America, an organization dedicated to providing education resources based on the values of the Founding Fathers said: “Clearly America has lost confidence and no longer trusts those in power at a most critical time in our history. … It is true that not all who ply the halls of power fit under that broad brush, but most of them are guilty of many egregious acts, and we say it is time to hold a vote of no confidence. It’s time for a ‘recall.’”

There are members of Congress addressing Obama’s violations of the Constitution. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-SC., has said that Obama’s actions have reached unprecedented levels and that we must do something about it.


“Assume that a statute said you had to provide two forms of ID to vote. Can the president require three forms? Can the president require one form? Can you suspend all requirements? If not, why not?” he said. “If you can turn off certain categories of law, do you not also have the power to turn off all categories of law?”

Gowdy cited several instances of Obama’s usurping of power including Obama’s decision to ignore immigration law despite Congress not approving the changes. In addition, Gowdy cited the arbitrary changes to Obamacare as well as “recess appointments” of judges even though the Senate was not in recess.

Gowdy is proposing that Congress take the White House to court over Obama’s actions. A resolution that has been proposed by Rep. Tom Rice, R-GA., would authorize the House to sue the Obama administration. Currently, the resolution has 30 co-sponsors backing it.

Because of “this disregard of our country’s checks and balances, many of you have asked me to bring legal action against the president,” said Rice.

“After carefully researching the standing the House of Representatives has and what action we can take, I have introduced a resolution to stop the president’s clear overreach,” Rice said.

Gowdy was asked by a Fox News interviewer if Obama could refuse to enforce election laws.

“Why not?” asked Gowdy, “If you can turn off immigration laws, if you can turn off the mandatory minimum in our drug statutes, if you can turn off the so-called Affordable Care Act – why not election laws?”

Michael Cannon, director of Health Policy Studies for the Cato Institute said that there is “one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the Constitution places of the government.”

“Abraham Lincoln talked about our right to alter our government or our revolutionary right to overthrow it,” said Cannon.

“That is certainly something that no one wants to contemplate. If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”

Cannon continued, saying it is “very dangerous” for President Obama to “wantonly ignore the laws, to try to impose obligations upon people that the legislature did not approve.”


Larry Klayman, former Reagan Justice Department lawyer, hopes that November 19th will rank with the 4th of July someday. Klayman called the day the start of “The Second American Revolution.”  November 19th was the day that Klayman organized a rally by “The Reclaim America Now” coalition at Lafayette Park across from the White House.

The “Reclaim America Now” coalition is composed of approximately three dozen conservative groups, including Freedom Watch, Gun Owners of America, Tea Party Patriots, 2 Million Bikers to D.C., Jihad Watch, and the Western Center for Journalism among others.

Two hundred or so people gathered at the rally where speakers called for two things: The renewal of America and the resignation of Obama.

Klayman accused Obama of tyranny while calling for peaceful change, declaring: “We the People have had enough of the corrupt and incompetent ways of the Obama administration and its bipartisan political enablers. It is time for action, not words.”

It is the hope of Riley, Vallely and many others that this coming May 16th will bring millions upon millions of Americans to DC for an American revolution that will change the course of history back to the one our Founding Fathers envisioned.

Source Link:



A Constitutional Patriot Launches Operation American Spring!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 5, 2014:






Will the U.S. military put down a Veterans’ March on D.C. in 2014 as in 1932?-Posted on The DC Clothesline-By Dr. Eowyn-On January 8, 2014:



Operation American Spring’s Call To Action – Petition Congress for a Redress of Grievances:



Regime Change America – Propaganda Or Truth?-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On April 6, 2014:



Regime Change America – Propaganda Or Truth?-HEY WE GET A PLUG IN THIS ONE!-Posted on OAS-By Pinkorchid, Senior Member-On April 6, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this issue-You Decide:


Intelligent Populism vs. Mindless Progressivism!-Posted on PJ Media-By Victor Davis Hanson-On January 6, 2014:



OBAMA TO BE ‘PRESIDENT’ EVEN WHEN TERM ENDS: ‘Bold prediction about what happens in 2017’!-Posted on WND.com-By KATHY SHAIDLE-On January 7, 2014:



Cruz Calls President ‘Dangerous And Terrifying’!-Posted on CBS Houston-By Assocaited Press-On January 10, 2014:



504 Documented Examples of Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Etc.!-Posted on The DC Clothesline-By Tim Brown-On January 11, 2014:



People Power Alone Can Save Us!-Posted on VT News-By Stephen Lendman-On October 15, 2013:



Video: A Vote of No Confidence in Barack Obama & His Administration!-Posted on Conservatvie Videos-On January 11, 2014:



Have You Signed the Impeach Obama Petition?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By National Director, Dee-On January 14, 2014:



Video: The Coming Civil War: 6 Generals On Our Side!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Mort Amsel (Reporter)-On January 14, 2014:



Obama Terminates Another 34 Nuclear Missile Air Force Officers!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On January 16, 2014:



Why Are Dozens Of High Ranking Officers Being Purged From The U.S. Military?-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Michael Snyder-Nn January 17, 2014:






Florida Republican Calls Obama a Traitor – Liberals Whine and Moan!-Posted on Eagle Rising-By Onan Coca-On January 23, 2014:



Liberal Icon: Obama Most “Dangerous” President Ever, Must Be Impeached!-Posted on Mr. Conservative-By Sean Brown-On January 22, 2014:



Video: Ted Nugent: “Subhuman Mongrel” Obama Should Be Jailed For Treason!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TOM HINCHEY-On January 23, 2014:


4063802501?profile=originalVideo: Stockman: In Senate, I Would Vote To Convict Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE-On February 17, 2014:


4063802661?profile=originalThe World Is Being Run By Psychopaths & Sociopaths!-Posted on Before It’s News-By FSN-On February 11, 2014:



Sheep Never Stalk The Tiger!-Posted on Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On February 23, 2014:



Black Pastor Calls President Obama the Worst President He’s Ever Seen!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Gary Demar-On February 26, 2014:



Video: Ted Nugent Nukes CNN: History Will Show That I’m Right About Obama: ‘CNN’s Erin Burnett interviews Rocker Ted Nugent’!-Posted on Western Journalism-On February 26, 2014:



Video: Actor Steven Seagal Calls For Obama’s Impeachment: ‘Actor Steven Seagal appeared at the Western Conservative Conference in Phoenix on February 22, 2014, where he called for the impeachment of President Obama’!-Posted on Western Journalism-On February 26, 2014:



David Frank on American Restoration: “We Have to Take Responsibility”!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On February 25, 2014:



AMERICA, YOU ARE THE MILITIA!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Bradlee Dean-On February 26, 2014:



Law professor: Americans are rising up against government!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Dr. Eowyn-On February 26, 2014:



“Impeach Obama” Organization Just Getting Started!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. Christopher Agee-On April 3, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to and/or further support this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063734602?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:


4063758287?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (re: Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:



Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 27, 2014:



Was Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 24, 2014:


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!



Obama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2014:


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 16)!


4063784328?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!



Who Is George Soros?



Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!



Where Is America Today?



Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!



Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


God Bless General Vallely & Colonel Riley-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


What’s wrong and extremely disturbing about this picture?-You Decide:

Posted on White House Dozzier-By KEITH KOFFLER-On January 3, 2014:

I read the news today, oh boy.

The world lacks American leadership. It lacks the sense that America will take action to defend its interests. That America is decisive. That America is dangerous.

We are not respected, and it shows. Because when we go completely to sleep, the jackals come out to hunt at night. Keep your children close. Soon they’ll be hunting us.

I believe the bar should be high for U.S. intervention in these barbaric lands. But I do not believe the United States can remove itself from the world. Because if we think the barbarism won’t end up here, we are deceiving ourselves.

We don’t have to put boots on the ground in most cases. But we do have to show resolve and a willingness to act. Bullies will rarely fight you when you stand up to them.

In Iraq, which was relatively stable until Obama completely abandoned it militarily, Al Qaeda is on the march, fighting for control of major cities. The blood of our servicemen and women was spilled there at least partially in vain.

Speaking of the blood of our service members, Afghanistan is preparing to release hundreds of prisoners from Bagram prison – which we’ve turned over to Karzai – many of whom have been involved in attacks against our troops. The Taliban will soon be back in control of that place anyway as the United States exits without having finished the job.

Syria, where we once could have made a meaningful difference, is in chaos, a magnet and a proving ground for al Qaeda rebels. Libya has become another dangerous haven for terrorists.

Egypt only stabilized, somewhat, when the military decided to ignore Obama and take matters into its own hands.

Iran will not be deterred, Obama has made clear, from maintaining a nuclear program. Since Iran doesn’t need a nuclear program, that by definition is a nuclear weapons program. Soon they will have the “breakout” capacity to build the bomb.

Meanwhile, Iran is providing Hezbollah with sophisticated, accurate new missiles it hopes will deter Israel from striking its nuclear facilities once Netanyahu finally gets that Obama isn’t going to.

China is asserting itself throughout East Asia. Our allies there wonder how serious we are about defending them. Obama’s decision to advise our airlines to comply with a recent seizure of airspace by the Chinese raises concerns.

South Sudan is disintegrating. Leftism is prevailing throughout South America. Russia is reasserting itself in the Middle East.

The jackals understand weakness. They prey on it. They see it in Obama. And Obama, like it or not, represents us.

Source Link:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and video relate to this extremely disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063800164?profile=originalGates unloads on Obama!-Posted on The Hill-By Jeremy Herb and Kristina Wong-On January 7, 2014:

President Obama doubted his own troop-surge strategy in Afghanistan would work; Vice President Biden got nearly every security issue wrong for 40 years; and Hillary Clinton opposed President Bush’s Iraq surge to help her presidential bid. These are among the blockbuster allegations detonated Tuesday by former Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

Writing in a memoir due out next week, Gates says that Obama was “skeptical if not outright convinced” his Afghan surge would fail.

Gates also contends that Biden was wrong on “nearly every” major national security and foreign policy issue over the past four decades.

He says former Secretary of State Clinton opposed the surge in Iraq launched by President George W. Bush for political reasons, because it would have been difficult to support during a presidential primary battle in 2008 with then-Sen. Obama. The president himself “vaguely” conceded that his own opposition to the Iraq surge was based in politics, which Gates said he found both surprising and dismaying.

The revelations, included in the forthcoming Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War, according to several reports based on early copies of the book, arrive as Obama comes under separate criticism from Capitol Hill Republicans that his administration should be doing more to arm and train an Iraqi military battling a resurgent al Qaeda.

Several GOP lawmakers took umbrage at Secretary of State John Kerry’s statement that the battle is now Iraq’s to fight, arguing the U.S. needs to do more after investing so much during the Iraq War.

“The president has failed miserably in explaining the threats we face, and Secretary Kerry was completely disappointing when he said this is an Iraqi problem,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Tuesday.

Combined, the criticisms were a one-two punch to an administration that has been focused on domestic policy in the new year.

While the administration faces tough decisions on what to do in Iraq, the criticism from Gates over Afghanistan stung more. Not only is it coming from a first-term insider trusted by Obama, it is on an issue closely tied to the president and his legacy.

The White House immediately rebuffed the searing criticism of Biden in a statement from National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden

“From his leadership on the Balkans in the Senate, to his efforts to end the war in Iraq, Joe Biden has been one of the leading statesmen of his time, and has helped advance America’s leadership in the world,” she said. “President Obama relies on his good counsel every day.”

On Afghanistan, Hayden said that differences within the administration had been widely reported over the years, “and it is well known that the president has been committed to achieving the mission of disrupting, dismantling and defeating al Qaeda, while also ensuring that we have a clear plan for winding down the war, which will end this year.”

“The president deeply appreciates Bob Gates’ service as Secretary of Defense and his life,” the statement continued. “As has always been the case, the president welcomes differences of view among his national security team, which broaden his options and enhance our policies.”

Obama opposed the war in Iraq and argued in his 2008 campaign that Bush should have been focused on Afghanistan. He backed a surge in the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan during his first year in office, and the administration is currently in the midst of negotiating a security agreement with the Afghans for a long-term U.S. presence.

Gates wrote that by early 2010, however, he had concluded that Obama “doesn’t believe in his own strategy, and doesn’t consider the war to be his. For him, it’s all about getting out.”

“I never doubted Obama’s support for the troops, only his support for their mission,” Gates wrote, according to a report in the Washington Post.

In recent weeks, the White House has threatened to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan at the end of 2014, if Afghan President Hamid Karzai does not sign the bilateral security agreement. The administration wants to keep 8,000-10,000 troops in Afghanistan to train Afghan soldiers.

The “zero option” that is on the table in Afghanistan would follow the path U.S. forces took in Iraq, when the U.S. military withdrew completely in 2011, after Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki refused to grant U.S. troops immunity.

Republicans have seized on the Iraq withdrawal as reason to blame for the current violence in Iraq; al Qaeda affiliates retook Fallujah, one of the deadliest battlegrounds during the Iraq War.

“[Obama] oversold before 2012 election the actual state that al Qaeda was in, and now it’s clearly obvious to everyone they’re on the rise and not on the run,” Graham said.

But the White House has forcefully pushed back against those criticisms, all but daring Republicans to come out in support of putting U.S. troops back in Iraq.

“I don’t think I’ve heard members of Congress suggest this, but if members were suggesting that there should be American troops fighting and dying in Fallujah today, they should say so. The president doesn’t believe that,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said Monday.

No Republicans have suggested U.S. troops should return to Iraq, but they argue Obama should have never allowed all U.S. forces to leave in 2011, which they say created a power vacuum.

“Because Obama wanted out, he got out,” said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), one of Obama’s most vocal foreign policy critics.

McCain said the U.S. needs to quickly ramp up its military support to the Iraqis.

“They need intelligence capabilities; they need more air capabilities; they need more planning capabilities, but most of all, they need Maliki [a Shia] to reach out to the Sunnis and try to have some kind of reconciliation,” McCain said.

“If we had stayed, there would have been that reconciliation. Instead, we left, and things went to hell in a hand basket, just as I predicted it would.”

Obama’s former ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey, also said he disagreed with Kerry’s statement that al Qaeda’s reemergence in Iraq was “not our fight.”

“Given the importance of Iraq and given the association of the United States with Iraq, in particular Fallujah, this is our fight,” Jeffrey, who served as ambassador from 2010-2012, said in an interview with The Hill.

U.S. military leaders say the resurgence of al Qaeda groups in Iraq is a serious issue and has implications throughout the conflicts in the Middle East.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno, who served as commanding general of U.S. and NATO forces in Iraq from 2008-2010, said it was important for the United States to continue working with the Iraqi army on counterinsurgency and to stay politically involved.

In a speech at the National Press Club on Tuesday, Odierno said this “was certainly not” the time to deploy U.S. troops to Iraq, but the U.S. had to “wait and see if it becomes part of our national security interest to put people on the ground.”

He said the events in Iraq are part of a larger development across the region, of a Sunni-Shiite struggle that’s also taking place in Syria and Lebanon, allowing al Qaeda and other non-state actors to exploit instability.

“The biggest threat to U.S. national security is that this ungoverned territory becomes areas where we have terrorist organizations become dominant and try to export their terrorism outside the Middle East,” Odierno said.

Julian Pecquet and Rebecca Shabad contributed.

Source Link:



Former Defense Sec. Gates: Obama ‘Skeptical’ of His Own Afghan Strategy!-Posted on NewsMax.com-On January 8, 2014:



Obama’s Former Defense Secretary Unleashes Critique of President!-Posted on The Foundry-By Rob Bluey-On January 8, 2014:



White House Gates Strategy: What’s the Big Fuss?-Posted on White House Dozzier-By KEITH KOFFLER-On January 8, 2014:



Robert Gates Memoir Slams Obama’s Leadership: ‘Sends Troops to Die, Not to Win’!-Posted on Investors.com-On January 8, 2014:



President Obama Orders 30,000 US Troops Back to Afghan!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Henry Massingale-On January 8, 2014:



Obama administration is in full meltdown!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Joseph Curl-On January 8, 2014:



The Last Honest Man Leaves D.C.!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On January 9, 2014:



New Robert Gates book ‘Duty’ Reveals Obama’s Dereliction!-Posted on Accuracy In Media-By Col. Kenneth Allard US Army ret.-On January 13, 2014:



Video: Kaboom! Robert Gates: Obama’s Lack Of Conviction “Disturbed Me”!-Posted on Conservative 50 Plus-By NEWSEDITOR-On January 12, 2014:


4063800402?profile=originalRetired General calls for forced resignation of Obama, administration officials!-Posted on Examiner-By Joe Newby, Spokane Conservative Examiner-On November 25, 2013:

In a video posted Saturday at Freedom Connector, retired Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely demands that Congress and all branches of the government do their “Constitutional duties” and demand the “forced resignations” of President Obama and other administration officials.

“Our entire government needs to be cleansed,” he said, while calling for massive deregulation.

Vallely also called for a massive shakeup in Congress, including the resignations of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

Vallely first made the suggestion in a “National Call to Action” he wrote as chairman of Stand Up America.

According to the former deputy commanding general of the Pacific Command, the current crop of leaders must be forced to resign using the “demand resignation” process, which he said requires massive grass-roots protests and social networking.

As an example, WND reported, Vallely cited the public and media pressure that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in the 1970s.

Impeachment, something that has been threatened many times, is not a viable option because of “partisan politics,” he added.

“Our federal government continues down the path of destroying America,” he added. “Americans must now stand up and put America back on the right track.”

Continue Reading:



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Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!



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Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!



Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”

May you and your loving family have a “Happy & Prosperous New Year.”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake UP?-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


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